Purpose: give people an idea of how their state encourages or discourages voting. Gerrymandering, closing down polls, mail-in ballots, etc.
- Educates and informs the user about their specific state and needs regarding voting
- Different overlays for different types of issues
- Good and bad list per state
- Info on what good and bad practices are
- Ranking by state good to bad by issue type
- User input and in-app voting on polling places and issues they have encountered.
- Customized map of the US
- Login form - Instructor
- Sign up form - Team 1
- See the map on initial load of the app - Team 2
- Navigation with dropdown with the states - Team 3
- Nav item to form for user comments and input
- Nav item to State rankings
- Legend with radio buttons for overlays below the map - Team 4
- Popover with info about the state - Team 5
- What is the average home cost/SE status overlays?
- Voter turn out and the election turnouts
- Dates for current elections (local and federal)
- Guides for how to register (LINK for each state)
- Educate users on where polls are located
- Major issues vs. lower ranked issues and when the vote will take place
- Broken down by district or state?
- State
- What specific policies will we look at?
- Different overlays for different types of issues
- What is the average home cost/SE status overlays?