diff --git a/src/api/bigDipperApi.ts b/src/api/bigDipperApi.ts
index 83b41126..e1a41a2c 100644
--- a/src/api/bigDipperApi.ts
+++ b/src/api/bigDipperApi.ts
@@ -1,40 +1,33 @@
 import { GraphQLClient } from '../helpers/graphql';
-import {
-  TotalSupplyResponse,
-  TotalStakedCoinsResponse,
-  ActiveValidatorsResponse,
-} from '../types/bigDipper';
+import { TotalSupplyResponse, TotalStakedCoinsResponse, ActiveValidatorsResponse } from '../types/bigDipper';
 export class BigDipperApi {
-  constructor(public readonly graphql_client: GraphQLClient) {}
+	constructor(public readonly graphql_client: GraphQLClient) {}
-  async getTotalSupply(): Promise<number> {
-    let query = `query TotalSupply {
+	async getTotalSupply(): Promise<number> {
+		let query = `query TotalSupply {
       supply {
-    let resp = await this.graphql_client.query<{
-      data: TotalSupplyResponse;
-    }>(query);
+		let resp = await this.graphql_client.query<{
+			data: TotalSupplyResponse;
+		}>(query);
-    return Number(
-      resp.data.supply[0].coins.find((coin) => coin.denom === 'ncheq')
-        ?.amount || '0'
-    );
-  }
+		return Number(resp.data.supply[0].coins.find((coin) => coin.denom === 'ncheq')?.amount || '0');
+	}
-  getTotalStakedCoins = async (): Promise<string> => {
-    let query = `query StakingInfo{
+	getTotalStakedCoins = async (): Promise<string> => {
+		let query = `query StakingInfo{
             staking_pool {
-    const resp = await this.graphql_client.query<{
-      data: TotalStakedCoinsResponse;
-    }>(query);
-    return resp.data.staking_pool[0].bonded_tokens;
-  };
+		const resp = await this.graphql_client.query<{
+			data: TotalStakedCoinsResponse;
+		}>(query);
+		return resp.data.staking_pool[0].bonded_tokens;
+	};
diff --git a/src/api/marketMonitorApi.ts b/src/api/marketMonitorApi.ts
index 82300a55..555b4dd1 100644
--- a/src/api/marketMonitorApi.ts
+++ b/src/api/marketMonitorApi.ts
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
 import { MarketMonitorData } from '../types/marketMonitor';
 export class MarketMonitorApi {
-  constructor(public readonly base_market_monitor_api_url: string) {}
+	constructor(public readonly base_market_monitor_api_url: string) {}
-  async getMarketMonitoringData(): Promise<MarketMonitorData> {
-    const requestOptions = {
-      method: 'GET',
-    };
-    const response = await fetch(
-      `${this.base_market_monitor_api_url}`,
-      requestOptions
-    );
-    return (await response.json()) as MarketMonitorData;
-  }
+	async getMarketMonitoringData(): Promise<MarketMonitorData> {
+		const requestOptions = {
+			method: 'GET',
+		};
+		const response = await fetch(`${this.base_market_monitor_api_url}`, requestOptions);
+		return (await response.json()) as MarketMonitorData;
+	}
diff --git a/src/api/nodeApi.ts b/src/api/nodeApi.ts
index 4c05d623..dfa70a15 100644
--- a/src/api/nodeApi.ts
+++ b/src/api/nodeApi.ts
@@ -1,79 +1,56 @@
-import {
-  Account,
-  Coin,
-  DelegationsResponse,
-  UnbondingResponse,
-  RewardsResponse
-} from '../types/node';
+import { Account, Coin, DelegationsResponse, UnbondingResponse, RewardsResponse } from '../types/node';
 export class NodeApi {
-  constructor(public readonly base_rest_api_url: string) {}
-  async getAccountInfo(address: string): Promise<Account> {
-    let resp = await fetch(
-      `${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts/${address}`
-    );
-    let respJson = (await resp.json()) as { account: Account };
-    return respJson.account;
-  }
-  async getAvailableBalance(address: string): Promise<Coin[]> {
-    let resp = await fetch(
-      `${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${address}`
-    );
-    let respJson = (await resp.json()) as { balances: Coin[] };
-    return respJson.balances;
-  }
-  async distributionGetRewards(address: string): Promise<number> {
-    let resp = await fetch(
-      `${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${address}/rewards`
-    );
-    let respJson = (await resp.json()) as RewardsResponse;
-    return Number(respJson?.total?.[0]?.amount ?? '0');
-  }
-  async getAllDelegations(
-    address: string,
-    offset: number,
-    should_count_total: boolean,
-    limit?: number
-  ) {
-    // order of query params: count_total -> offset -> limit
-    const pagination_count_total = should_count_total
-      ? 'pagination.count_total=true'
-      : 'pagination.count_total=false';
-    const pagination_limit = `pagination.limit=${
-      limit ? limit : REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT
-    }`;
-    const pagination_offset = `pagination.offset=${offset}`;
-    // NOTE: be cautious of newlines or spaces. Might make the request URL malformed
-    const resp = await fetch(
-      `${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegations/${address}?${pagination_count_total}&${pagination_limit}&${pagination_offset}`
-    );
-    return (await resp.json()) as DelegationsResponse;
-  }
-  async getAllUnbondingDelegations(
-    address: string,
-    offset: number,
-    should_count_total: boolean
-  ) {
-    // order of query params: count_total -> offset -> limit
-    const pagination_count_total = should_count_total
-      ? 'pagination.count_total=true'
-      : 'pagination.count_total=false';
-    const pagination_limit = `pagination.limit=${REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT}`;
-    const pagination_offset = `pagination.offset=${offset}`;
-    // NOTE: be cautious of new lines or spaces. Might make the request URL malformed
-    const resp = await fetch(
-      `${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${address}/unbonding_delegations?${pagination_count_total}&${pagination_limit}&${pagination_offset}`
-    );
-    return (await resp.json()) as UnbondingResponse;
-  }
+	constructor(public readonly base_rest_api_url: string) {}
+	async getAccountInfo(address: string): Promise<Account> {
+		let resp = await fetch(`${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts/${address}`);
+		let respJson = (await resp.json()) as { account: Account };
+		return respJson.account;
+	}
+	async getAvailableBalance(address: string): Promise<Coin[]> {
+		let resp = await fetch(`${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${address}`);
+		let respJson = (await resp.json()) as { balances: Coin[] };
+		return respJson.balances;
+	}
+	async distributionGetRewards(address: string): Promise<number> {
+		let resp = await fetch(`${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${address}/rewards`);
+		let respJson = (await resp.json()) as RewardsResponse;
+		return Number(respJson?.total?.[0]?.amount ?? '0');
+	}
+	async getAllDelegations(address: string, offset: number, should_count_total: boolean, limit?: number) {
+		// order of query params: count_total -> offset -> limit
