From 74180e5512b577da5d8203afcd422625c1829b34 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Bold <>
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2023 14:34:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/5] Add new FV stencil generation code

 zoidberg/ | 228 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 228 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 zoidberg/

diff --git a/zoidberg/ b/zoidberg/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b8e56c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zoidberg/
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# coding: utf-8
+from boututils.datafile import DataFile as DF
+import numpy as np
+import sys
+# In[161]:
+fn = "v13/"
+fn = "v13/"
+fn = "v13/"
+fn = "v13/"
+def toCent(RZ):
+    RZc = RZ + np.roll(RZ, 1, axis=-1)
+    RZc = RZc[:, 1:] + RZc[:, :-1]
+    return RZc / 4
+def l2(x):
+    return np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2, axis=0))
+def doit(fn):
+    with DF(fn) as f:
+        RZ = [f[k] for k in "RZ"]
+    RZ = np.array(RZ)
+    cent = toCent(RZ)
+    # In[150]:
+    A = None
+    nx = 50
+    spc = np.linspace(0, 0.5, nx, endpoint=True)
+    spc2 = np.linspace(0.5, 1, nx, endpoint=True)
+    for xf, yf, i, j in (
+        (spc2, 0.5, 1, 1),
+        (0.5, spc2[::-1], 1, 1),
+        (0.5, spc[::-1], 1, 0),
+        (spc2[::-1], 0.5, 1, 0),
+        (spc[::-1], 0.5, 0, 0),
+        (0.5, spc, 0, 0),
+        (spc, 0.5, 0, 1),
+        (0.5, spc2, 0, 1),
+    ):
+        dx = np.arange(2) + i
+        dy = np.arange(2) + j
+        def slc(i):
+            i1 = -2 + i
+            return slice(i, i1 or None)
+        xii = [
+            [np.roll(RZ[:, slc(i)], -j + 1, axis=-1)[..., None] for i in dy] for j in dx
+        ]
+        xa, xb = xii
+        x00, x01 = xa
+        x10, x11 = xb
+        x = yf * (xf * x00 + (1 - xf) * x10) + (1 - yf) * (xf * x01 + (1 - xf) * x11)
+        y = x[1]
+        dy = (y[..., 1] - y[..., 0])[..., None]
+        xx = (x[0, ..., :-1] + x[0, ..., 1:]) / 2
+        if A is None:
+            A = np.zeros(xx[..., 0].shape)
+            Ar = np.zeros(xx[..., 0].shape)
+        A -= np.sum(xx * dy, axis=-1)
+        Ar -= np.sum(0.5 * xx * xx * dy, axis=-1)
+        # plt.plot(x[0], x[1], "gx")
+    volume = Ar
+    A.shape, Ar.shape, RZ.shape
+    def toCent2(RZ):
+        RZ = toCent(RZ)
+        RZ = np.concatenate((RZ, RZ[..., :1]), axis=-1)
+        return RZ
+    # AreaXplus
+    nx = 8
+    spc3 = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
+    cent = toCent(RZ)
+    # pos goes in +z direction
+    pos = spc3 * np.roll(cent, -1, axis=-1)[..., None] + (1 - spc3) * cent[..., None]
+    # direction of edge, length ~ 1/nx
+    dR = pos[..., 0] - pos[..., 1]
+    dX = np.sqrt(np.sum(dR**2, axis=0))
+    area = np.sum(dX[..., None] * (pos[0, ..., 1:] + pos[0, ..., :-1]) * 0.5, axis=-1)
+    assert area.shape[0] > 2
+    # Vector in normal direction
+    assert dR.shape[0] == 2
+    dRr = np.array((-dR[1], dR[0]))
+    dRr /= np.sqrt(np.sum(dRr**2, axis=0))
+    dRr *= area
+    # vector in derivative direction
+    dxR = RZ[:, 1:] - RZ[:, :-1]
+    print("Maximum radial grid distance:", np.max(l2(dxR)))
+    dzR = np.roll(RZ, -1, axis=-1) - np.roll(RZ, 1, axis=-1)
+    dzR = 0.5 * (dzR[:, 1:] + dzR[:, :-1])
+    # dxR /= (np.sum(dxR**2, axis=0))
+    # dzR /= (np.sum(dzR**2, axis=0))
