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Getting Started

This guide is an introduction to CrossDB, a simple persistence framework for Erlang. CrossDB is highly inspired by Ecto and also SumoDB.

Adding CrossDB to an application

Let's start creating a new Erlang application by running this command:

$ rebar3 new app blog
$ cd blog

To add cross_db to this application, there are a few steps that we need to take.

The first step will be adding cross_db to our *.config file (e.g.: config/sys.config), along with other extra deps used only in this example. The config file might looks like this:

{erl_opts, [

  %% For fancyflow dependency
  {parse_transform, fancyflow_trans}

{deps, [
  %% CrossDB dependency
  {cross_db, {git, "", {tag, "v0.1.0"}}},

  %% Pipe operator (useful for changesets)
  {fancyflow, {git, "", {ref, "81cf9df"}}},

  %% Inherit the default repo `init/1` callback from `xdb_mnesia_boot_repo`
  {mixer, "1.0.0", {pkg, inaka_mixer}}

%% Start the app when we run the shell
{shell, [
  {apps, [blog]},
  {config, ["config/sys.config"]}

NOTE: Only the cross_db dependency is mandatory, rest of the deps and configuration is for purpose of the example.

For the second step we need to setup some configuration for cross_db so that we can perform actions on a repo from within the application's code.

Let's create our blog_repo module:


-repo([{otp_app, blog}]).

The adapter will be set in the config, in this case we are going to use the mnesia build-in adapter.

Mnesia adapter comes along with a default repo that implements the init/1 callback, which creates the tables for us, but only works local (single-node). So let's edit the blog_repo module in order to inherit the init/1 callback:


-repo([{otp_app, blog}]).

%% Inherit the default repo `init/1` callback from `xdb_mnesia_boot_repo`

Then let's add some configuration to our repo within the config file (e.g.: config/sys.config):

  {blog, [
    {blog_repo, [
      {adapter, xdb_mnesia_adapter},
      {ram_copies, local},
      {schemas, []}

IMPORTANT: By default, cross_db assumes the config file is config/sys.config, if you want to change the name and location you have to add the {sys_config, "config/sys.config"} option in the relx section within the rebar.config.

The final piece of configuration is to setup the blog_repo as a supervisor within the application's supervision tree, which we can do in src/blog_sup.erl, inside the init/1 callback function:

init(_Args) ->
  Children = [
  {ok, {{one_for_all, 0, 1}, Children}}.

Finally we are ready to compile the app and run it:

$ rebar3 shell

Creating schemas

First of all, let's create a sub-folder models within src in order to organize a bit better the code, and then we can create the first model blog, like so:


-schema({blogs, [
  {id,         integer,  [primary_key]},
  {name,       string},  % by default the options are []
  {status,     string},
  {created_at, datetime, [{setter, false}]},
  {updated_at, datetime}

Then a second model post:


-schema({posts, [
  {id,         integer,  [primary_key]},
  {blog_id,    integer},  % by default the options are []
  {title,      string},
  {body,       string},
  {created_at, datetime, [{setter, false}]},
  {updated_at, datetime}

And before to compile the code we need to edit our config/sys.config file in order to add the created schemas and let mnesia adapter create the tables for us, like so:

  {blog, [
    {blog_repo, [
      {adapter, xdb_mnesia_adapter},
      {ram_copies, local},
      {schemas, [blog, post]}

Validating changes

In CrossDB, you may wish to validate changes before they go to the database. For instance, you may wish that a post has both a blog_id and a text before a record can be entered into the database. For this, CrossDB has changesets.

Let’s add a changeset to our post module inside src/models/post.erl now:

-spec changeset(t(), xdb_schema:fields()) -> xdb_changeset:t().
changeset(Post, Params) ->
    xdb_changeset:cast(_, Params, [id, blog_id, text, created_at, updated_at]),
    xdb_changeset:validate_required(_, [id, blog_id, title]),
    xdb_changeset:validate_length(_, title, [{min, 4}, {max, 256}])

NOTE: This example uses FancyFlow in order to pipe changeset functions in a nicer way.

This changeset takes a post and a set of params, which are to be the changes to apply to this post. The changeset function first casts the id, blog_id, created_at, updated_at and text keys from the parameters passed in to the changeset. Casting tells the changeset what parameters are allowed to be passed through in this changeset, and anything not in the list will be ignored.

On the next line, we call validate_required which says that, for this changeset, we expect id, blog_id and text to have values specified. Let’s use this changeset to attempt to create a new record without a blog_id and text:

> Post = post:schema(#{}).

