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Working Group

Karpenter's community is open to everyone. All invites are managed through our Calendar. Alternatively, you can use our iCal Export to add the events to Outlook or other email providers.


Please contribute to our meeting notes by opening a PR.


  1. Community Questions
  2. Work Items
  3. Demos

Meeting notes (11/11/21)


  • Jerad Cramp
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Jason Haugen
  • Felix Huang
  • Suket Sharma
  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Elton Pinto


  • Limits are great, what about auto repair?
    • How do nodes recover from disk/memory pressure? (kubernetes has mechanisms for this: eviction)
    • If nodes come online and then become unhealthy later
    • Let's address liveness after the limits problem
  • What are the dimensions of limits that we want to introduce?
    • CPU/GPU/Memory
    • What about storage? Should we support all resource requests?
    • spec.limits.resources vs spec.maxResources
  • This should support folks running separate provisioners per team.
    • Helps a cluster admin enforce a limit on each team.
    • Setting GPU limits to 0 can help enforce that no GPU instances are launched at all.
  • Discussed resource quotas and why that doesn't help us implement limits in this form.
    • With quotas you can limit resourceCounts (number of PVs) but not resource properties (say size of a PV)

Meeting notes (10/28/21)


  • Brandon Wagner
  • Suket Sharma
  • Michael Mccune
  • Felix Huang
  • Jason Haugen
  • Jerad Cramp
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Geoffrey Cline
  • Alex Kestner
  • Jacob Gabrielson


  • Capi Provider work in progress
  • Inline Launch Templates
    • What about CAPI?
      • This corresponds to the machine template
      • separate template object
    • We can probably wait and do this backwards compatible
    • EKS Node Group APIs
      • Many users use custom launch templates
      • similar problems to have LTs have unnecessary fields (instance type)
    • Attribute Based Selection
  • Storage
    • Supporting persistent volumes
    • Tricky because of how we create nodes/bind pods
    • WaitForFirstConsumer creates a chicken and egg problem
      • Karpenter assigns the pod to the node, but the PV isn't assigned
      • Scheduler puts a special label on the PV
    • If the PV already exists, we need to launch the pod in that zone
    • If multiple volumes are in different zones, it's never going to work
      • just need to not make it worse

Meeting notes (09/30/21)


  • Brandon Wagner
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Jason Haugen
  • Jerad Cramp
  • Elmiko
  • Abeer Sethi
  • Suket Sharma


  • v0.4 targetting Kubecon
  • Next working group is cancelled due to Kubecon


  • [EL] Cluster API Update
    • Can we directly create machines?
    • Starts to get outside of the CAPI workflow
    • Want to test with kubemark (hollow nodes)
    • Hopefully will have a demo at some point

Meeting notes (09/16/21)


  • Prateek Gogia
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Alex Kestner
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Jason Haugen
  • Jerad Cramp
  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Elmiko
  • Shaun



  • [EL] Working on Cluster API provider for Karpenter. We have a management cluster and a workload cluster. Need to get a kubeconfig for the cloud provider to use in order to create Cluster API resources like MachineSets.
  • [JG] This is similar to the way AWS credentials are injected in Karpenter today with IRSA.
  • [ET] Yes, could use service accounts to inject the different kubeconfigs. Can also use the new cloud provider specific params to pass in more structured data to the cloud provider.
  • [EL] Is there a plan to be able to support more extensions or accelerators similar to the AWS Neuron implemention within Karpenter?
  • [ET] We need to rethink how custom cloud provider resources would work. But I think the current GPU stuff should probably be cloud provider specific rather than generic since it doesn't exist in upstream k8s.
  • [EL] Is the CloudProvider interface for returning Zones specifically for AWS or can any freeform string be returned to support other cloud provider concepts?
  • [ET] The Zones func is meant to be cloud provider agnostic, so the return string could be whatever makes sense for the cloud provider.
  • [EL] ClusterAPI cloud provider would increment a MachineSet right now. There might be some issues with multiple things touching the replica count of the sets, but starting with a simple model and see what breaks.
  • READING v1alpha4 proposal
  • [BW] How would the pluralization of Arch and OS work and why would we want to support Linux and Windows in the same provisioner?
  • [ET] We would default to Linux and AMD64 most likely and then allow the user to configure if they'd like to expand the constraints to use both Arch's or OS.
  • [BW] I don't think Windows would be a popular or practical choice if the pod could be run on Linux. But I can see how the semantics make it nice and uniform. I'm okay with the pluralization approach here.

