- EXOHostedOutboundSpamFilterPolicy
- Fixed an error where the resource was not being extracted via the Graphical User Interface;
- SCComplianceTag
- Fix an issue where FilePlanProperty values returned from Get-TargetResource where always empty;
- SCDLPComplianceRule
- Fixed an issue with multiple SensitiveInformation objects;
- SCFilePlanPropertySubCategory
- Fixed an issue where the Sub-Categories were not properly extracted, whenever the parent category is custom;
- TeamsEmergencyCallingPolicy
- Initial Release;
- TeamsEmergencyCallRoutingPolicy
- Initial Release;
- TeamsGuestCallingConfiguration
- Initial Release;
- TeamsGuestMeetingConfiguration
- Initial Release;
- TeamsGuestMessagingConfiguration
- Initial Release;
- TeamsMeetingBroadcastPolicy
- Initial Release;
- ReverseDSC
- Updated Graphical User Interface with new resources;
- Streamlined the looping logic to simplify development process for new resources;
- Metadata
- Updated Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell to version 16.0.19515.12000;
- Updated ReverseDSC dependency to version;
- Updated SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline to version 3.17.2001.2;
- EXOOrganizationConfig
- Initial Release;
- EXOClientAccessRule
- Fixed issue with Get-TargetResource not returning all values;
- O365OrgCustomizationSetting
- Inital Release;
- PPPowerAppsEnvironment
- Initial Release;
- SCAuditConfigurationSettings
- Initial Release;
- SCComplianceTag
- Changed ReviewerEmail to type String array;
- SCDLPComplianceRule
- Fixed issue with the extraction of NotifyAllowOverride;
- SCFilePlanPropertyAuthority
- Initial Release;
- SCFilePlanPropertyCategory
- Initial Release;
- SCFilePlanPropertyCitation
- Initial Release;
- SCFilePlanPropertyDepartment
- Initial Release;
- SCFilePlanPropertyReferenceID
- Initial Release;
- SCFilePlanPropertySubCategory
- Initial Release;
- SPOPropertyBag
- Added multithreading;
- SPOSiteGroup
- Initial Release;
- SPOSharingSettings
- Added ExistingExternalUserSharingOnly as a supported value for SharingCapabilities;
- SPOTheme
- Fixed an issue with the Set-TargetResource still using SPO management shell cmdlets instead of PnP
- SPOUserProfileProperty
- Introduced Multi-Threading
- TeamsCallingPolicy
- Initial Release;
- TeamsChannelsPolicy
- Initial Release;
- TeamsClientConfiguration
- Initial Release;
- TeamsMeetingBroadcastConfiguration
- Initial Release;
- TeamsMeetingConfiguration
- Initial Release;
- TeamsMeetingPolicy
- Initial Release;
- TeamsMessagingPolicy
- Initial Release;
- TeamsUpgradeConfiguration
- Initial Release;
- TeamsUser
- Introduced Multi-Threading;
- Fixed an issue with User's Principal Name;
- Metadata
- Updated MicrosoftTeams dependency to version 1.0.3;
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant dependency to version 0.8.2;
- Updated SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline dependency to version 3.16.1912.0;
- Updated ReverseDSC dependency to version;
- Misc
- Added new Telemetry Engine;
- Added new Dynamic Stubs Generation feature;
- SCCaseHoldPolicy
- New Resource;
- SCComplianceCase
- New Resource;
- SCComplianceSearch
- New Resource;
- SCComplianceSearchAction
- New Resource;
- SCDLPComplianceRule
- New Resource;
- SPOPropertyBag
- New Resource;
- SPOSiteAuditSettings
- New Resource;
- SPOTenantCDNPolicy
- New Resource;
- Reverse
- Added workload selectors to the GUI interface;
- Metadata
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant dependency to version 0.8.3;
- Updated ReverseDSC dependency to version;
- Updated Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.PowerShell dependency to version 16.0.19223.12000;
- Updated MicrosoftTeams dependency to version;
- Updated SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline dependency to version 3.14.1910.0
- Modules
- ReverseDSC
- Added all missing Security and Compliance items;
- ReverseDSC
- EXOATPPolicyForO365
- Fixed issue where we now extract any policy, not just default;
- SCDLPCompliancePolicy
- New Resource;
- SCRetentionCompliancePolicy
- Changed logic to update existing Policy;
- Metadata
- Updated SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline dependency to version 3.12.1908.1;
- Updated MSCloudLoginAssistant dependency to version 0.6;
- ODSettings
- IsSingleInstance is now a Mandatory parameter;
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOAccessControlSettings
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOHubSite
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOSearchManagedProperty
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOSearchResultSource
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOSharingSettings
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOSite
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOSiteDesign
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOSiteDesignRights
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOTenantSettings
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- SPOTheme
- Removed CentralAdminUrl as a parameter;
- ODSettings
- Metadata
- Updated version dependency for MSCloudLoginAssistant to 0.5.8;
- Modules
- ReverseDSC
- Fixed some issues with the abstraction of tenant name when the -Quiet switch is used;
- ReverseDSC
- SPOApp
- Change logic for detection when no App Catalog exist;
- Updated Dependency on SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline to version 3.11.1907.0
- O365Group
- ManagedBy is now a mandatory property;
- SPOSite
- Owner is now a mandatory property
- O365Group
- Modules
- Added embedded Log Engine
- SCRetentionCompliancePolicy
- Initial Release;
- SCRetentionComplianceRule
- Initial Release
- SCSupervisoryReviewPolicy
- Initial Release
- SCSupervisoryReviewRule
- Initial Release
- SPOSite
- Added default value for Storage Quota;
- Fixed an issue with site creation that could result in infinite loops;