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Releases: callstack/repack


03 Aug 11:45
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This Release comes with

Two minor changes

  • The First one enabled a better way to control CodeSigningPlugin i.e. turning it off in development
  • The second one is a change that was merged to the old v3 branch, but it somehow got mixed up and never really was released, thanks @eps1lon for handling that!

Minor Changes

  • #409 d4d7dc7 Thanks @jbroma! - Added enabled flag to CodeSigningPlugin, this is useful when you want to disable the plugin in development environment and only keep it in production. For now this flag defaults to true to prevent a breaking change.

repack-init 1.0.4

27 Jul 09:31
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Patch Changes

  • #405 cbbb5b4 Thanks @jbroma ! - Fix bad behaviour of repack-init when run inside of a monorepo & fix for a case when react-native version was declared as SemVer range instead of static version


17 Jul 12:29
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This Release comes with:

  • One patch change – an upgrade of an Android library (nimbus-jose-jwt) used to decode JWT. This upgrade was needed because of a security vulnerability affecting this package in the previous version used by Repack.
  • A few typos fixed in the example usage of the Federated module and RepackPlugin#398. Thank you, @ergenekonyigit , for your contribution! 🎉

Patch Changes

  • #401 6171507 Thanks @jbroma ! - Update nimbus-jose-jwt android dependency to address security vulnerabilities


26 Jun 15:57
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This release comes with:

  • three fixes from @jbroma that make living with a project using Repack with webpack instead of Metro bundler easier, and
  • one significant change – the optional ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin created by @oblador & @mikeduminy at Klarna. This one can be manually added to the webpack config to ensure all chunks (or a subset of them, if the exclude parameter is specified) produced in the production build are indeed complied to the Hermes bytecode. Once again, big thanks for the contribution and I hope it's only the beginning of a great cooperation 🎉

📖 ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin Docs can be found here:

Minor Changes

  • #378 14afc61 Thanks @mikeduminy! - Add ChunksToHermesBytecodePlugin to transform all emitted chunks with Hermes

Patch Changes

  • #391 0693fda Thanks @jbroma! - Fix: stricter versions for dependencies inside podspec

  • #365 cf6c77a Thanks @jbroma! - Updated getResolveOptions exposed by RePack to prefer 'default' condition over webpack's defaults ['require', 'node']

  • #382 c1a5a2b Thanks @jbroma! - Fixed and issue where URL for remote asset only included basename from publicPath

repack-init v1.0.3

23 May 08:19
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Patch Changes

  • #363 470f10a Thanks @jbroma! - Fix bad package name when creating/updating react-native.config.js

repack-init v1.0.2

22 May 17:55
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Introducing @callstack/repack-init, which helps you setup RePack in your project in seconds!

After a few initial problems with release it's finally here!


repack-init is a utility npm package that automates the process of integrating the Repack bundler into React Native projects.

Here's a summary of the functionality repack-init provides:

  • Package Manager Detection: Identifies the package manager (npm or yarn) being used in the project.
  • React Native Verification: Checks whether React Native is installed in the project, and what version is being used.
  • Dependency Addition: Utilizes the established package manager to add necessary dependencies to the React-Native project.
  • Configuration of React Native Config: Checks for the existence of react-native.config.js and adds or modifies the necessary fields (commands).
  • Webpack Configuration: Creates and configures webpack.config.js based on user-provided flags (--mjs or --cjs).
  • iOS Modification: Updates the project.pbxproj file in the iOS directory.
  • Android Modification: Updates the build.gradle file in the Android directory based on specific React Native version requirements.

This tool aims to simplify the setup of Repack in React Native projects, ensuring developers can quickly start using Repack's features.