+    dxzR = np.array((dxR, dzR)).transpose(2, 3, 4, 1, 0)
+    coefs = np.linalg.solve(dxzR, dRr.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0))
+    areaX = area
+    coefsX = coefs
+    # In[154]:
+    # AreaZplus
+    nx = 8
+    spc3 = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
+    pos = (
+        spc3 * np.roll(cent, -1, axis=-1)[:, 1:, ..., None]
+        + (1 - spc3) * np.roll(cent, -1, axis=-1)[:, :-1][..., None]
+    )
+    dR = pos[..., 0] - pos[..., 1]
+    dX = np.sqrt(np.sum(dR**2, axis=0))
+    area = np.sum(dX[..., None] * (pos[0, ..., 1:] + pos[0, ..., :-1]) * 0.5, axis=-1)
+    # Vector in normal direction
+    dRr = np.array((dR[1], -dR[0]))
+    dRr /= np.sqrt(np.sum(dRr**2, axis=0))
+    dRr *= area
+    # vector in derivative direction
+    dxR = RZ[:, 2:] - RZ[:, :-2]
+    dxR = 0.5 * (np.roll(dxR, -1, axis=-1) + dxR)
+    dzR = (np.roll(RZ, -1, axis=-1) - RZ)[:, 1:-1]
+    dxzR = np.array((dxR, dzR)).transpose(2, 3, 4, 1, 0)
+    coefs = np.linalg.solve(dxzR, dRr.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0))
+    coefs.shape
+    areaZ = area
+    coefsZ = coefs
+    # In[155]:
+    inp = np.sin(RZ[1])
+    ana = -np.sin(RZ[1])  # + np.cos(RZ[0])/RZ[0]
+    if 0:
+        inp = RZ[1] ** 2
+        ana = RZ[1] ** 0
+    if 1:
+        inp = np.sin(RZ[0])
+        ana = -np.sin(RZ[0]) + np.cos(RZ[0]) / RZ[0]
+    if 0:
+        inp = RZ[0] ** 3
+        ana = 6 * np.sin(RZ[0])
+    # In[156]:
+    def xp(ijk):
+        return (ijk[0] + 1, *ijk[1:])
+    def xm(ijk):
+        return (ijk[0] - 1, *ijk[1:])
+    def zp(ijk):
+        return _zp(*ijk)
+    def _zp(i, j, k):
+        return (i, j, (k + 1) % zmax)
+    def zm(i, j, k):
+        return (i, j, (k - 1) % zmax)
+    result = np.zeros(inp.shape)
+    results = [np.zeros(inp.shape) for _ in range(4)]
+    # dx =
+    dz2 = np.roll(inp, -1, axis=-1) - np.roll(inp, 1, axis=-1)
+    i, j, k = inp.shape
+    zmax = k
+    dx = inp[1:] - inp[:-1]
+    dz = 0.5 * (dz2[1:] + dz2[:-1])
+    this = -(coefsX[..., 0] * dx + coefsX[..., 1] * dz)
+    result[:-1] -= this
+    result[1:] += this
+    for r, t in zip(results, (coefsX[..., 0] * dx, coefsX[..., 1] * dz)):
+        r[:-1] -= t
+        r[1:] += t
+    results[0]
+    if 1:
+        dx2 = inp[2:] - inp[:-2]
+        dx2 = 0.5 * (np.roll(dx2, -1, axis=-1) + dx2)
+        dz2 = (np.roll(inp, -1, axis=-1) - inp)[1:-1]
+        t1 = coefsZ[..., 0] * dx2
+        t2 = coefsZ[..., 1] * dz2
+        this = -(t1 + t2)
+        result[1:-1] -= this
+        result[1:-1] += np.roll(this, 1, -1)
+        for r, t in zip(results[2:], (t1, t2)):
+            r[1:-1] -= t
+            np.roll(r, -1, -1)[1:-1] += t
+    result[0] = 0
+    for r in results:
+        r[0] = 0
+        r[-1] = 0
+    print(fn, "error:", np.mean(l2(result[1:-1] / volume - ana[1:-1])))
+    def fixup(d):
+        c1 = np.zeros(RZ[0].shape)
+        if c1.shape[0] == d.shape[0] + 1:
+            c1[1:] = d
+        else:
+            c1[1:-1] = d
+        return c1
+    with DF(fn, write=True) as f:
+        for d, x1 in zip((coefsX, coefsZ), "XZ"):
+            for i, x2 in enumerate("XZ"):
+                key = f"dagp_fv_{x1}{x2}"
+                f.write(key, fixup(d[..., i]))
+        key = "dagp_fv_volume"
+        f.write(key, fixup(volume))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    for fn in sys.argv[1:]:
+        print(fn)
+        doit(fn)

