"Risk is a strategy board game of diplomacy, conflict and conquest for two to six players. The standard version is played on a board depicting a political map of the earth, divided into forty-two territories, which are grouped into six continents. Turn rotates among players who control armies of playing pieces with which they attempt to capture territories from other players, with results determined by dice rolls. Players may form and dissolve alliances during the course of the game. The goal of the game is to occupy every territory on the board and in doing so, eliminate the other players. The game can be lengthy, requiring several hours to multiple days to finish. European versions are structured so that each player has a limited "secret mission" objective that shortens the game." /Wikipedia/
Keszthelyi Zsolt |
Project Manager |
riskgamejava |
Fodor Ádám |
Project Associate |
fodorad |
Nagy Olivér |
Project Associate |
boliver93 |
Szabó Dávid |
Project Associate |
SasasoftHUN |
Toplenszki Szabolcs |
Project Associate |
Topi |
Task name |
Ready (Y/N) |
Előkészítés / Preparation (Preparation Stage package) |
Y |
Játékosok számának megadása / Define Number Of Players |
Y |
Kilépés az alkalmazásból / Exit Game |
Y |
Mentett játékállás betöltése / Load Saved Gamestate |
Y |
Task name |
Ready (Y/N) |
Játék / Game (Game Stage package) |
Y |
Kezdőjátékos meghatározása / Define The Starting Player |
Y |
Task name |
Ready (Y/N) |
Átcsoportosítás / Transfer Units |
Y |
Erősítés / Reinforcement |
Y |
Játékállás mentése / Save Game |
Y |
Task name |
Ready (Y/N) |
Területkártya beváltás / Exchange Cards |
Y |
Csata / Main Battle Sequence |
Y |
Támadás / Check Attack Possible & Check If Captured And Conquer |
Y |
We use the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers Neon.3. Download from: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/neon3 .
We use JavaFX Scene Builder 8.3.0 to make View. Download from: http://gluonhq.com/products/scene-builder/ .
We use Enterprise Architect 12.1. Download from: http://www.sparxsystems.com/products/ea/ .