Meeting notes (07/22/21)


  • Prateek Gogia
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Alex Kestner
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Nick Tran
  • Geoffrey Cline
  • Elton Pinto
  • Shreyas Srinivasan
  • Zach Casper


  • v0.2.9 released yesterday
  • Bug bash on Friday 07/22


  • [EL] We need a way to version Karpenter docs.
  • [BW] Planning to add name tags to EC2 instances created by Karpenter
    • [AK] Let's include some reference to Karpenter and other necessary, have a short quip doc to go over this.
  • [EL] Node names are private DNS name for instances in EKS
  • [EL] We have version reference in repo in a bunch of places, gets tricky to change version in multiple places. Do we want to keep version in website only?
    • [AK] We will have changes to the version, things are going to change, we should have a good way to point to the right docs for the version they are running.
    • [EL] Who owns the docs for Karpenter for long term? We will need a long term for docs in Karpenter
    • [AK] This should be technical doc writer and will evolve as we grow.
    • [AK] Continue with existing process for now and we can revisit when we have major changes.
    • [AK] Will open a PR for docs.
  • [AK] Crowd source additionally asked questions as part of the bug bash.
  • [AK/GC] Docs targeting for next Friday Concepts, provisioner CRD, well known labels, deployment guide, FAQs etc.

Meeting notes (07/08/21)


  • Prateek Gogia
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Alex Kestner
  • Brian Hammons
  • Matt Morley
  • Pavan
  • Elmiko
  • Guy Templeton


  • Provisioner CRDs need to be updated with the newer version release
  • v0.3 will be going out this month, blog and videos coming shortly


  • [El] Plug Karpenter to cluster API (it supports 10-12 platform)
    • CAPI can have an abstracted object which can help auto-scale
    • [JG] How can we move forward with this, document?
  • [El] Still need to figure which project should own it CAPI, autoscaler, karpenter?
  • [BW] Nodes provisioned by Karpenter can expire (merged), and batching pods is in progress
  • [Pavan] Using fake low-priority pods to pre-provision nodes, does Karpenter support something like this?
    • [BW] This approach still works in karpenter, but we are trying to improve the latency for node provisioning
    • [Pavan] <1 minute is desired
    • [JG] We can optimize further the time to bring up the nodes and kubelet/images
    • Warm pools is hard to configure/predict and customers hate to pay for it.
  • [El] Can karpenter support overhead provisioning when calculating the minimum size nodes, add some head room and provision a slightly bigger node?
    • [BW] Feel free to open an issue to track this.
    • [BW] We need a defrag controller before something like this.
  • [El] Bringing up nodes in other cloud providers might be slow as compared to AWS so we might need a solution for over-provisioning.
  • [AK] It will be good to have this tracked in the repo under feature requests.
  • [BW] Switching provisioner from single namespace to namespaced provisioner
    • If a pod comes in multiple provisioners can handle it today
    • Global provisioner for handling non-overwritten pods
    • Pods can now be tied to a specific namespace provisioner
    • [El] When you have a management cluster managing other Kubernetes clusters, it can get tricky
    • [BH] Its a challenging problem in multi-tenancy and federation system.
  • [BW] Pod batching, improves how we are doing node allocation.
    • Now we are batching with IdleTimeOut and maxTimeOut intervals
    • Do we want this to be configurable on the provisioner?
    • [El] Good knob to have but might not expose it until someone really needs it.
  • [JG] Using own launchtemplate, $default causes label issues
    • Thinking of removing the id in favor of name and getting rid of version field for now and keeping it to default.
    • [El] Can this be an annotations instead of a label?
    • [BW] Can Karpenter role nodes if LT version is updated?
    • [JG] This might be a bigger issue as Karpenter doesn't know about this version change
  • Capacity reservations support for Karpenter

Meeting notes (06/10/21)


  • Ellis Tarn
  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Elmiko
  • Viji Sarathy
  • Nick Tran