+		const pagination_count_total = should_count_total
+			? 'pagination.count_total=true'
+			: 'pagination.count_total=false';
+		const pagination_limit = `pagination.limit=${limit ? limit : REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT}`;
+		const pagination_offset = `pagination.offset=${offset}`;
+		// NOTE: be cautious of newlines or spaces. Might make the request URL malformed
+		const resp = await fetch(
+			`${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegations/${address}?${pagination_count_total}&${pagination_limit}&${pagination_offset}`
+		);
+		return (await resp.json()) as DelegationsResponse;
+	}
+	async getAllUnbondingDelegations(address: string, offset: number, should_count_total: boolean) {
+		// order of query params: count_total -> offset -> limit
+		const pagination_count_total = should_count_total
+			? 'pagination.count_total=true'
+			: 'pagination.count_total=false';
+		const pagination_limit = `pagination.limit=${REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT}`;
+		const pagination_offset = `pagination.offset=${offset}`;
+		// NOTE: be cautious of new lines or spaces. Might make the request URL malformed
+		const resp = await fetch(
+			`${this.base_rest_api_url}/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${address}/unbonding_delegations?${pagination_count_total}&${pagination_limit}&${pagination_offset}`
+		);
+		return (await resp.json()) as UnbondingResponse;
+	}
diff --git a/src/bindings.d.ts b/src/bindings.d.ts
index 931a0958..b1d03a09 100644
--- a/src/bindings.d.ts
+++ b/src/bindings.d.ts
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 declare global {
-  const TOKEN_EXPONENT: number;
-  const REST_API: string;
-  const GRAPHQL_API: string;
-  const MARKET_MONITORING_API: string;
-  const WEBHOOK_URL: string;
+	const TOKEN_EXPONENT: number;
+	const REST_API: string;
+	const GRAPHQL_API: string;
+	const MARKET_MONITORING_API: string;
+	const WEBHOOK_URL: string;
 export {};
diff --git a/src/handlers/allArbitrageOpportunities.ts b/src/handlers/allArbitrageOpportunities.ts
index 6d1177f0..83adeb09 100644
--- a/src/handlers/allArbitrageOpportunities.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/allArbitrageOpportunities.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,14 @@
-import { MarketMonitorApi } from "../api/marketMonitorApi";
+import { MarketMonitorApi } from '../api/marketMonitorApi';
 export async function fetchPrices() {
-  let market_monitor_api = new MarketMonitorApi(
-  );
-  return await market_monitor_api.getMarketMonitoringData();
+	let market_monitor_api = new MarketMonitorApi(`${MARKET_MONITORING_API}`);
+	return await market_monitor_api.getMarketMonitoringData();
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  const payload = await fetchPrices();
-  return new Response(JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2), {
-    headers: {
-      "content-type": "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
-    },
-  });
+	const payload = await fetchPrices();
+	return new Response(JSON.stringify(payload, null, 2), {
+		headers: {
+			'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
+		},
+	});
diff --git a/src/handlers/arbitrageOpportunities.ts b/src/handlers/arbitrageOpportunities.ts
index bc6cdede..d967d004 100644
--- a/src/handlers/arbitrageOpportunities.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/arbitrageOpportunities.ts
@@ -2,29 +2,25 @@ import { MarketMonitorApi } from '../api/marketMonitorApi';
 import { ArbitrageOpportunity } from '../types/marketMonitor';
 async function fetchPrices() {
-  let market_monitor_api = new MarketMonitorApi(
-  );
-  return await market_monitor_api.getMarketMonitoringData();
+	let market_monitor_api = new MarketMonitorApi(`${MARKET_MONITORING_API}`);
+	return await market_monitor_api.getMarketMonitoringData();
-export async function filterArbitrageOpportunities(): Promise<
-  ArbitrageOpportunity[]
-> {
-  const payload = await fetchPrices();
-  const arbitrage_opportunities = [];
-  for (let i = 0; i < payload.arbitrageOpportunities.length; i++) {
-    if (payload.arbitrageOpportunities[i].arbitragePossible) {
-      arbitrage_opportunities.push(payload.arbitrageOpportunities[i]);
-    }
-  }
-  return arbitrage_opportunities;
+export async function filterArbitrageOpportunities(): Promise<ArbitrageOpportunity[]> {
+	const payload = await fetchPrices();
+	const arbitrage_opportunities = [];
+	for (let i = 0; i < payload.arbitrageOpportunities.length; i++) {
+		if (payload.arbitrageOpportunities[i].arbitragePossible) {
+			arbitrage_opportunities.push(payload.arbitrageOpportunities[i]);
+		}
+	}
+	return arbitrage_opportunities;
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  const arbitrage_opportunities = await filterArbitrageOpportunities();
-  return new Response(JSON.stringify(arbitrage_opportunities, null, 2), {
-    headers: {
-      'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
-    },
-  });
+	const arbitrage_opportunities = await filterArbitrageOpportunities();
+	return new Response(JSON.stringify(arbitrage_opportunities, null, 2), {
+		headers: {
+			'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
+		},
+	});
diff --git a/src/handlers/circulatingSupply.ts b/src/handlers/circulatingSupply.ts
index bbf5fed2..6644a868 100644
--- a/src/handlers/circulatingSupply.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/circulatingSupply.ts
@@ -2,12 +2,11 @@ import { Request } from 'itty-router';
 import { getCirculatingSupply } from '../helpers/circulating';
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  try {
-    let circulating_supply = await getCirculatingSupply();
-    return new Response(circulating_supply);
-  }
-  catch (err: any) {
-    console.log(err);
-    throw new Error(err.message);
-  }
+	try {
+		let circulating_supply = await getCirculatingSupply();
+		return new Response(circulating_supply);
+	} catch (err: any) {
+		console.log(err);
+		throw new Error(err.message);
+	}
diff --git a/src/handlers/liquidBalance.ts b/src/handlers/liquidBalance.ts
index eb34969b..e86f687d 100644
--- a/src/handlers/liquidBalance.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/liquidBalance.ts
@@ -1,35 +1,44 @@
-import { Request } from "itty-router";
-import { isDelayedVestingAccount, isVestingAccount, isValidAddress } from "../helpers/validate";
-import { NodeApi } from "../api/nodeApi";
-import { calculateVesting } from "../helpers/vesting";
-import { convertToMainTokenDenom } from "../helpers/currency";
+import { Request } from 'itty-router';
+import { isDelayedVestingAccount, isVestingAccount, isValidAddress } from '../helpers/validate';
+import { NodeApi } from '../api/nodeApi';
+import { calculateVesting } from '../helpers/vesting';
+import { convertToMainTokenDenom } from '../helpers/currency';
