An ExperienceEvent captures observations, including the point in time and identity of the subject involved. Experience Events are fact records of what occurred, representing what happened without aggregation or interpretation. They are critical for time-domain analytics as they allow for observation and analysis of changes that occur in a given window of time and the comparison between multiple windows of time to track trends. Experience Events can be either explicit (directly observable human actions) or implicit (raised without a direct human action).
Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Defined In |
Can be instantiated | Yes | Stabilizing | No | Forbidden | Permitted | context/experienceevent.schema.json |
- XDM ExperienceEvent
- Extensibility Base Schema
- IdentityMap
- Time-series Schema
- Extensibility Base Schema
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"xdm:mediaChapter": {
"xdm:chapterAssetReference": {
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"dc:title": "Chapter1",
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"xdm:index": 0,
"xdm:offset": 0
"xdm:impressions": {
"xdm:value": 1
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"xdm:value": 1
"xdm:timePlayed": {
"xdm:value": 44
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"xdm:value": 0
Property | Type | Required | Defined by |
@id | string |
Required | Time-series Schema |
xdm:eventType | string |
Optional | Time-series Schema |
xdm:identityMap | object |
Optional | IdentityMap |
xdm:timestamp | string |
Required | Time-series Schema |
* |
any | Additional | this schema allows additional properties |
A unique identifier for the time-series event.
- is required
- type:
- defined in Time-series Schema
- format:
– URI Reference (according to RFC3986)
The primary event type for this time-series record.
- is optional
- type:
- defined in Time-series Schema
Value | Description |
advertising.completes |
Indicates if a timed media asset was watched to completion - this does not necessarily mean the viewer watched the whole video; viewer could have skipped ahead. |
advertising.timePlayed |
Describes the amount of time spent by a user on a specific timed media asset. |
advertising.federated |
Indicates if an experience event was created through data federation (data sharing between customers). |
advertising.clicks |
Click(s) actions on an advertisement. |
advertising.conversions |
A customer pre-defined action(s) which triggers an event for performance evaluation. |
advertising.firstQuartiles |
A digital video ad has played through 25% of its duration at normal speed. |
advertising.impressions |
Impression(s) of an advertisement to an end-user with the potential of being viewed. |
advertising.midpoints |
A digital video ad has played through 50% of its duration at normal speed. |
advertising.starts |
A digital video ad has started playing. |
advertising.thirdQuartiles |
A digital video ad has played through 75% of its duration at normal speed. |
web.webpagedetails.pageViews |
View(s) of a webpage has occurred. |
web.webinteraction.linkClicks |
Click of a web-link has occurred. |
commerce.checkouts |
An action during a checkout process of a product list, there can be more than one checkout event if there are multiple steps in a checkout process. If there are multiple steps the event time information and referenced page or experience is used to identify the step individual events represent in order. |
commerce.productListAdds |
Addition of a product to the product list. Example a product is added to a shopping cart. |
commerce.productListOpens |
Initializations of a new product list. Example a shopping cart is created. |
commerce.productListRemovals |
Removal(s) of a product entry from a product list. Example a product is removed from a shopping cart. |
commerce.productListReopens |
A product list that was no longer accessible(abandoned) has been re-activated by the user. Example via a re-marketing activity. |
commerce.productListViews |
View(s) of a product-list has occurred. |
commerce.productViews |
View(s) of a product have occurred. |
commerce.purchases |
An order has been accepted. Purchase is the only required action in a commerce conversion. Purchase must have a product list referenced. |
commerce.saveForLaters |
Product list is saved for future use. Example a product wish list. |
- is optional
- type:
- defined in IdentityMap
with following properties:
Property | Type | Required |
The time when an event or observation occurred.
- is required
- type:
- defined in Time-series Schema
- format:
– date and time (according to RFC 3339, section 5.6)