From 021710b6dcb79bc29ee26d67efc96378df9b0301 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Bold <>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 13:36:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/5] always run dagp

 zoidberg/ | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 115 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
 mode change 100644 => 100755 zoidberg/

diff --git a/zoidberg/ b/zoidberg/
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index 1b8e56c..9459965
--- a/zoidberg/
+++ b/zoidberg/
@@ -1,17 +1,16 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # coding: utf-8
+import time
+time_start = time.time()
 from boututils.datafile import DataFile as DF
 import numpy as np
 import sys
-# In[161]:
-fn = "v13/"
-fn = "v13/"
-fn = "v13/"
-fn = "v13/"
+verbose = 1
 def toCent(RZ):
@@ -24,21 +23,41 @@ def l2(x):
     return np.sqrt(np.sum(x**2, axis=0))
+org_print = print
+def my_print(*args):
+    args = f"{time.time() - time_start:10.3f} s: ", *args
+    org_print(*args)
+def log(*args):
+    if verbose > 1:
+        my_print(*args)
+def print(*args):
+    if verbose:
+        my_print(*args)
 def doit(fn):
     with DF(fn) as f:
         RZ = [f[k] for k in "RZ"]
+    log("opened")
     RZ = np.array(RZ)
-    cent = toCent(RZ)
-    # In[150]:
+    log("read")
     A = None
-    nx = 50
+    nx = 2
     spc = np.linspace(0, 0.5, nx, endpoint=True)
     spc2 = np.linspace(0.5, 1, nx, endpoint=True)
+    ### Go in a line around the cell
+    # xf is the normalised coordinates in x
+    # yf is the normalised coordinates in z
+    # i and j are the offset in x and z
+    # i,j = 0 -> in x and z in lower direction
     for xf, yf, i, j in (
         (spc2, 0.5, 1, 1),
         (0.5, spc2[::-1], 1, 1),
@@ -49,6 +68,7 @@ def doit(fn):
         (spc, 0.5, 0, 1),
         (0.5, spc2, 0, 1),
+        log(f"doing offset ({i}, {j})")
         dx = np.arange(2) + i
         dy = np.arange(2) + j
@@ -75,27 +95,56 @@ def slc(i):
     volume = Ar
     A.shape, Ar.shape, RZ.shape
-    def toCent2(RZ):
-        RZ = toCent(RZ)
-        RZ = np.concatenate((RZ, RZ[..., :1]), axis=-1)
-        return RZ
     # AreaXplus
-    nx = 8
+    # Z
+    # Λ
+    # |   a        b          c
+    # |
+    # |       ------------
+    # |       |          X
+    # |       |          X
+    # |   h   |    o     X    d
+    # |       |          X
+    # |       |          X
+    # |       ------------
+    # |
+    # |   g        f          e
+    # |
+    # |------------------------> x
+    #
+    # We are calculating the area of the surface denoted by X
+    # Note that we need to split it in two parts. Maybe?
+    nx = 2
     spc3 = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
-    cent = toCent(RZ)
     # pos goes in +z direction
-    pos = spc3 * np.roll(cent, -1, axis=-1)[..., None] + (1 - spc3) * cent[..., None]
+    # First segments starts at the centre of b,c,d,o
+    # and goes to centre of o,d
+    startpoint = toCent(RZ)
+    midpoint = (RZ[:, :-1] + RZ[:, 1:]) / 2
+    endpoint = np.roll(startpoint, -1, -1)
+    log("calculating pos ...")
+    pos = np.concatenate(
+        [
+            (1 - spc3[:-1]) * startpoint[..., None] + spc3[:-1] * midpoint[..., None],
+            (1 - spc3) * midpoint[..., None] + spc3 * endpoint[..., None],
+        ],
+        axis=-1,
+    )
+    log("done")
     # direction of edge, length ~ 1/nx
-    dR = pos[..., 0] - pos[..., 1]
+    dR = pos[..., :-1] - pos[..., 1:]
     dX = np.sqrt(np.sum(dR**2, axis=0))
