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Using the CLI

The Kubernetes client, kubectl is the primary method of interacting with a Kubernetes cluster. Getting to know it is essential to using Kubernetes itself.


Syntax Structure

kubectl uses a common syntax for all operations in the form of:

kubectl <command> <type> <name> <flags>
  • command - The command or operation to perform. e.g. apply, create, delete, and get.
  • type - The resource type or object.
  • name - The name of the resource or object.
  • flags - Optional flags to pass to the command.


$ kubectl create -f mypod.yaml
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl get pod mypod
$ kubectl delete pod mypod

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Context and kubeconfig

kubectl allows a user to interact with and manage multiple Kubernetes clusters. To do this, it requires what is known as a context. A context consists of a combination of cluster, namespace and user.

  • cluster - A friendly name, server address, and certificate for the Kubernetes cluster.
  • namespace (optional) - The logical cluster or environment to use. If none is provided, it will use the default default namespace.
  • user - The credentials used to connect to the cluster. This can be a combination of client certificate and key, username/password, or token.

These contexts are stored in a local yaml based config file referred to as the kubeconfig. For *nix based systems, the kubeconfig is stored in $HOME/.kube/config for Windows, it can be found in %USERPROFILE%/.kube/config

This config is viewable without having to view the file directly.


$ kubectl config view


$ kubectl config view
apiVersion: v1
- cluster:
    certificate-authority: /Users/example/.minikube/ca.crt
  name: minikube
- context:
    cluster: minikube
    namespace: dev
    user: minikube
  name: minidev
- context:
    cluster: minikube
    user: minikube
  name: minikube
current-context: minidev
kind: Config
preferences: {}
- name: minikube
    client-certificate: /Users/example/.minikube/client.crt
    client-key: /Users/example/.minikube/client.key

kubectl config

Managing all aspects of contexts is done via the kubectl config command. Some examples include:

  • See the active context with kubectl config current-context.
  • Get a list of available contexts with kubectl config get-contexts.
  • Switch to using another context with the kubectl config use-context <context-name> command.
  • Add a new context with kubectl config set-context <context name> --cluster=<cluster name> --user=<user> --namespace=<namespace>.

There can be quite a few specifics involved when adding a context, for the available options, please see the Configuring Multiple Clusters Kubernetes documentation.

Exercise: Using Contexts

Objective: Create a new context called minidev and switch to it.

  1. View the current contexts.
$ kubectl config get-contexts
  1. Create a new context called minidev within the minikube cluster with the dev namespace, as the minikube user.
$ kubectl config set-context minidev --cluster=minikube --user=minikube --namespace=dev
  1. View the newly added context.
kubectl config get-contexts
  1. Switch to the minidev context using use-context.
$ kubectl config use-context minidev
  1. View the current active context.
$ kubectl config current-context

Summary: Understanding and being able to switch between contexts is a base fundamental skill required by every Kubernetes user. As more clusters and namespaces are added, this can become unwieldy. Installing a helper application such as kubectx can be quite helpful. Kubectx allows a user to quickly switch between contexts and namespaces without having to use the full kubectl config use-context command.

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Kubectl Basics

There are several kubectl commands that are frequently used for any sort of day-to-day operations. get, create, apply, delete, describe, and logs. Other commands can be listed simply with kubectl --help, or kubectl <command> --help.

kubectl get

kubectl get fetches and lists objects of a certain type or a specific object itself. It also supports outputting the information in several different useful formats including: json, yaml, wide (additional columns), or name (names only) via the -o or --output flag.


kubectl get <type>
kubectl get <type> <name>
kubectl get <type> <name> -o <output format>


$ kubectl get namespaces
NAME          STATUS    AGE
default       Active    4h
kube-public   Active    4h
kube-system   Active    4h
$kubectl get pod mypod -o wide
NAME      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP           NODE
mypod     1/1       Running   0          5m   minikube

kubectl create

kubectl create creates an object from the commandline (stdin) or a supplied json/yaml manifest. The manifests can be specified with the -f or --filename flag that can point to either a file, or a directory containing multiple manifests.


kubectl create <type> <parameters>
kubectl create -f <path to manifest>


$ kubectl create namespace dev
namespace "dev" created
$ kubectl create -f manifests/mypod.yaml
pod "mypod" created

kubectl apply

kubectl apply is similar to kubectl create. It will essentially update the resource if it is already created, or simply create it if does not yet exist. When it updates the config, it will save the previous version of it in an annotation on the created object itself. WARNING: If the object was not created initially with kubectl apply it's updating behavior will act as a two-way diff. For more information on this, please see the kubectl apply documentation.