  • [ET]: Working on some big features for Termination handling. Remove cert manager and using knative libs to keep certs in-memory
  • [KM]: Tried Karpenter out for game server scaling. Some issues w/ subnet selection at provisioner level. Very interested in the termination logic. Curious if karpenter will do more than just deleting empty nodes.
  • [ET]: For the scale down, we would like to do defrag where pods can be merged into a larger node so there is less overhead. We are currently looking into these features and plan on starting some sort of implementation post v0.4.0 release. Nick's work is focusing on the base to build some of these higher level features on.
  • [KM]: Big issue with CA is that it can only scale down one node at a time. We have nodes that require a longer scale down.
  • [ET]: Sounds like Node Disruption Budgets would really help with the scale down case.
  • [ET]: We should really never forcibly kill a pod
  • [Elmiko]: Wouldn't it be okay to evict a pod in some situations if no PDB exists?
  • [ET]: Yes, but eviction is more polite, but we still shouldn't force it.
  • [ET]: WRT to subnet selectors we can use a well known label selector using the subnet name but also keep looking at the cluster tag. We can use aws tag keys for selection without using the value of the tag to make selection easier.
  • [KM]: We don't even need Name since they are not unique and the subnet name is a tag w/ key "Name".
  • [JG]: How do you (KM) terminate nodes within k8s today? It sounds like once you decide a node needs to be terminated, you wait a while.
  • [KM]: Today we use the k8s eviction api and set grace periods. We use utilization to check which nodes to terminate.
  • [JG]: So we can still respect the grace periods but do it in parallel.
  • [KM]: And we can use Node Disruption Budget too.
  • [ET]: How was the karpenter install KM?
  • [KM]: It worked well after I removed the custom launch template ID.
  • [ET]: We've been playing with the idea of not even allowing custom launch templates because they're tricky to get right due to bad configurations that are hard to validate and won't work at runtime.
  • [KM]: What is the intention around deleting LTs when you delete the cluster?
  • [ET]: We'd like to not have to use launch templates with the EC2 fleet api. The best we have today is the command in the karpenter repo demo to find resources created by karpenter based on tags. The Launch Templates are tied to a provisioner since it's a hash of the constraints. We could add a k8s finalizer on the provisioner to clean up the resources in AWS.
  • [KM]: It's hard to use the vpc-cni because of the flags you have to pass to the kubelet for max pods.
  • [ET]: We use bottlerocket by default in karpenter. In an ipv6 world, the pod limit is basically infinite. So you (KM) don't work with the defaults?
  • [KM]: If we use karpenter, we'd probably just use the defaults. We're also looking at calico, which requires changing the max pods (increasing instead of decreasing).
  • [ET]: It might be nice to have some sort of configuration to override those parameters if you need it.
  • [JG]: Is there an issue explaining the problem here for CNIs?
  • [KM]: Yes, aws/containers-roadmap#138
  • [ET]: Wrt to custom launch templates, we could just support a subset of the fields that you would specify in the launch template. This might be safer since karpenter will always own the launch template.
  • [VS]: What is the path to changing AMIs if karpenter doesn't support custom launch templates?
  • [ET]: We'd use label selectors for the applicable launch template fields. User data would be ugly in a label selector.
  • [KM]: Or could put user-data in a configmap. It would nice to have a reference LaunchTemplate to see what fields are okay to use.
  • [ET]: Yes, we're getting some doc writing help, they're pretty sparse right now.
  • [VS]: If you look at EKS Managed NodeGroups docs, they say that certain fields are not allowed:
  • [ET]: Generally, webhook validations shouldn't be calling EC2 which is what we'd have to do to validate Launch Templates.
  • [VS]: There are agents that companies will want to install on all of their nodes for security or monitoring purposes. So there definitely needs to be a mechanism to change AMIs or add user-data.
  • [ET]: How was your (KM) experience with karpenter's use of label selectors?
  • [KM]: It depends on how many fields users are overriding. When I specified no label selectors it just worked. But I understand that you'll need to customize stuff at some point and that can be a little tricky. For example, the LaunchTemplate version didn't accept Default because of the $. Maybe a CRD or configmap would work on syntax limited fields.
  • [ET]: Security groups at the pod level would simplify this a lot. For the LT version problem (aws#434), if you don't specify the version, we'd just use DEFAULT. And for LATEST, maybe we just don't support it and tell users to set DEFAULT to the LATEST. It's also generally a bad practice to use LATEST in docker registries since you might update containers without realizing it.
  • [KM]: I think DEFAULT support would be fine. Just using the ID would be tedious.
  • [Elmiko]: Still going over the karpenter code. Would still like to build a cloud provider for karpenter to get it working with OpenShift and Cluster API stuff. But it's hard w/ the cluster api machine sets. Need to create a bunch of MachineSets to size 0 and then pick one. Which seems kind of clunky.
  • [ET]: Would the machine template work in cluster API?
  • [Elmiko]: We want to control the replicas in the machine set, at least in OpenShift.
  • [ET]: Karpenter is already managing the node lifecycle, I'm not sure what you already have in MachineSet lifecycle stuff? Part of the value of removing ASG from the loop, is to simplify the communication between these APIs.
  • [ET]: Karpenter could work with MachineTemplates that are created by users. If a user just creates 1 for m5.large, then karpenter would just use m5.large. Users can create more MachineTemplates, and karpenter will just use them.
  • [Elmiko]: Could even setup a heterogeneous machinetemplate. But maybe focusing on just a single Machine type and letting users create more if desired.
  • [ET]: Groups of machines are so predominant and an easy way to think about it. A lot of people equate provisioners to groups but they're really not. They're super heterogeneous and dynamic. Groups aren't going away, but used for different purposes.
  • [JG]: It'd be nice to have Karpenter just be a thing in CAPI. Maybe it maps to a component or we just add a little thing that is karpenter into CAPI.
  • [Elmiko]: I agree that would be cool. I think if I can just treat them like machines, and see if I can get that running first.