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-    const address = request.params?.['address'];
-    if (!address || !isValidAddress(address)) {
-        throw new Error("No address specified or wrong address format.");
-    }
-    let api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
-    const account = await api.getAccountInfo(address)
-    if (!isVestingAccount(account["@type"])) {
-        throw new Error(`Only vesting accounts are supported. Accounts type '${account["@type"]}'.`)
-    }
-    if(isDelayedVestingAccount(account?.["@type"])) {
-        let balance = account?.base_vesting_account?.base_account?.sequence !== '0' ? Number(await (await api.getAvailableBalance(address)).find(b => b.denom === "ncheq")?.amount ?? '0') : 0;
-        let rewards = Number(await (await api.distributionGetRewards(address)) ?? '0');
-        let delegated = Number(account?.base_vesting_account?.delegated_free?.find(d => d.denom === "ncheq")?.amount ?? '0');
-        return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(balance + rewards + delegated));
-    }
-    let vested_coins = Number(calculateVesting(account)?.vested);
-    let balance = Number(await (await api.getAvailableBalance(address)).find(b => b.denom === "ncheq")?.amount ?? '0')
-    let rewards = Number(await (await api.distributionGetRewards(address)) ?? '0');
-    let liquid_coins = vested_coins + balance + rewards;
-    return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(liquid_coins));
+	const address = request.params?.['address'];
+	if (!address || !isValidAddress(address)) {
+		throw new Error('No address specified or wrong address format.');
+	}
+	let api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
+	const account = await api.getAccountInfo(address);
+	if (!isVestingAccount(account['@type'])) {
+		throw new Error(`Only vesting accounts are supported. Accounts type '${account['@type']}'.`);
+	}
+	if (isDelayedVestingAccount(account?.['@type'])) {
+		let balance =
+			account?.base_vesting_account?.base_account?.sequence !== '0'
+				? Number(
+						(await (await api.getAvailableBalance(address)).find((b) => b.denom === 'ncheq')?.amount) ?? '0'
+				  )
+				: 0;
+		let rewards = Number((await await api.distributionGetRewards(address)) ?? '0');
+		let delegated = Number(
+			account?.base_vesting_account?.delegated_free?.find((d) => d.denom === 'ncheq')?.amount ?? '0'
+		);
+		return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(balance + rewards + delegated));
+	}
+	let vested_coins = Number(calculateVesting(account)?.vested);
+	let balance = Number(
+		(await (await api.getAvailableBalance(address)).find((b) => b.denom === 'ncheq')?.amount) ?? '0'
+	);
+	let rewards = Number((await await api.distributionGetRewards(address)) ?? '0');
+	let liquid_coins = vested_coins + balance + rewards;
+	return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(liquid_coins));
diff --git a/src/handlers/totalBalance.ts b/src/handlers/totalBalance.ts
index 28fd0892..e3f2bb0b 100644
--- a/src/handlers/totalBalance.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/totalBalance.ts
@@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ import { Request } from 'itty-router';
 import { fetchAccountBalances } from '../helpers/balance';
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  const address = request.params?.['address'];
-  let account_balance_infos = await fetchAccountBalances(
-    address!!
-  );
-  return new Response(account_balance_infos?.totalBalance.toString());
+	const address = request.params?.['address'];
+	let account_balance_infos = await fetchAccountBalances(address!!);
+	return new Response(account_balance_infos?.totalBalance.toString());
diff --git a/src/handlers/totalStakedCoins.ts b/src/handlers/totalStakedCoins.ts
index cb7abf89..d0031e4d 100644
--- a/src/handlers/totalStakedCoins.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/totalStakedCoins.ts
@@ -4,10 +4,10 @@ import { convertToMainTokenDenom } from '../helpers/currency';
 import { GraphQLClient } from '../helpers/graphql';
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  let gql_client = new GraphQLClient(GRAPHQL_API);
-  let bd_api = new BigDipperApi(gql_client);
+	let gql_client = new GraphQLClient(GRAPHQL_API);
+	let bd_api = new BigDipperApi(gql_client);
-  let total_staked_coins = await bd_api.getTotalStakedCoins();
+	let total_staked_coins = await bd_api.getTotalStakedCoins();
-  return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(Number(total_staked_coins)));
+	return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(Number(total_staked_coins)));
diff --git a/src/handlers/totalSupply.ts b/src/handlers/totalSupply.ts
index 55c950b5..0eba2443 100644
--- a/src/handlers/totalSupply.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/totalSupply.ts
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import { convertToMainTokenDenom } from '../helpers/currency';
 import { GraphQLClient } from '../helpers/graphql';
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  let gql_client = new GraphQLClient(GRAPHQL_API);
-  let bd_api = new BigDipperApi(gql_client);
-  const total_supply = await bd_api.getTotalSupply();
-  return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_supply));
+	let gql_client = new GraphQLClient(GRAPHQL_API);
+	let bd_api = new BigDipperApi(gql_client);
+	const total_supply = await bd_api.getTotalSupply();
+	return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_supply));
diff --git a/src/handlers/vestedBalance.ts b/src/handlers/vestedBalance.ts
index afb261fa..6f2a3414 100644
--- a/src/handlers/vestedBalance.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/vestedBalance.ts
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
 import { Request } from 'itty-router';
-import {
-  isVestingAccount,
-  isValidAddress,
-} from '../helpers/validate';
+import { isVestingAccount, isValidAddress } from '../helpers/validate';
 import { NodeApi } from '../api/nodeApi';
 import { calculateVesting } from '../helpers/vesting';
 import { convertToMainTokenDenom } from '../helpers/currency';
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  const address = request.params?.['address'];
+	const address = request.params?.['address'];
-  if (!address || !isValidAddress(address)) {
-    throw new Error('No address specified or wrong address format.');
-  }
+	if (!address || !isValidAddress(address)) {
+		throw new Error('No address specified or wrong address format.');
+	}
-  let api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
-  const account = await api.getAccountInfo(address);
+	let api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
+	const account = await api.getAccountInfo(address);
-  if (!isVestingAccount(account['@type'])) {
-    throw new Error(
