diff --git a/CaseStudies/a_blending_problem.html b/CaseStudies/a_blending_problem.html index 97cd26db..9850e943 100644 --- a/CaseStudies/a_blending_problem.html +++ b/CaseStudies/a_blending_problem.html @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# Import PuLP modeler functions
-from pulp import *
+from pulp import *
A variable called prob
(although its name is not important) is
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@
Next, before the prob
variable or type of problem are defined,
diff --git a/CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem.html b/CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem.html
index 4ae9d414..3f49ffa9 100644
--- a/CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem.html
+++ b/CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
In the unique case of the sudoku problem, the row names, column names and variable option values are all the exact same list of numbers from 1 to 9.
diff --git a/CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem.html b/CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem.html index 0a8d4def..36328fc4 100644 --- a/CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem.html +++ b/CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem.html @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@The start of the formulation is a simple definition of the nodes and their limits/capacities. The node names are put into lists, and their associated capacities are put into dictionaries with the node names as the reference keys:
@@ -452,12 +452,12 @@TRANSPORTATION SOLUTION -- Non-zero shipments
TotalCost = ____
-Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse A to pub 1
-Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse A to pub 5
-Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 1
-Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 2
-Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 3
-Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 4
+Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse A to pub 1
+Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse A to pub 5
+Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 1
+Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 2
+Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 3
+Ship ___ crates of beer from warehouse B to pub 4
This information gives rise to the following management summary:
diff --git a/CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem.html b/CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem.html index 5a1f4703..a374a5a1 100644 --- a/CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem.html +++ b/CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem.html @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@import pulp
+import pulp
Next, we will read in the data. Here, we read in the data as vectors.
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
A Two Stage Production Planning Problem- **Nonnegativity:** $W, P \ge 0$
-import pulp
+import pulp
# parameters
products = ["wrenches", "pliers"]
diff --git a/CaseStudies/index.html b/CaseStudies/index.html
index 218240d7..b6d801f0 100644
--- a/CaseStudies/index.html
+++ b/CaseStudies/index.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Case Studies — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/_static/js/versions.js b/_static/js/versions.js
index 818bc996..4958195e 100644
--- a/_static/js/versions.js
+++ b/_static/js/versions.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
const themeFlyoutDisplay = "hidden";
-const themeVersionSelector = "True";
-const themeLanguageSelector = "True";
+const themeVersionSelector = true;
+const themeLanguageSelector = true;
if (themeFlyoutDisplay === "attached") {
function renderLanguages(config) {
@@ -8,10 +8,14 @@ if (themeFlyoutDisplay === "attached") {
return "";
+ // Insert the current language to the options on the selector
+ let languages = config.projects.translations.concat(config.projects.current);
+ languages = languages.sort((a, b) => a.language.name.localeCompare(b.language.name));
const languagesHTML = `
- Languages
- ${config.projects.translations
+ ${languages
(translation) => `
diff --git a/_static/pygments.css b/_static/pygments.css
index 0d49244e..5f2b0a25 100644
--- a/_static/pygments.css
+++ b/_static/pygments.css
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+.highlight .o { color: #666 } /* Operator */
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+.highlight .vg { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable.Global */
+.highlight .vi { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable.Instance */
+.highlight .vm { color: #BB60D5 } /* Name.Variable.Magic */
.highlight .il { color: #208050 } /* Literal.Number.Integer.Long */
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/develop/add_solver.html b/develop/add_solver.html
index d76e4c3d..9a99f2e9 100644
--- a/develop/add_solver.html
+++ b/develop/add_solver.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
How to add a new solver to PuLP — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -101,16 +101,16 @@ Example
Inheriting base classes
The solver needs to inherit one of two classes: pulp.apis.LpSolver
or pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD
located in pulp.apis.core.py
. The first one is a generic class. The second one is used for command-line based APIs to solvers. This is the one used for the example:
-from .core import LpSolver_CMD, subprocess, PulpSolverError
-import os
-from .. import constants
-import warnings
+from .core import LpSolver_CMD, subprocess, PulpSolverError
+import os
+from .. import constants
+import warnings
-class MIPCL_CMD(LpSolver_CMD):
+class MIPCL_CMD(LpSolver_CMD):
name = "MIPCL_CMD"
- def __init__(
+ def __init__(
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ Inheriting base classesavailable
Required by pulp.apis.LpSolver
and pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD
Returns True
if the solver is available and operational. False
-def available(self):
+def available(self):
return self.executable(self.path)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ availableactualSolve
Required by pulp.apis.LpSolver
and pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD
Takes an pulp.pulp.LpProblem
as argument, solves it, stores the solution, and returns a status code:
-def actualSolve(self, lp):
+def actualSolve(self, lp):
"""Solve a well formulated lp problem"""
if not self.executable(self.path):
raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: cannot execute " + self.path)
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ actualSolve
Only required by pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD
. It returns the default path of the command-line solver:
-def defaultPath(self):
+def defaultPath(self):
return self.executableExtension("mps_mipcl")
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ defaultPath
Making the solver available to PuLP
Modify the pulp/apis/__init__.py
file to import your solver and add it to the _all_solvers
-from .mipcl_api import MIPCL_CMD
+from .mipcl_api import MIPCL_CMD
_all_solvers = [
# (...)
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ Making the solver available to PuLP
Include the solver in PuLP’s test suite by adding a couple of lines corresponding to your solver to the pulp/tests/test_pulp.py
# (...)
-class MIPCL_CMDTest(BaseSolverTest.PuLPTest):
+class MIPCL_CMDTest(BaseSolverTest.PuLPTest):
solveInst = MIPCL_CMD
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ Including the solver in tests suite
Extra: adding a official solver API
There are additional best practices to take into account with these solvers. The actualSolve
method has the following structure:
-def actualSolve(self, lp):
+def actualSolve(self, lp):
# set the initial solution
diff --git a/develop/contribute.html b/develop/contribute.html
index 0fcde81e..318bd3b2 100644
--- a/develop/contribute.html
+++ b/develop/contribute.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
How to contribute to PuLP — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/develop/index.html b/develop/index.html
index 30e6507d..f8ec5ac9 100644
--- a/develop/index.html
+++ b/develop/index.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Developer Guides — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/genindex.html b/genindex.html
index 35d7ea48..9bded9f3 100644
--- a/genindex.html
+++ b/genindex.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Index — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -180,7 +180,11 @@ A
- args (pulp.constants.PulpError attribute)
- asCplexLpAffineExpression() (pulp.LpAffineExpression method)
- asCplexLpConstraint() (pulp.LpConstraint method)
- asCplexVariablesOnly() (pulp.LpAffineExpression method)
diff --git a/guides/how_to_configure_solvers.html b/guides/how_to_configure_solvers.html
index 56f20b88..9ea7c833 100644
--- a/guides/how_to_configure_solvers.html
+++ b/guides/how_to_configure_solvers.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
How to configure a solver in PuLP — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -108,21 +108,21 @@ How to configure a solver in PuLP
Checking which solvers PuLP has access to
PuLP has some helper functions that permit a user to query which solvers are available and initialize a solver from its name.
-import pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
solver_list = pl.listSolvers()
If passed the onlyAvailable=True argument, PuLP lists the solvers that are currently available:
-import pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
solver_list = pl.listSolvers(onlyAvailable=True)
Also, it’s possible to get a solver object by using the name of the solver. Any arguments passed to this function are passed to the constructor:
-import pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
solver = pl.getSolver('CPLEX_CMD')
solver = pl.getSolver('CPLEX_CMD', timeLimit=10)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ Configuring the path to the solverC:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio128\cplex\bin\x64_win64\cplex.exe.
Imagine using the CPLEX_CMD
solver, the first one is really simple:
path_to_cplex = r'C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio128\cplex\bin\x64_win64\cplex.exe'
-import pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
model = pl.LpProblem("Example", pl.LpMinimize)
solver = pl.CPLEX_CMD(path=path_to_cplex)
_var = pl.LpVariable('a')
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ Configuring the path to the solverPATH environment variable to include the path to the C:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio128\cplex\bin\x64_win64
Here is one random guide to editing environment variables in: Windows and Linux or Mac. The idea is that once it is correctly configured you can forget about it (until you change pc or solver version).
