Today I worked on: Reflection: Lesson:
Today I worked on: worked on animations fixed some bugs learned about icons and splash screens learned about deployment
Reflection: I was derailed, the devops stuff took up nearly 2 hours of my time this afternoon. That is just how it goes sometimes, but instead, I learned more about configurations, making sure I read thru the docs (which was important that I installed the right dependencies).
Lesson: read the docs man! from top to bottom. it will save you time in the long run.
VIM editing tools - there are many shortcuts in how to navigate the VIM
keyword refreshes a file
keyword allows you to inspect a file
Today I worked on: Finishing the BakeSale application (took about 3.5 hours for a 1 hour video tutorial)
Reflection: Getting back into it, and it looks like bakesale now works! On press functionality is a combination of state setting, and funcitons
Lesson: Debouncing -> ensures code fires only one time per input (search boxes, text-field autosaves, and eliminating double clipes are all use cases for debounce)
Today I worked on:
- selected Yelp API in lue of of the broken bakesale api the tutorial is built on.
- having PROBLEMS with the authorization, despite me putting in the right key.
Reflection: Yelp API docs
My API for the app I'm buidling
- make sure you have the right file names in the gitignore file
- hitting these roadblocks really do suck, but need to have the right attitude and strategy about them
Today I worked on:
- Staring up application
- learned how to create repo's on github and push local files to it
- built out basic fetch calls again (async, await)
- coding something usable has made coding fun again :)
- these video tutorials take so much more time than I would expect. It may be good to anticipate 1 hour in video form = 3 hours in practice.