Just like kubectl create it takes a json or yaml manifest with the -f flag or accepts input from stdin.


kubectl apply -f <path to manifest>


$ kubectl apply -f manifests/mypod.yaml
Warning: kubectl apply should be used on resource created by either kubectl create --save-config or kubectl apply
pod "mypod" configured

kubectl edit

kubectl edit modifies a resource in place without having to apply an updated manifest. It fetches a copy of the desired object and opens it locally with the configured text editor, set by the KUBE_EDITOR or EDITOR Environment Variables. This command is useful for troubleshooting, but should be avoided in production scenarios as the changes will essentially be untracked.


$ kubectl edit <type> <object name>


kubectl edit pod mypod
kubectl edit service myservice

kubectl delete

kubectl delete deletes the object from Kubernetes.


kubectl delete <type> <name>


$ kubectl delete pod mypod
pod "mypod" deleted

kubectl describe

kubectl describe lists detailed information about the specific Kubernetes object. It is a very helpful troubleshooting tool.


kubectl describe <type>
kubectl describe <type> <name>


$ kubectl describe pod mypod
Name:         mypod
Namespace:    dev
Node:         minikube/
Start Time:   Sat, 10 Mar 2018 13:12:53 -0500
Labels:       <none>
Status:       Running
    Container ID:   docker://5a0c100de6599300b1565e73e64e8917f9a4f4b06325dc4890aad980d582cf04
    Image:          nginx:stable-alpine
    Image ID:       docker-pullable://nginx@sha256:db5acc22920799fe387a903437eb89387607e5b3f63cf0f4472ac182d7bad644
    Port:           80/TCP
    State:          Running
      Started:      Sat, 10 Mar 2018 13:12:53 -0500
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /var/run/secrets/ from default-token-s2xd7 (ro)
  Type           Status
  Initialized    True
  Ready          True
  PodScheduled   True
    Type:        Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
    SecretName:  default-token-s2xd7
    Optional:    false
QoS Class:       BestEffort
Node-Selectors:  <none>
Tolerations:     <none>
  Type    Reason                 Age   From               Message
  ----    ------                 ----  ----               -------
  Normal  Scheduled              5s    default-scheduler  Successfully assigned mypod to minikube
  Normal  SuccessfulMountVolume  5s    kubelet, minikube  MountVolume.SetUp succeeded for volume "default-token-s2xd7"
  Normal  Pulled                 5s    kubelet, minikube  Container image "nginx:stable-alpine" already present on machine
  Normal  Created                5s    kubelet, minikube  Created container
  Normal  Started                5s    kubelet, minikube  Started container

kubectl logs

kubectl logs outputs the combined stdout and stderr logs from a pod. If more than one container exist in a pod the -c flag is used and the container name must be specified.


kubectl logs <pod name>
kubectl logs <pod name> -c <container name>


$ kubectl logs mypod - - [10/Mar/2018:18:14:15 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "curl/7.57.0" "-" - - [10/Mar/2018:18:14:17 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 "-" "curl/7.57.0" "-"

Exercise: The Basics

Objective: Explore the basics. Create a namespace, a pod, then use the kubectl commands to describe and delete what was created.

NOTE: You should still be using the minidev context created earlier.

  1. Create the dev namespace.
kubectl create namespace dev
  1. Apply the manifest manifests/mypod.yaml.
kubectl apply -f manifests/mypod.yaml
  1. Get the yaml output of the created pod mypod.
kubectl get pod mypod -o yaml
  1. Describe the pod mypod.
kubectl describe pod mypod
  1. Clean up the pod by deleting it.
kubectl delete pod mypod

Summary: The kubectl "CRUD" commands are used frequently when interacting with a Kubernetes cluster. These simple tasks become 2nd nature as more experience is gained.

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Accessing the Cluster

kubectl provides several mechanisms for accessing resources within the cluster remotely. For this tutorial, the focus will be on using kubectl exec to get a remote shell within a container, and kubectl proxy to gain access to the services exposed through the API proxy.

kubectl exec

kubectl exec executes a command within a Pod and can optionally spawn an interactive terminal within a remote container. When more than one container is present within a Pod, the -c or --container flag is required, followed by the container name.

