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🚀 Astro UserAgent

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Astro UserAgent is a simple helper for parsing user-agent header strings for browser matching inside your Astro Pages / API routes, when using SSR Mode

Note Due to the nature of Astro being an SSG by trade, This package only works when used with Astro in SSR Mode.

📦 Installation

First, install the astro-useragent package using your package manager. (If you aren’t sure which package manager you’re using, run the first command.)

Using PNPM

pnpm install astro-useragent

Using NPM

npm install astro-useragent

Using Yarn

yarn add astro-useragent

🥑 Usage

Enable SSR mode

To get started, enable SSR features in development mode with the output: server configuration option:

import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';

export default defineConfig({
  output: 'server'

Note For more info about SSR mode, please refer to the official docs.

Usage with Astro pages

To parse a user-agent string inside any of your top level Astro pages, import useUserAgent and then use it inside the frontmatter section:

import { useUserAgent } from "astro-useragent";

const uaString = Astro.request.headers.get("user-agent");
const { source, isMobile } = useUserAgent(uaString);

<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>My Astro website</title>
    <p>Source: {source}</p>
    {isMobile ? <p>I'm on mobile</p> : <p>I'm on desktop</p>}

Note Read more about Astro request headers here: Astro Docs

Usage with Astro API routes

useUserAgent can also be used inside your API routes, to perform some logic based on the client user-agent.

In the example below, an API route is used to redirect a user to a different mobile page when he is using a mobile client, otherwise it serves the normal content.

import type { APIContext } from 'astro';
import { useUserAgent } from 'astro-useragent';

export async function get({ request }: APIContext) {
  const uaString = request.headers.get('user-agent');
  const { isMobile } = useUserAgent(uaString);

  if (isMobile) {
    return Response.redirect('', 307);

  const greetings = {
    message: 'hello from astro API'

  return new Response(JSON.stringify(greetings), {
    status: 200

Note Read more about Astro API routes here: Astro Docs

We have also setup an example repository available here: example-useragent

Parsed object interface

The parsed UserAgent object will have the following interface:

export interface UserAgent {
  readonly source: string | null; // The original user agent string.
  readonly browser: string | null;
  readonly browserVersion: number;
  readonly cpu: string | null;
  readonly deviceType: string | null;
  readonly deviceVendor: string | null;
  readonly engine: string | null;
  readonly engineVersion: number | null;
  readonly os: string | null;
  readonly osVersion: number | null;
  readonly isAndroid: boolean;
  readonly isChrome: boolean;
  readonly isChromeOS: boolean;
  readonly isDesktop: boolean;
  readonly isEdge: boolean;
  readonly isFirefox: boolean;
  readonly isIE: boolean;
  readonly isIos: boolean;
  readonly isIpad: boolean;
  readonly isIphone: boolean;
  readonly isMac: boolean;
  readonly isMobile: boolean;
  readonly isOpera: boolean;
  readonly isSafari: boolean;
  readonly isTablet: boolean;
  readonly isWindows: boolean;
  readonly isBot: boolean;
  readonly isAIBot: boolean;
  readonly isChromeFamily: boolean;
  readonly isAppleSilicon: boolean;
  getUA(): string;
  getBrowser(): IBrowser;
  getCPU(): ICPU;
  getDevice(): IDevice;
  getEngine(): IEngine;
  getOS(): IOS;


UserAgent-based mobile detection isn’t always accurate. Instead, use the following client-side function:

function isMobile() {
  const match = window.matchMedia('(pointer:coarse)');
  return match && match.matches;


Please see the Changelog for more information on what has changed recently.


astro-useragent is a port from next-useragent to Astro. so big thanks to the contributors behind next-useragent package.