To install the latest release of rxdb
and its dependencies and save it to your package.json
, run:
npm i rxdb --save
You also need to install the peer-dependency rxjs
if you have not installed it before.
npm i rxjs --save
RxDB is coded with es8 and transpiled to es5. This means you have to install polyfills to support older browsers. For example you can use the babel-polyfills with:
npm i @babel/polyfill --save
If you need polyfills, you have to import them in your code.
import '@babel/polyfill';
When you use RxDB with angular or other webpack based frameworks, you might get the error Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined. This is because some dependencies of RxDB assume a Node.js-specific global
variable that is not added to browser runtimes by some bundlers.
You have to add them by your own, like we do here.
(window as any).global = window;
(window as any).process = {
env: { DEBUG: undefined },
In the examples folder you can find CI tested projects for different frameworks and use cases, while in the /config folder base configuration files for Webpack, Rollup, Mocha, Karma, Typescript are exposed.
Consult package.json for the versions of the packages supported.
If you need the latest development state of RxDB, add it as git-dependency into your package.json
"dependencies": {
"rxdb": "git+"
Replace commitHash
with the hash of the latest build-commit.
To import rxdb
, add this to your JavaScript file to import the default bundle that contains the RxDB core:
import {
/* ... */
} from 'rxdb';