Once we have done that, we just do something very similar to the previous example:
-import pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
model = pl.LpProblem("Example", pl.LpMinimize)
solver = pl.CPLEX_CMD()
_var = pl.LpVariable('a')
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ GUROBI<
Configuring where the CMD solvers write their temporary files
In the case of solver APIs that use the command line (again, those that end in CMD
), sometimes a user wants to control where the files are written. There are plenty of options.
By default, PuLP does not keep the intermediary files (the *.mps, *.lp, *.mst, *.sol) and they are written in a temporary directory of the operating system. PuLP looks for the TEMP, TMP and TMPDIR environment variables to write the file (in that order). After using them, PuLP deletes them. If you change any of these environment variables before solving, you should be able to choose where you want PuLP to write the results.
-import pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
model = pl.LpProblem("Example", pl.LpMinimize)
_var = pl.LpVariable('a')
_var2 = pl.LpVariable('a2')
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ Configuring where the CMD solvers write their temporary filesimport pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
model = pl.LpProblem("Example", pl.LpMinimize)
_var = pl.LpVariable('a')
_var2 = pl.LpVariable('a2')
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ Configuring where the CMD solvers write their temporary filesimport pulp as pl
+import pulp as pl
model = pl.LpProblem("Example", pl.LpMinimize)
_var = pl.LpVariable('a')
_var2 = pl.LpVariable('a2')
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Installing GUROBIUsing solver-specific functionality
In order to access this functionality, the user needs to use the solver object included inside the PuLP problem. PuLP uses the solverModel
attribute on the problem object. This attribute is created and filled when the method buildSolverModel()
is executed.
For example, using the CPLEX_PY
API we can access the api object after the solving is done:
-import pulp
+import pulp
x = pulp.LpVariable('x', lowBound=0)
prob = pulp.LpProblem('name', pulp.LpMinimize)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ Installing GUROBIimport pulp
+import pulp
x = pulp.LpVariable('x', lowBound=0)
prob = pulp.LpProblem('name', pulp.LpMinimize)
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ Installing GUROBI
Exporting a solver can be useful to backup the configuration that was used to solve a model.
In order to export it one needs can export it to a dictionary or a json file:
-import pulp
+import pulp
solver = pulp.PULP_CBC_CMD()
solver_dict = solver.toDict()
@@ -354,12 +354,12 @@ Importing and exporting a solverimport pulp
+import pulp
solver = pulp.getSolverFromDict(solver_dict)
Or from a file:
-import pulp
+import pulp
solver = pulp.getSolverFromJson("some_file_name.json")
diff --git a/guides/how_to_debug.html b/guides/how_to_debug.html
index befd6baf..74943bc7 100644
--- a/guides/how_to_debug.html
+++ b/guides/how_to_debug.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
How to debug most errors during solving — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/guides/how_to_elastic_constraints.html b/guides/how_to_elastic_constraints.html
index ed40fd44..fb4a5e41 100644
--- a/guides/how_to_elastic_constraints.html
+++ b/guides/how_to_elastic_constraints.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Elastic Constraints — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/guides/how_to_export_models.html b/guides/how_to_export_models.html
index 3af3733f..26f68b5f 100644
--- a/guides/how_to_export_models.html
+++ b/guides/how_to_export_models.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
How to import and export models in PuLP — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ Considerations
Example 1: json
A very simple example taken from the internal tests. Imagine the following problem:
-from pulp import *
+from pulp import *
prob = LpProblem("test_export_dict_MIP", LpMinimize)
x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Example 1: json
Example 1: mps
The same model:
-from pulp import *
+from pulp import *
prob = LpProblem("test_export_dict_MIP", LpMinimize)
x = LpVariable("x", 0, 4)
y = LpVariable("y", -1, 1)
@@ -245,13 +245,13 @@ Example 1: mps
Example 2: json
We will use as example the model in A Set Partitioning Problem:
-import pulp
+import pulp
max_tables = 5
max_table_size = 4
guests = 'A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R'.split()
-def happiness(table):
+def happiness(table):
Find the happiness of the table
- by calculating the maximum distance between the letters
@@ -317,10 +317,10 @@ Grouping variables
Caveats with json and pandas / numpy data types
The json module in python has some issues transforming numpy data types (e.g., np.integer). The easier way to solve this problem is to provide a custom encoding class as shown here:
-import numpy as np
+import numpy as np
-class NpEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
- def default(self, obj):
+class NpEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
+ def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, np.integer):
return int(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, np.floating):
diff --git a/guides/how_to_mip_start.html b/guides/how_to_mip_start.html
index 4e13a889..39368d67 100644
--- a/guides/how_to_mip_start.html
+++ b/guides/how_to_mip_start.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
How to warm-start a solver — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ Whole ExampleAuthors: Stuart Mitchell 2009, Franco Peschiera 2019
-import pulp
+import pulp
max_tables = 5
max_table_size = 4
guests = "A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R".split()
-def happiness(table):
+def happiness(table):
Find the happiness of the table
- by calculating the maximum distance between the letters
diff --git a/guides/index.html b/guides/index.html
index a9725107..a55ed6d0 100644
--- a/guides/index.html
+++ b/guides/index.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
User Guides — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/index.html b/index.html
index a84cb15e..4efab46f 100644
--- a/index.html
+++ b/index.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Optimization with PuLP — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/main/amply.html b/main/amply.html
index 49bdb541..b140053a 100644
--- a/main/amply.html
+++ b/main/amply.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Amply — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/main/basic_python_coding.html b/main/basic_python_coding.html
index d45b1fb6..03682dc2 100644
--- a/main/basic_python_coding.html
+++ b/main/basic_python_coding.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Basic Python Coding — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ Import Statement>>> from pulp import *
+>>> from pulp import *
The asterisk represents that you are importing all names from the module of
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
Import Statement
Functions in Python are defined by: (def is short for define)
-def name(inputparameter1, inputparameter2, . . .):
+def name(inputparameter1, inputparameter2, . . .):
#function body
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ Functionsdef string_appender(head='begin', tail='end', end_message='EOL'):
+def string_appender(head='begin', tail='end', end_message='EOL'):
result = head + tail + end_message
return result
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ Classes
self must be in the input brackets.
-class Pattern:
+class Pattern:
Information on a specific pattern in the SpongeRoll Problem
@@ -416,14 +416,14 @@ Classes
totalRollLength = 20
lenOpts = [5, 7, 9]
-def __init__(self,name,lengths = None):
+def __init__(self,name,lengths = None):
self.name = name
self.lengthsdict = dict(zip(self.lenOpts,lengths))
-def __str__(self):
+def __str__(self):
return self.name
-def trim(self):
+def trim(self):
return Pattern.totalRollLength - sum([int(i)*self.lengthsdict[i] for i in self.lengthsdict])
diff --git a/main/includeme.html b/main/includeme.html
index 9f39b15e..30a11295 100644
--- a/main/includeme.html
+++ b/main/includeme.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
pulp — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ Installation
Use LpVariable
to create new variables. To create a variable x with 0 ≤ x ≤ 3:
-from pulp import *
+from pulp import *
x = LpVariable("x", 0, 3)
diff --git a/main/index.html b/main/index.html
index 42a28ab9..5ae77ffb 100644
--- a/main/index.html
+++ b/main/index.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Main Topics — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/main/installing_pulp_at_home.html b/main/installing_pulp_at_home.html
index 5995c6fa..2056a439 100644
--- a/main/installing_pulp_at_home.html
+++ b/main/installing_pulp_at_home.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Installing PuLP at Home — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Windows installation from source>>> from pulp import *
+>>> from pulp import *
to load in the functions. (You need to re-import the functions each time after you close the GUI) PuLP is written in a programming language called Python, and to use PuLP you must write Python code to describe your optimization problem.
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ Testing your PuLP installationCBC solver bundled with pulp works.
