Astro UserAgent is a simple helper for parsing user-agent
header strings for browser matching inside your Astro Pages / API routes, when using SSR Mode
Note Due to the nature of Astro being an SSG by trade, This package only works when used with Astro in SSR Mode.
First, install the astro-useragent
package using your package manager. (If you aren’t sure which package manager you’re using, run the first command.)
Using PNPM
pnpm install astro-useragent
Using NPM
npm install astro-useragent
Using Yarn
yarn add astro-useragent
To get started, enable SSR features in development mode with the output: server
configuration option:
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
export default defineConfig({
output: 'server'
Note For more info about SSR mode, please refer to the official docs.
To parse a user-agent
string inside any of your top level Astro pages, import useUserAgent
and then use it inside the frontmatter section:
import { useUserAgent } from "astro-useragent";
const uaString = Astro.request.headers.get("user-agent");
const { source, isMobile } = useUserAgent(uaString);
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>My Astro website</title>
<p>Source: {source}</p>
{isMobile ? <p>I'm on mobile</p> : <p>I'm on desktop</p>}
Note Read more about Astro request headers here: Astro Docs
can also be used inside your API routes, to perform some logic based on the client user-agent.
In the example below, an API route is used to redirect a user to a different mobile page when he is using a mobile client, otherwise it serves the normal content.
import type { APIContext } from 'astro';
import { useUserAgent } from 'astro-useragent';
export async function get({ request }: APIContext) {
const uaString = request.headers.get('user-agent');
const { isMobile } = useUserAgent(uaString);
if (isMobile) {
return Response.redirect('', 307);
const greetings = {
message: 'hello from astro API'
return new Response(JSON.stringify(greetings), {
status: 200
Note Read more about Astro API routes here: Astro Docs
We have also setup an example repository available here: example-useragent
The parsed UserAgent
object will have the following interface:
export interface UserAgent {
readonly source: string | null; // The original user agent string.
readonly browser: string | null;
readonly browserVersion: number;
readonly cpu: string | null;
readonly deviceType: string | null;
readonly deviceVendor: string | null;
readonly engine: string | null;
readonly engineVersion: number | null;
readonly os: string | null;
readonly osVersion: number | null;
readonly isAndroid: boolean;
readonly isChrome: boolean;
readonly isChromeOS: boolean;
readonly isDesktop: boolean;
readonly isEdge: boolean;
readonly isFirefox: boolean;
readonly isIE: boolean;
readonly isIos: boolean;
readonly isIpad: boolean;
readonly isIphone: boolean;
readonly isMac: boolean;
readonly isMobile: boolean;
readonly isOpera: boolean;
readonly isSafari: boolean;
readonly isTablet: boolean;
readonly isWindows: boolean;
readonly isBot: boolean;
readonly isAIBot: boolean;
readonly isChromeFamily: boolean;
readonly isAppleSilicon: boolean;
getUA(): string;
getBrowser(): IBrowser;
getCPU(): ICPU;
getDevice(): IDevice;
getEngine(): IEngine;
getOS(): IOS;
UserAgent-based mobile detection isn’t always accurate. Instead, use the following client-side function:
function isMobile() {
const match = window.matchMedia('(pointer:coarse)');
return match && match.matches;
Please see the Changelog for more information on what has changed recently.
is a port from next-useragent to Astro. so big thanks to the contributors behind next-useragent package.