DL-DNA can extract feature vector(DNA) for a 2D image and calculate image similarities between two images using Deep-Learning models.
- Extract image feature vector (DNA)
- Calculate similarity between two images
- Perform similarity calculations with an image pair file
- Train and save custom models
- Load pre-trained models
dl_dna supports 4 DL models: triplet loss, mobilenet, vgg, and autoencoder.
Here are help messages for dl_dna.
Usage: dl-dna.py [<options>] <image name> : show DNA
<image name> <image name>: get similarity
<image pair file>: get similarities
-h: help(this message)
-m <model>: triplet_loss(default), mobilenet, vgg, autoencoder
-t <training file>: training mode with file path
triplet_loss: image list with triple fields
autoencoder: image list
mobilenet, vgg: not supported
-T <threshold>: threshold for model
mobilenet: minimum value of vector elements to be included in vector distance calculation
-s <path for save>: path for saving model
-l <path for load>: path for loading model
-u <units>: unit count for embedding vector (N_UNITS: env variable)
-f <image folder> (IMAGE_FOLDER)
-o <output image>: decoded image path(autoencoder only)
-e <epochs> (EPOCHS)
-S <seed> (SEED): random seed for deterministic run
-b <batch_size>: 0 means full batch
-v <options>: enable verbose output
k: keras output
t: triple loss output
T: simple triple loss output
Here are some examples.
- Extracting DNA from a single image
python dl_dna.py -m mobilenet -f /path/to/images -u 4 horse-142
- Calculating similarity between two images
python dl_dna.py -m mobilenet -f /path/to/images -u 8 rider-1 rider-2
You can also calculate similarity for pairs of images listed in a file.
python dl_dna.py -m mobilenet -f /path/to/images -u 8 /path/to/pairs/test_pairs.txt
- Train and Save a model
python dl-dna.py -m autoencoder -t train_list.txt -s /path/to/save/model -u 4 -f /path/to/images
- Load & Use a model
python dl-dna.py -m mobilenet -l /path/to/load/model -u 4 -f /path/to/images horse-142