->>> import pulp
+>>> import pulp
>>> pulp.pulpTestAll()
Testing zero subtraction
Testing continuous LP solution
diff --git a/main/optimisation_concepts.html b/main/optimisation_concepts.html
index 1bc784da..8b0911ff 100644
--- a/main/optimisation_concepts.html
+++ b/main/optimisation_concepts.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Optimisation Concepts — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/main/the_optimisation_process.html b/main/the_optimisation_process.html
index 481b57b0..6f2f8c00 100644
--- a/main/the_optimisation_process.html
+++ b/main/the_optimisation_process.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
The Optimisation Process — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/objects.inv b/objects.inv
index 7b6a22ff..1c4fd648 100644
Binary files a/objects.inv and b/objects.inv differ
diff --git a/plugins/amply.html b/plugins/amply.html
index 2e4a29c4..9ba79847 100644
--- a/plugins/amply.html
+++ b/plugins/amply.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
amply: AMPL data manipulation — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/plugins/index.html b/plugins/index.html
index 1d4c10d3..d983faf7 100644
--- a/plugins/index.html
+++ b/plugins/index.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
Plugins — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/plugins/lparray.html b/plugins/lparray.html
index 44174021..ef5b1afd 100644
--- a/plugins/lparray.html
+++ b/plugins/lparray.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
PuLP_LPARRAY: PuLP x NumPy, a match made in heaven — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ PuLP_LPARRAY: PuLP x NumPy, a match made in heavensite: https://github.com/qdbp/pulp-lparray
Let’s solve an unconstrained SuperSudoku puzzle. A SuperSudoku is a Sudoku with the additional requirement that all digits having box coordinates (x, y) be distinct for all (x, y):
-from lparray import lparray
+from lparray import lparray
# name R, C, r, c, n lb ub type
X = lparray.create_anon("Board", (3, 3, 3, 3, 9), 0, 1, pp.LpBinary)
diff --git a/plugins/orloge.html b/plugins/orloge.html
index 38de36ac..4cc09a56 100644
--- a/plugins/orloge.html
+++ b/plugins/orloge.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
orloge: OR logs parser — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ orloge: OR logs parserorloge is a log parser for several MIP solvers that standardizes the contents into a python dictionary with most of the useful information provided. It supports GUROBI, CPLEX and CBC. Information reported includes: best objective, best bound, cuts, gap, nodes, status, time, etc. It also provides a pandas dataframe with the whole progress log of the solver.
site: https://github.com/pchtsp/orloge/
example with GUROBI:
-import orloge as ol
+import orloge as ol
ol.get_info_log_solver('tests/data/gurobi700-app1-2.out', 'GUROBI')
diff --git a/plugins/pytups.html b/plugins/pytups.html
index 4f2f82f2..1c2318cc 100644
--- a/plugins/pytups.html
+++ b/plugins/pytups.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
pytups: smart dictionaries and tuple lists — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/py-modindex.html b/py-modindex.html
index e213a105..1f840399 100644
--- a/py-modindex.html
+++ b/py-modindex.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Python Module Index — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/search.html b/search.html
index 36e48dd2..e5d032c1 100644
--- a/search.html
+++ b/search.html
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Search — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/searchindex.js b/searchindex.js
index de235cce..7ee8abe6 100644
--- a/searchindex.js
+++ b/searchindex.js
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"A Blending Problem": [[0, null]], "A Set Partitioning Problem": [[1, null]], "A Sudoku Problem formulated as an LP": [[2, null]], "A Transportation Problem": [[3, null]], "A Two Stage Production Planning Problem": [[4, null]], "Activating MIP start": [[13, "activating-mip-start"]], "Additional environment variables per solver": [[9, "additional-environment-variables-per-solver"]], "Amply": [[16, null]], "Applying the black linter / formatter": [[7, "applying-the-black-linter-formatter"]], "Array types in python": [[17, "array-types-in-python"]], "Authors": [[15, "authors"]], "Basic Python Coding": [[17, null]], "Building the documentation": [[7, "building-the-documentation"], [18, "building-the-documentation"]], "CPLEX": [[9, "cplex"]], "Case Studies": [[5, null]], "Caveats with json and pandas / numpy data types": [[12, "caveats-with-json-and-pandas-numpy-data-types"]], "Checking which solvers PuLP has access to": [[9, "checking-which-solvers-pulp-has-access-to"]], "Classes": [[17, "classes"]], "Cloning the project": [[7, "cloning-the-project"]], "Combinations and Permutations": [[30, "combinations-and-permutations"]], "Commenting in Python": [[17, "commenting-in-python"]], "Configuring the path to the solver": [[9, "configuring-the-path-to-the-solver"]], "Configuring where the CMD solvers write their temporary files": [[9, "configuring-where-the-cmd-solvers-write-their-temporary-files"]], "Considerations": [[12, "considerations"]], "Constraints": [[30, "constraints"]], "Contributing to PuLP": [[18, "contributing-to-pulp"]], "Copyright and License": [[18, "copyright-and-license"]], "Creating a test": [[7, "creating-a-test"]], "Developer Guides": [[8, null]], "Dictionaries": [[17, "dictionaries"]], "Elastic Constraints": [[11, null]], "Error while trying to execute cbc.exe": [[10, "error-while-trying-to-execute-cbc-exe"]], "Essential Classes": [[18, "essential-classes"]], "Example": [[6, "example"]], "Example 1: json": [[12, "example-1-json"]], "Example 1: mps": [[12, "example-1-mps"]], "Example 2: json": [[12, "example-2-json"]], "Example problem": [[13, "example-problem"]], "Extensions": [[3, "extensions"]], "Extra for Experts": [[2, "extra-for-experts"]], "Extra: adding a official solver API": [[6, "extra-adding-a-official-solver-api"]], "Filling a variable with a value": [[13, "filling-a-variable-with-a-value"]], "Fixing a variable": [[13, "fixing-a-variable"]], "For Developers": [[18, "for-developers"]], "Forking PuLP": [[7, "forking-pulp"]], "Formulate the Constraints": [[2, "formulate-the-constraints"], [3, "formulate-the-constraints"]], "Formulate the Objective Function": [[0, "formulate-the-objective-function"], [2, "formulate-the-objective-function"], [3, "formulate-the-objective-function"]], "Formulating the mathematical program": [[22, "formulating-the-mathematical-program"]], "Formulation": [[2, "formulation"], [3, "formulation"]], "Full Formulation": [[0, "full-formulation"]], "Functions": [[17, "functions"]], "GUROBI": [[9, "gurobi"]], "Getting the Problem Description": [[22, "getting-the-problem-description"]], "Giving feedback and asking for help": [[10, "giving-feedback-and-asking-for-help"]], "Grouping variables": [[12, "grouping-variables"]], "How to add a new solver to PuLP": [[6, null]], "How to configure a solver in PuLP": [[9, null]], "How to contribute to PuLP": [[7, null]], "How to debug most errors during solving": [[10, null]], "How to import and export models in PuLP": [[12, null]], "How to warm-start a solver": [[13, null]], "Identify the Decision Variables": [[0, "identify-the-decision-variables"], [2, "identify-the-decision-variables"], [3, "identify-the-decision-variables"]], "Import Statement": [[17, "import-statement"]], "Importing and exporting a solver": [[9, "importing-and-exporting-a-solver"]], "Including the solver in tests suite": [[6, "including-the-solver-in-tests-suite"]], "Infeasible problems": [[10, "infeasible-problems"]], "Inheriting base classes": [[6, "inheriting-base-classes"]], "Installation": [[18, "installation"], [20, "id1"]], "Installing CPLEX_PY": [[9, "installing-cplex-py"]], "Installing GUROBI": [[9, "installing-gurobi"]], "Installing PuLP at Home": [[20, null]], "Installing from source": [[7, "installing-from-source"]], "Integer Programing": [[21, "integer-programing"]], "Jupyter notebooks / anaconda / conda issues": [[10, "jupyter-notebooks-anaconda-conda-issues"]], "Linear Programing": [[21, "linear-programing"]], "Linux Installation": [[20, "linux-installation"]], "List Comprehensions": [[17, "list-comprehensions"]], "List/Tuple/Dictionary Syntax Note": [[17, "list-tuple-dictionary-syntax-note"]], "Lists": [[17, "lists"]], "Loops in Python": [[17, "loops-in-python"]], "Main Topics": [[19, null]], "Making a Pull Request": [[7, "making-a-pull-request"]], "Making the solver available to PuLP": [[6, "making-the-solver-available-to-pulp"]], "More Examples": [[18, "more-examples"]], "Ongoing Monitoring": [[3, "ongoing-monitoring"]], "Optimisation Concepts": [[21, null]], "Optimization with PuLP": [[15, null]], "Other important language features": [[17, "other-important-language-features"]], "Performing some post-optimal analysis": [[22, "performing-some-post-optimal-analysis"]], "Pip and pypi installation": [[20, "pip-and-pypi-installation"]], "Plugins": [[24, null]], "Presentation of Solution and Analysis": [[3, "presentation-of-solution-and-analysis"]], "Presenting the solution and analysis": [[22, "presenting-the-solution-and-analysis"]], "Problem Description": [[0, "problem-description"], [2, "problem-description"], [3, "problem-description"]], "PuLP Internal Documentation": [[29, null]], "PuLP Model": [[3, "pulp-model"]], "PuLP_LPARRAY: PuLP x NumPy, a match made in heaven": [[25, null]], "Quickstart": [[18, "quickstart"]], "Running tests": [[7, "running-tests"]], "Simplified Formulation": [[0, "simplified-formulation"]], "Solution": [[2, "solution"]], "Solution to Full Problem": [[0, "solution-to-full-problem"]], "Solution to Simplified Problem": [[0, "solution-to-simplified-problem"]], "Solving the mathematical program": [[22, "solving-the-mathematical-program"]], "Storage and \u201cBuying In\u201d": [[3, "storage-and-buying-in"]], "Supported solver APIs": [[13, "supported-solver-apis"]], "Testing your PuLP installation": [[20, "testing-your-pulp-installation"]], "The Constraints": [[0, "the-constraints"]], "The