All notable changes to the spring data Couchbase project will be documented in this file, in a per release basis.
- Upgrade spring boot lib from 2.2.2.RELEASE to 2.2.6.RELEASE
- Code format and clean up
- Upgrade spring boot lib from 2.1.7.RELEASE to 2.2.1.RELEASE
- Add new example for query: DELETE FROM ...
- Add another example for Java UUID generator for the key: PhoneDoc
- Add more links in the documentation with examples
- Upgrade spring boot lib from 2.1.6.RELEASE to 2.1.7.RELEASE
- The service logs the newly created key
- Set a different name on the @Field annotation for the PhoneDoc
- Add Couchbase Document @NotNull validations for the ProductDoc and PhoneDoc
- Add more examples of the usage of the template N1ql queries
- Minor code cleanup
- Fix the hashCode and equals methods
- Fix HTTP response statuses
- Fix silent exceptions Spring Data Couchbase hide
- Upgrade spring boot lib from 2.1.5.RELEASE to 2.1.6.RELEASE
- upgrade spring boot from 2.1.3.RELEASE to 2.1.5.RELEASE
- upgrade spring boot from 2.1.2.RELEASE to 2.1.3.RELEASE
- upgrade spring boot from 2.1.0.RELEASE to 2.1.2.RELEASE
- remove @ResponseBody annotation because the @RestController already includes that
- branch multiple buckets integrated in main repo
- upgrade spring boot from 2.0.6.RELEASE to 2.1.0.RELEASE
- configuration to support multiple buckets with examples: controller, service, repo, counter, configuration
- secondary indexes: idx_user_find_by_nickname, idx_user_find_by_name
- examples of key generation: UserDoc -> uses a Couchbase atomic counter. CarDoc -> uses doc attributes. ProductDoc -> uses random uuid.
- upgrade spring boot to 2.0.3
Tag: project_r1_v2
- add google formatter
- upgrade spring boot to 2.0.1
Tag: project_r1_v1
- upgrade to spring boot 2
- add changelog file
- spring boot servlet initializer package
- MockitoJUnitRunner package
- junit tests
- findOne crud repository (the api changed)
- exists crud repository (the api changed)
- delete crud repository (the api changed)