Meeting notes (05/27/21)


  • Prateek Gogia
  • Viji Sarathy
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Nick Tran
  • Nathan Taber
  • Elton Pinto
  • Ellis Tarn


  • [PG] Made a release for 0.2.5
  • [PG] We're working on termination design here
  • [VS] I was using a launch template to specify instance types but it wasn't working
  • [BW] Launch templates only allow one instance type, so we don't use launch templates to get instance types, but rather use the EC2 API to get that information
  • [BW] Is there a use case to use launch templates?
  • [PG] We will need to look into specifying instance types through launch templates
  • [VS] How do pod labels work with provisioning nodes?
  • [BW] We do node selection before it's provisioned and create capacity based on common labels specified
  • [PG] Karpenter Provisioners will respect specifying availability zones
  • [PG] There have been asks for recycling nodes on a recurring basis, or upgrading kubernetes version
  • [VS] Once we were able to have custom AMIs, we were able to get more people to join in on another service
  • [PG] We use bottlerocket AMIs and you can specify AMIs in Launch Templates or in the Provisioner
  • [NTa] Should our AMIs be eventually consistent or imperative? If someone changes the AMI do we want all nodes to be upgraded to that?
  • [NTa] Maybe we should consider doing a pod restarts and let Provisioners take on those pods with new AMIs
  • [VS] If we do a pod restart, we need to follow evict drain best practices here as well
  • [PG] you could do a pod restart or you could delete nodes and then
  • [VS] Some people might want to have their nodes updated in groups
  • [ET] Hopefully users shouldn't have to be aware of nodes, if they do, then it becomes a more node group centric choice
  • [NTa] If we have someone wants to upgrade their nodes, we could use a node TTL that recycles it after 90 days
  • [ET] Currently, our devs have been in this space for a while, and the first hour of learning for a user is opaque
  • [VS] More demos could help understand different features of Karpenter
  • [ET] Back to Launch Templates: We allow you to specify a launch template, but we inject a lot of opinions.
  • [ET] We should think more about launch templates and how we form them in the future
  • [PG] If you do not provide a launch template, then we create it for you

Meeting notes (05/13/21)


  • Prateek Gogia
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Guy Templeton
  • Jeff Wisman
  • Larry Li
  • Elmiko


  • [ET] Overview of the delete workflow in Karpenter
  • [ET] Scaledown usecases
    • Node TTL, terminate nodes after 90 days
    • Defrag and empty nodes termination
    • Plan is to implement as a finalizer it will work with kubectl delete node <name> command
    • Finalizer will be injected by a webhook as part of the node delete
    • karpenter will terminate the node in the cloud provider and remove the finalizer
  • [El] It won't play well with CAPI, normally you will be deleting machine objects, with CAPI you can land in a weird state where CAPI objects exists
  • [ET] We could potentially upstream this to k/k
  • [El] Users want to delete node and want to see the instance/hardware backing it gets deleted too
  • [ET] NDB (Node disruption budget) similar to a PDB to drain limited nodes at a time.
  • [GT] NDB Will be interesting for rolling upgrades procedure
  • [LL] Teams are using their own approaches towards auto-scaling,
    • Trying to see if Karpenter can be a fit
    • Pain points, not using right machine types, bin packing not optimized
    • Teams are overprovisioning capacity and underutilizing the compute
    • Issues with custom metrics, metrics propagation and aggregation adds 2-5 minutes delay
    • Centralizing HPA and minimum configurations for other teams
  • [LL] Quota in Cloud providers blocks from new nodes to come up
    • Can you select which node types to select from
  • [ET] You can configure node type (on-demand/spot) on a pod spec to run a particular pod on specific nodes types
  • [LL] CA talks about 3-7 minutes for pods to get into running state
  • [ET] Scheduled based autoscaling for a particular time of the day
  • [LL] CA has proactive node autoscaling using an operator