LpProblem Class": [[30, "the-lpproblem-class"]], "The Modeling Process": [[22, "the-modeling-process"]], "The Optimisation Process": [[22, null]], "The if statement": [[17, "the-if-statement"]], "Todo": [[30, "id1"]], "Tuples": [[17, "tuples"]], "Types of PuLP integrations (API) to solvers": [[9, "types-of-pulp-integrations-api-to-solvers"]], "Useful Functions": [[18, "useful-functions"]], "User Guides": [[14, null]], "Using solver-specific functionality": [[9, "using-solver-specific-functionality"]], "Using the official solver API": [[9, "using-the-official-solver-api"]], "Validation": [[3, "validation"]], "Variables and Expressions": [[30, "variables-and-expressions"]], "What is an environment variable": [[9, "what-is-an-environment-variable"]], "Whole Example": [[13, "whole-example"]], "Windows installation from source": [[20, "windows-installation-from-source"]], "actualSolve method": [[6, "actualsolve-method"]], "amply: AMPL data manipulation": [[23, null]], "available method": [[6, "available-method"]], "defaultPath method": [[6, "defaultpath-method"]], "for Loop": [[17, "for-loop"]], "orloge: OR logs parser": [[26, null]], "pulp": [[18, null]], "pulp.apis Interface to Solvers": [[31, null]], "pulp.constants": [[28, null]], "pulp: Pulp classes": [[30, null]], "pytups: smart dictionaries and tuple lists": [[27, null]], "while Loop": [[17, "while-loop"]]}, "docnames": ["CaseStudies/a_blending_problem", "CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem", "CaseStudies/a_sudoku_problem", "CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem", "CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem", "CaseStudies/index", "develop/add_solver", "develop/contribute", "develop/index", "guides/how_to_configure_solvers", "guides/how_to_debug", "guides/how_to_elastic_constraints", "guides/how_to_export_models", "guides/how_to_mip_start", "guides/index", "index", "main/amply", "main/basic_python_coding", "main/includeme", "main/index", "main/installing_pulp_at_home", "main/optimisation_concepts", "main/the_optimisation_process", "plugins/amply", "plugins/index", "plugins/lparray", "plugins/orloge", "plugins/pytups", "technical/constants", "technical/index", "technical/pulp", "technical/solvers"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2}, "filenames": ["CaseStudies/a_blending_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_sudoku_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/index.rst", "develop/add_solver.rst", "develop/contribute.rst", "develop/index.rst", "guides/how_to_configure_solvers.rst", "guides/how_to_debug.rst", "guides/how_to_elastic_constraints.rst", "guides/how_to_export_models.rst", "guides/how_to_mip_start.rst", "guides/index.rst", "index.rst", "main/amply.rst", "main/basic_python_coding.rst", "main/includeme.rst", "main/index.rst", "main/installing_pulp_at_home.rst", "main/optimisation_concepts.rst", "main/the_optimisation_process.rst", "plugins/amply.rst", "plugins/index.rst", "plugins/lparray.rst", "plugins/orloge.rst", "plugins/pytups.rst", "technical/constants.rst", "technical/index.rst", "technical/pulp.rst", "technical/solvers.rst"], "indexentries": {"actualresolve() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.actualResolve", false]], "actualresolve() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.actualResolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.coinmp_dll method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.copt method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.copt_dll method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.cplex_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.gurobi method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.highs method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.mosek method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.pyglpk method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.sas94 method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.sascas method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.scip_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.yaposib method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB.actualSolve", false]], "addinplace() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.addInPlace", false]], "addinplace() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.addInPlace", false]], "addvariabletoconstraints() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.addVariableToConstraints", false]], "allcombinations() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.allcombinations", false]], "allpermutations() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.allpermutations", false]], "altername() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.alterName", false]], "args (pulp.constants.pulperror attribute)": [[28, "pulp.constants.PulpError.args", false]], "ascplexlpaffineexpression() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.asCplexLpAffineExpression", false]], "ascplexlpconstraint() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.asCplexLpConstraint", false]], "ascplexvariablesonly() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.asCplexVariablesOnly", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.coinmp_dll class method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.copt method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.copt_dll method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.cplex_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.gurobi method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.highs method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.mosek method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.pyglpk method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.sas94 method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.sascas method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.scip_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.yaposib method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB.available", false]], "buildsolvermodel() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.buildSolverModel", false]], "byref() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.byref", false]], "callsolver() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.callSolver", false]], "changerhs() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.changeRHS", false]], "choco_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD", false]], "clock() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.clock", false]], "close() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.close", false]], "closed (pulp.apis.stringio attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.closed", false]], "coin (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN", false]], "coin_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD", false]], "coinmp_dll (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL", false]], "coinmp_dll_load_dll() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL_load_dll", false]], "combination() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.combination", false]], "configsolvers() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.configSolvers", false]], "constraints (pulp.lpproblem attribute)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.constraints", false]], "copt (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT", false]], "copt_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD", false]], "copt_dll (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL", false]], "copt_dll_loadlib() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL_loadlib", false]], "coptstr() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.coptstr", false]], "copy() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.copy", false]], "cplex (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX", false]], "cplex_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD", false]], "cplex_py (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY", false]], "create_tmp_files() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.create_tmp_files", false]], "ctypesarrayfill() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.ctypesArrayFill", false]], "deelasticize() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.deElasticize", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.sassolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASsolver.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.defaultPath", false]], "delete_tmp_files() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.delete_tmp_files", false]], "dicts() (pulp.lpvariable class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.dicts", false]], "env (pulp.apis.gurobi attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.env", false]], "err (pulp.apis.copt_dll attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.err", false]], "err (pulp.apis.cplex_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.err", false]], "executable() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.executable", false]], "executableextension() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.executableExtension", false]], "finddifferencefromrhs() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.findDifferenceFromRHS", false]], "findlhsvalue() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.findLHSValue", false]], "findsolutionvalues() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.findSolutionValues", false]], "fixedelasticsubproblem (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem", false]], "fixvalue() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.fixValue", false]], "flush() (pulp.apis.saslogwriter method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter.flush", false]], "from_dict() (pulp.lpconstraint class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.from_dict", false]], "from_dict() (pulp.lpvariable class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.from_dict", false]], "fromdict() (pulp.lpconstraint class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.fromDict", false]], "fromdict() (pulp.lpvariable