Bug fixes:
- Remove warning about 'xts::indexClass' is deprecated. #15
- Significance tags visible for all levels #14
Bug fixes:
- do not add empty x11 = "" at the end of the R call #10
- 'auto expand' of R and X-13 box was buggy and has been removed #12
- add 'err_to_html' to seasonal, which was removed from the seasonal package, causing an application crash on error.
- less verbosity on the console. No output is written, unless it's a bug.
Under the hood:
- better way to pass stuff to shiny app, using shinyOptions().
- uses import.spc() from seasonal 1.4 for X-13 spc parsing.
- workaround functions to properly import xts, which depends on zoo functions, so that seasonalview can be imported from other packages, such as seasonal. This will be reworked once a new version of xts is on CRAN. joshuaulrich/xts#162
Bug fixes:
- Fixed issue that led to a crash when X-13 code was manipulated.
- Initial CRAN Version