Is Height Balanced Binary Tree
calculate left and right height of node.
If their difference is greater than 1, return false.
if left or right subtree is not balanced, return false.else return true.
int heightOfBT (BinaryTreeNode<int >* root){
if (root == NULL ) return 0 ;
return max (heightOfBT (root->left ), heightOfBT (root->right )) + 1 ;
bool isBalancedBT (BinaryTreeNode<int >* root) {
if (root == NULL ) return true ;
int leftHeight = heightOfBT (root->left );
int rightHeight = heightOfBT (root->right );
if (abs (leftHeight - rightHeight) > 1 ) return false ;
return isBalancedBT (root->left ) && isBalancedBT (root->right );
Modification of height of binary tree
int heightOfBt (BinaryTreeNode<int >* root)
if (!root) return 0 ;
int lh = heightOfBt (root->left );
if (lh == -1 ) return -1 ;
int rh = heightOfBt (root->right );
if (rh == -1 ) return -1 ;
if (abs (lh - rh) > 1 ) return -1 ;
return 1 + max (lh, rh);
bool isBalancedBT (BinaryTreeNode<int >* root)
if (!root) return true ;
return heightOfBt (root) != -1 ;