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iOS 12 and Swift 4.2 The Complete App Development Bootcamp

  1. Getting Started

  2. iOS/Xcode Interface Builder a. How to set up a new Xcode project b. How to use the Interface Builder to design and create the appearance of your app. c. How to find your way around Xcode. d. How to change the attributes of various UI elements e. How to arrange UI elements on screen by their setting their coordinates f. How to size UI elements by changing their dimensions

  3. Sideloading in iOS a. How to run your app on your iPhone/iPad

  4. [Challenge 1] The I Am Poor App

  5. Introduction to iOS Development a. Understand and use constants and variables. b. Understand and use Swift arrays. c. Learn about randomisation. d. Understand basic gesture controls and motion detection.

  6. [Challenge 2] Magic 8 Ball App

  7. Introduction to Swift Programming a. How to use Swift Playgrounds and become familiar with Swift syntax. b. Understand the data type system and how to use Strings, Integers, and Doubles. c. Understand how to declare constants and variables using let or var. d. How to use Swift functions and understand their input parameters and return types. e. How to use IF-ELSE statements to control the flow of execution f. Swift loops

  8. Reading and Using Apple Documentation a. Finding out how to play sound using AVFoundation and AVAudioPlayer. b. The ViewController lifecycle. c. How to use tags in Interface Builder. d. Error handling using try and catch. e. Code refactoring. f. Basic debugging for array index out of range errors.

  9. App Design Patterns and the Model-View-Controller (MVC) a. What is a design pattern and how is it used in programming b. How to use the Model-View-Controller or MVC pattern for app development. c. Learn about Object Oriented Programming d. How to store data locally e. How to incorporate third party libraries and how to display Heads Up Displays. f. How to refactor code and stay organised. g. Learn about class initialisation. h. How to programmatically change UI elements such as Labels and Views. i. Start thinking about data encapsulation and how to keep your data safe from corruption

  10. [Challenge 3] Destini App - The Choose Your Own Advanture Game

  11. iOS Auto Layout and Setting Constraints a. How to add constraints and understand how auto layout works b. How to Pin and Align UI elements c. How to create containers to configure advanced layouts. d. How to debug auto layout errors. e. Understanding what Xcode needs in order to correctly layout a design. f. How to use stack views to easily layout your UI

  12. Intermediate Swift Programming a. Understand Classes and Objects. b. Learn about Properties. c. How to create and use Enumerations (Enums) d. Learn the difference between Functions and Methods. e. Learn about Inheritance and the override keyword f. Learn about Initialization, including Designated and Convenience Initializers. g. Understand Optional Types, Forced Unwrapping, Optional Binding and Optional Chaining.

  13. Networking, APIs and Third Party Library Dependency Managers a. How to use CocoaPods to manage and use open source code libraries. b. How to use the Command Line on Mac with Terminal. c. Learn about Networking calls. d. Use public web-based APIs to fetch data. e. How to parse data organised in JSON format. f. Learn about Core Location and utilising the iPhone's inbuilt GPS. g. Learn about navigation between View Controllers using Segues. h. Introduction to Delegates and Protocols. i. How to pass data between View Controllers. j. Learn and use Swift Switch statements.

  14. The Command Line and Terminal

  15. [Challenge 4]Bitcoin Price App

  16. Cloud Based Backend (Firebase), User Authentication and TableViews. a. How to integrate third party libraries in your app. b. How to store data in the cloud using Firebase. c. How to query the Firebase database. d. How to use Firebase for user authentication. e. How to work with a UITableView. f. How to use custom cells in a Table View. g. How to embed View Controllers in a Navigation Controller and understanding the navigation stack. h. How to create Segues for navigation. i. How to make custom .xib files to modify native design components. j. Using Grand Central Dispath to queue asynchronous tasks.

  17. Git GitHub and Version Control

  18. Core Data, Realm, Coadable and UserDefaults

  19. Machine Learning, CoreML and CreateML a. Introduction to machine learning b. CoreML - Using pre-trained machine learning models for image recognition c. Using IBM Watson Bluemix and Carthage for intelligent iOS apps. d. Advanced CoreML - Converting a model from Caffe to MLModel e. CreateML - creating your own image recognition model f. Advanced CreateML - Create a Twitter sentiment analysis machine learning model using natural language processing (NLP) tools from CreateML.

  20. Augmented Reality and ARKit a. Introduction to augmented reality, ARKit and SceneKit b. Creating 3D objects and text in AR c. Plane detection d. Plane detection e. Measuring real world distances in AR f. Image recognition and tracking in AR g. Rendering 3D models on tracked images h. Playing videos in real world tracked images.

  21. Publishing to the App Store

  22. Mobile App Design a. Color Theory b. Typography c. Mobile User Interface (UI) design funcdamentals d. Mobile User Experience (UX) design funcdamentals e. iOS vs. Android design differences f. How to use Sketch, Marvel to design your app mockup g. Design resources.

  23. Mobile App Marketing a. Idea validation and MVP b. App monetisation models c. Optimising the app store listing d. Growth hacking techniques for app downloads e. How to get press coverage for your app. f. How to get your app featured on the app store g. App Store Optimisation (ASO) how to rank on the app store search engine. h. How to use paid advertising to get more customers. i. Improving your app syore ratings and reviews. j. App analytics k. Black hat vs white hat techniques for app marketring I. How to build a app showcase website

iOS Resources List

Module 1 - Getting Started with iOS 12 and Swift 4.2 links to everything you need to build a Hackintosh and get macOS Mojave (10.14) as well as many earlier versions of Mac OS X running on an unsupported computer.

Module 2 - iOS interface Builder

Empowering the world to design