Push addressing details are used to communicate with applications that are installed on devices or SaaS application accounts.
Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Defined In |
Can be instantiated | Yes | Experimental | No | Forbidden | Permitted | context/profile-push-details.schema.json |
- Profile Push Details
- Extensibility Base Schema
- Extensibility Base Schema
"xdm:pushNotificationTokens": [
"xdm:token": "ABC123DEFG",
"xdm:registrationDate": "2017-09-26T15:52:25+00:00",
"xdm:environment": {
"xdm:type": "browser",
"xdm:browserDetails": {
"xdm:name": "Chrome",
"xdm:version": "63.0.3239",
"xdm:acceptLanguage": "en",
"xdm:cookiesEnabled": true,
"xdm:javaScriptEnabled": true,
"xdm:javaScriptVersion": "1.8.5",
"xdm:javaEnabled": true,
"xdm:javaVersion": "Java SE 8",
"xdm:viewportHeight": 600,
"xdm:viewportWidth": 300
"xdm:operatingSystem": "iOS",
"xdm:operatingSystemVersion": "11.2.1",
"xdm:connectionType": "mobile"
"xdm:device": {
"xdm:typeId": "TypeIdentifier-111",
"xdm:typeIdService": "deviceAtlas",
"xdm:type": "mobile",
"xdm:manufacturer": "Apple",
"xdm:model": "iPhone 6",
"xdm:modelNumber": "A1586",
"xdm:screenHeight": 667,
"xdm:screenWidth": 375,
"xdm:colorDepth": 16777216
"xdm:application": {
"xdm:id": "Abc123",
"xdm:name": "facebook",
"xdm:version": "153.0"
"xdm:channel": {
"@id": "",
"@type": ""
Property | Type | Required | Defined by |
xdm:pushNotificationTokens | Push Notification Token | Optional | Profile Push Details (this schema) |
* |
any | Additional | this schema allows additional properties |
Push notification tokens are used to communicate with applications that are installed on devices or SaaS application accounts.
is optional
type: Push Notification Token
defined in this schema
Array type: Push Notification Token
All items must be of the type:
- Push Notification Token –