Releases: brabster/crucible
Releases · brabster/crucible
Require SubnetIds in AWS::Lambda::Function.VpcConfig
Spec tweak for Lambda Function resources
thanks @tclamb!
Support API Gateway IAM Actions
Allow actions with hyphens such as API Gateway execute-api:Invoke
Template Mappings Support
Updated Cheshire Dependency to 5.7.0
Updated dependencies
Build now runs check for old dependencies on a schedule and not on push/PR (thanks to @milt for highlighting the problem!)
Template Mappings Support
Template Mappings support.
Provided by @milt
Lambda Environment and New Release Process
- implemented lambda environment
::l/environment {::l/variables {:foo "Bar"
"Bar" "Baz"}}
- adopted tag-based release process
Version 0.9.2
Core functionality available
Practicing releasing