- OSCON 2019
- Portland, OR
- 18 July 2019
Notes and code:
- Christie Koehler
- @christi3k
Recently a Developer Advocate at HashiCorp, now looking for my next gig!
- Live-deploy containerized and serverless apps with Terraform.
- Working locally with Minikube and OpenFaaS.
All of the Terraform features I'll demonstrate applies just as well to the different cloud providers and their managed services.
Note: I'm using Terraform v0.11.14 for this talk. As of this commit, the latest version of Terraform is 0.12.4 and there have been significant changes.
On my laptop, I've installed and configured the following:
- Minikube
- faas-cli
- kubectl
- terraform version 0.11.14
- openfaas provider for Terraform (thank you Edward Wilde!!)
...and probably other things I don't remember