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File metadata and controls

160 lines (117 loc) · 6.78 KB


  • See example.bashrc for instructions on how to add some useful shell aliases that provides even tighter integration between drush and bash. You may source this file directly into your shell by adding to your .bashrc (or equivalent): source /path/to/drush/examples/example.bashrc

  • If you didn't source it the step above, see top of file for instructions on adding completion for drush commands to your shell. Once configured, completion works for site aliases, command names, shell aliases, global options, and command-specific options.

  • Optional. If is being sourced (ideally in bash_completion.d), you can use the supplied __drush_ps1() sh function to add your current drush site (set with drush use @sitename) to your PS1 prompt like so:

    if [ "\$(type -t __git_ps1)" ] && [ "\$(type -t __drush_ps1)" ]; then
      PS1='\u@\h \w$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")$(__drush_ps1 "[%s]")\$ '

    Putting this in a .bashrc/.bash_profile/.profile would produce this prompt:

    msonnabaum@hostname ~/repos/drush (master)[@sitename]$

  • Help the Drush development team by sending anonymized usage statistics. To automatically send usage data, please add the following to a .drushrc.php file:

    $options['drush_usage_log'] = TRUE;
    $options['drush_usage_send'] = TRUE;

    Stats are usually logged locally and sent whenever log file exceeds 50Kb. Alternatively, one may disable automatic sending and instead use usage-show and usage-send commands to more carefully send data.

Additional Configurations for Mamp:

Users of MAMP will need to manually specify in their PATH which version of php and MySQL to use in the command line interface. This is independent of the php version selected in the MAMP application settings. Under OS X, edit (or create if it does not already exist) a file called .bash_profile in your home folder.

If you want to use php 5.4.x, add this line:

export PATH="/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.4/bin:$PATH"

If you use MAMP 3 (php 5.5.14 by default) and want to use php 5.5.x , add this line instead:

export PATH="/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.14/bin:$PATH"

If you have MAMP v.1.84 or lower, this configuration will work for both versions of PHP:

export PATH="/Applications/MAMP/Library/bin:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php5/bin:$PATH"

If you have done this and are still getting a "no such file or directory" error from PDO::__construct, try this:

  sudo mkdir /var/mysql
  sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock

Additionally, you may need to adjust your php.ini settings before you can use drush successfully. See CONFIGURING PHP.INI below for more details on how to proceed.

Additional Configurations for Other amp Stacks:

Users of other Apache distributions such as XAMPP, or Acquia's Dev Desktop v1 will want to ensure that its php can be found by the command line by adding it to the PATH variable, using the method in 3.b above. Depending on the version and distribution of your AMP stack, PHP might reside at:

Path Application
/Applications/acquia-drupal/php/bin Acquia Dev Desktop v1 (Mac). v2 has own Drush.
/Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/bin XAMP (Mac)
/opt/lampp/bin XAMPP (Windows)

Additionally, you may need to adjust your php.ini settings before you can use drush successfully. See CONFIGURING PHP.INI below for more details on how to proceed.

Running a Specific php for Drush

If you want to run Drush with a specific version of php, rather than the php defined by your shell, you can add an environment variable to your the shell configuration file called .profile, .bash_profile, .bash_aliases, or .bashrc that is located in your home folder:

export DRUSH_PHP='/path/to/php'

Configuring php.ini

Usually, php is configured to use separate php.ini files for the web server and the command line. Make sure that Drush's php.ini is given as much memory to work with as the web server is; otherwise, Drupal might run out of memory when Drush bootstraps it.

To see which php.ini file Drush is using, run:

$ drush status

To see which php.ini file the webserver is using, use the phpinfo() function in a .php web page. See

If Drush is using the same php.ini file as the web server, you can create a php.ini file exclusively for Drush by copying your web server's php.ini file to the folder $HOME/.drush or the folder /etc/drush. Then you may edit this file and change the settings described above without affecting the php enviornment of your web server.

Alternately, if you only want to override a few values, copy example.drush.ini from the /examples folder into $HOME/.drush or the folder /etc/drush and edit to suit. See comments in example.drush.ini for more details.

You may also use environment variables to control the php settings that Drush will use. There are three options:

export PHP_INI='/path/to/php.ini'
export DRUSH_INI='/path/to/drush.ini'
export PHP_OPTIONS='-d memory_limit="128M"'

In the case of PHP_INI and DRUSH_INI, these environment variables specify the full path to a php.ini or drush.ini file, should you wish to use one that is not in one of the standard locations described above. The PHP_OPTIONS environment variable can be used to specify individual options that should be passed to php on the command line when Drush is executed.

Drush requires a fairly unrestricted php environment to run in. In particular, you should insure that safe_mode, open_basedir, disable_functions and disable_classes are empty.


If you get tired of typing options all the time you can contain them in a drushrc.php file. Multiple Drush configuration files can provide the flexibility of providing specific options in different site directories of a multi-site installation. See example.drushrc.php for examples and installation details.

Configuring Drush for Php 5.5

If you are running on Linux, you may find that you need the php5-json package. On Ubuntu, you can install it via:

apt-get install php5-json