Health Lake is a work-in-progress web service that makes it possible to ingest Apple HealthKit data into an Amazon S3 bucket, ready to be used as a queryable data lake. The web service is dependent on an iOS app in the Apple App Store called Health Auto Export, so you'll need to download, install, and configure it to use this service.
It is already in use by me for my website, but there are some bits and pieces that are configured in my AWS environment, including setting up tables and views in AWS Glue that enable the service to query the data set using Athena. If there is enough interest, I may put together some IaC templates (CloudFormation or Terraform) that can be used to do a more complete deployment.
Feel free to look at the code, ask questions, and provide feedback!
As mentioned above, this is a work-in-progress, and some bits and pieces for the complete project aren't included, but here is a quick summary of how I use/deploy the web service.
Install the serverless framework and then copy the
sample configuration files to "real" ones. Notably, you'll need to have a file
for configuring the web service and serverless.yml
which is
used by the serverless framework to do the full deployment of the service to
Lambda with the appropriate API Gateway configuration and IAM settings to ensure
the function has access to S3, Athena, and Glue.
Once the serverless framework is installed and you've made the appropriate
changes to serverless.yml
, you need to create a Python virtual
environment, activate it, and install requirements:
$ virtualenv -p python3.6 venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
At this point, you need to install a few serverless framework plugins:
$ sls plugin install -n serverless-wsgi
$ sls plugin install -n serverless-python-requirements
Now, you can test locally with sls wsgi serve
or deploy to AWS with sls deploy
There are only three routes for the API:
This is the endpoint that you'll configure in the iOS app. I recommend configuring the app to post once a day with daily granularity. I am not sure if the service will work with other configurations.
Once the data is posted to this endpoint, the service will flatten the JSON data structure and transform it to make it easy to leverage in AWS Glue and Athena.
This endpoint will return all metrics, in JSON format, that are available on the specified day. There is some intelligence in the service for generating rollups automatically, on-demand, to reduce cost and improve performance. If provided with a date where data is not yet available, or is in the future, the service will return a 404 with a descriptive status message.
This endpoint will return all metrics, in JSON format, that are available on the specified month. There is some intelligence in the service for generating rollups automatically, on-demand, to reduce cost and improve performance. If provided with a date where data is not yet available, or is in the future, the service will return a 404 with a descriptive status message.