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chrisweb utilities.js


This project is now archived, I will not update / maintain it anymore

What is it?

Javascript utilities belt for very specific tasks.

main goal(s):

  • console log wrapper for colored log messages
  • utilities belt: javascript collection of useful functions that are useful for specific situations, so a lot more specific than underscore
  • should work in the browser as well in nodejs




install the latest nodejs (if you haven't already) nodejs

install or update to the latest git version git scm downloads (During installation at the step "choosing the default editor used by Git", if like me you are using visual studio code you might want to chose the new option "use visual studio code as Git's default editor") (also if like me you are on windows, at the step "adjusting your PATH environment", ensure the second radio button option is selected "git from the line and also from 3rd-party software" to ensure git is added to the windows PATH, which will allow you to use git with any command line tool like windows powershell for example)

git clone this repository if you haven't already

open your favorite command line tool and go to the root directory of this repository

update npm to latest version

npm install npm@latest -g

install the dependencies

npm i

to lint the typescript files

npm run lint

run the tests

npm run test

to build the distributions (es6 module (esm.js) and the UMD version)

npm run build


in devlopment you can use watch to rebuild every time you edit a typescript file

npm run watch

you can also use watch for the test suite

npm run watch:test


Bug reports, tests, fixes, new features and all kind of comments / feedback are welcome 😃 Submit a feature request or bug issue

testing setup notes

I used the jest testing framework

I added the jest typescript types and the ts-jest package

installed dependencies:

npm install --save-dev jest @types/jest ts-jest

command to create a basic jest.config.js file:

npx ts-jest config:init yarn ts-jest config:init

If you use VSCode, consider using the vscode jest extension

Besides reading the official documentation, you can check out this quick introduction to jest blog post



Colored console log messages for the browser and / or nodejs

  utilities.log('foo', 'bar', 'fontColor:red', 'backgroundColor:blue');

Suppported colors

  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • magenta
  • cyan
  • white
  • black

logging in floating html div (client)

If you are on mobile device and wan't to show the messages in a floating div over the page then set logSpecial to true

utilities.logSpecial = true

logging in a file (server)

If want every message to logged in file, then enable logSpecial (currently only winston is supported)

utilities.logSpecial = true

logging in a file (server) but not in the console

utilities.logSpecial = true
utilities.logVerbose = false


removes html elements from a sting (and their content) from strings set second parameter "removeTextBetweenTags" to false to keep the text between the opening and closing html tag


returns a universally unique identifier


filters a string removes everything that is a not an alpha or numeric character and also optionally the characters that got specified as second argument


decode uri


encode uri


remove an something at an unknown index from an array


capitalise first letter of a string


get url parameters


does a string contain another string


get the index of a substring in a string with optional nth time it occurs


does the script run on the server


does the script run in a client

replace placholder(s)

first parameter is a string and second parameter an object where the keys are the placeholder that need to get replaced and the value is the replacement (replacement can be a string or number)

remove the content between two "markers"


Input are two numbers, output is a random number that is between or equal the two input numbers


Input is a sequence (an array) of items and the output one random item of the input