-      `Only vesting accounts are supported. Accounts type '${account['@type']}'.`
-    );
-  }
+	if (!isVestingAccount(account['@type'])) {
+		throw new Error(`Only vesting accounts are supported. Accounts type '${account['@type']}'.`);
+	}
-  let vested_coins = calculateVesting(account)?.vested;
+	let vested_coins = calculateVesting(account)?.vested;
-  return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(vested_coins!!));
+	return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(vested_coins!!));
diff --git a/src/handlers/vestingBalance.ts b/src/handlers/vestingBalance.ts
index cc34551e..211bcc43 100644
--- a/src/handlers/vestingBalance.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/vestingBalance.ts
@@ -1,29 +1,24 @@
 import { Request } from 'itty-router';
-import {
-  isVestingAccount,
-  isValidAddress,
-} from '../helpers/validate';
+import { isVestingAccount, isValidAddress } from '../helpers/validate';
 import { NodeApi } from '../api/nodeApi';
 import { calculateVesting } from '../helpers/vesting';
 import { convertToMainTokenDenom } from '../helpers/currency';
 export async function handler(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
-  const address = request.params?.['address'];
+	const address = request.params?.['address'];
-  if (!address || !isValidAddress(address)) {
-    throw new Error('No address specified or wrong address format.');
-  }
+	if (!address || !isValidAddress(address)) {
+		throw new Error('No address specified or wrong address format.');
+	}
-  let api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
-  const account = await api.getAccountInfo(address);
+	let api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
+	const account = await api.getAccountInfo(address);
-  if (!isVestingAccount(account['@type'])) {
-    throw new Error(
-      `Only vesting accounts are supported. Accounts type '${account['@type']}'.`
-    );
-  }
+	if (!isVestingAccount(account['@type'])) {
+		throw new Error(`Only vesting accounts are supported. Accounts type '${account['@type']}'.`);
+	}
-  let vestingCoins = calculateVesting(account)?.vesting;
+	let vestingCoins = calculateVesting(account)?.vesting;
-  return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(vestingCoins!!));
+	return new Response(convertToMainTokenDenom(vestingCoins!!));
diff --git a/src/handlers/webhookTriggers.ts b/src/handlers/webhookTriggers.ts
index 602d9cae..a81e6068 100644
--- a/src/handlers/webhookTriggers.ts
+++ b/src/handlers/webhookTriggers.ts
@@ -2,49 +2,49 @@ import { updateCirculatingSupply } from '../helpers/circulating';
 import { filterArbitrageOpportunities } from './arbitrageOpportunities';
 export async function webhookTriggers(event: ScheduledEvent) {
-  console.log('Triggering webhook...');
-  await sendPriceDiscrepancies();
+	console.log('Triggering webhook...');
+	await sendPriceDiscrepancies();
-  await updateCirculatingSupply(getHour());
+	await updateCirculatingSupply(getHour());
 export async function sendPriceDiscrepancies() {
-  try {
-    console.log('Sending price discrepancies...');
+	try {
+		console.log('Sending price discrepancies...');
-    const arbitrageOpportunities = await filterArbitrageOpportunities();
-    const hasArbitrageOpportunities = arbitrageOpportunities.length > 0;
-    if (hasArbitrageOpportunities) {
-      console.log('Arbitrage opportunities...');
-      try {
-        const init = {
-          body: JSON.stringify({
-            arbitrage_opportunities: arbitrageOpportunities,
-          }),
-          method: 'POST',
-          headers: {
-            'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
-          },
-        };
+		const arbitrageOpportunities = await filterArbitrageOpportunities();
+		const hasArbitrageOpportunities = arbitrageOpportunities.length > 0;
+		if (hasArbitrageOpportunities) {
+			console.log('Arbitrage opportunities...');
+			try {
+				const init = {
+					body: JSON.stringify({
+						arbitrage_opportunities: arbitrageOpportunities,
+					}),
+					method: 'POST',
+					headers: {
+						'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
+					},
+				};
-        await fetch(WEBHOOK_URL, init);
-      } catch (err: any) {
-        console.log(err);
-      }
-    }
-  } catch (e) {
-    console.log('Error at: ', 'sendPriceDiscrepancies');
-  }
+				await fetch(WEBHOOK_URL, init);
+			} catch (err: any) {
+				console.log(err);
+			}
+		}
+	} catch (e) {
+		console.log('Error at: ', 'sendPriceDiscrepancies');
+	}
 function getHour(): number {
-  // This function only works when CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_GROUPS is set to 24
-  let hour = Number( (new Date().getHours()) + 1 ); // getHours() returns 0-23
-  return hour;
+	// This function only works when CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_GROUPS is set to 24
+	let hour = Number(new Date().getHours() + 1); // getHours() returns 0-23
+	return hour;
 function getRandomGroup(group: number): number {
-  let min = 1;
-  let max = Math.floor(group);
-  return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
+	let min = 1;
+	let max = Math.floor(group);
+	return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
diff --git a/src/helpers/balance.ts b/src/helpers/balance.ts
index 656549c7..af8bfb8d 100644
--- a/src/helpers/balance.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/balance.ts
@@ -1,133 +1,106 @@
 import { NodeApi } from '../api/nodeApi';
-import { 
-  AccountBalanceInfos,
-  DelegationsResponse,
-  UnbondingResponse
-} from '../types/node';
+import { AccountBalanceInfos, DelegationsResponse, UnbondingResponse } from '../types/node';
 import { convertToMainTokenDenom } from './currency';
-import {  } from '../types/node';
-export async function fetchAccountBalances(
-  address: string
-): Promise<AccountBalanceInfos | null> {
-  const node_api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
-  const available_balance = await node_api.getAvailableBalance(address);
-  let available_balance_in_ncheq = 0;
-  if (available_balance.length > 0) {
-    available_balance_in_ncheq = Number(available_balance[0]?.amount);
-  }
-  const reward_balance_in_ncheq = await node_api.distributionGetRewards(
-    address
-  );
-  const total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq =
-    await calculateTotalDelegationBalance(
-      await node_api.getAllDelegations(
-        address,
-        0, // first call
-        true
-      ),
-      Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT) // second call
-    );
-  const total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq =
-    await calculateTotalUnbondingBalance(
-      await node_api.getAllUnbondingDelegations(
-        address,
-        0, // first call
-        true
-      ),
