make sure DD instrumentation works
passing in RUM envvars to Vue -in k8s
generate images for kube deployment
- configure as statefulset - protect against data loss
debounce window resize event listener- style
fix up dropdown menu
- if you are on page and select page from dropdown - do something (i.e. collapse the menu)
- make menu within menu for projects
- adjust for full size page button as well (remove any click responsne styling to make it clear to the user they are already at the selected page)
add breakpoint for large screens (increase grid-row gap? maybe add some rows?)-- so bottom bar is always at bottom -- maybe there's an easier fix here....
full size cards for smaller screens
make it clearer that buttons are clickable
copy in custom style sheet -
better routing--> can i create a router-link within a different element? -
styling-- figure out a way to keep theming (currently in nodemodules which are in the .gitignore) -
hide dropdown menu after user has returned to full page view so that when the browser size is reduced below the breakpoint, it will not be visible -
~~add CAPTCHA to form submission~: captcha admin: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/site/512912889~~
- updating all sensitive info for config -- MongodDB users/pws/access, flask userrole and pword -- as envvars
writing kube yaml deploymentupdate how services are accessed within k8s cluster - is it necessary to expose asNONodePort
?working AWS K8s confighttps encryption - (in progress)- assess aws networking/sgs/etc
- enable access logs for ELB
- sourcemap upload in
- unified service tagging
- modsecurity - finish honeypot config
- go live
Merging toadding_k8s_config
is default-ssl-certificate needed in theingress-nginx-controller
command args innginx-elb.yaml
- default UIkit theme is in node_modules/@vuikit/theme/dist/vuikit.css
- add remote repo to track origin
git remote add origin https://github.com/cahillsf/funvue-project.git git branch -M main git push -u origin main
docker build -t ps-vue .
docker image tag ps-vue cahillsf/ps-vue:0.0.1 docker image push cahillsf/ps-vue:0.0.1
from /Users/scahill/Desktop/funvue-project/flask-server
- activate virtual environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
run the app:
- python app.py
- ddtrace-run python app.py
to get idle: idle
from terminal
cd docker-entrypoint-initdb.d
mongoimport -u "root" -p "example" --type csv --authenticationDatabase admin -d sitecontent -c cards --headerline homepage.csv
- mongo -uroot -pexample
from the container bash: mongosh --username root --password example --authenticationDatabase admin
mongosh --username flask-role --password toor --authenticationDatabase sitecontent
use sitecontent var col = db.cards col.find()
use sitecontent db.createCollection('cards') var myCards= [ { '_id': 0, 'title':'CardOne', 'msg':'testOne', 'animation':'fade-up' }, { '_id': 1, 'title':'CardTwo', 'msg':'testTwo', 'animation':'fade-up' }, { '_id': 2, 'title':'CardThree', 'msg':'testTwo', 'animation':'fade-up' }, { '_id': 3, 'title':'CardFour', 'msg':'testTwo', 'animation':'fade-up' },
$ TMPFILE=$(mktemp)
$ /usr/bin/openssl rand -out
- minikube service --url ps-vue-service
Building a local image and pushing to your Docker Hub registry is very straightforward if you have an image you'd like to make public
Build the image locally: in your terminal, navigate to the directory containing your Dockerfile, then run the following command: docker build -t <IMAGE_NAME> .
Tag the image with the following command: docker image tag <IMAGE_NAME> <DOCKER_USERNAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>
Push the image to your Docker Hub using the following command: docker image push <DOCKER_USERNAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG>
Log in to Docker Hub to find your published image
docker build -f Dockerfile-apm -t ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1 . docker build -f Dockerfile-ss2 -t ps-mongo:ss2 .
docker image tag ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1 cahillsf/ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1
docker image tag ps-vue:apm cahillsf/ps-vue:apm docker image push cahillsf/ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1
from vue container apk --no-cache add curl apk --no-cache add nano
curl -v http://ps-flask-service:8000/cards
front end is now connection to backend through the configuration in funvue/nginx.conf
seems like all backend routes will be prepended with /api and forwarded along
need to make sure the mongodb connection uri workss
look for this in style sheet /cahill steve custom theme here comment/
./docker_push.sh -t k8s -r cahillsf -i ps-vue -p ./funvue ./docker_push.sh -t k8s -r cahillsf -i ps-mongo -p ./mongo-db ./docker_push.sh -t 0.1.0 -r cahillsf -i ps-flask -p ./flask-server
curl -d "secret=&response=<RESPONSE_TOKEN>" -X POST https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify
docker compose -f docker-compose-fromfile.yml up --build
./mongod_init_script.sh <ROOT_PASSWORD>
- should have the PV be a XFS formatted volume: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#mongodb-on-linux
kubectl create namespace mongodb
kubectl create secret generic my-mongodb-user-password -n mongodb --from-literal="password=TXs3ZsuIqT-pQFvwxOec"
docker compose -f docker-compose-fromfile.yml up --build
kubectl port-forward service/ps-vue-service 80:80
kubectl patch svc ps-vue-service -p '{"spec":{"externalIPs":[""]}}'