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210 lines (141 loc) · 6.45 KB

File metadata and controls

210 lines (141 loc) · 6.45 KB


  • make sure DD instrumentation works

    • passing in RUM envvars to Vue -in k8s
  • containerize

    • generate images for kube deployment


  • configure as statefulset - protect against data loss


  • debounce window resize event listener
  • style
    • fix up dropdown menu

      • if you are on page and select page from dropdown - do something (i.e. collapse the menu)
      • make menu within menu for projects
      • adjust for full size page button as well (remove any click responsne styling to make it clear to the user they are already at the selected page)
    • add breakpoint for large screens (increase grid-row gap? maybe add some rows?)-- so bottom bar is always at bottom -- maybe there's an easier fix here....

    • full size cards for smaller screens

    • make it clearer that buttons are clickable

    • copy in custom style sheet

    • better routing--> can i create a router-link within a different element?

    • styling-- figure out a way to keep theming (currently in nodemodules which are in the .gitignore)

    • hide dropdown menu after user has returned to full page view so that when the browser size is reduced below the breakpoint, it will not be visible

    • ~~add CAPTCHA to form submission~: captcha admin:

production build

  • updating all sensitive info for config -- MongodDB users/pws/access, flask userrole and pword -- as envvars
  • writing kube yaml deployment
  • update how services are accessed within k8s cluster - is it necessary to expose as NodePort? NO
  • working AWS K8s config
  • https encryption - (in progress)
  • assess aws networking/sgs/etc
    • enable access logs for ELB
  • sourcemap upload in
  • unified service tagging
  • modsecurity - finish honeypot config
  • go live
  • Merging to adding_k8s_config to staging is default-ssl-certificate needed in the ingress-nginx-controller command args in nginx-elb.yaml (


  • default UIkit theme is in node_modules/@vuikit/theme/dist/vuikit.css


  • add remote repo to track origin git remote add origin git branch -M main git push -u origin main docker build -t ps-vue .

docker image tag ps-vue cahillsf/ps-vue:0.0.1 docker image push cahillsf/ps-vue:0.0.1

Flask App

from /Users/scahill/Desktop/funvue-project/flask-server

  • activate virtual environment: source .venv/bin/activate

run the app:

  • python
  • ddtrace-run python

to get idle: idle from terminal



cd docker-entrypoint-initdb.d

mongoimport -u "root" -p "example" --type csv --authenticationDatabase admin -d sitecontent -c cards --headerline homepage.csv


  • mongo -uroot -pexample

from the container bash: mongosh --username root --password example --authenticationDatabase admin

mongosh --username flask-role --password toor --authenticationDatabase sitecontent


use sitecontent var col = col.find()


use sitecontent db.createCollection('cards') var myCards= [ { '_id': 0, 'title':'CardOne', 'msg':'testOne', 'animation':'fade-up' }, { '_id': 1, 'title':'CardTwo', 'msg':'testTwo', 'animation':'fade-up' }, { '_id': 2, 'title':'CardThree', 'msg':'testTwo', 'animation':'fade-up' }, { '_id': 3, 'title':'CardFour', 'msg':'testTwo', 'animation':'fade-up' },


Secure Deployment of mongod statefulset

$ TMPFILE=$(mktemp) $ /usr/bin/openssl rand -out $TMPFILE -base64 741 $ kubectl create secret generic shared-bootstrap-data --from-file=internal-auth-mongodb-keyfile=$TMPFILE $ rm $TMPFILE


  • minikube service --url ps-vue-service

Building a local image and pushing to your Docker Hub registry is very straightforward if you have an image you'd like to make public Build the image locally: in your terminal, navigate to the directory containing your Dockerfile, then run the following command: docker build -t <IMAGE_NAME> . Tag the image with the following command: docker image tag <IMAGE_NAME> <DOCKER_USERNAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG> Push the image to your Docker Hub using the following command: docker image push <DOCKER_USERNAME>/<IMAGE_NAME>:<TAG> Log in to Docker Hub to find your published image

docker build -f Dockerfile-apm -t ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1 . docker build -f Dockerfile-ss2 -t ps-mongo:ss2 .

docker image tag ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1 cahillsf/ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1

docker image tag ps-vue:apm cahillsf/ps-vue:apm docker image push cahillsf/ps-vue:k8s-0.0.1

from vue container apk --no-cache add curl apk --no-cache add nano

curl -v http://ps-flask-service:8000/cards


front end is now connection to backend through the configuration in funvue/nginx.conf

seems like all backend routes will be prepended with /api and forwarded along

need to make sure the mongodb connection uri workss

look for this in style sheet /cahill steve custom theme here comment/

./ -t k8s -r cahillsf -i ps-vue -p ./funvue ./ -t k8s -r cahillsf -i ps-mongo -p ./mongo-db ./ -t 0.1.0 -r cahillsf -i ps-flask -p ./flask-server

curl -d "secret=&response=<RESPONSE_TOKEN>" -X POST

docker compose -f docker-compose-fromfile.yml up --build

This is the bash script to initialize the ReplicaSet once the StatefulSet has been deployed


MongoDB Operato

kubectl create namespace mongodb

kubectl create secret generic my-mongodb-user-password -n mongodb --from-literal="password=TXs3ZsuIqT-pQFvwxOec"

docker compose -f docker-compose-fromfile.yml up --build

kubectl port-forward service/ps-vue-service 80:80

kubectl patch svc ps-vue-service -p '{"spec":{"externalIPs":[""]}}'

Project honeypot