class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.fromDict", false]], "fromjson() (pulp.lpproblem class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.fromJson", false]], "fscip (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP", false]], "fscip_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD", false]], "fscip_statuses (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.FSCIP_STATUSES", false]], "get_status() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.get_status", false]], "getattribute() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.getAttribute", false]], "getcplexstylearrays() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.getCplexStyleArrays", false]], "getoptions() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.getOptions", false]], "getoptions() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.getOptions", false]], "getoptions() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.getOptions", false]], "getsolver() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.getSolver", false]], "getsolverfromdict() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.getSolverFromDict", false]], "getsolverfromjson() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.getSolverFromJson", false]], "getvalue() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.getvalue", false]], "glpk (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK", false]], "glpk_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD", false]], "gurobi (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI", false]], "gurobi_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD", false]], "highs (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS", false]], "highs_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD", false]], "initialize() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.initialize", false]], "isfixed() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.isFixed", false]], "isviolated() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.isViolated", false]], "line_buffering (pulp.apis.stringio attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.line_buffering", false]], "listsolvers() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.listSolvers", false]], "log() (pulp.apis.saslogwriter method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter.log", false]], "lpaffineexpression (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression", false]], "lpconstraint (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint", false]], "lpconstrainteq (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintEQ", false]], "lpconstraintge (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintGE", false]], "lpconstraintle (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintLE", false]], "lpconstraintsenses (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintSenses", false]], "lpcontinuous (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpContinuous", false]], "lpelement (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpElement", false]], "lpmaximize (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpMaximize", false]], "lpminimize (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpMinimize", false]], "lpproblem (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem", false]], "lpsenses (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpSenses", false]], "lpsolution (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpSolution", false]], "lpsolver (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver", false]], "lpsolver_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD", false]], "lpstatus (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatus", false]], "lpstatusinfeasible (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusInfeasible", false]], "lpstatusnotsolved (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusNotSolved", false]], "lpstatusoptimal (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusOptimal", false]], "lpstatusunbounded (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusUnbounded", false]], "lpstatusundefined (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusUndefined", false]], "lpsum() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.lpSum", false]], "lpvariable (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable", false]], "makeelasticsubproblem() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.makeElasticSubProblem", false]], "mipcl_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD", false]], "mktemp() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.mktemp", false]], "module": [[28, "module-pulp.constants", false], [30, "module-pulp", false], [31, "module-pulp.apis", false]], "mosek (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK", false]], "name (pulp.apis.choco_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.coin_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.coinmp_dll attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.copt attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.copt_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.copt_dll attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.cplex_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.gurobi attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.highs attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.highs_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.lpsolver attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.mosek attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.pulp_cbc_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.pyglpk attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.sas94 attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.sascas attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.sassolver attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASsolver.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.scip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.scip_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.xpress attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.xpress_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.yaposib attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB.name", false]], "newlines (pulp.apis.stringio attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.newlines", false]], "no_solution_statuses (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES", false]], "no_solution_statuses (pulp.apis.scip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES", false]], "objective (pulp.lpproblem attribute)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.objective", false]], "parse_objective() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.parse_objective", false]], "parse_status() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.parse_status", false]], "parse_variable() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.parse_variable", false]], "parser (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.Parser", false]], "permutation() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.permutation", false]], "pulp": [[30, "module-pulp", false]], "pulp.apis": [[31, "module-pulp.apis", false]], "pulp.constants": [[28, "module-pulp.constants", false]], "pulp_cbc_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD", false]], "pulp_cbc_path (pulp.apis.pulp_cbc_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD.pulp_cbc_path", false]], "pulperror": [[28, "pulp.constants.PulpError", false]], "pulpsolvererror": [[31, "pulp.apis.PulpSolverError", false]], "pyglpk (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK", false]], "quote_path() (pulp.apis.xpress static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.quote_path", false]], "read() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.read", false]], "readable() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.readable", false]], "readline() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.readline", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.xpress static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.readsol", false]], "readsol_lp() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.readsol_LP", false]], "readsol_mps() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.readsol_MPS", false]], "redirect_stdout (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.redirect_stdout", false]], "reelasticize() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.reElasticize", false]], "roundsolution() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.roundSolution", false]], "sas94 (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94", false]], "sascas (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS", false]], "saslogwriter (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter", false]], "sassolver (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASsolver", false]], "scip (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP", false]], "scip_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD", false]], "scip_py (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY", false]], "scip_statuses (pulp.apis.scip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.SCIP_STATUSES", false]], "seek() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.seek", false]], "seekable() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.seekable", false]], "setconfiginformation() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.setConfigInformation", false]], "setinitialvalue() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.setInitialValue", false]], "setobjective() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.setObjective", false]], "settmpdir() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.setTmpDir", false]], "silent_remove() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.silent_remove", false]], "solution_style (pulp.apis.highs_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.SOLUTION_STYLE", false]], "solve() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.solve", false]], "solve() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.solve", false]], "solve_cbc() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.solve_CBC", false]], "sorted_keys() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.sorted_keys", false]], "status (pulp.lpproblem attribute)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.status", false]], "stringio (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO", false]], "tell() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.tell", false]], "to_dict() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.to_dict", false]], "to_dict() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.to_dict", false]], "to_dict() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.to_dict", false]], "to_json() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.to_json", false]], "to_string() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.to_string", false]], "todict() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.toDict", false]], "todict() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.toDict", false]], "todict() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.toDict", false]], "todict() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.toDict", false]], "tojson() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.toJson", false]], "tojson() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.toJson", false]], "truncate() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.truncate", false]], "uuid4() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.uuid4", false]], "value() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.value", false]], "variables() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.variables", false]], "with_traceback() (pulp.constants.pulperror method)": [[28, "pulp.constants.PulpError.with_traceback", false]], "writable() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.writable", false]], "write() (pulp.apis.saslogwriter method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter.write", false]], "write() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.write", false]], "writelp() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.writeLP", false]], "writemps() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.writeMPS", false]], "writemst() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.writemst", false]], "writeslxsol() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.writeslxsol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.writesol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.writesol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.writesol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.writesol", false]], "xpress (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS", false]], "xpress_cmd (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_CMD", false]], "xpress_py (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY", false]], "yaposib (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[30, 0, 0, "-", "pulp"]], "pulp": [[30, 1, 1, "", "FixedElasticSubProblem"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpAffineExpression"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpConstraint"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpElement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpProblem"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpVariable"], [30, 4, 1, "", "allcombinations"], [30, 4, 1, "", "allpermutations"], [31, 0, 0, "-", "apis"], [30, 4, 1, "", "combination"], [28, 0, 0, "-", "constants"], [30, 4, 1, "", "lpSum"], [30, 4, 1, "", "permutation"], [30, 4, 1, "", "value"]], "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem": [[30, 2, 1, "", "alterName"], [30, 2, 1, "", "deElasticize"], [30, 2, 1, "", "findDifferenceFromRHS"], [30, 2, 1, "", "findLHSValue"], [30, 2, 1, "", "isViolated"], [30, 2, 1, "", "reElasticize"]], "pulp.LpAffineExpression": [[30, 2, 1, "", "addInPlace"], [30, 2, 1, "", "asCplexLpAffineExpression"], [30, 2, 1, "", "asCplexVariablesOnly"], [30, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [30, 2, 1, "", "sorted_keys"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "to_dict"]], "pulp.LpConstraint": [[30, 2, 1, "", "addInPlace"], [30, 2, 1, "", "asCplexLpConstraint"], [30, 2, 1, "", "changeRHS"], [30, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fromDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "from_dict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "makeElasticSubProblem"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toDict"]], "pulp.LpProblem": [[30, 3, 1, "", "constraints"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fromJson"], [30, 3, 1, "", "objective"], [30, 2, 1, "", "roundSolution"], [30, 2, 1, "", "setObjective"], [30, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [30, 3, 1, "", "status"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toJson"], [30, 2, 1, "", "variables"], [30, 2, 1, "", "writeLP"], [30, 2, 1, "", "writeMPS"]], "pulp.LpVariable": [[30, 2, 1, "", "addVariableToConstraints"], [30, 2, 1, "", "dicts"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fixValue"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fromDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "from_dict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "isFixed"], [30, 2, 1, "", "setInitialValue"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "to_dict"]], "pulp.apis": [[31, 1, 1, "", "CHOCO_CMD"], [31, 3, 1, "", "COIN"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COINMP_DLL"], [31, 4, 1, "", "COINMP_DLL_load_dll"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COIN_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COPT"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COPT_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COPT_DLL"], [31, 4, 1, "", "COPT_DLL_loadlib"], [31, 3, 1, "", "CPLEX"], [31, 1, 1, "", "CPLEX_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "CPLEX_PY"], [31, 3, 1, "", "FSCIP"], [31, 1, 1, "", "FSCIP_CMD"], [31, 3, 1, "", "GLPK"], [31, 1, 1, "", "GLPK_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "GUROBI"], [31, 1, 1, "", "GUROBI_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "HiGHS"], [31, 1, 1, "", "HiGHS_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "LpSolver"], [31, 1, 1, "", "LpSolver_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "MIPCL_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "MOSEK"], [31, 1, 1, "", "PULP_CBC_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "PYGLPK"], [31, 3, 1, "", "Parser"], [31, 5, 1, "", "PulpSolverError"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SAS94"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SASCAS"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SASLogWriter"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SASsolver"], [31, 3, 1, "", "SCIP"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SCIP_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SCIP_PY"], [31, 1, 1, "", "StringIO"], [31, 1, 1, "", "XPRESS"], [31, 3, 1, "", "XPRESS_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "XPRESS_PY"], [31, 1, 1, "", "YAPOSIB"], [31, 4, 1, "", "byref"], [31, 4, 1, "", "clock"], [31, 4, 1, "", "configSolvers"], [31, 4, 1, "", "coptstr"], [31, 4, 1, "", "ctypesArrayFill"], [31, 4, 1, "", "getSolver"], [31, 4, 1, "", "getSolverFromDict"], [31, 4, 1, "", "getSolverFromJson"], [31, 4, 1, "", "initialize"], [31, 4, 1, "", "listSolvers"], [31, 4, 1, "", "mktemp"], [31, 1, 1, "", "redirect_stdout"], [31, 4, 1, "", "setConfigInformation"], [31, 4, 1, "", "to_string"], [31, 4, 1, "", "uuid4"]], "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getOptions"], [31, 2, 1, "", "get_status"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol_LP"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol_MPS"], [31, 2, 1, "", "solve_CBC"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.COPT": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writemst"]], "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "err"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getOptions"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "err"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "FSCIP_STATUSES"], [31, 3, 1, "", "NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "parse_objective"], [31, 2, 1, "", "parse_status"], [31, 2, 1, "", "parse_variable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.GUROBI": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "env"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getOptions"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.HiGHS": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "SOLUTION_STYLE"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.LpSolver": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualResolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getCplexStyleArrays"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "toDict"], [31, 2, 1, "", "toJson"], [31, 2, 1, "", "to_dict"], [31, 2, 1, "", "to_json"]], "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [31, 2, 1, "", "create_tmp_files"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "delete_tmp_files"], [31, 2, 1, "", "executable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "executableExtension"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "setTmpDir"], [31, 2, 1, "", "silent_remove"]], "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.MOSEK": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 3, 1, "", "pulp_cbc_path"]], "pulp.apis.PYGLPK": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SAS94": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SASCAS": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter": [[31, 2, 1, "", "flush"], [31, 2, 1, "", "log"], [31, 2, 1, "", "write"]], "pulp.apis.SASsolver": [[31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES"], [31, 3, 1, "", "SCIP_STATUSES"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.StringIO": [[31, 2, 1, "", "close"], [31, 3, 1, "", "closed"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getvalue"], [31, 