Meeting notes (04/29/21)


  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Prateek Gogia
  • Nathan Taber
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Nick Tran
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Guy Templeton


  • Karpenter v0.2.2 released this week


  • [JG] Node label bug in the karpenter implementation
  • [ET] Create Node in EC2
  • [JG] We should maybe get EC2 events from eventbridge
  • [ET] We released 0.2.2 with spot, bin packing to be vendor neutral
  • [GT] Tried 0.2.1 karpenter version, seems to work, scaling up/down deployment and will try to do some more stress testing.
  • [GT] Install process wasn't too bad
  • [ET] Do you guys use affinity, anti-affinity?
  • [GT] We use anti, not using topology at the moment
  • [ET] If a pod has affinity not nil, at the moment Karpenter ignores this
  • [JG] Are we open to having an SQS or something to get events from event bridge?
  • [JG] Async mode for create fleet
  • [JG] You get an instance notification from EC2 that the node is launched, and then you get node startup notification in about 20-30 seconds
  • [ET] Keeping it vendor neutral might be tricky
  • [JG] We can try to keep Cloud provider to be async or optional, might be more work than worth it

Meeting notes (04/15/21)


  • Ellis Tarn
  • Nick Tran
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Guy Templeton
  • Elton Pinto
  • Elmiko


  • Spot support checked in v0.2.1
  • GPU support in PR


  • Slack
    • Need a slack channel to chat about Karpenter.
    • Can we use Kubernetes slack? AWS Slack?
  • Skyscanner integration
    • Guy to play around with Karpenter spot support in dev clusters.
  • Cluster API
    • Potential cloud provider implementation
    • Use MachineTemplates to determinine possible instances
    • Create/Delete directly via Machine CRs
    • Pass underlying cloud provider selection via node labels
    • Need to make binpacking logic vendor neutral

Meeting notes (04/01/21)


  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Prateek Gogia
  • Viji Sarathy
  • Shreyas Srinivasan
  • Nathan Taber
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Nick Tran
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Guy Templeton
  • Joe Burnett
  • Elmiko


  • Karpenter v0.2.0 released this week


  • [BW] Working on Spot support in Karpenter
    • How does labeling works for spot instances in general?
    • Spot vs on-demand percentage for deployment? .....
  • [VS] Homogenous NG ....
  • [ET] Some percentage of pods spot vs non-spot in a deployment
  • [BW] Ocean from add 90
  • [GT] We don't use percentage based deployment, currently on on-demand ECS, if Karpenter can offer we can checkout
  • [El] CAPI has a generic node-termination handler w/ drain/cordon and a generic interface for spot instances and has a ton of CRDs (Machines, MachineSets, MachineDeployments vs MachinePools)
    • You deploy different controllers and machine actuaters to reconcile and create instances.
    • Machine CR interacts directly with cloud interface (e.g. RunInstance)
  • [BW] CAPI moving from run instances API to fleet API in the next release
  • [ET] How does the preemption work?
    • [El] They are planning to change the way to its done today and need to go deep dive to understand
  • Reading AWS Provisioner Launch Template Options Proposal from Jacob
  • [JG] Its hard to specify if LT is arch specific? Hard to know what arch LT supports? If LT doesn't specify an AMI its not going to work.
  • [El] Depends some people like webhook pattern, some don't, CAPI has this pattern
  • [El] You can return an error in validating webhook or have an error when the request hit cloud provider. Could potentially just resolve this via validation at pod and provisioner level
    • Might want to pass validation logic into the provisioner
    • validating web hooks should go down to the provider level?
    • advantage is that kubectl will give immediate feedback
    • [ET] we can relax later
    • At provisioner level ValidatingWebhooks can protect from this before the object is persisted
    • If layered under other resources, might not block as expected on creation
  • [ET] How does CAPI handle this?
    • [El] CAPI picking templates - creat machine set - in there u define template you want to use ahead of time you already create infra tempalte - might have pre-created, when I create machineset, pick template I'd want ot use, folow model of replication controller
    • [El] Each individual provider has its own template
    • [ET] How do you pick one template over another?
    • CAPI references re: MachineTemplate for AWS: awsmachine_types types
  • [PG] We shouldn't validate pods with webhook and just log in Karpenter, to keep the same experience as native Kubernetes
  • [El] Where do we stand with a Cluster API Cloud Provider for Karpenter?
    • [ET] Multiple ways for this to work
    • [El] If using a group style, increase MachineSets replica count
    • [El] In CAPI, all machines are owned by MachineSets or MachineDeployments
    • [BW] Instead of stamping out machines, could stamp our MachineDeployments(replicas=1)
    • make sure that on karp side the way it creates infra templates is in same resource version group - make sure aren't false rejections - integration issues
    • [El] similar CA concept - some future work would be CAPI custom resource that just speaks to autoscaler, just expose this "autoscaling" obj to autoscaler - it has all this info in it from autoscaler side, it has everything it needs CAPI doesn't have to expose
    • [El] Multiple passes through cloud provider specific -> agnostic -> specific -> agnostic

