This file contains some sample code on how to quickly tell how many documents have been indexed by Oracle Text, if any are still in the pending state.
- First we will query to see the tables with existing Oracle Text indexes. Notice the column IDX_DOCID_COUNT represents the number of documents currently indexed. See Oracle Text views for full spec.
select * from CTX_USER_INDEXES where idx_name = 'SEARCHMYDOCS';
select count(*) from resume;
- To index the documents we need to run the following command.
alter index SEARCHMYDOCS rebuild online noparallel;
CTX_DDL.SYNC_INDEX('searchMyDocs', '5M');
select * from CTX_USER_INDEXES where idx_name = 'SEARCHMYDOCS';
- To figure out the number of documents that need to be indexed issue the following query.
select (select count(*) from resume where resume is not null) - IDX_DOCID_COUNT "Documents to be Indexed" from CTX_USER_INDEXES where idx_name = 'SEARCHMYDOCS';
- To see number of deletes from index
select count(*) from DR$SEARCHMYDOCS$N