This is the easiest,
This is the "individual edition", which is the Free, Open Source edition.
It includes Python 3-point-something. Python version 2 and version 3 are slightly incompatible. Choose 3 if ever you have a choice.
The anaconda also includes,
- Python3
- Jupyter, the notebook/browser interface to the scientific computing world
- Packages. Lots of packages, such as Numby, Pandas, Matplotlib
- The conda package manager
- The conda python virtual environment system
This should run on everything. Mac, Windows and Linux. That is nice.
Once git has been installed (see below), bring the REU-CFS githup repo to your local machine,
mkdir reu-cfs ; cd to reu-cfs ; git clone
Then start the notebook,
jupyter notebook
This works on the terminal of MacOS, and from the Anaconda Prompt on windows.
If auto_actitvates as set false:
conda config --set auto_activate_False
then activate it now,
conda activate
If conda can not be found, then use the full pathname, or adjust your path environment variable.
The activate command is often found at ~/anaconda3/bin/activate
, where the tilde is
Unix-speak for "my home directory".
For more information, see