-    area = np.sum(dX[..., None] * (pos[0, ..., 1:] + pos[0, ..., :-1]) * 0.5, axis=-1)
+    area = dX * (pos[0, ..., 1:] + pos[0, ..., :-1]) * 0.5
     assert area.shape[0] > 2
     # Vector in normal direction
     assert dR.shape[0] == 2
     dRr = np.array((-dR[1], dR[0]))
     dRr /= np.sqrt(np.sum(dRr**2, axis=0))
+    print(dRr.shape, area.shape)
     dRr *= area
+    dRr = np.sum(dRr, axis=-1)
+    print(np.nanmean(dRr))
     # vector in derivative direction
     dxR = RZ[:, 1:] - RZ[:, :-1]
@@ -105,8 +154,10 @@ def toCent2(RZ):
     # dxR /= (np.sum(dxR**2, axis=0))
     # dzR /= (np.sum(dzR**2, axis=0))
+    log("starting solve")
     dxzR = np.array((dxR, dzR)).transpose(2, 3, 4, 1, 0)
     coefs = np.linalg.solve(dxzR, dRr.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0))
+    log("done")
     areaX = area
     coefsX = coefs
@@ -114,25 +165,52 @@ def toCent2(RZ):
     # In[154]:
     # AreaZplus
-    nx = 8
+    # Z
+    # Λ
+    # |   a        b          c
+    # |
+    # |       -XXXXXXXXXX-
+    # |       |          |
+    # |       |          |
+    # |   h   |    o     |    d
+    # |       |          |
+    # |       |          |
+    # |       ------------
+    # |
+    # |   g        f          e
+    # |
+    # |------------------------> x
+    nx = 3
     spc3 = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
-    pos = (
-        spc3 * np.roll(cent, -1, axis=-1)[:, 1:, ..., None]
-        + (1 - spc3) * np.roll(cent, -1, axis=-1)[:, :-1][..., None]
+    cent = np.roll(toCent(RZ), -1, -1)
+    startpoint = cent[:, :-1]
+    midpoint = (RZ[:, 1:-1] + np.roll(RZ[:, 1:-1], -1, -1)) / 2
+    endpoint = cent[:, 1:]
+    log("concatenate")
+    pos = np.concatenate(
+        [
+            (1 - spc3[:-1]) * startpoint[..., None] + spc3[:-1] * midpoint[..., None],
+            (1 - spc3) * midpoint[..., None] + spc3 * endpoint[..., None],
+        ],
+        axis=-1,
-    dR = pos[..., 0] - pos[..., 1]
+    dR = pos[..., :-1] - pos[..., 1:]
     dX = np.sqrt(np.sum(dR**2, axis=0))
-    area = np.sum(dX[..., None] * (pos[0, ..., 1:] + pos[0, ..., :-1]) * 0.5, axis=-1)
+    area = dX * (pos[0, ..., 1:] + pos[0, ..., :-1]) * 0.5
+    log("get normal vector")
     # Vector in normal direction
     dRr = np.array((dR[1], -dR[0]))
     dRr /= np.sqrt(np.sum(dRr**2, axis=0))
     dRr *= area
+    dRr = np.sum(dRr, axis=-1)
     # vector in derivative direction
     dxR = RZ[:, 2:] - RZ[:, :-2]
     dxR = 0.5 * (np.roll(dxR, -1, axis=-1) + dxR)
     dzR = (np.roll(RZ, -1, axis=-1) - RZ)[:, 1:-1]
     dxzR = np.array((dxR, dzR)).transpose(2, 3, 4, 1, 0)
+    log("solving again")
     coefs = np.linalg.solve(dxzR, dRr.transpose(1, 2, 3, 0))
+    log("done")
     areaZ = area
@@ -169,6 +247,7 @@ def _zp(i, j, k):
     def zm(i, j, k):
         return (i, j, (k - 1) % zmax)
+    log("testing")
     result = np.zeros(inp.shape)
     results = [np.zeros(inp.shape) for _ in range(4)]
     # dx =
@@ -211,8 +290,10 @@ def fixup(d):
             c1[1:] = d
             c1[1:-1] = d
+        # c1 = np.roll(c1, -1, -1)
         return c1
+    log("writing")
     with DF(fn, write=True) as f:
         for d, x1 in zip((coefsX, coefsZ), "XZ"):
             for i, x2 in enumerate("XZ"):
@@ -220,9 +301,15 @@ def fixup(d):
                 f.write(key, fixup(d[..., i]))
         key = "dagp_fv_volume"
         f.write(key, fixup(volume))
+    log("done")
 if __name__ == "__main__":
+    for flag, step in (("-v", +1), ("-q", -1)):
+        while flag in sys.argv:
+            verbose += step
+            sys.argv.remove(flag)
     for fn in sys.argv[1:]:

