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jesse99 edited this page Sep 5, 2012 · 48 revisions

These are coding guidelines for the Rust compiler and standard library.

Constructor functions

If possible then constructor functions should simply be named for the type that they construct, e.g. StrReader. When disambiguation is needed then they should be prefixed with new_, and written in lower case like, new_str_reader_with_foo. One common exception is functions that create values by converting from other values, in which case they should have a from_ prefix, like vec::from_elem.


  • io::StrReader
  • task::new_task_builder
  • vec::from_elem

Error messages and warnings

Rust code in error messages should be enclosed in backquotes.


  • found `true` in restricted position

Error messages should use the pattern "expected `X`, found `Y`". (Note: right now, we're inconsistent about this; most of the compiler uses "expected `X` but found `Y`". Still, we consistently use the backquotes and the words "expected" and "found", rather than, say, "expecting" and "got".

  • mismatched types: expected `u16`, found `u8`


Trait names should be capitalized and should follow the pattern of Verb or Verber, except in cases where no verb seems sensible.


  • Iterate


The names of simple boolean predicates should start with "is_" or similarly be expressed using a "small question word".

The notable exception are generally established predicate names like "lt", "ge", etc.


  • is_not_empty


A for loop is always preferable to a while loop unless the loop counts in a non-uniform way (making it difficult to express as a for).

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