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238 lines (179 loc) · 8.84 KB

File metadata and controls

238 lines (179 loc) · 8.84 KB

version 0.7.1+3

  • Cherry pick a fix for core/paper dropdown so it doesn't disappear if you click on the scroll bar.

version 0.7.1+2

  • Stop hiding files in the .gitignore.

version 0.7.1+1

  • Move custom_element_apigen to a dev dependency.

version 0.7.1

  • Update to new custom_element_apigen and use the polymer_interop package instead of the polymer package for most things.

version 0.7.0

  • Update to match JS version 0.5.5.
    • Breaking Change core-icons has been rebased on the opensource set from
      • The "post-" icons in the "social" set have been removed.
      • A few other icons from other sets have been removed.
      • The png-icons set has been removed.
    • core-list-dart does not yet have the resizable mixin like it does on the js side, 205.

version 0.6.1+2

  • Update constraint on web_components.

version 0.6.1+1

  • Add back waitForMutation param to clearLower and clearUpper for core-scroll-threshold.

version 0.6.1

  • Increase polymer and custom_element_apigen lower bounds. Now takes advantage of @HtmlImport so manual html imports are no longer required to use the elements, just a dart import will work.
  • Added support for the roboto font and all the core-animated-pages transitions outside of the src folder. Also added a dart file for each of these which just includes an @HtmlImport.

version 0.6.0+5

  • Increase quiver upper bound to <0.22.0.

version 0.6.0+4

  • Increase quiver upper bound 185

version 0.6.0+3

  • Fix calling updateSize in core-list-dart with null data 182

version 0.6.0+2

  • Fix bug in core-list-dart where clicking a selected item would cause a runtime error 177.

version 0.6.0+1

  • Fix bug in core-ajax with setting an indeterminate progress when in a browser that doesn't support progress events. Also the url attribute now defaults to null instead of an empty string.

version 0.6.0

version 0.5.0+2

  • core-list-dart no longer crashes if the window is resized before the list data is initialized.

version 0.5.0+1

  • Added some methods/properties from the polymer base class.
  • Added mixin support so CoreFocusable works as intended.
  • Fixed warning in core-list-dart.

version 0.5.0

  • Update to match JS version 0.5.1.
    • New core-image is a new element which is a fancy version of the standard img tag.
    • New core-label is a new element which allows you to provide rich content as a label, as opposed to just text like the regular label tag.
    • New core-scroll-threshold is a new element which fires events based on scroll positions for target elements.
    • Major Update core-list-dart has received a major update. It now supports groups of items, grid layouts, and variable height items.
    • Removed core-dropdown-overlay has been removed.
    • Breaking Change core-input no longer supports the multiline attribute. It also now extends the input element directly, so it should be created using the is keyword: <input is="core-input" />.
    • Breaking Change core-dropdown-menu now requires that you nest a core-dropdown or some other overlay and a core-selector or other selector element as children.

version 0.4.0+6

  • Update core-list-dart to have runtime checks for valid templates, 142.

version 0.4.0+5

  • Cherry pick core-focusable#3 which removes invalid comment tokens from a .js file.

version 0.4.0+4

  • Cherry pick 33 to fix repeated quick showing and hiding of core overlays.

version 0.4.0+3

  • Fix core-list-dart for the case where it is initialized with an empty array 137.

version 0.4.0+2

  • Optimize core-list-dart for cases where the original list is cleared out entirely but not replaced by a new list (such as calling .clear() or setting .length = 0).

version 0.4.0+1

  • Fixes for core-list-dart, coming from 130. Adding and removing items from small lists is fixed.

version 0.4.0

  • Updated core elements to match JavaScript version 0.4.2
    • Important breaking change: core_list_dart behaves differently. You no longer need special properties on the model of the list item. The template will be bound to a wrapper model object that contains the index, whether the item is selected, and the model you provided. See dartdoc for details.
  • Cherry-picked newer version of core-tooltip/core-focusable to avoid adding a dependency to paper elements.
  • removed unnecessary files (README from the core element repos)

version 0.3.2

  • Updated to use polymer 0.15.1 (Dart interop support is loaded automatically now.)

version 0.3.1+1

  • Fix core-list-dart division by zero error when list is empty 124.

version 0.3.1

  • Update core_elements_config.yaml with the new deletion_patterns option. This deletes a lot of cruft code from bower update.

version 0.3.0+1

  • Fix import in core_transition_pages 118.

version 0.3.0

  • Update elements to the 0.4.1 js versions.
    • Breaking Change core-dropdown has been renamed to core-dropdown-menu, core-popup-menu has been renamed to core-dropdown, and core-popup-overlay has been renamed to core-dropdown-overlay.
    • New core-a11y-keys element, which helps when dealing with key events.

version 0.2.2+1

  • Upgrade custom_element_apigen to a real dependency as its required in the wrappers.

version 0.2.2

  • Update all elements so they can be built from code using a normal factory constructor, such as new CoreInput(). It is still necessary however to include the html import for each element you wish to create this way.

version 0.2.1+2

  • Fix for 107. The core-ajax-dart element no longer throws exception in checked mode, and the content-type header will have the proper default.

version 0.2.1+1

  • Update core-input element to 88cbe6f. This removes the need to use js interop for many methods that are forwarded to the underlying input element.

version 0.2.1

  • Update all elements to the 0.4.0 js versions.
    • New Added new element core_popup_menu.
    • Fix core_drag_drop example.
  • Upgrade polymer dependency to >= 0.14.0.
    • Removed platform.js from all tests and examples.
  • Upgrade dependency on web_components to >=0.7.0.

version 0.2.0+1

Upgrade polymer dependency to >=0.13.0

version 0.2.0

Updated all elements to the 0.3.5 js versions.

  • New Added core-dropdown element, which acts like a tag. New Ported examples/demo.html which provides a central page to run all the other demos. Breaking Change All icons that previously lived under 'packages/core_elements/core_icons/iconsets/' now live directly under 'packages/core_elements/'. Workaround in core-list-dart for bug 20648 Expanded polymer version constraint to <0.14.0. version 0.1.1+2 Fix for, core-ajax-dart no longer throws an exception when handling errors. version 0.1.1+1 Fix for, core-ajax-dart no longer fails if no params attribute is supplied. version 0.1.1 Fix for, added missing togglePanel method to core-drawer-panel. version 0.1.0+1 Updated all elements to the 0.3.4 js version. version 0.0.4 New generated wrappers for core-elements. This completely replaces and is incompatible with earlier version of the package. version 0.0.3 and earlier This was an attempt to port the core-elements to Dart. This version of the package is deprecated.