If an interactive session is desired, the -i (--stdin) and -t (--tty) flags must be supplied.


kubectl exec <pod name> -- <arg>
kubectl exec <pod name> -c <container name> -- <arg>
kubectl exec  -i -t <pod name> -c <container name> -- <arg>
kubectl exec  -it <pod name> -c <container name> -- <arg>


$ kubectl exec mypod -c nginx -- printenv
$ kubectl exec -i -t mypod -c nginx -- /bin/sh
/ #
/ # cat /etc/alpine-release

Exercise: Executing Commands within a Remote Pod

Objective: Use kubectl exec to both initiate commands and spawn an interactive shell within a Pod.

  1. If not already created, create the Pod mypod from the manifest manifests/mypod.yaml.
$ kubectl create -f manifests/mypod.yaml
  1. Wait for the Pod to become ready (running).
$ kubectl get pods --watch
  1. Use kubectl exec to cat the file /etc/os-release.
$ kubectl exec mypod -- cat /etc/os-release

It should output the contents of the os-release file.

  1. Now use kubectl exec and supply the -i -t flags to spawn a shell session within the container.
$ kubectl exec -i -t mypod -- /bin/sh

If executed correctly, it should drop you into a new shell session within the nginx container.

  1. use ps aux to view the current processes within the container.
/ # ps aux

There should be two nginx processes along with a /bin/sh process representing your interactive shell.

  1. Exit out of the container simply by typing exit. With that the shell process will be terminated and the only running processes within the container should once again be nginx and its worker process.

Summary: kubectl exec is not often used, but is an important skill to be familiar with when it comes to Pod debugging.

kubectl proxy

kubectl proxy enables access to both the Kubernetes API-Server and to resources running within the cluster securely using kubectl. By default it creates a connection to the API-Server that can be accessed at or an alternative port by supplying the -p or --port flag.


kubectl proxy
kubectl proxy --port=<port>


$ kubectl proxy
Starting to serve on

<from another terminal>
$ curl
  "major": "",
  "minor": "",
  "gitVersion": "v1.9.0",
  "gitCommit": "925c127ec6b946659ad0fd596fa959be43f0cc05",
  "gitTreeState": "clean",
  "buildDate": "2018-01-26T19:04:38Z",
  "goVersion": "go1.9.1",
  "compiler": "gc",
  "platform": "linux/amd64"

The Kubernetes API-Server has the built in capability to proxy to running services or pods within the cluster. This ability in conjunction with the kubectl proxy command allows a user to access those services or pods without having to expose them outside of the cluster.

  • proxy_address - The local proxy address -
  • namespace - The namespace owning the resources to proxy to.
  • service|pod - The type of resource you are trying to access, either service or pod.
  • service_name|pod_name - The name of the service or pod to be accessed.
  • [:port] - An optional port to proxy to. Will default to the first one exposed.



While the Kubernetes Dashboard is not something that is required to be deployed in a cluster, it frequently is and is a handy tool to quickly explore the system. However, it should not be relied upon for cluster support.

Kubernetes Dashboard

To access the dashboard use the kubectl proxy command and access the kubernetes-dashboard service within the kube-system namespace.

Leaving the proxy up and going may not be desirable for quick dev-work. Minikube itself has a command that will open the dashboard up in a new browser window through an exposed service on the Minikube VM.


$ minikube dashboard

Exercise: Using the Proxy

Objective: Examine the capabilities of the proxy by accessing a pod's exposed ports and using the dashboard.

  1. Create the Pod mypod from the manifest manifests/mypod.yaml. (if not created previously)
$ kubectl create -f manifests/mypod.yaml
  1. Start the kubectl proxy with the defaults.
$ kubectl proxy
  1. Access the Pod through the proxy.

You should see the "Welcome to nginx!" page.

  1. Access the Dashboard through the proxy.
  1. Lastly, stop the proxy (CTRL+C) and access the Dashboard through minikube.
$ minikube dashboard

Minikube offers a convenient shortcut to access the dashboard (without the proxy) for local development use.

Summary: Being able to access the exposed Pods and Services within a cluster without having to consume an external IP, or create firewall rules is an incredibly useful tool for troubleshooting cluster services.

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Cleaning up

NOTE: If you are proceeding with the next tutorials, simply delete the pod with:

$ kubectl delete pod mypod

The namespace and context will be reused.

To remove everything that was created in this tutorial, execute the following commands:

kubectl delete namespace dev
kubectl config delete-context minidev

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Helpful Resources

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