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alandipert edited this page Dec 13, 2014 · 19 revisions

It's possible to create self-contained, executable Clojure scripts that can bring in Maven dependencies, using a shebang. Here is an example that runs a game like Lunar Lander:

Put this into a file called lunarlander.boot:

#!/usr/bin/env boot

(set-env! :dependencies '[[alandipert/hyperturbo "0.0.1-SNAPSHOT"]])
(require '[alandipert.hyperturbo.lunar-lander :refer [run]])

(defn -main [& args]

NOTE: Github wiki's syntax formatting is messed up and eats single quotes sometimes. The vector passed to set-env! above should be quoted.

Make the file executable:

chmod +x lunarlander.boot

Run the script:

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