Meeting notes (03/18/21)


  • Ellis Tarn
  • Prateek Gogia
  • Nick Tran
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Shreyas Srinivasan
  • Jeff Wisman
  • Jacob Gabrielson


  • Community Topics
  • Roadmap Discussion
  • Instance Type unavailable in some Zones
    • [PG] Started running in us-west-2, using any instance types
      • Instance type not available in some zones
    • [BW] We shouldn't fail the request if the fleet request has some errors
      • Some of the capacity can be available, even if others have errors
    • [PG] Difficult to predict the output
    • [BW] Need to return successfully even if some errors
    • [ET] We can handle the leakage case if the nodes are labeled as part of userdata
    • [JG] Difficult to set these labels for Bottlerocket
    • [ET] Potentially can implement a garbage collector against tagged instances
  • Karpenter OOM Killed
    • [PG] 20mb limit, too low, shouldn't be limits
    • [ET] Could potentially pare down the cached fields for the objects to reduce footprint

Meeting notes (02/18/21)


  • Prateek Gogia
  • Elton Pinto
  • Viji Sarathy
  • Shreyas Srinivasan
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Nick Tran
  • Guy Templeton
  • Joseph Burnett
  • Elmiko


  • [ET] Pending pods might not be the only signal for scaling, its reactive and adds latency
    • HPA like metrics scaling with metrics based approach
    • High number of configurations
    • Groupless provisioning for the nodes in the cloud
  • [JB] Interesting idea, have you thought about ASG per deployment model, provisioner will create an ASG and focus on deployment and bind a deployment to an ASG
  • [Elmiko] Any developer can write a metric producer to feed into Karpenter?
  • [ET] Provisioner stuff is still in the design face, and doesn't use Horizontal autoscaler, there is so much configuration and complexity.
  • [Elmiko] Are you taking the Karpenter in this new direction with pending pods?
  • [ET] We are still talking to customers and figuring out how to approach this.
  • [Elmiko] Metrics based approach is more popular with machine learning folks (Data scientists)
  • [JB] We could end up in a heterogenous and random collection of nodes, and we lose the groups benefits. Having extra capacity ahead of time.
  • [JB] It would be nice to have a way to use the groups.
  • [ET] Provisioning group compared to a single provisioner in a cluster
  • [JB] Rollout changes can be done incrementally, new pods go to new node, you have enough capacity to rollout but not double the capacity. How do you update a large deployment in flight? Only reason to split things up is if you have some sort of accounting or security use case
  • [ET] Responssible for GC, PDB and have some sane policy
  • [ET] Provisioning Group has large number of heterogenous nodes.
  • [JB] NG to force capacity to a single failure domain.
  • [ET] Boils down to online/offline bin packing, check the constraints and group a set of pods that can be run together. Each group is equally deployable.
  • [JB] Defrag the pods comparing the pods on node and calculating the delta within the pods.
  • [Elmiko] Sounds interesting, from the prespective of openshift it will com down to - what resources are customers paying for, debugging(why autoscaler did what it did)? Why did the autoscaler create FOO? How do we avoid cost overrun scenarios.
  • [JB] Provisioner is very functional and observabilty can be common
  • [ET] Create an audit trail for a bin packing solution and customer can verify why this decision was being and adding observability.
  • [JB] Treating it like a blackbox and check what its doing?
  • [Elmiko] Openshift prespective, limit to what the provisioner can create, provisioner is not backed by the instances but by the mem/CPU capacity
  • [Elmiko] Even if making this shift in direction, it would be nice to still have some metric or signal plugged into the algorithm
  • [JB] Over provisioning knob is going to be important. If you see 10 pods create an extra node for the next pod.
  • [ET] Minimize the scheduling latency, to create a right size of synthetic pods
  • [ET] CA add 0-30 seconds, ASG 0-30 seconds and MNG 0-30 seconds based on cluster load size, we removed this machinery and without any optimization saw ~55 seconds for the node to be ready.
  • [JB] Having signals is really powerfull, if the provisioner has a over-provision signal. Metrics part is really important for some of the use case.
  • [JB] If the metrics are not in your scheduler, you can be a little slow.
  • [Elmiko] Using metrics is gateway to be using models later
  • [JB] With the provisioner model how will you even add the metrics
  • [ET] How does a customer wire a more intelligent metrics
  • [JB] Important signal are going to be workload based
  • [Elmiko] An API you expose for annotations on the pod/deployment to instruct the provisioner ...

