Returns a list of athletics.
Your unique API key. If you do not provide this, you must set the Authorization
header to your API key instead.
The number of results to return, up to a maximum of 100 per request. The default value is 10.
The number of results to skip. The default value is 0.
The sorting procedure to be used on the returned list. A +
followed by a parameter implies ascending, and a -
implies descending. You can also stack procedures, separating them with a space: +id -department
. The default value is +id
"title":"Length Swim",
"title":"Drop-in Indoor Soccer",
"location":"Gym C",
"title":"Women's Only Swim",
"location":"Dance Studio",
"title":"Length Swim",
"location":"Dance Studio",
"title":"Drop-in Volleyball",
"location":"Gym C",
"title":"Drop-in Basketball",
"location":"Gym C",
"title":"Drop-in Badminton",
"location":"Gym C",
"title":"Length Swim",
"location":"Gym 3",
"location":"Studio 1",
"location":"Training Pool",
"title":"Booty Camp",
"location":"Studio 2",
"title":"Rock Climbing Club",
"location":"Climbing Wall",
"title":"Tabata Bootcamp",
"location":"Studio 2",
"title":"Badminton/Table Tennis",
"location":"Gym 4",
"location":"Studio 2",
"title":"Drop-In Climbing",
"location":"Climbing Wall",
"title":"Learn to Climb",
"location":"Climbing Wall",
"location":"Gym 1 & 2",