- Confluence and Jira run in standalone flavour and both have their own Tomcats packaged.
- Both are installed on /srv partition (/srv/www/confluence and /srv/www/jira), so disk space issues shouldn't be a problem.
- Both run as their own users. Please do not run them as root!
- Stop JIRA: sudo -u jira -H /srv/www/jira/atlassian-jira/bin/shutdown.sh
- Start JIRA: sudo -u jira -H /srv/www/jira/atlassian-jira/bin/startup.sh
- Stop Confluence: sudo -u confluence -H /srv/www/confluence/atlassian-confluence-4.1.3/bin/shutdown.sh
- Start Confluence: sudo -u confluence -H /srv/www/confluence/atlassian-confluence-4.1.3/bin/startup.sh
Note that java services are sometimes rather slow to restart. Hence you should
- execute the appropriate shutdown command (described above)
- kill any lagging process, e.g.
- 'ps uax|grep confluence' or 'ps uax|grep jira' then 'sudo kill -9 [pid]'
- launch 'top' as root, find the processes and kill them with 'k' then type the PID
- execute the appropriate startup command (described above)
- hold your breath for 5 minutes Then the wiki should be back to normal.
To view logs:
- for Confluence Tomcat logs: /srv/www/confluence/atlassian-confluence-4.1.3/logs
- for Confluence own logs: /srv/www/confluence/confluence-home/logs
- for Jira Tomcat logs: /srv/www/jira/atlassian-jira-4.4.4-standalone/logs
- for Jira own logs: /srv/www/jira/jira-home/log
Both Jira and Confluence need quite a lot of memory. At the moment, they have settings which should be optimal, but in case of problems (with other apps or Java apps /watch out for OutOfMemory exception/ on sushi not having enough memory) settings should be tweaked. This is done in:
- /srv/www/jira/atlassian-jira-4.4.4-standalone/bin/setenv.sh (in the first line, which right now looks like this: JAVA_OPTS="-Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=384m -XX:+UseCompressedOops $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.awt.headless=true ")
- /srv/www/confluence/atlassian-confluence-4.1.3/bin/setenv.sh (all over the file, setting environment variables /current values listed as well/: JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY="64m" , JVM_MAXIMUM_MEMORY="320m", JIRA_MAX_PERM_SIZE="256m")
Three most important
- -Xms / JVM_MINIMUM_MEMORY - size of memory used at the start, shouldn't need tweaking unless any of the apps won't start
- -Xmx / JVM_MAXIMUM_MEMORY - maximum amount of memory that can be taken for storing data
- -XX:MaxPermSize / JIRA_MAX_PERM_SIZE - maximum amount of memory for compiled classes, templates, etc
Maximum amount of memory used up by single application can be estimated doing following calculation: (Xmx + MaxPermSize) * 1.5 If you need to, please tweak memory settings with caution, read a bit of Atlassian wiki and stuff like that - don't make random changes.
To investigate issues like run-away threads or memory leaks, one can use the JMX console. Steps:
- SSH into the server
- Review the CATALINA_OPTS in /srv/www/confluence/atlassian-confluence-4.1.3/bin/setenv.sh – these will tell you the JMX TCP port and the credential file.
- Review the credential file (eg /srv/www/confluence/atlassian-confluence-4.1.3/conf/jmxremote.password) – this will provide a username and password.
- On your local workstation, launch "jconsole". Be sure to include the server's hostname as well as the port, username, and password mentioned above.
See also:
- https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Live+Monitoring+Using+the+JMX+Interface
- http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/monitoring.html#Enabling%20JMX%20Remote
To transfer the wiki-related files (executables and data) from java-prod to java-test:
root@java-prod$ cd /srv/www/confluence
root@java-prod$ find ! -user confluence
-> Just in case there was something funny; looks OK
root@java-prod$ rsync -Prav --exclude backup --exclude .ssh /srv/www/confluence/./ confluence@java-test:/srv/www/confluence/./
To transfer the wiki-related databases from java-prod to java-test:
root@java-prod$ grep hibernate /srv/www/confluence/confluence-home/confluence.cfg.xml
-> Determine old mysql db/user/pass, e.g. "confluence_new"/"confluence_new"/"pass"
root@java-test$ mysql -u root -p
-> Create identical mysql db/user/pass
create database confluence_new;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON confluence_new.* TO 'confluence_new'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass';
root@java-prod$ mysqldump -u root -p confluence_new \
| bzip2 > /srv/www/confluence/backup/`date +%Y-%m-%d`-confluence_new.sql.bz2
root@java-prod$ chmod og= /srv/www/confluence/`date +%Y-%m-%d`-confluence_new.sql.bz2
root@java-prod$ rsync -Prav /srv/www/confluence/./ confluence@java-test:/srv/www/confluence/./
root@java-test$ bzcat ~confluence/backup/YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-confluence_new.sql.bz2 \
| mysql -u root -p confluence_new
Finally, you can start the new service on java-test.
Note: The new instance can (at time of writing) be addressed as "https://wiki-test.civicrm.org/confluence/". Some pages (such as the administrator's "Plugin" screen) may break due to the URL change – fix this by navigating to the Confluence administration area fixing "Configuration => General Configuration => Server Base Url".
You can also change the URL in the database directly:
SET BANDANAVALUE = replace(BANDANAVALUE, 'http://wiki.civicrm.org', 'https://wiki-test.civicrm.org')
WHERE BANDANACONTEXT = '_GLOBAL' and BANDANAKEY = 'atlassian.confluence.settings';
Then restart Confluence.
- For full instructions, see http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Upgrading+Confluence
- As a best-practice, one should first copy Confluence from production (sushi) to staging (biryani) and perform an upgrade on staging.
- Navigate to http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/download?os=linux and find the download URL for the Linux 64-bit installer
- Download and execute the installer on the server, e.g.
- mkdir ~/download
- cd ~/download
- wget 'http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/downloads/binary/atlassian-confluence-4.2.2-x64.bin'
- ./atlassian-confluence-4.2.2-x64.bin
- After running the upgrade, the Confluence web path may have changed from "/confluence" to "/". This can be fixed by editing "server.xml" and to the tag, e.g.
- <Context path="/confluence" ...>
At the top of the page, there is a menu for other CiviCRM developer resources. This menu is a static html file served from civicrm.org, included as an iframe.
To edit the link, go to Administer > Appearance > Page Layout.