Meeting notes (02/04/21)


  • Prateek Gogia
  • Viji Sarathy
  • Subhrangshu Kumar Sarkar
  • Shreyas Srinivasan
  • Nathan Taber
  • Ellis Tarn
  • Nick Tran
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Guy Templeton


  • [Ellis] Karpenter received a bunch of customer feedback around pending pods problems
    • Identified CA challenges
      • Zones, mixed instance policies, nodes in node groups are assumed identical
      • Limitations with ASGs with lots of groups
    • New approach, replace ASG with direct create node API
  • [Brandon] Supportive of the idea
    • If we can have ASG and create fleet implementation for comparison
  • [Ellis] SNG, HA, MP in karpenter are not compatible with this approach
  • [Ellis] Focus on reducing pending pods latency to start
  • [Guy] Opportunity for this approach, this removes all the guesswork and inaccuracy of CAS, which is quite honestly a pain in the ass.
  • [Viji] More basic question, Autoscaling both nodes and pods. Scaling based on a single metric isn't enough. Using a pending pods
    • How Karpenter and CA differs with pending pods approach
    • [Viji] 2-3 minutes to start a new node with CA
    • [Guy] 3 minutes for the nodes to schedulable
    • [Ellis] m5.large took about 63 seconds with ready pods
      • Create fleet is more modern API call with some parameters
    • [Nathan]
      • CA is slow in case of large clusters
      • We have a requirement for compute resources and need that to be fullfiled by a service.
      • Pre-selected ASG and shape sizes to create the nodes
      • Strip the middle layers that translate the requirements and just ask for what we need.
      • In cases when ASGs are not well pre thought out, CA is limited with the options available, whereas, Karpenter can make these decisions about the shape to select
  • [Nathan] ASG wasn't built with the Kubernetes use case and sometimes works well and sometimes doesn't
  • [Ellis] Allocator/ De-allocator model, dual controllers constantly provisioning new nodes for more capacity and removing under utilized nodes.
  • [Guy] Dedicated node groups, taint ASGs, CA scales those up ASGs, can karpenter do it?
    • [Ellis] When a pod has label and tolerations, we can create specific nodes with those labels and taints
  • [Guy] Spot instances - how will that work with this model?
    • We have dedicated node groups for istio gateways, rest is all spot.
  • [Guy] CA and de-scheduler don't work nice with each other
  • [Ellis] CA has 2 steps of configurations- ASGs and pods
  • [Guy] Nicer approach, worry is how flexible that approach is? Seems like a very Google like approach of doing things with auto-provisioner.
    • [Ellis] - Configuring every single pod with a label is a lot of work, compared to having taints at capacity.
  • [Ellis] Provisioning and scheduling decisions-
    • CA emulates scheduling and now karpenter knows instanceID
    • We create a node object in Kubernetes and immediately bind the pod to the node and when the node becomes ready, pod image gets pulled and runs.
    • Kube-scheduler is bypassed in this approach
    • Simulations effort is not used when actual bin-packing is done by Kube-scheduler
    • [Guy] Interesting approach, definetly sold on pod topology routing, can see benefits with bin-packing compared to guessing.
      • You might end up more closely packed compared to the scheduler
    • [Ellis] Scoring doesn't matter anymore because we don't have a set of nodes to select from
    • [Subhu] How does node ready failure will be handled?
      • Controller has node IDs and constantly compares with cloud provider nodes
    • [Ellis] Bin packing is very cloud provider specific
  • [Ellis] Spot termination happens when you get an event, de-allocator can be checking for pricing and improve costs with Spot.
  • [Guy] Kops based instances are checking for health and draining nodes. Rebalance Recommendations are already handled by an internal KOPS at Skyscanner

In scope for Karpenter

  • Pid Controller
  • Upgrades
  • Handle EC2 Instance Failures

Meeting notes (01/19/21)


  • Ellis Tarn
  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Subhrangshu Kumar Sarkar
  • Prateek Gogia
  • Nick Tran
  • Brandon Wagner
  • Guy Templeton


  • [Ellis] Conversation with Joe Burnett from sig-autoscaling
    • HPA should work with scalable node group, as long you use an external metrics.
    • POC is possible working with HPA
  • [Ellis] Nick has made good progress in terms of API for scheduled scaling.
    • Design review in upcoming weeks with the community.
  • Change the meeting time to Thursday @9AM PT biweekly.