> Changeset = post:changeset(Post, #{}).

> blog_repo:insert(Changeset).

On the first line here, we get a struct from the post module. We know what that does, because we saw it not too long ago. On the second line we do something brand new: we define a changeset. This changeset says that on the specified post object, we’re looking to make some changes. In this case, we’re not looking to change anything at all.

On the final line, rather than inserting the post, we insert the changeset. The changeset knows about the post, the changes and the validation rules that must be met before the data can be entered into the database. When this third line runs, we’ll see this:

{error,#{action => insert,changes => #{},
         data =>
             #{'__meta__' =>
                   #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
               blog_id => undefined,body => undefined,
               created_at => undefined,id => undefined,title => undefined,
               updated_at => undefined},
         errors =>
             [{id,{<<"can't be blank">>,[{validation,required}]}},
              {blog_id,{<<"can't be blank">>,[{validation,required}]}},
              {title,{<<"can't be blank">>,[{validation,required}]}}],
         filters => #{},is_valid => false,params => #{},
         repo => blog_repo,
         required => [id,blog_id,title],
         schema => post,
         types =>
             #{blog_id => integer,body => string,created_at => datetime,
               id => integer,title => string,updated_at => datetime}}}

Just like the last time we did an insertion, this returns a tuple. This time however, the first element in the tuple is error, which indicates something bad happened. The specifics of what happened are included in the changeset which is returned. We can access these by doing some pattern matching:

{error, Changeset1} = blog_repo:insert(Changeset).

Then we can get to the errors by doing xdb_changeset:errors(Changeset1):

  {id,{<<"can't be blank">>,[{validation,required}]}},
  {blog_id,{<<"can't be blank">>,[{validation,required}]}},
  {title,{<<"can't be blank">>,[{validation,required}]}}

And we can ask the changeset itself it is valid, even before doing an insertion:

> xdb_changeset:is_valid(Changeset1).

Since this changeset has errors, no new record was inserted into the posts table.

Let’s try now with some valid data.

> Post = post:schema(#{}).

> Changeset = post:changeset(Post, #{id => 1, blog_id => 1, title => <<"My first post">>}).

> xdb_changeset:errors(Changeset).

> xdb_changeset:is_valid(Changeset).

The changeset does not have errors, and is valid. Therefore if we try to insert this changeset it will work:

> blog_repo:insert(Changeset).
{ok,#{'__meta__' =>
          #{schema => post,source => posts,state => loaded},
      blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
      id => 1,title => <<"My first post">>,
      updated_at => undefined}}

Inserting data

We can insert a new entries into our blog repo with this code:

> blog_repo:insert(blog:schema(#{id => 1, name => "erlang"})).
{ok,#{'__meta__' =>
          #{schema => blog,source => blogs,state => loaded},
      created_at => undefined,id => 1,name => <<"erlang">>,
      status => undefined,updated_at => undefined}}

> blog_repo:insert(post:schema(#{id => 1, blog_id => 1, title => "my first post"})).
{ok,#{'__meta__' =>
          #{schema => post,source => posts,state => loaded},
      blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
      id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
      updated_at => undefined}}

> blog_repo:insert(post:schema(#{id => 2, blog_id => 1, title => "my second post"})).
{ok,#{'__meta__' =>
          #{schema => post,source => posts,state => loaded},
      blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
      id => 2,title => <<"my second post">>,
      updated_at => undefined}}

Retrieving entries

We are going to use the entries we inserted before.

Fetching all entries

To fetch all records from the schema, cross_db provides the all function:

> blog_repo:all(blog).
[#{'__meta__' =>
       #{schema => blog,source => blogs,state => built},
   created_at => undefined,id => 1,name => <<"erlang">>,
   status => undefined,updated_at => undefined}]

> blog_repo:all(post).
[#{'__meta__' =>
       #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
   blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
   id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
   updated_at => undefined},
 #{'__meta__' =>
       #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
   blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
   id => 2,title => <<"my second post">>,
   updated_at => undefined}]

Filtering results

You can create your own queries/filters using the xdb_query module, like so:

> blog_repo:all(xdb_query:from(post, [{where, [{blog_id, 1}]}])).
[#{'__meta__' =>
       #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
   blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
   id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
   updated_at => undefined},
 #{'__meta__' =>
       #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
   blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
   id => 2,title => <<"my second post">>,
   updated_at => undefined}]

> blog_repo:all(xdb_query:from(post, [{where, [{blog_id, 2}]}])).

