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Cached Version

Table of Contents
Design Specifications
Direct Mapped Cache
Two-Way Set Associative Cache
Simulation and Testing


Cache memory was introduced into this project, allowing us to have a faster type of memory with limited storage accessible to the processor.

We aimed to implement the concepts of "cache prefetching", which capitalised on the ideas of "temporal locality" and "spatial locality", which dictates which data memory to store in the cache based on what is most often fetched by the processor, and that its neighbouring memory addresses are more likely to be fetched.

At the time of writing, we have a complete working version of direct-mapped cache, and a prototype of two-way set associative cache,

Design Specifications

Our initial cache design was implemented using the following schematic:


In this design, the Address signal is inputted to both the direct mapped cache and the data memory. If the address is mapped to one of the sets of data, the output signal MISS is set to low, and the data is read out of the cache through the multiplexer. If the Address signal does not map to a cache set, the output signal MISS = 1, and the output is read through the multiplexer.

However, with this implementation, an error, later discovered during implementation, occurred upon writing data from the DATA MEMORY to the CACHE due to misalignment of clock cycles. A new high-level configuration was required for the memory block. A more concise design was implemented, removing the multiplexer, accommodating the data to be read and written through the cache.


Direct Mapped Cache

Firstly, a direct-mapped cache was designed, following the structure given in the recommended textbook, containing a cache line of 60 bits:

  • 32 (least significant bits) assigned to DATA
  • 27 (next significant bits) assigned to TAG
  • 1 (most significant bit) assigned to VALID


This cache line maps to the memory addressing of the cache:

# of Bits Part Purpose
27 TAG Identifying data stored in direct-mapped memory
3 SET Establish and index the cache storage in memory
2 BYTE OFFSET Accommodate word addressing and byte addressing

A memory address of 32 bits allows for both modes of addressing, controlled by a signal ADDRMODE. A set size of $2^3 = 8$ allows for fast compact memory.

Finally an internal HIT signal was implemented, to ease the debugging, enhance testing and calculate the performance increase specified later in the results.

The full code can be located here:

The data is read from cache if both:

  • the block is valid (VALID = 1)
  • the TAG matches the input ADDRESS signal

The 4 bytes specified in the data are then forwarded to the output signal OUT, and HIT is set to high. Otherwise, the output signal is read from the DATA MEMORY through the signal read_data.

always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
    if (write_en) begin
        // Pulls data in from sw/sb
        cache[set].valid <= 1;
        cache[set].tag <= addr[31:5];
        case (addr_mode)
            // Byte addressing
            `DATA_ADDR_MODE_B, `DATA_ADDR_MODE_BU: begin
                case (byte_offset)
                    2'b00:  cache[set].byte0 <= write_data[7:0];
                    2'b01:  cache[set].byte1 <= write_data[7:0];
                    2'b10:  cache[set].byte2 <= write_data[7:0];
                    2'b11:  cache[set].byte3 <= write_data[7:0];
            // Word addressing
            default: begin
                cache[set].byte0 <= write_data[7:0];
                cache[set].byte1 <= write_data[15:8];
                cache[set].byte2 <= write_data[23:16];
                cache[set].byte3 <= write_data[31:24];

The write logic is split into two modes: byte and word addressing. Word addressing is the more general case in the testbenches written therefore this was set to default.

In word addressing, the input signal, write_data[], is written to the word, whereas in byte addressing, it is written to the specified byte.

For the design of the two-way associative cache, the following cache line was implemented:

/* two-way set associative cache (62 bits x2 so 124 total)
        |  v  |  u  |  tag |   data   |  v  |  u  | tag  |  data  |
        | [1] | [2] | [27] |   [32]   | [1] | [2] | [27] |  [32]  |
        // Two ways, and in each way there is 1 block

        Memory address: (byte addressing) (32 bits)
            | tag     | set    | byte offset |
            | [27]    | [3]    |      [2]    |
            | a[31:5] | a[4:2] | a[1:0]      |

This cacheline contains two sets of data and contains the USE bit, which is implemented to include a replacement policy to reduce the number of conflicts.

Simulation and Testing

Extensive regression testing and data analysis has been done on the cache.

The explanation for the work behind the testing and data analysis is discussed in detail in - please have a read.

Performance Analysis

Memory performance was tested by calculating the HIT and MISS rates for accessing data in the actual memory level when implementing instructions. The resulting HIT rates are represented in the following graph:

hit rates

Among the observed HIT rates for all conducted tests, a notable median value of 50.0% emerges. This figure signifies that the main memory was accessed half the time, reflecting an enhanced memory performance. This metric is indicative of an efficient cache utilization, where a significant portion of requested data is found in the cache, reducing the need to access slower main memory.


Even though the cache implemented is just a "toy implementation" which shows the behaviour of real-life cache, the results from performance analysis gives us a glimpse of the potential of cache and how actual memory and replacement policies can be written in industry.