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This is the documentation of the unofficial Python SDK to interact with the Kraken cryptocurrency exchange.
Payward Ltd. and Kraken are in no way associated with the authors of this package and documentation. Please note that this project is independent and not endorsed by Kraken or Payward Ltd. Users should be aware that they are using third-party software, and the authors of this project are not responsible for any issues, losses, or risks associated with its usage.
This documentation refers to the python-kraken-sdk and serves to simplify the application of trading strategies, in which as far as possible all interaction possibilities with the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken are implemented, tested and documented.
- Gladly open an issue on GitHub on make if something is incorrect or missing (`python-kraken-sdk/issues`_).
- The output in the examples may differ, as these are only intended as examples and may change in the future.
- If a certain endpoint is not reachable, the function :func:`kraken.spot.SpotClient.request` or :func:`kraken.futures.FuturesClient.request`, which is also available in all derived REST clients, can be used to reach an endpoint with the appropriate parameters. Here private content can also be accessed, provided that either the base class or one of the clients has been initialized with valid credentials.
- For Futures there is the websocket client :class:`kraken.futures.FuturesWSClient` and for Spot :class:`kraken.spot.SpotWSClient`.
There is no guarantee that this software will work flawlessly at this or later times. Of course, no responsibility is taken for possible profits or losses. This software probably has some errors in it, so use it at your own risk. Also no one should be motivated or tempted to invest assets in speculative forms of investment. By using this software you release the author(s) from any liability regarding the use of this software.
- Command-line interface
- Access both public and private, REST and websocket endpoints
- Responsive error handling and custom exceptions
- Extensive examples
- Tested using the pytest framework
- Releases are permanently archived at Zenodo
Available Clients:
- Spot REST Clients (sync and async; including access to NFT trading)
- Spot Websocket Client (Websocket API v2)
- Spot Orderbook Client (Websocket API v2)
- Futures REST Clients (sync and async)
- Futures Websocket Client
ONLY tagged releases are available at PyPI. The content of the master branch may not match with the content of the latest release. - Please have a look at the release specific READMEs and changelogs.
It is also recommended to pin the used version to avoid unexpected behavior on new releases.
- Check if you downloaded and installed the latest version of the python-kraken-sdk.
- Check the permissions of your API keys and the required permissions on the respective endpoints.
- If you get some Cloudflare or rate limit errors, please check your `Kraken`_ Tier level and maybe apply for a higher rank if required.
- Use different API keys for different algorithms, because the nonce calculation is based on timestamps and a sent nonce must always be the highest nonce ever sent of that API key. Having multiple algorithms using the same keys will result in invalid nonce errors.
- Always keep an eye on https://status.kraken.com/ when encountering connectivity problems.
- Feel free to open an issue at `python-kraken-sdk/issues`_.