> blog_repo:all(xdb_query:from(post, [{where, [{title, <<"my first post">>}]}])).
[#{'__meta__' =>
       #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
   blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
   id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
   updated_at => undefined}]

Fetching a single entry

> blog_repo:get(blog, 1).
#{'__meta__' =>
      #{schema => blog,source => blogs,state => built},
  created_at => undefined,id => 1,name => <<"erlang">>,
  status => undefined,updated_at => undefined}

> blog_repo:get(post, 1).
#{'__meta__' =>
      #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
  blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
  id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
  updated_at => undefined}

> blog_repo:get_by(post, [{title, <<"my second post">>}]).
#{'__meta__' =>
      #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
  blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
  id => 2,title => <<"my second post">>,
  updated_at => undefined}

Updating records

Updating records in CrossDB requires us to first fetch a record from the database. We then create a changeset from that record and the changes we want to make to that record, and then call the your_repo:update function.

Let’s fetch the first post from our database and change its text. First, we’ll fetch the post:

> Post = blog_repo:get(post, 1).
#{'__meta__' =>
      #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
  blog_id => 1,created_at => undefined,id => 1,
  text => <<"my first post">>,updated_at => undefined}

Next, let's build a changeset, otherwise CrossDB wouldn’t be able to know that the text has changed without inspecting the database. Let’s build the changeset then:

> Changeset = post:changeset(Post, #{title => <<"edited post">>}).
#{action => undefined,
  changes => #{title => <<"edited post">>},
  data =>
      #{'__meta__' =>
            #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
        blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
        id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
        updated_at => undefined},
  errors => [],filters => #{},is_valid => true,
  params => #{title => <<"edited post">>},
  repo => undefined,
  required => [id,blog_id,title],
  schema => post,
  types =>
      #{blog_id => integer,body => string,created_at => datetime,
        id => integer,title => string,updated_at => datetime}}

Then update the database with this change:

> blog_repo:update(Changeset).
{ok,#{'__meta__' =>
          #{schema => post,source => posts,state => loaded},
      blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
      id => 1,title => <<"edited post">>,updated_at => undefined}}

We can check if the changes were made:

> blog_repo:get(post, 1).
#{'__meta__' =>
      #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
  blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
  id => 1,title => <<"edited post">>,updated_at => undefined}

If the changeset fails for any reason, the result of blog_repo:update will be {error, Changeset}. We can see this in action by passing through a blank text in our changeset’s parameters:

> ChangesetWithErrors = post:changeset(Post, #{title => <<"">>}).
#{action => undefined,
  changes => #{title => <<>>},
  data =>
      #{'__meta__' =>
            #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
        blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
        id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
        updated_at => undefined},
  errors =>
      [{title,{<<"should be at least 4 character(s)">>,
  filters => #{},is_valid => false,
  params => #{title => <<>>},
  repo => undefined,
  required => [id,blog_id,title],
  schema => post,
  types =>
      #{blog_id => integer,body => string,created_at => datetime,
        id => integer,title => string,updated_at => datetime}}

> blog_repo:update(ChangesetWithErrors).
{error,#{action => update,
         changes => #{title => <<>>},
         data =>
             #{'__meta__' =>
                   #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
               blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
               id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
               updated_at => undefined},
         errors =>
             [{title,{<<"should be at least 4 character(s)">>,
         filters => #{},is_valid => false,
         params => #{title => <<>>},
         repo => blog_repo,
         required => [id,blog_id,title],
         schema => post,
         types =>
             #{blog_id => integer,body => string,created_at => datetime,
               id => integer,title => string,updated_at => datetime}}}

So we can also use a case statement to do different things depending on the outcome of the update function:

case blog_repo:update(Changeset) of
  {ok, Post} ->
    % do something with post
  {error, ChangesetWithErrors} ->
    % do something with changeset

Deleting records

Similar to updating, we must first fetch a record from the database and then call blog_repo:delete to delete that record:

> Post = blog_repo:get(post, 1).
#{'__meta__' =>
      #{schema => post,source => posts,state => built},
  blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
  id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
  updated_at => undefined}

> blog_repo:delete(Post).
{ok,#{'__meta__' =>
          #{schema => post,source => posts,state => loaded},
      blog_id => 1,body => undefined,created_at => undefined,
      id => 1,title => <<"my first post">>,
      updated_at => undefined}}

> blog_repo:get(post, 1).

Similar to insert and update, delete returns a tuple. If the deletion succeeds, then the first element in the tuple will be ok, but if it fails then it will be an error.