-      Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT) // second call
-    );
-  return {
-    totalBalance: Number(
-      convertToMainTokenDenom(
-        available_balance_in_ncheq +
-          reward_balance_in_ncheq +
-          total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq +
-          total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq
-      )
-    ),
-    availableBalance: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(available_balance_in_ncheq)),
-    rewards: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(reward_balance_in_ncheq)),
-    delegated: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq)),
-    unbonding: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq)),
-    timeUpdated: new Date().toUTCString(),
-  };
+import {} from '../types/node';
+export async function fetchAccountBalances(address: string): Promise<AccountBalanceInfos | null> {
+	const node_api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
+	const available_balance = await node_api.getAvailableBalance(address);
+	let available_balance_in_ncheq = 0;
+	if (available_balance.length > 0) {
+		available_balance_in_ncheq = Number(available_balance[0]?.amount);
+	}
+	const reward_balance_in_ncheq = await node_api.distributionGetRewards(address);
+	const total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq = await calculateTotalDelegationBalance(
+		await node_api.getAllDelegations(
+			address,
+			0, // first call
+			true
+		),
+		Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT) // second call
+	);
+	const total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq = await calculateTotalUnbondingBalance(
+		await node_api.getAllUnbondingDelegations(
+			address,
+			0, // first call
+			true
+		),
+		Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT) // second call
+	);
+	return {
+		totalBalance: Number(
+			convertToMainTokenDenom(
+				available_balance_in_ncheq +
+					reward_balance_in_ncheq +
+					total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq +
+					total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq
+			)
+		),
+		availableBalance: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(available_balance_in_ncheq)),
+		rewards: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(reward_balance_in_ncheq)),
+		delegated: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq)),
+		unbonding: Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq)),
+		timeUpdated: new Date().toUTCString(),
+	};
 export async function calculateTotalDelegationBalance(
-  delegationsResp: DelegationsResponse,
-  current_offset: number
+	delegationsResp: DelegationsResponse,
+	current_offset: number
 ): Promise<number> {
-  let total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq = 0;
-  const total_count = Number(delegationsResp.pagination.total);
-  for (let i = 0; i < delegationsResp.delegation_responses.length; i++) {
-    total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq += Number(
-      delegationsResp.delegation_responses[i].balance.amount
-    );
-  }
-  if (current_offset < total_count) {
-    const node_api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
-    const delegator_address =
-      delegationsResp.delegation_responses[0].delegation.delegator_address;
-    const resp = await node_api.getAllDelegations(
-      delegator_address,
-      current_offset, // our current offset will be updated by recursive call below
-      true // we count total again , since it's implemented recursively
-    );
-    total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq +=
-      await calculateTotalDelegationBalance(
-        resp,
-        current_offset + Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT)
-      );
-  }
-  return total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq;
+	let total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq = 0;
+	const total_count = Number(delegationsResp.pagination.total);
+	for (let i = 0; i < delegationsResp.delegation_responses.length; i++) {
+		total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq += Number(delegationsResp.delegation_responses[i].balance.amount);
+	}
+	if (current_offset < total_count) {
+		const node_api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
+		const delegator_address = delegationsResp.delegation_responses[0].delegation.delegator_address;
+		const resp = await node_api.getAllDelegations(
+			delegator_address,
+			current_offset, // our current offset will be updated by recursive call below
+			true // we count total again , since it's implemented recursively
+		);
+		total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq += await calculateTotalDelegationBalance(
+			resp,
+			current_offset + Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT)
+		);
+	}
+	return total_delegation_balance_in_ncheq;
 export async function calculateTotalUnbondingBalance(
-  unbondingResp: UnbondingResponse,
-  current_offset: number
+	unbondingResp: UnbondingResponse,
+	current_offset: number
 ): Promise<number> {
-  let total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq = 0;
-  const total_count = Number(unbondingResp.pagination.total);
-  for (let i = 0; i < unbondingResp.unbonding_responses.length; i++) {
-    for (
-      let j = 0;
-      j < unbondingResp.unbonding_responses[i].entries.length;
-      j++
-    ) {
-      total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq += Number(
-        unbondingResp.unbonding_responses[i].entries[j].balance
-      );
-    }
-  }
-  if (current_offset < total_count) {
-    const node_api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
-    const delegator_address =
-      unbondingResp.unbonding_responses[0].delegator_address;
-    const resp =
-      await node_api.getAllUnbondingDelegations(
-        delegator_address,
-        current_offset,
-        true
-      );
-    total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq +=
-      await calculateTotalUnbondingBalance(
-        resp,
-        current_offset + Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT)
-      );
-  }
-  return total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq;
+	let total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq = 0;
+	const total_count = Number(unbondingResp.pagination.total);
+	for (let i = 0; i < unbondingResp.unbonding_responses.length; i++) {
+		for (let j = 0; j < unbondingResp.unbonding_responses[i].entries.length; j++) {
+			total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq += Number(unbondingResp.unbonding_responses[i].entries[j].balance);
+		}
+	}
+	if (current_offset < total_count) {
+		const node_api = new NodeApi(REST_API);
+		const delegator_address = unbondingResp.unbonding_responses[0].delegator_address;
+		const resp = await node_api.getAllUnbondingDelegations(delegator_address, current_offset, true);