3, 1, "", "line_buffering"], [31, 3, 1, "", "newlines"], [31, 2, 1, "", "read"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readline"], [31, 2, 1, "", "seek"], [31, 2, 1, "", "seekable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "tell"], [31, 2, 1, "", "truncate"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "write"]], "pulp.apis.XPRESS": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "quote_path"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writeslxsol"]], "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualResolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "buildSolverModel"], [31, 2, 1, "", "callSolver"], [31, 2, 1, "", "findSolutionValues"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getAttribute"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.constants": [[28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintEQ"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintGE"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintLE"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintSenses"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpContinuous"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpMaximize"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpMinimize"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpSenses"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpSolution"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatus"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusInfeasible"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusNotSolved"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusOptimal"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusUnbounded"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusUndefined"], [28, 5, 1, "", "PulpError"]], "pulp.constants.PulpError": [[28, 3, 1, "", "args"], [28, 2, 1, "", "with_traceback"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "4": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "5": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "6": ["py", "data", "Python data"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:attribute", "4": "py:function", "5": "py:exception", "6": "py:data"}, "terms": {"": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30, 31], "0": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31], 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30, "chapter7": 31, "charact": 31, "cheaper": 3, "cheapli": 0, "check": [3, 10, 13, 14, 30, 31], "checkduplicatevar": 6, "checklengthvar": 6, "chicken": [0, 17], "chickenperc": 0, "choco": [15, 18, 31], "choco_cmd": [9, 31], "choic": [0, 2, 4, 7], "choice_4_2_9": 2, "choos": [0, 9], "chosen": [1, 3, 13], "christoph": 31, "cl": 12, "class": [0, 8, 12, 15, 27, 28, 29, 31], "classmethod": [30, 31], "clear": [2, 17], "clearli": [0, 2, 22], "clever": 12, "click": [13, 20], "client": [7, 22], "clip": 25, "cliqu": 26, "clock": 31, "clone": 8, "close": [2, 20, 31], "clp": [15, 18, 31], "cmd": [6, 14, 20], "co": 1, "code": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 27], "coeffici": [10, 12, 22, 30], "coin": [10, 15, 18, 22, 31], "coin_cmd": [9, 20, 31], "coin_mp": 31, "coinmp_dll": [9, 20, 31], "coinmp_dll_load_dl": 31, "col": [2, 26], "collect": 0, "colon": 17, "column": [1, 2, 18, 20, 26, 30], "columnwis": 30, "com": [4, 7, 10, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 31], "combin": [2, 3, 4, 10, 18], "come": [3, 9, 22, 30, 31], "comma": [0, 17], "command": [6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 20, 31], "comment": [0, 2, 3, 18], "commit": 7, "common": 10, "compani": 4, "compar": [2, 3], "comparison": 4, "compil": 31, "complet": [10, 12, 13], "complic": [2, 4], "comprehens": [0, 3, 4, 22], "comput": [3, 9, 12], "concaten": 12, "concept": [9, 15, 19], "concern": 2, "concis": [17, 22], "conda": 14, "condit": [17, 21], "configpars": 31, "configsolv": 31, "configur": [6, 14, 15, 18, 31], "confirm": 13, "connect": [3, 9], "consecut": 17, "consequ": 22, "consid": [0, 2, 3, 22], "consider": [3, 6, 14, 22], "consist": 6, "consol": [4, 9, 31], "constant": [6, 12, 15, 21, 29, 30], "constrain": [3, 25], "constraint": [1, 4, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 31], "constraint_1": 11, "constraint_2": 11, "constraintsnam": 31, "construct": [18, 22], "constructor": [9, 31], "consult": 22, "contain": [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 17, 18, 21, 28, 30], "content": [17, 26, 31], "context": 31, "continu": [0, 4, 12, 17, 20, 21, 28, 30], 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[2, 9, 10, 31], "differ": [0, 9, 17, 22, 31], "differenti": 4, "difficult": [1, 21], "digit": 25, "dimens": 17, "dir": 31, "directli": [0, 7, 9, 10, 12], "directori": [0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 18, 20, 31], "discret": 0, "discuss": [10, 18], "disk": 9, "dispatch": 3, "displai": [0, 17, 18, 20], "distanc": [1, 11, 12, 13], "distinct": 25, "distribut": [3, 18, 20], "dive": 17, "divid": [0, 20], "divis": 17, "dj": [12, 30], "dll": 31, "dmd": 4, "do": [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 30], "doc": [7, 18, 31], "document": [8, 9, 10, 15], "doe": [0, 1, 6, 9, 12, 17, 30, 31], "dollar": 3, "don": [2, 3, 22], "done": [0, 4, 6, 7, 9, 17, 21, 22], "dot": 0, "doubl": 31, "down": 22, "download": [7, 10, 17, 18, 20], "dr": [0, 2, 3], "dramat": 2, "draw": 2, "drive": [9, 20], "dual": [9, 20, 21], "due": 3, "dummi": 3, "duplic": [6, 10], "duquesn": 31, "dure": [3, 9, 14, 15, 31], "dynam": [9, 31], "e": [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 22, 30, 31], "each": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22, 30, 31], "earlier": 15, "earn": 4, "easi": [3, 7, 9, 27], "easier": [0, 2, 12], "easiest": [7, 18, 20], "easili": [0, 3, 17, 22], "economi": 3, "edit": [2, 3, 4, 9, 31], "editor": [0, 10], "effect": [2, 21, 22, 30, 31], "effici": [1, 3, 25, 27], "either": [0, 11, 17, 18, 20, 22, 30, 31], "elaps": 31, "elast": [14, 15, 20, 30], "elastic": [11, 30], "elasticproblem": 11, "elasticproblem_1": 11, "elasticproblem_2": 11, "eleg": 2, "element": [0, 1, 2, 4, 17, 30, 31], "elif": [12, 17], "els": [2, 6, 9, 12, 17, 31], "empti": [0, 17, 30, 31], "encod": 12, "end": [0, 2, 4, 9, 12, 13, 17, 31], "end_messag": 17, "endmessag": 17, "enorm": 21, "enough": [9, 12], "ensur": [0, 2, 7], "enter": [0, 2, 3, 17, 20, 22], "entir": 31, "entri": 0, "enumer": 1, "env": 31, "environ": [7, 14, 18], "eof": 31, "eol": 17, "ep": 30, "epgap": 31, "epsint": 30, "equal": [0, 2, 3, 4, 11, 31], "equat": 0, "equival": 30, "err": 31, "error": [6, 14, 15], "escap": 31, "essenti": [0, 2], "etc": [0, 3, 9, 20, 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[2, 19], "feedback": [14, 22], "feel": 7, "few": [0, 2], "fiberscip": 31, "fibr": 0, "fibreperc": 0, "fibrerequir": 0, "fico": 31, "fifth": 17, "file": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 28, 30, 31], "filenam": [30, 31], "fill": [2, 6, 9, 14], "final": [0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22, 31], "financi": 3, "find": [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18, 21, 30], "finddifferencefromrh": 30, "findlhsvalu": 30, "findsolutionvalu": [6, 9, 31], "finish": 6, "first": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22], "first_relax": 26, "first_solut": 26, "firstli": 0, "fit": [12, 30], "five": [0, 3, 22], "fix": [3, 7, 10, 14, 30], "fixedelasticsubproblem": [11, 30], "fixvalu": [13, 30], "flat": [12, 27], "flexibl": 12, "float": [12, 17, 30, 31], "flow": 3, "flush": 31, "focu": 17, "folder": [2, 7, 10, 18, 20], "foldernam": 20, "follow": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 30, 31], "food": 0, "foral": 3, "forc": 31, "forecast": 3, "forget": 9, "fork": 8, "form": [3, 11, 18, 21, 22], "formal": [0, 22], "format": [0, 12, 17, 30, 31], "formatt": 8, "former": 9, "formul": [5, 6, 15, 31], "found": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 18, 26, 28, 31], "four": [0, 4], "fourth": [0, 17], "fraction": [3, 20, 31], "fractionelasticsubproblem": 30, "franco": [13, 15], "free": [7, 11, 20, 30], "freebound": 20, "freebound_list_valu": 11, "freebound_valu": 11, "freeli": [17, 20], "frequenc": 31, "frequent": 0, "freund": 4, "from": [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31], "from_dict": [12, 30], "from_json": 12, "fromdict": 30, "fromjson": 30, "frommp": 12, "fscip": [15, 18, 31], "fscip_cmd": 31, "fscip_status": 31, "full": [1, 2, 4, 5, 15], "fulli": 0, "function": [1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 31], "fundament": 17, "further": [0, 3, 7, 21, 22, 31], "futur": 22, "g": [0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 31], "gain": 13, "galor": 25, "game": 17, "gap": [26, 31], "gapab": 31, "gaprel": 31, "ge": [0, 3, 4, 11], "gel": 0, "gemston": 4, "gemstoneprob": 4, "gener": [1, 6, 10, 15, 17, 18, 22, 30, 31], "get": [3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20, 31], "get_info_log_solv": 26, "get_statu": 31, "getattribut": 31, "getcplexstylearrai": 31, "getopt": 31, "getsolv": [9, 31], "getsolverfromdict": [9, 31], "getsolverfromjson": [9, 31], "getvalu": 31, "git": [7, 18], "github": [4, 7, 10, 16, 18, 20, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31], "give": [0, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, 17, 22, 30], "given": [0, 2, 3, 13, 17, 18, 22, 30, 31], "glpk": [15, 18, 20, 31], "glpk_cmd": [9, 20, 31], "gmail": [4, 15], "go": [3, 7, 9, 12, 20, 21, 31], "goal": [4, 22], "gomori": [26, 31], "good": [3, 10, 21, 31], "govern": 17, "gram": 0, "graphic": [3, 9], "greater": [0, 3], "grid": 2, "group": [9, 14, 17], "grow": 21, "gtc": 4, "guarante": [1, 3, 22], "guest": [1, 12, 13], "gui": [9, 20], "guid": [7, 9, 15, 17, 18], "gurobi": [6, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 26, 31], "gurobi700": 26, "gurobi801": 9, "gurobi_cmd": [9, 13, 20, 31], "gurobi_hom": 9, "gurobipi": 6, "ha": [0, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 31], "had": 2, "hand": 18, "handl": [6, 10], "happen": 9, "happi": [1, 12, 13], "hard": [9, 22, 30], "hash": 17, "have": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 