Minimum required node version: 16


Usage: @callstack/repack-init [options]

  -e, --entry    Path to main entry point for the React-Native project
                                                  [string] [default: "index.js"]
  -f, --format   Format of the webpack.config file
                               [string] [choices: "mjs", "cjs"] [default: "mjs"]
  -v, --verbose  Enables verbose logging              [boolean] [default: false]
      --version  Show version number                                   [boolean]
      --help     Show help                                             [boolean]

Example outputs

✔  Dependencies installed
✔  Created webpack.config.mjs from template
✔  Created react-native.config.js
✔  Added "webpack-bundle" as bundleCommand to android/app/build.gradle
✔  Added "webpack-bundle" as BUNDLE_COMMAND to build phase shellScript in ios/test1.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

🎉 Setup complete. Thanks for using Re.Pack!


Patch Changes

  • Build the package properly before publishing to npm 🤦


Patch Changes


Major Changes

  • #356 17faa69 Thanks @jbroma! - Introducing @callstack/repack-init, which helps you setup RePack in your project in seconds!


    npx @callstack/repack-init


25 Apr 12:21
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This release has two main features/improvements: Code Signing and Remote Assets.

Remote Assets

This has been an issue (#147, #223) for a long time, Repack users had to either manually implement a way to expose static assets (like images, videos etc) from the Remote Chunks/Federated Modules and then consume them in the Host Apps/Super Apps or, there was a more straightforward way – configure assets loader to base64 encode the images and inline them into the JS bundles. This was not the ideal solution because then the JS bundles quickly exploded in size, especially if the remote code was assets heavy.

Thanks to fantastic work from @jbroma, a built-in solution in Repack makes it easier to generate Remote Assets during build time and automatically adjust the JS bundles to use these assets. More thorough guides on handling assets are being worked on and will soon be added to the documentation website. For now, please refer to the usage section in the PR description: #331

Code Signing

This is a big one 🚀 ! Security is critical, especially in applications that allow remote code execution. That's why we bring an easy-to-configure way to cryptographically sign bundles which will be available for remote consumption in the Module Federation architecture. This will make it easy to ensure that the code the final users of your app are downloading is the code you intend them to download and is not tampered with. For more context and info on how to set it up, please refer to this PR: #348. We create a documentation page dedicated to this topic soon.


Minor Changes

Code Signing:

  • #318 6e12c14 Thanks @jbroma! - Added CodeSigning abilities to RePack:

  • #348 76e98e9 Thanks @jbroma! - Embed code-signing signatures into the bundles:

    • This potentially is a breaking change: min iOS version was bumped from 10 to 12 due to the usage of JWTDecode dependency
    • Introduced CodeSigningPlugin for generating code-signed bundles
    • Implemented CodeSigningUtils extension for native part of the ScriptManager to verify signed bundles on Android and iOS

Remote Assets

Patch Changes

  • #330 f142e06 Thanks @jbroma! - Code-Signing - move execution of the plugin to the later stage of compilation
  • #347 2180c09 Thanks @jbroma! - Fix OutputPlugin issue where chunks have no associated files with them


Minor Changes

Patch Changes


07 Apr 14:24
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3.2.0-rc.1 Pre-release

This release candidate improves Code Signing implementation and brings a few additional improvements related to the Assets handling.

Minor Changes

Patch Changes

  • #330 f142e06 Thanks @jbroma! - Code-Signing - move execution of the plugin to the later stage of compilation


21 Mar 10:56
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3.2.0-rc.0 Pre-release

This Release candidate introduces a new feature – Code Signing. It allows you to sign your bundles during build time and verify them on the client side. This feature is currently in experimental mode and the implementation is subject to change. Once we are confident that the API is stable, we will release a stable version of this feature along with the documentation and examples.

Minor Changes

  • #318 6e12c14 Thanks @jbroma! - Added CodeSigning abilities to RePack:

    • Introduced CodeSigningPlugin for generating code-signing mapping files
    • Implemented CodeSigningUtils extension for ScriptManager to verify signed bundles on Android and iOS


07 Mar 08:46
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All packages

Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes


Patch Changes