+		total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq += await calculateTotalUnbondingBalance(
+			resp,
+			current_offset + Number(REST_API_PAGINATION_LIMIT)
+		);
+	}
+	return total_unbonding_balance_in_ncheq;
diff --git a/src/helpers/circulating.ts b/src/helpers/circulating.ts
index cc274832..29c330c3 100644
--- a/src/helpers/circulating.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/circulating.ts
@@ -6,85 +6,74 @@ import { BigDipperApi } from '../api/bigDipperApi';
 import { GraphQLClient } from '../helpers/graphql';
 export async function updateCirculatingSupply(groupNumber: number) {
-  try {
-    const cached = await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.list({
-      prefix: `group_${groupNumber}:`,
-    });
+	try {
+		const cached = await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.list({
+			prefix: `group_${groupNumber}:`,
+		});
-    console.log(
-      `found ${cached.keys.length} cached accounts for group ${groupNumber}`
-    );
+		console.log(`found ${cached.keys.length} cached accounts for group ${groupNumber}`);
-    for (const key of cached.keys) {
-      const parts = extractPrefixAndKey(key.name);
-      let addr = parts.address;
-      let grpN = parts.groupNumber;
+		for (const key of cached.keys) {
+			const parts = extractPrefixAndKey(key.name);
+			let addr = parts.address;
+			let grpN = parts.groupNumber;
-      const found = await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.get(
-        `group_${grpN}:${addr}`
-      );
-      if (found) {
-        console.log(`found ${key.name} (addr=${addr}) grp=${grpN}`);
+			const found = await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.get(`group_${grpN}:${addr}`);
+			if (found) {
+				console.log(`found ${key.name} (addr=${addr}) grp=${grpN}`);
-        const account = await updateCachedBalance(addr, grpN);
+				const account = await updateCachedBalance(addr, grpN);
-        if (account !== null) {
-          console.log(
-            `updating account (group_${grpN}:${addr}) balance (${JSON.stringify(
-              account
-            )})`
-          );
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  } catch (e) {
-    console.log('Error at: ', 'updateCirculatingSupply');
-  }
+				if (account !== null) {
+					console.log(`updating account (group_${grpN}:${addr}) balance (${JSON.stringify(account)})`);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} catch (e) {
+		console.log('Error at: ', 'updateCirculatingSupply');
+	}
 export async function updateCachedBalance(addr: string, grpN: number) {
-  try {
-    const account_balance_infos = await fetchAccountBalances(
-      addr
-    );
+	try {
+		const account_balance_infos = await fetchAccountBalances(addr);
-    const data = JSON.stringify(account_balance_infos);
+		const data = JSON.stringify(account_balance_infos);
-    await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.put(`group_${grpN}:${addr}`, data);
+		await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.put(`group_${grpN}:${addr}`, data);
-    console.log(`account "${addr}" balance updated. (${data})`);
-  } catch (e: any) {
-    console.log(`error updateCachedBalance: ${e}`);
-  }
+		console.log(`account "${addr}" balance updated. (${data})`);
+	} catch (e: any) {
+		console.log(`error updateCachedBalance: ${e}`);
+	}
 export async function getCirculatingSupply(): Promise<number> {
-  let gql_client = new GraphQLClient(GRAPHQL_API);
-  let bd_api = new BigDipperApi(gql_client);
-  let total_supply_ncheq = await bd_api.getTotalSupply();
-  const total_supply = Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_supply_ncheq));
+	let gql_client = new GraphQLClient(GRAPHQL_API);
+	let bd_api = new BigDipperApi(gql_client);
+	let total_supply_ncheq = await bd_api.getTotalSupply();
+	const total_supply = Number(convertToMainTokenDenom(total_supply_ncheq));
-  try {
-    const cached = await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.list();
-    console.log(`Total cached entries: ${cached.keys.length}`);
-    let shareholders_total_balance = Number(0);
-    for (const key of cached.keys) {
-      let data: AccountBalanceInfos | null =
-        await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.get(key.name, {
-          type: 'json',
-        });
+	try {
+		const cached = await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.list();
+		console.log(`Total cached entries: ${cached.keys.length}`);
+		let shareholders_total_balance = Number(0);
+		for (const key of cached.keys) {
+			let data: AccountBalanceInfos | null = await CIRCULATING_SUPPLY_WATCHLIST.get(key.name, {
+				type: 'json',
+			});
-      if (data !== null && data.totalBalance !== null) {
-        shareholders_total_balance += Number(data.totalBalance);
-      }
-    }
+			if (data !== null && data.totalBalance !== null) {
+				shareholders_total_balance += Number(data.totalBalance);
+			}
+		}
-    console.log('Total supply', total_supply);
-    console.log(`Watchlist total balance: ${shareholders_total_balance}`);
+		console.log('Total supply', total_supply);
+		console.log(`Watchlist total balance: ${shareholders_total_balance}`);
-    let circulating_supply = total_supply - shareholders_total_balance;
-    return circulating_supply.toString();
-  } catch (e: any) {
-    throw new Error(e.toString);
-  }
+		let circulating_supply = total_supply - shareholders_total_balance;
+		return circulating_supply.toString();
+	} catch (e: any) {
+		throw new Error(e.toString);
+	}
diff --git a/src/helpers/currency.ts b/src/helpers/currency.ts
index 560224e1..5f0349fa 100644
--- a/src/helpers/currency.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/currency.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import { TOKEN_DECIMALS } from "./constants";
+import { TOKEN_DECIMALS } from './constants';
 export function convertToLowestDenom(ncheq: number): number {
-    return ncheq / TOKEN_DECIMALS;
+	return ncheq / TOKEN_DECIMALS;
 export function convertToMainTokenDenom(ncheq: number): string {
-    return convertToLowestDenom(ncheq).toFixed(0);
+	return convertToLowestDenom(ncheq).toFixed(0);
diff --git a/src/helpers/graphql.ts b/src/helpers/graphql.ts
index bb9daab3..96ccfbf9 100644
--- a/src/helpers/graphql.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/graphql.ts
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
 export class GraphQLClient {
-    constructor(public readonly base_url: string) {
-    }
+	constructor(public readonly base_url: string) {}
-    async query<T>(query: string, variables: Object = {}): Promise<T> {
-        let req = {
-            query,
-            variables,
-        }
+	async query<T>(query: string, variables: Object = {}): Promise<T> {
+		let req = {
+			query,
+			variables,
+		};
