A lightweight & effective Clojure periodic task dispatcher.
Inspired by the simplicity of at-at this library was created to address some of its issues:
- Dependency on clojure 1.3.0
- Reflection
- Silent error swallowing
- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor which is suited for more heavy-duty tasks
Some of the other available Clojure libraries didn't quite fit, they either:
- Require java interop usage
- Depend on the core.async thread pool
- Bloatware
Add the following to project.clj
[dtdt "0.2.0"]
Create a timer - each timer contains a single thread to run tasks.
(def t (create-timer))
Next, assign a task to the timer. Task will start running periodically right away.
(def some-task (every t 5000 #(println "Hello there..")))
=> #'dtdt.core/some-task
Hello there..
Hello there..
Assign as many tasks as you wish to a timer, make sure each function's execution is short to prevent hogging the Timer's thread.
Tasks are cancellable.
Hello there..
Hello there..
(cancel some-task)
=> true
- Timers can also be cancelled using the same
function. - Canceling a timer will cancel all of its running tasks.
By default, new tasks will execute immediately. Optionally, you may pass an initial delay (or even a Date).
; will execute f after 5 seconds and then every 10 milliseconds
(every t 10 f 5000)
Return the last execution time of a task in epoch-time.
(last-execution-time task)
=> 1601223864378
Execute a task in X milliseconds from now.
(in t 100 #(println "you will see me only once!"))
When an exception from a task is thrown it will be printed.
(def bad-task (every t 5000 #(throw (Exception. "Something is broken"))))
caught exception in dtdt: Something is broken
=> #'dtdt.core/bad-task1
caught exception in dtdt: Something is broken
caught exception in dtdt: Something is broken
Optionally, pass an exception handler to alter the default behaviour.
(let [task #(throw (Exception. "Something broke again"))
ex-handler (fn [e] (log/error (.getMessage e)))]
(every t 2000 task 0 ex-handler))
Copyright © 2020
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License