Meeting Notes (01/12/2021)


  • Ellis Tarn
  • Jacob Gabrielson
  • Subhrangshu Kumar Sarkar
  • Prateek Gogia
  • Micah Hausler
  • Viji Sarathy
  • Shreyas Srinivasan
  • Jeremy Cowan
  • Guy Templeton


  • [Ellis] What are some common use cases for horizontal autoscaling like node auto-scaling?
    • We have 2 metrics producer so far, SQS queue and utilization.
    • Two are in pipeline, cron scheduling and pending pod metrics producers.
  • [Jeremy] Have we looked at predictive scaling, analysing metrics overtime and scaling based on history?
    • [Ellis] We are a little far from that, no work started on that yet
  • [Viji] How can we pull cloudwatch metrics to Karpenter?
    • [Ellis] We could have a cloud provider model to start with, to add cloudwatch support in horizontal autoscaler
    • Other way would be external metrics API, you get one per cluster, creates problems within the ecosystem.
    • [Viji] CP model pulls the metrics from the cloudwatch APIs and puts in the autoscaler?
      • [Ellis] User would add info in the karpenter spec and an AWS client will try to load the metrics.
      • External metrics API is easy, user has to figure how to configure with cloudwatch API.
      • Universal metrics adapter supporting all the providers and prometheus.
  • [Guy] Reg. external metrics API, there is a proposal open in the community
    • Custom cloud provider over gRPC proposal
  • [Guy] Kops did something similar to what Ellis proposed.
  • [Subhu] Are we going to support Pod Disruption Budget(PDB) or managed node groups (MNG) equivalent with other providers?
    • [Ellis] karpenter will increase/decrease the number of nodes, someone needs to know which nodes to remove respecting the PDB.
    • CA knows which nodes to scaled down it uses PDB.
    • Node group is the right component deciding which node will not be violating PDB.
  • [Guy] Other providers are rellying on PDB in CA for this support. It will be to good discuss with cluster API.
  • [Ellis] We might have to support PDB if other providers don't support PDB in node group controllers to maintain neutrality.
  • [Viji] Will try to get Karpenter installed and will look into cloudwatch integration.
  • [Ellis] Looking to get feedback for installing Karpenter demo
  • [Ellis] Separate sync to discuss pending pods approach in Karpenter
    • [Guy] Space for something less complex as compared to CA, there has been an explosion of flags in CA.

Meeting Notes (12/4/2020)


@ellistarn @prateekgogia @gjtempleton @shreyas87


  • [Ellis] Shared background
  • [Guy] Cloudwatch metrics, ECS scaling using cloudwatch metrics for autoscaling.
  • [Guy] Karpenter supporting generic cloudwatch metrics?
  • [Guy] Node autoscaling is supported?
  • [Ellis] Cloud provider like model for cloudwatch, provider model exists in scalable node group side.
  • [Ellis] Cloudwatch could support Prometheus API?
  • [Ellis] We can have a direct cloudwatch integration and later refine it?
  • [Guy] Implementing a generic cloud provider in core in CA.
  • [Ellis] Will explore integration with cloudwatch directly, prefered will be coud provider model.
  • [Guy] Contributions- People in squad will be interested, open to contribute features if it provides value to the team.
  • [Guy] Scaling on non-pending pods and other resources, people have been asking. Karpenter looks promising for these aspects.
  • [Ellis] - Long term goal, upstream project as an alternative. As open as possible and vendor neutral.
  • [Guy] - There is a space for an alternative, given the history CA works around pending pods. Wider adoption possible if mature.
  • [Ellis] - Landing point will be sig-autoscaling.
  • [Guy] - CA lacks cron scheduling scaling.
  • [Ellis] - pending pods are a big requirements.
  • [Prateek] - introduced the pending pods producer proposal.
  • [Ellis] - Move time earlier by an hour and change day to Thursday, create a GH issue to get feedback what time works?