Performing - Full CRUD functionality is present on one or two models.
Good job! I really like the theme of your app and that it fits within your interests!
Progressing - The app is styled and has an interface of value to the end user: it is not just a nav bar and an index page
I would keep adding to the interface! I would maybe add your pictures that you have linked!
Progressing/Performing - I would remove the commented code, and add more spacing. I would also .gitignore the .DS_Store files. In addition, make sure to use semantic naming, so instead of myItems.js
or something along those lines. Similarly, you have a class called boo
-- instead use something like cursive
or header-text
that describes what the class is doing.
Performing - Application contains no major errors
Performing - App is submitted, with basic evidence of planning. Documentation exists, but lacks common areas such as setup instructions, description of application functionality
I would keep adding to your readme, add most of the things in this post!
Good job on this project!