- New: serverInfo endpoint that returns server version and info about the server's features
- Improvement: Add support for badges on iOS
- Improvement: Improve failure handling in cloud code http requests
- Improvement: Add support for queries on pointers and relations
- Improvement: Add support for multiple $in clauses in a query
- Improvement: Add allowClientClassCreation config option
- Improvement: Allow atomically setting subdocument keys
- Improvement: Allow arbitrarily deeply nested roles
- Improvement: Set proper content-type in S3 File Adapter
- Improvement: S3 adapter auto-creates buckets
- Improvement: Better error messages for many errors
- Performance: Improved algorithm for validating client keys
- Experimental: Parse Hooks and Hooks API
- Experimental: Email verification and password reset emails
- Experimental: Improve compatability of logs feature with Parse.com
- Fix: Fix for attempting to delete missing classes via schemas API
- Fix: Allow creation of system classes via schemas API
- Fix: Allow missing where cause in $select
- Fix: Improve handling of invalid object ids
- Fix: Replace query overwriting existing query
- Fix: Propagate installationId in cloud code triggers
- Fix: Session expiresAt is now a Date instead of a string
- Fix: Fix count queries
- Fix: Disallow _Role objects without names or without ACL
- Fix: Better handling of invalid types submitted
- Fix: beforeSave will not be triggered for attempts to save with invalid authData
- Fix: Fix duplicate device token issues on Android
- Fix: Allow empty authData on signup
- Fix: Allow Master Key Headers (CORS)
- Fix: Fix bugs if JavaScript key was not provided in server configuration
- Fix: Parse Files on objects can now be stored without URLs
- Fix: allow both objectId or installationId when modifying installation
- Fix: Command line works better when not given options
- Feature: Add initial support for in-app purchases
- Feature: Better error messages when attempting to run the server on a port that is already in use or without a server URL
- Feature: Allow customization of max file size
- Performance: Faster saves if not using beforeSave triggers
- Fix: Send session token in response to current user endpoint
- Fix: Remove triggers for _Session collection
- Fix: Improve compatability of cloud code beforeSave hook for newly created object
- Fix: ACL creation for master key only objects
- Fix: Allow uploading files without Content-Type
- Fix: Add features to http requrest to match Parse.com
- Fix: Bugs in development script when running from locations other than project root
- Fix: Can pass query constraints in URL
- Fix: Objects with legacy "_tombstone" key now don't cause issues.
- Fix: Allow nested keys in objects to begin with underscores
- Fix: Allow correct headers for CORS
- Change: The S3 file adapter constructor requires a bucket name
- Fix: Parse Query should throw if improperly encoded
- Fix: Issue where roles were not used in some requests
- Fix: serverURL will no longer default to api.parse.com/1
- Experimental: Schemas API support for DELETE operations
- Fix: Session token issue fetching Users
- Fix: Facebook auth validation
- Fix: Invalid error when deleting missing session
- Feature: Support for additional OAuth providers
- Feature: Ability to implement custom OAuth providers
- Feature: Support for deleting Parse Files
- Feature: Allow querying roles
- Feature: Support for logs, extensible via Log Adapter
- Feature: New Push Adapter for sending push notifications through OneSignal
- Feature: Tighter default security for Users
- Feature: Pass parameters to cloud code in query string
- Feature: Disable anonymous users via configuration.
- Experimental: Schemas API support for PUT operations
- Fix: Prevent installation ID from being added to User
- Fix: Becoming a user works properly with sessions
- Fix: Including multiple object when some object are unavailable will get all the objects that are available
- Fix: Invalid URL for Parse Files
- Fix: Making a query without a limit now returns 100 results
- Fix: Expose installation id in cloud code
- Fix: Correct username for Anonymous users
- Fix: Session token issue after fetching user
- Fix: Issues during install process
- Fix: Issue with Unity SDK sending _noBody
- Add: support for Android and iOS push notifications
- Experimental: cloud code validation hooks (can mark as non-experimental after we have docs)
- Experimental: support for schemas API (GET and POST only)
- Experimental: support for Parse Config (GET and POST only)
- Fix: Querying objects with equality constraint on array column
- Fix: User logout will remove session token
- Fix: Various files related bugs
- Fix: Force minimum node version 4.3 due to security issues in earlier version
- Performance Improvement: Improved caching