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Single Cycle Version

Table of Contents
Design Specifications
Simulation and Testing


Building on lab 4, we quickly implemented the single cycle version. The main challenge was to get all of the base instruction set working properly, and the control unit was arguably the most significant part of the single cycle CPU, with most time being spent on debugging it.

Design Specifications

Our design references the following schematic from the recommended textbook:

Single Cycle

There weren't any specific modifications or modules added on to the schematic above. There were however several specific design choices that were made:

Data memory

We noticed that while the loading of the instruction memory was offset in the bash scripts while loading, the data memory had to be offset correctly in SystemVerilog code.

Memory map Explanation
Memory map The memory map shows that the data memory goes from 0x01000 to 0x1FFFF, which means we need $2^{17}$ addresses, hence the initialisation of our data array below.
// Define the data array
    // Each bit is 1 byte (8 bits) wide, with 2^17 bytes memory locations
    logic [MEM_WIDTH-1:0] array [2**17-1:0];

    initial begin
        $display("Loading data into data memory...");
        $readmemh("../rtl/data.hex", array, 17'h10000, 17'h1FFFF);

    always_ff @* begin
        // Needs to be addressed in multiples of 4
        // 17 bits of addressing
        RD = {
            array[{A[16:2], 2'b11}],
            array[{A[16:2], 2'b10}], 
            array[{A[16:2], 2'b01}],    
            array[{A[16:2], 2'b00}] 

AddrMode was added to efficiently implement byte addressing for lb and sb instructions, which would also prove to be really useful in running the reference program pdf.s.

// Read and write operations
always_ff @(posedge clk) begin
    if (WE && AddrMode == 3'b01x) begin // Write only least significant byte (8 bits)
        array[A] <= WD[7:0];

    else if (WE) begin // Write whole word
        array[{A[16:2], 2'b00}] <= WD[7:0];
        array[{A[16:2], 2'b01}] <= WD[15:8];
        array[{A[16:2], 2'b10}] <= WD[23:16];
        array[{A[16:2], 2'b11}] <= WD[31:24];

Extra note: There is a bug in data memory in the tag v0.2.0 which was not discovered until a debugging session later on when working on pipelining. This is because for byte addressing, we wrote the

Control unit

Emphasis must also be placed on the control unit, which took the most time to debug for single cycle.

For reusability and readability concerns, was created to define all the OPCODE, PCCODE, etc.

Control Unit Instruction List
Control Unit Instr List

While we swiftly implemented most of the basic instruction set, JALR was particularly hard to implement. We had troubles with the ret function not working as expected, and took some time to debug. The trouble can be seen in, where JALR gets its own PC CODE:

`define PC_NEXT                     3'b000
`define PC_ALWAYS_BRANCH            3'b001
`define PC_JALR                     3'b010
`define PC_INV_COND_BRANCH          3'b100
`define PC_COND_BRANCH              3'b101

(A snippet of

Simulation and Testing

For single cycle, we wrote unit testbenches to ensure that all modules' behaviour are accurate and working, and to isolate errors to specific modules for easier debugging. This includes the:

Component Testbench Link
ALU alu_tb.cpp
Control unit control_unit_tb.cpp
Data memory data_mem_tb.cpp
Instruction memory instr_mem_tb.cpp
MUX mux_tb.cpp
PC program_counter_tb.cpp

The speciality of these testbenches is that it uses industry standard GTests, as stated in the A snippet of one of the tests from the control unit testbench:

TEST_F(ControlunitTestbench, MemWriteTest)
    // MemWrite = 1: all store instructions
    // MemWrite = 0: else

    top->instr = OPCODE_S;

    EXPECT_EQ(top->MemWrite, 1) << "Opcode = OPCODE_S";

    for (int opcode : { 
    }) {
        // Make sure MemWrite pulls DOWN instead of leave hanging
        top->instr = OPCODE_S;

        top->instr = opcode;

        EXPECT_EQ(top->MemWrite, 0) << "Opcode: " << std::bitset<7>(opcode);

This allows us to check for the expected behaviour of each control / data path signal in each module. The testbench provides feedback in the terminal in the following format:

GTest running in terminal

which definition can be found in the

The bash scripts and help compile and assemble C and asm tests in the testbench, run the tests, and creates disassembly texts for debugging purposes.

Every team member participated in writing these testbenches to ensure everyone gains experience of DevOps in hardware / firmware development.

It is highly encouraged for the reader to take a look at the to understand how the entire testbench is used.