From 07f221d554e687b1a531c63de7f02d74b86613ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Bold <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 14:59:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/5] dagp_fv: fix off-by-one bug

 zoidberg/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/zoidberg/ b/zoidberg/
index 9459965..cc1e5ce 100755
--- a/zoidberg/
+++ b/zoidberg/
@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ def zm(i, j, k):
     def fixup(d):
         c1 = np.zeros(RZ[0].shape)
         if c1.shape[0] == d.shape[0] + 1:
-            c1[1:] = d
+            c1[:-1] = d
             c1[1:-1] = d
         # c1 = np.roll(c1, -1, -1)

From a2fee3c2c17558ab6432d5176e5e75f1dbd687ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Bold <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 10:45:37 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/5] Add some comments

 zoidberg/ | 8 +++++---
 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/zoidberg/ b/zoidberg/
index cc1e5ce..d31cac5 100755
--- a/zoidberg/
+++ b/zoidberg/
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ def doit(fn):
     spc = np.linspace(0, 0.5, nx, endpoint=True)
     spc2 = np.linspace(0.5, 1, nx, endpoint=True)
+    ### Calculate Volume of the cell
+    #
     ### Go in a line around the cell
     # xf is the normalised coordinates in x
     # yf is the normalised coordinates in z
@@ -183,9 +185,9 @@ def slc(i):
     nx = 3
     spc3 = np.linspace(0, 1, nx)
     cent = np.roll(toCent(RZ), -1, -1)
-    startpoint = cent[:, :-1]
-    midpoint = (RZ[:, 1:-1] + np.roll(RZ[:, 1:-1], -1, -1)) / 2
-    endpoint = cent[:, 1:]
+    startpoint = cent[:, :-1]  # a
+    midpoint = (RZ[:, 1:-1] + np.roll(RZ[:, 1:-1], -1, -1)) / 2  # b
+    endpoint = cent[:, 1:]  # c
     pos = np.concatenate(

From 2578ad97f4346688294d289a4635524b7b0bd976 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: David Bold <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 10:46:22 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/5] improvements for debugging

 zoidberg/ | 11 ++++++-----
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/zoidberg/ b/zoidberg/
index d31cac5..26a33e9 100755
--- a/zoidberg/
+++ b/zoidberg/
@@ -261,11 +261,10 @@ def zm(i, j, k):
     this = -(coefsX[..., 0] * dx + coefsX[..., 1] * dz)
     result[:-1] -= this
     result[1:] += this
-    for r, t in zip(results, (coefsX[..., 0] * dx, coefsX[..., 1] * dz)):
+    for r, t in zip(results, (-coefsX[..., 0] * dx, -coefsX[..., 1] * dz)):
         r[:-1] -= t
         r[1:] += t
-    results[0]
+    print("expect 0:", np.max(np.abs((result - results[0] - results[1]))))
     if 1:
         dx2 = inp[2:] - inp[:-2]
         dx2 = 0.5 * (np.roll(dx2, -1, axis=-1) + dx2)
@@ -275,11 +274,13 @@ def zm(i, j, k):
         this = -(t1 + t2)
         result[1:-1] -= this
         result[1:-1] += np.roll(this, 1, -1)
-        for r, t in zip(results[2:], (t1, t2)):
+        for r, t in zip(results[2:], (-t1, -t2)):
             r[1:-1] -= t
-            np.roll(r, -1, -1)[1:-1] += t
+            # np.roll(r, -1, -1)[1:-1] += t
+            r[1:-1] += np.roll(t, 1, -1)
     result[0] = 0
+    result[-1] = 0
     for r in results:
         r[0] = 0
         r[-1] = 0