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Jay Pennington edited this page Dec 31, 2015 · 16 revisions


One way to consume Bullhorn Career Portal is to download, configure and upload a release package to a website host. This option is useful for those who desire simple setup without any programming or advanced customization.

Bullhorn Career Portal is designed to be hosted on any server platform capable of delivering static web content (html, css, js and json files), including nginx, Apache Tomcat, IIS or node.js with Express. The deployment process is similar regardless of the hosting service:

1. Download and Configure

The first step of the process is to download the website files from GitHub and edit a handful of values in a configuration file. The Downloading and Configuring wiki page walks through this step.

2. Upload to Site Host

The details of the second step are particular to the service hosting your website, but the general process is the same; connect to the site host's web-based control panel and upload the files downloaded in step (1), or connect to an FTP endpoint provided by the the site host and upload files downloaded in step (1).

For best results, host your Bullhorn Career Portal on a site that supports SSL (indicated by the leading 'https://' protocol in the the hosted URL). Hosting Bullhorn Career Portal on a non-SSL site may result in mixed-mode security messages or content blocking on certain devices.

The following video details upload instructions for generic (FTP-based) hosting services:

General File Upload via Site Host FTP

Additionally, the following wiki pages walk through this step with specific and generic hosting services:

Additionally, the following video provides