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File metadata and controls

370 lines (246 loc) · 9.19 KB Module Documentation

This document provides a detailed overview of the module, which is responsible for managing database operations, including establishing SSH tunnels, handling database connections, and executing queries. The module is designed to interact with a PostgreSQL database securely over an SSH tunnel.


The module provides a class DatabaseOperations that encapsulates all database-related functionalities required by the application. It establishes an SSH tunnel to securely connect to a remote PostgreSQL database and manages a connection pool for efficient database interactions.

Environment Variables

The module relies on several environment variables for configuration. These variables must be set in a .env file or exported in the environment.

  • SSH Configuration:
    • SSH_HOST: SSH server hostname.
    • SSH_PORT: SSH server port (default: 22).
    • SSH_USER: SSH username.
    • SSH_KEY_PATH: Path to the SSH private key file.
  • Database Configuration:
    • DB_USER: Database username.
    • DB_PASSWORD: Database password.
    • DB_NAME: Name of the database.

Class: DatabaseOperations


def __init__(self) -> None:

Initializes the SSH tunnel and the database connection pool.

  • Raises:
    • EnvironmentError: If any required environment variables are missing.
    • Exception: If an error occurs during SSH tunnel or connection pool initialization.

Context Management Method


def close(self):

Closes the database connection pool and the SSH tunnel.

Database Connection Method


def get_db_connection(self, worker_name: Optional[str]) -> Any:

Context manager for obtaining a database connection from the pool.

  • Args:

    • worker_name (Optional[str]): Name of the worker requesting the connection.
  • Yields:

    • connection: A database connection object.
  • Raises:

    • psycopg2.OperationalError: If unable to obtain a database connection.

Query Execution Methods


def execute_query(
    worker_name: str,
    query: str,
    params: Union[tuple, list],
    operation: str = 'fetch'
) -> Optional[Union[List[Dict], int]]:

Executes a database query.

  • Args:

    • worker_name (str): Name of the worker executing the query.
    • query (str): SQL query to execute.
    • params (tuple or list): Parameters for the SQL query.
    • operation (str): Type of operation ('fetch', 'commit', 'execute'). Defaults to 'fetch'.
  • Returns:

    • Optional[Union[List[Dict], int]]: Result of the query based on the operation type.
  • Raises:

    • psycopg2.Error: If a database error occurs during query execution.

Video Processing Methods


def get_count_videos_to_be_processed(self) -> Optional[int]:

Retrieves the count of videos that need to be processed.

  • Returns:
    • Optional[int]: The count of videos to be processed, or None if an error occurs.


def get_video_ids_without_metadata(self) -> List[str]:

Retrieves a list of video IDs that lack associated metadata.

  • Returns:
    • List[str]: A list of video IDs without metadata.


def set_video_id_failed_metadata_true(self, video_ids: set[str]) -> None:

Marks the given video IDs as having failed metadata retrieval.

  • Args:
    • video_ids (set[str]): A set of video IDs to update.


def insert_video_ids(self, video_ids_batch: List[str]) -> None:

Inserts a batch of video IDs into the database.

  • Args:
    • video_ids_batch (List[str]): The batch of video IDs to insert.


def insert_video_ids_bulk(self, id_file_path: str) -> None:

Inserts video IDs in bulk from a file into the database.

  • Args:

    • id_file_path (str): The file path containing the video IDs.
  • Raises:

    • psycopg2.Error: If a database error occurs during bulk insertion.
    • FileNotFoundError: If the specified file does not exist.


def insert_update_video_metadata(self, metadata: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:

Inserts or updates video metadata in the database.

  • Args:

    • metadata (Dict[str, Any]): A dictionary containing the video metadata.
  • Raises:

    • psycopg2.Error: If a database error occurs during insertion or update.

Event Metadata Methods


def get_dates_no_event_metadata(self) -> List[datetime.datetime]:

Retrieves dates that have no associated event metadata.

  • Returns:
    • List[datetime.datetime]: A list of dates lacking event metadata.


def save_events(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None:

Inserts events into the e_events table in the database.

  • Args:

    • df (pd.DataFrame): The DataFrame containing the events data.
  • Raises:

    • ValueError: If the DataFrame does not contain all the required columns.
    • psycopg2.Error: If a database error occurs during insertion.


def check_if_existing_e_events_by_date(self, date_obj: datetime.datetime) -> bool:

Checks if there are existing events in e_events for the given date.

  • Args:

    • date_obj (datetime.datetime): The date to check for existing events.
  • Returns:

    • bool: True if events exist for the given date, False otherwise.


def get_e_events_team_info(
    date_obj: datetime.datetime,
    opposing_team: str,
    is_home_unknown: bool
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:

Retrieves normalized team abbreviation from e_events.

  • Args:

    • date_obj (datetime.datetime): The date of the event.
    • opposing_team (str): The name of the opposing team.
    • is_home_unknown (bool): Flag indicating whether the home team is unknown.
  • Returns:

    • Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: A tuple containing the event ID (optional) and the normalized team abbreviation (optional).


def get_event_id(
    date_obj: datetime.datetime,
    home_team: str,
    away_team: str
) -> Optional[str]:

Retrieves the event ID based on date and team information.

  • Args:

    • date_obj (datetime.datetime): The date of the event.
    • home_team (str): The home team name.
    • away_team (str): The away team name.
  • Returns:

    • Optional[str]: The event ID if found, otherwise None.

Audio File Methods


def update_audio_file(self, video_file: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]) -> bool:

Updates or inserts audio file metadata into the database.

  • Args:

    • video_file (Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]): A dictionary containing the metadata of the audio file.
  • Returns:

    • bool: True if the operation is successful, False otherwise.


def get_video_ids_without_files(self) -> List[str]:

Retrieves a list of video IDs that lack associated video files.

  • Returns:
    • List[str]: A list of video IDs that meet the specified criteria.

Logging and Configuration

The module uses loguru for logging, providing detailed logs for debugging and operational purposes. It also utilizes dotenv to load environment variables from a .env file.


Usage Example

from database import DatabaseOperations

def main():
    with DatabaseOperations() as db_ops:
        video_ids = db_ops.get_video_ids_without_metadata()
        print(f"Video IDs without metadata: {video_ids}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


  • Connection Management: The module uses a connection pool to manage database connections efficiently. Always ensure connections are properly closed or returned to the pool.
  • Error Handling: Exceptions are logged with detailed messages to facilitate debugging.
  • Environment Variables: Ensure all required environment variables are set before using the module.
  • Security: Sensitive information like database credentials and SSH keys are managed via environment variables to enhance security.
  • Performance: The use of prepared statements and bulk operations improves the performance of database interactions.