-        let resp = await fetch(this.base_url, {
-            method: "POST",
-            body: JSON.stringify(req)
-        })
+		let resp = await fetch(this.base_url, {
+			method: 'POST',
+			body: JSON.stringify(req),
+		});
-        let json: { errors: any } = await resp.json()
+		let json: { errors: any } = await resp.json();
-        if (json.errors) {
-            throw new Error(`Query failed: ${JSON.stringify(json.errors)}`)
-        }
+		if (json.errors) {
+			throw new Error(`Query failed: ${JSON.stringify(json.errors)}`);
+		}
-        return json as T;
-    }
+		return json as T;
+	}
diff --git a/src/helpers/kv.ts b/src/helpers/kv.ts
index 722c4205..25b82ea5 100644
--- a/src/helpers/kv.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/kv.ts
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 export function extractPrefixAndKey(key: string) {
-  const parts = key.split(':');
-  let addr = parts[1];
-  let grpN = Number(parts[0].split('_')[1]);
-  return {
-    address: addr,
-    groupNumber: grpN,
-  };
+	const parts = key.split(':');
+	let addr = parts[1];
+	let grpN = Number(parts[0].split('_')[1]);
+	return {
+		address: addr,
+		groupNumber: grpN,
+	};
diff --git a/src/helpers/validate.ts b/src/helpers/validate.ts
index aff5344a..dd87851e 100644
--- a/src/helpers/validate.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/validate.ts
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
 // TODO: This doesn't take checksum into account
 export function isValidAddress(address: string): boolean {
-    return /^(cheqd)1[a-z0-9]{38}$/.test(address)
+	return /^(cheqd)1[a-z0-9]{38}$/.test(address);
 export function isVestingAccount(account_type: string): boolean {
-    return account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount' || account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount';
+	return (
+		account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount' ||
+		account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount'
+	);
 export function isContinuousVestingAccount(account_type: string): boolean {
-    return account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount';
+	return account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount';
 export function isDelayedVestingAccount(account_type: string): boolean {
-    return account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount';
+	return account_type === '/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount';
diff --git a/src/helpers/vesting.ts b/src/helpers/vesting.ts
index a929ade5..f5b355a1 100644
--- a/src/helpers/vesting.ts
+++ b/src/helpers/vesting.ts
@@ -1,50 +1,42 @@
 import { Account } from '../types/node';
-import {
-  isContinuousVestingAccount,
-  isDelayedVestingAccount,
-} from './validate';
+import { isContinuousVestingAccount, isDelayedVestingAccount } from './validate';
 // Taken from our wallet app
 export function calculateVesting(account: Account, t?: Date) {
-  if (!t) {
-    t = new Date();
-  }
-  if (isContinuousVestingAccount(account?.['@type'])) {
-    const startsAt = account.start_time;
-    const endsAt = account.base_vesting_account.end_time;
-    const totalCoins = Number(
-      account.base_vesting_account.original_vesting[0]?.amount
-    );
-    const elapsed = t.getTime() - new Date(startsAt * 1000).getTime();
-    const delta =
-      new Date(endsAt * 1000).getTime() - new Date(startsAt * 1000).getTime();
-    const doneRatio = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, elapsed / delta));
-    const vested = Math.ceil(Number(totalCoins) * doneRatio);
-    const vesting = Math.ceil(Number(totalCoins) * (1.0 - doneRatio));
-    return {
-      vested,
-      vesting,
-    };
-  }
-  if (isDelayedVestingAccount(account?.['@type'])) {
-    const endsAt = account.base_vesting_account.end_time;
-    const originalVesting = Number(
-      account.base_vesting_account.original_vesting[0]?.amount
-    );
-    const doneRatio = t > new Date(endsAt) ? 1 : 0;
-    const vested = Math.ceil(Number(originalVesting) * doneRatio);
-    const vesting = Math.ceil(Number(originalVesting) * (1.0 - doneRatio));
-    return {
-      vested,
-      vesting,
-    };
-  }
+	if (!t) {
+		t = new Date();
+	}
+	if (isContinuousVestingAccount(account?.['@type'])) {
+		const startsAt = account.start_time;
+		const endsAt = account.base_vesting_account.end_time;
+		const totalCoins = Number(account.base_vesting_account.original_vesting[0]?.amount);
+		const elapsed = t.getTime() - new Date(startsAt * 1000).getTime();
+		const delta = new Date(endsAt * 1000).getTime() - new Date(startsAt * 1000).getTime();
+		const doneRatio = Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0, elapsed / delta));
+		const vested = Math.ceil(Number(totalCoins) * doneRatio);
+		const vesting = Math.ceil(Number(totalCoins) * (1.0 - doneRatio));
+		return {
+			vested,
+			vesting,
+		};
+	}
+	if (isDelayedVestingAccount(account?.['@type'])) {
+		const endsAt = account.base_vesting_account.end_time;
+		const originalVesting = Number(account.base_vesting_account.original_vesting[0]?.amount);
+		const doneRatio = t > new Date(endsAt) ? 1 : 0;
+		const vested = Math.ceil(Number(originalVesting) * doneRatio);
+		const vesting = Math.ceil(Number(originalVesting) * (1.0 - doneRatio));
+		return {
+			vested,
+			vesting,
+		};
+	}
diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts
index 13d117ed..7a0d6277 100644
--- a/src/index.ts
+++ b/src/index.ts
@@ -11,31 +11,31 @@ import { handler as arbitrageOpportunitiesHandler } from './handlers/arbitrageOp
 import { webhookTriggers } from './handlers/webhookTriggers';
 addEventListener('scheduled', (event: ScheduledEvent) => {
-  event.waitUntil(webhookTriggers(event));
+	event.waitUntil(webhookTriggers(event));
 addEventListener('fetch', (event: FetchEvent) => {
-  const router = Router<Request, IHTTPMethods>();
-  registerRoutes(router);
-  event.respondWith(router.handle(event.request).catch(handleError));
+	const router = Router<Request, IHTTPMethods>();
+	registerRoutes(router);
+	event.respondWith(router.handle(event.request).catch(handleError));
 function registerRoutes(router: Router) {
-  router.get('/', totalSupplyHandler);
-  router.get('/arbitrage', arbitrageOpportunitiesHandler);
-  router.get('/arbitrage/all', allArbitrageOpportunitiesHandler);
-  router.get('/balances/liquid/:address', liquidBalanceHandler);
-  router.get('/balances/total/:address', totalBalanceHandler);
-  router.get('/balances/vested/:address', vestedBalanceHandler);
-  router.get('/balances/vesting/:address', vestingBalanceHandler);
-  router.get('/supply/circulating', circulatingSupplyHandler);
-  router.get('/supply/staked', totalStakedCoinsHandler);
-  router.get('/supply/total', totalSupplyHandler);
+	router.get('/', totalSupplyHandler);
