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cajhin edited this page Feb 29, 2024 · 10 revisions

All lines starting with GLOBAL are used for all configs.

It does not matter where the GLOBALs are.
For readability, I recommend you put the GLOBALs on top of your config file, outside of any section.

GLOBAL activeConfigOnStartup {0..9}

Switch to this config on startup.

Default: config 1 is active on startup.


Always start with the [config_3] config:
GLOBAL activeConfigOnStartup 3

GLOBAL capsicainOnOffKey {KeyLabel}

If a plain key is defined, it will toggle the ON/OFF state.

While OFF, capsicain does nothing except listen for the onOff key; even ESC combos will not work.

The actual key event is not forwarded to Windows, so you lose the original key (similar to REWIRE).


The three keys with LEDs

  • CAPS

have a special feature: if one of these keys is used as the capsicainOnOffKey, their corresponding LED is controlled by the capsicain On/Off state. You can still toggle the actual function (e.g. Capslock) with COMBO x [] > key(caps),
but the LED does not react to the capslock state, it shows the capsicain OnOff state at all times.

GLOBAL debugOnStartup

Show debug output from startup until the first config is loaded. After that, the config decides if debug is active (OPTION debug).

GLOBAL iniVersion {any string}

{any string} is displayed on startup, and with Status (ESC+S).

This is useful when you have several capsicain.ini files and you are not sure which version of an .ini you are currently using.


When capsicain starts, it will try to start AutoHotkey.

AHK is started if:

  1. AutoHotkey.exe exists in the same folder as capsicain.exe
  2. AutoHotkey.exe is not already running

GLOBAL startInTraybar

The capsicain console is moved from the taskbar to the traybar on startup.

ESC commands with output (like Status or Help) will pop up the console again.

Switch between taskbar and traybar with [ESC]+[T]

Note that the traybar icon only shows the status of capsicain - it does not do anything when you click on it.

GLOBAL startMinimized

The capsicain console is minimized on startup.

Useful when you have a stable config and you don't want to see the console anymore.

GLOBAL DeactivateWinkeyStartmenu

By default, if you press and release LWIN, or a key that is rewired to LWIN, then Windows opens the Start menu. This can be annoying, and I found no way to disable that behaviour. With this global set, a "Left Shift press+release" is inserted before the LWIN release, which deactivates the start menu.

GLOBAL DontTranslateMessyKeys (developer feature)

Do not map certain "multi-scancode" keys to a virtual key internally.
Example: key combo Ctrl+Pause actually produces scancodes for Ctrl+Break. By default, capsicain maps this back to Ctrl+Pause, so you don't need to know that the Pause key is schizophrenic.

Internal mapping should make life easier in most cases, but if you want low-level access, this Global stops translation.

Details: Messy Keys (Caps Scroll Num)Lock, Print, Pause, Esc

GLOBAL DontProtectConsole (developer feature)

Allow key combos to stop / freeze capsicain.

For historical reasons, in the DOS console, some key combos produce "program freeze/break" signals.

When capsicain (a console app) is in the foreground, it drops those keys so it does not freeze or stop itself.

If you like pain (or debug the pause key in capsicain, same thing really), you can define this Global.