The Remote RxStorage is made to use a remote storage and communicate with it over an asynchronous message channel. The remote part could be on another JavaScript process or even on a different host machine. The remote storage plugin is used in many RxDB plugins like the worker or the electron plugin.
The remote storage communicates over a message channel which has to implement the messageChannelCreator
function which returns an object that has a messages$
observable and a send()
function on both sides and a close()
function that closes the RemoteMessageChannel.
// on the client
import { RxStorageDefaultStatics } from 'rxdb';
import { getRxStorageRemote } from 'rxdb/plugins/storage-remote';
const storage = getRxStorageRemote({
identifier: 'my-id',
statics: RxStorageDefaultStatics,
mode: 'storage',
messageChannelCreator: () => Promise.resolve({
messages$: new Subject(),
send(msg) {
// send to remote storage
const myDb = await createRxDatabase({
// on the remote
import { getRxStorageDexie } from 'rxdb/plugins/storage-dexie';
import { exposeRxStorageRemote } from 'rxdb/plugins/storage-remote';
storage: getRxStorageDexie(),
messages$: new Subject(),
// send to other side
The remote storage plugin contains helper functions to create a remote storage over a WebSocket server. This is often used in Node.js to give one microservice access to another services database without having to replicate the full database state.
// server.js
import { getRxStorageMemory } from 'rxdb/plugins/storage-memory';
import { startRxStorageRemoteWebsocketServer } from 'rxdb/plugins/storage-remote-websocket';
// either you can create the server based on a RxDatabase
const serverBasedOnDatabase = await startRxStorageRemoteWebsocketServer({
port: 8080,
database: myRxDatabase
// or you can create the server based on a pure RxStorage
const serverBasedOn = await startRxStorageRemoteWebsocketServer({
port: 8080,
storage: getRxStorageMemory()
// client.js
import { getRxStorageRemoteWebsocket } from 'rxdb/plugins/storage-remote-websocket';
const myDb = await createRxDatabase({
storage: getRxStorageRemoteWebsocket({
url: 'ws://'
The remote storage can also be used to send custom messages to and from the remote instance.
One the remote you have to define a customRequestHandler
const serverBasedOnDatabase = await startRxStorageRemoteWebsocketServer({
port: 8080,
database: myRxDatabase,
async customRequestHandler(msg){
// here you can return any JSON object as an 'answer'
return {
foo: 'bar'
On the client instance you can then call the customRequest()
const storage = getRxStorageRemoteWebsocket({
statics: RxStorageDefaultStatics,
url: 'ws://'
const answer = await storage.customRequest({ bar: 'foo' });
console.dir(answer); // > { foo: 'bar' }