+	router.get('/arbitrage', arbitrageOpportunitiesHandler);
+	router.get('/arbitrage/all', allArbitrageOpportunitiesHandler);
+	router.get('/balances/liquid/:address', liquidBalanceHandler);
+	router.get('/balances/total/:address', totalBalanceHandler);
+	router.get('/balances/vested/:address', vestedBalanceHandler);
+	router.get('/balances/vesting/:address', vestingBalanceHandler);
+	router.get('/supply/circulating', circulatingSupplyHandler);
+	router.get('/supply/staked', totalStakedCoinsHandler);
+	router.get('/supply/total', totalSupplyHandler);
-  // 404 for all other requests
-  router.all('*', () => new Response('Not Found.', { status: 404 }));
+	// 404 for all other requests
+	router.all('*', () => new Response('Not Found.', { status: 404 }));
 function handleError(error: Error): Response {
-  return new Response(error.message || 'Server Error', { status: 500 });
+	return new Response(error.message || 'Server Error', { status: 500 });
diff --git a/src/types/bigDipper.ts b/src/types/bigDipper.ts
index 3e4a53bb..597b6a75 100644
--- a/src/types/bigDipper.ts
+++ b/src/types/bigDipper.ts
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
 export interface TotalSupplyResponse {
-  supply: [
-    {
-      coins: [
-        {
-          denom: string;
-          amount: string;
-        }
-      ];
-    }
-  ];
+	supply: [
+		{
+			coins: [
+				{
+					denom: string;
+					amount: string;
+				},
+			];
+		},
+	];
 export interface TotalStakedCoinsResponse {
-  staking_pool: [
-    {
-      bonded_tokens: string;
-    }
-  ];
+	staking_pool: [
+		{
+			bonded_tokens: string;
+		},
+	];
 export interface ActiveValidatorsResponse {
-  validator_info: [
-    {
-      operator_address: string;
-    }
-  ];
+	validator_info: [
+		{
+			operator_address: string;
+		},
+	];
diff --git a/src/types/kv.ts b/src/types/kv.ts
index f7277895..9e084c38 100644
--- a/src/types/kv.ts
+++ b/src/types/kv.ts
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 export interface ActiveValidatorsKV {
-  totalDelegatorsCount?: string;
-  updatedAt?: string;
+	totalDelegatorsCount?: string;
+	updatedAt?: string;
diff --git a/src/types/marketMonitor.ts b/src/types/marketMonitor.ts
index d327789f..7e868eae 100644
--- a/src/types/marketMonitor.ts
+++ b/src/types/marketMonitor.ts
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 export interface Price {
-  price: number;
-  coinPair: string;
-  market: string;
+	price: number;
+	coinPair: string;
+	market: string;
 export interface ArbitrageOpportunity {
-  marketPairId: string;
-  marketName1: string;
-  coinPair1: string;
-  coinPrice1: number;
-  marketName2: string;
-  coinPair2: string;
-  coinPrice2: number;
-  percentageDelta: number;
-  arbitragePossible: boolean;
+	marketPairId: string;
+	marketName1: string;
+	coinPair1: string;
+	coinPrice1: number;
+	marketName2: string;
+	coinPair2: string;
+	coinPrice2: number;
+	percentageDelta: number;
+	arbitragePossible: boolean;
 export interface MarketMonitorData {
-  prices: Price[];
-  arbitrageOpportunities: ArbitrageOpportunity[];
+	prices: Price[];
+	arbitrageOpportunities: ArbitrageOpportunity[];
diff --git a/src/types/node.ts b/src/types/node.ts
index d8f4287d..0d1320e8 100644
--- a/src/types/node.ts
+++ b/src/types/node.ts
@@ -1,108 +1,108 @@
 export type Account = {
-  '@type': string;
-  start_time: number;
-  base_vesting_account: {
-    base_account: BaseAccount;
-    original_vesting: Coin[];
-    delegated_free?: Coin[];
-    delegated_vesting?: Coin[];
-    end_time: number;
-  };
+	'@type': string;
+	start_time: number;
+	base_vesting_account: {
+		base_account: BaseAccount;
+		original_vesting: Coin[];
+		delegated_free?: Coin[];
+		delegated_vesting?: Coin[];
+		end_time: number;
+	};
 export type BaseAccount = {
-  address: string;
-  pub_key: PublicKey;
-  account_number: string;
-  sequence: string;
+	address: string;
+	pub_key: PublicKey;
+	account_number: string;
+	sequence: string;
 export type PublicKey = {
-  '@type': string;
-  key: string;
+	'@type': string;
+	key: string;
 export class Coin {
-  public denom: string;
-  public amount: string;
+	public denom: string;
+	public amount: string;
-  constructor(denom: string, amount: string) {
-    this.denom = denom;
-    this.amount = amount;
-  }
+	constructor(denom: string, amount: string) {
+		this.denom = denom;
+		this.amount = amount;
+	}
 export interface ValidatorDetailResponse {
-  delegation_responses: [
-    {
-      delegation: {
-        delegator_address: string;
-        validator_address: string;
-        shares: string;
-      };
-      balance: {
-        denom: string;
-        amount: string;
-      };
-    }
-  ];
-  pagination: {
-    next_key: string;
-    total: string;
-  };
+	delegation_responses: [
+		{
+			delegation: {
+				delegator_address: string;
+				validator_address: string;
+				shares: string;
+			};
+			balance: {
+				denom: string;
+				amount: string;
+			};
+		},
+	];
+	pagination: {
+		next_key: string;
+		total: string;
+	};
 export interface AccountBalanceInfos {
-  totalBalance: number;
-  availableBalance: number;
-  rewards: number;
-  delegated: number;
-  unbonding: number;
-  timeUpdated: string;
+	totalBalance: number;
+	availableBalance: number;
+	rewards: number;
+	delegated: number;
+	unbonding: number;
+	timeUpdated: string;
 export interface DelegationsResponse {
-  delegation_responses: [
-    {
-      delegation: {
-        delegator_address: string;
-        validator_address: string;
-        shares: string;
-      };
-      balance: {
-        denom: string;
-        amount: string;
-      };
-    }
-  ];
-  pagination: {
-    next_key: string;
-    total: string;
-  };
+	delegation_responses: [
+		{
+			delegation: {
+				delegator_address: string;
+				validator_address: string;
+				shares: string;
+			};
+			balance: {
+				denom: string;
+				amount: string;
+			};
+		},
+	];
+	pagination: {
+		next_key: string;
+		total: string;
+	};
 export interface UnbondingResponse {
-  unbonding_responses: [
-    {
-      delegator_address: string;
-      validator_address: string;
-      entries: [
-        {
-          creation_height: string;
-          completion_time: string;
-          initial_balance: string;
-          balance: string;
-        }
-      ];
-    }
-  ];
-  pagination: {
-    next_key: string;
-    total: string;
-  };
+	unbonding_responses: [
+		{
+			delegator_address: string;
+			validator_address: string;
+			entries: [
+				{
+					creation_height: string;
+					completion_time: string;
+					initial_balance: string;
+					balance: string;
+				},
+			];
+		},
+	];
+	pagination: {
+		next_key: string;
+		total: string;
+	};
 export interface RewardsResponse {
-  rewards: Record<string, any>[];
-  total: Coin[];
+	rewards: Record<string, any>[];
+	total: Coin[];