Here's a simple wrapper around API offered by It's capable of returning the latest price for the given instrument. For more information about tickers available, visit the service.
Keep in mind that in some situations their ticker convention is different to what's known e.g. from Yahoo Finance, e.g.
: London Stock Exchange (LSE)xxxx.US
: NYSE (OTC market not available, so a lot of ADRs like "OGZPY" or "SBRCY" can't be fetched)xxxx.DE
: Deutsche Börsexxxx.JP
: Tokyo Stock Exchangexxxx
: (no exchange code after full stop) Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW)
For a complete list of conventions and available instruments visit
import Web.Data.Stooq.API (fetch)
symbol :: String
symbol = "SPY.US"
main :: IO ()
main = do
resp <- fetch symbol
case resp of
Nothing -> error $ "Could not fetch data for " ++ symbol
Just price -> print price
If a query succeeds, it returns an array of the following record:
data StooqPrice =
StooqPrice {
symbol :: StooqSymbol,
time :: UTCTime,
open :: Double,
high :: Double,
low :: Double,
close :: Double,
volume :: Int
} deriving Show
The field close
might be a bit misleading, as it contains the last price known to stooq. So if you want to get the latest price for an instrument that's currently being traded, close
is what you want.
Until the version 0.3.0 there used to be a field openint
, but it was removed due to problems it caused compared to the value.