31], "head": [0, 3, 17], "heaven": [15, 24], "heavi": 25, "help": [3, 7, 14, 31], "helper": [9, 27, 30], "here": [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21], "heurdepth": 31, "heurfreq": 31, "heurist": [22, 31], "heurstra": 31, "high": [9, 10, 15, 18, 31], "highli": [10, 17], "highs_cmd": 31, "highs_jll": 31, "hit": 31, "home": [7, 15, 18, 19, 31], "hood": 25, "hopefulli": 28, "host": 17, "hour": [4, 22], "how": [0, 1, 3, 4, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 31], "howev": [0, 2, 15, 17, 22], "html": [7, 18, 27, 31], "http": [4, 10, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31], "i": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31], "ibm": 9, "id": 7, "idea": 9, "ideal": 6, "ident": 21, "identif": 22, "identifi": [12, 17, 22, 30], "idl": 20, "ignor": 0, "ilog": 9, "imagin": 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31], "instanc": [17, 30, 31], "instanti": [11, 31], "instead": [2, 3, 12, 17, 22, 27], "instruct": [15, 18, 20], "int": [12, 17, 30, 31], "integ": [0, 2, 3, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 30, 31], "integr": [3, 7, 14], "intellig": 22, "intend": 17, "interact": 3, "interdepend": 22, "interestingli": 2, "interfac": [9, 12, 15, 29], "interior": [21, 22], "intermediari": 9, "intern": [3, 12, 15, 31], "internet": 17, "interpret": [20, 31], "interrupt": 31, "interv": 11, "intract": 1, "introductori": 2, "invalid": 22, "invers": 6, "invest": 22, "invit": 1, "involv": [9, 10, 22], "io": [27, 31], "isfix": 30, "isinst": 12, "ismip": 6, "issu": [7, 12, 14, 18], "isviol": 30, "item": [1, 4, 13, 30], "iter": [17, 30], "itpnod": 26, "its": [0, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 16, 30, 31], "itself": 30, "j": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 17, 18], "jelli": 17, "jl": 31, "json": [9, 14, 30, 31], "jsonencod": 12, "juliabinarywrapp": 31, "jump": [3, 15], "jupyt": 14, "just": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 25, 31], "k": [1, 2, 12, 13, 30], 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[0, 28], "lpdot": 18, "lpelement": 30, "lpfractionconstraint": 30, "lpinteg": [0, 1, 3, 12, 13, 28], "lpmaxim": [0, 2, 4, 6, 28, 30], "lpminim": [0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 18, 25, 28, 30], "lpobjsens": 31, "lpproblem": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 25], "lpsens": 28, "lpsolut": 28, "lpsolutionintegerfeas": 28, "lpsolutionnosolutionfound": [6, 28], "lpsolutionoptim": 28, "lpsolutionstatusinfeas": 28, "lpsolutionstatusunbound": 28, "lpsolver": [6, 31], "lpsolver_cmd": [6, 31], "lpstatu": [0, 2, 4, 18, 28], "lpstatusinfeas": [6, 28], "lpstatusnotsolv": [6, 28], "lpstatusoptim": 28, "lpstatusunbound": 28, "lpstatusundefin": 28, "lpsum": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 18, 30], "lpvar": 31, "lpvarcategori": 31, "lpvariabl": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 18, 20, 25, 30], "luangkesorn": 4, "lugerpitt": 4, "m": [1, 2, 7, 12, 13, 18], "mac": [7, 9], "machin": [4, 7, 9, 22], "maco": 18, "made": [3, 12, 15, 24], "magic": 9, "magnitud": 11, "mai": [1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31], "main": [0, 6, 9, 10, 15, 30, 31], "mainli": 17, "make": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22, 27, 30, 31], "makedict": 3, "makeelasticsubproblem": [11, 30], "maker": 4, "manag": [3, 31], "mani": [2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 22], "manipul": [15, 20, 24, 27], "manual": 9, "manufactur": 0, "mari": 31, "market": 4, "mason": 15, "match": [9, 15, 24], "materi": [4, 17], "mathbb": 3, "mathemat": [20, 21], "matrix": 26, "matrix_post": 26, "matter": 17, "max": [3, 4, 25, 31], "max_length": 30, "max_tabl": [1, 12, 13], "max_table_s": [1, 12, 13], "maxcardin": 30, "maxim": [4, 6, 20, 28], "maximis": [1, 2, 22], "maximum": [1, 3, 12, 13, 31], "maximum_number_of_t": [1, 12, 13], "maxmemori": 31, "maxnod": 31, "maxoneperbox": 25, "maxonepercol": 25, "maxoneperrow": 25, "maxoneperxi": 25, "mean": [0, 2, 9, 12, 22], "meaning": [2, 3, 4, 7], "meat": [0, 17], "meet": 0, "memori": [10, 31], "mention": 12, "menu": 20, "merx": 2, "messag": [7, 10, 13, 31], "met": [0, 2, 3], "method": [0, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 21, 22, 30, 31], "methodologi": 22, "michael": 15, "might": 2, "mike": 3, "milp": [15, 18], "min": [0, 3, 25], "mine": 9, "miner": 0, "minim": [3, 6, 11, 12, 28], "minimalist": 7, "minimis": [0, 2, 3, 22], "minimum": [3, 10], "minor": 21, "mip": [6, 9, 14, 20, 21, 26, 30, 31], "mip_start": [9, 31], "mipcl": [15, 18, 31], "mipcl_api": 6, "mipcl_cmd": [6, 9, 31], "mipcl_cmdtest": 6, "mir": 26, "mit": 18, "mitchel": [0, 1, 2, 3, 13, 15, 18, 31], "mix": [0, 15, 17, 18, 21], "mkstemp": 31, "mktemp": 31, "model": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 31], "modif": [2, 31], "modifi": [6, 7, 13, 17, 30], "modul": [12, 17, 20, 31], "modulenotfounderror": 31, "modulu": 17, "mold": 4, "molding_dict": 4, "moment": 31, "monitor": [5, 22], "monoton": 31, "more": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 17, 19, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31], "mosek": [9, 15, 18, 31], "most": [9, 14, 15, 21, 26, 31], "move": [16, 17], "mp": [6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 18, 30, 31], "mps_mipcl": 6, "mpsfile": 10, "mpssens": [6, 30], "msg": [6, 9, 10, 13, 18, 31], "mst": [9, 31], "much": [0, 2, 3, 4, 17], "multi": 31, "multipl": [2, 17, 31], "multipli": 0, "must": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 31], "must_seat_": [1, 12, 13], "mutton": [0, 17], "my": 9, "mylist": 31, "myproblem": 18, "n": [1, 2, 12, 13, 25, 31], "name": [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 17, 18, 20, 25, 30, 31], "nathan": 2, "natur": [2, 3, 17], "navig": 20, "ndarrai": 12, "neat": 22, "necessari": [2, 9, 30], "need": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27], "neg": [0, 3, 22, 30, 31], "neither": 2, "nest": 27, "net": 4, "never": [10, 22, 25], "nevertheless": 12, "new": [2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 17, 18, 22, 30, 31], "new_target": 31, "newbegin": 17, "newbeginendstringov": 17, "newer": 18, "newlin": 31, "next": [0, 4, 9, 17, 22], "no_solution_status": 31, "node": [3, 26, 31], "nodeselect": 31, "nodesleft": 26, "non": [0, 1, 2, 3, 30], "nonam": 30, "none": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 17, 26, 30, 31], "nonetheless": 10, "nonetyp": 31, "nonneg": 4, "nonprogramm": 17, "nonzero": 26, "nor": 2, "normal": [3, 17, 30], "notat": 4, "note": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 20, 21, 28, 30], "notebook": 14, "notic": [0, 3], "now": [0, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 31], "np": 12, "npencod": 12, "number": [0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 27, 30, 31], "numer": [20, 28, 30], "numpi": [14, 15, 24], "nutrient": 0, "nutrit": 0, "nz": 15, "o": [1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 15, 17, 31], "obj": [12, 30], "object": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31], "objectivenam": 31, "observ": [17, 22], "obtain": [0, 20], "obviou": 2, "occur": [2, 4], "odd": 17, "off": 31, "offer": [9, 12], "offic": 3, "offici": [8, 14], "offset": 31, "often": [3, 10, 17, 21, 22], "ol": 26, "old": 10, "omit": 31, "onc": [0, 2, 3, 9, 13, 17], "one": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 30, 31], "onedigitpercel": 25, "ones": [7, 27], "ongo": 5, "onli": [1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 17, 21, 23, 31], "onlyavail": [9, 31], "open": [0, 2, 6, 7, 9, 10, 15, 18, 20, 22, 31], "oper": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 17, 22, 25, 27, 30, 31], "operating_system": 31, "opportun": 22, "opt": 9, "optim": [0, 2, 3, 4, 13, 18, 20, 26, 28, 31], "optimis": [0, 4, 15, 18, 19, 20], "optimum": [0, 4], "option": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 30, 31], "optlp": 31, "optmilp": 31, "ord": [1, 12, 13], "order": [2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 13, 15, 17, 18, 30, 31], "ordereddict": 30, "organ": 6, "orgset": 30, "orient": 0, "origin": [3, 7, 12, 22], "orlog": [15, 24], "osi": 31, "other": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20, 22, 30, 31], "otherwis": [1, 6, 9, 18, 31], "our": [0, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 22], "out": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 26], "outlin": 0, "output": [0, 4, 12, 17, 20, 26, 30], "over": [2, 9, 12], "overal": 2, "overflow": 10, "overlap": 2, "oversuppli": 3, "overwritten": [2, 9], "own": [2, 9, 10, 16, 17], "p": [1, 4, 12, 13], "p_": 4, "pack": 1, "packag": [4, 7, 9, 12, 16, 20, 31], "page": [2, 7, 10, 18], "pai": 22, "pair": [2, 31], "panda": [14, 26, 27], "param": 31, "paramet": [0, 3, 4, 10, 12, 17, 23, 30, 31], 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31], "popul": 22, "posit": [0, 17, 30, 31], "possibl": [0, 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 31], "possible_t": [1, 12, 13], "post": 10, "pow": 31, "power": 25, "pp": 25, "pr": [7, 10], "practic": 6, "precis": 10, "precompil": 31, "prefer": [2, 9], "prefix": [30, 31], "prepar": 31, "present": [2, 4, 5, 13], "presolv": [26, 31], "previou": [0, 3, 9, 12, 13], "previous": [3, 13, 31], "price": [4, 9, 12, 30], "price_dict": 4, "priceitem": 4, "pricescenario": 4, "primal": 21, "prime": 17, "principl": 17, "print": [0, 1, 2, 4, 9, 13, 17, 25, 30], "prob": [0, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 18, 25, 31], "prob1": 12, "probabl": [4, 9], "probe": 31, "problem": [5, 6, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 30, 31], "proc": 31, "procedur": 9, "process": [15, 19, 21], "produc": [0, 3, 4, 10], "product": [0, 3, 5, 15], "production_var": 4, "profil": 9, "profit": [4, 22], "program": [0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20], "programm": [3, 17], "progress": 26, "project": [8, 10, 18, 22], "prompt": [17, 20], "properti": [0, 6], "proport": [11, 30], "proportionfreebound": [11, 30], "proportionfreeboundlist": [11, 30], "proprietari": [15, 18], "protein": 0, "proteinperc": 0, "proteinrequir": 0, "provid": [2, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 31], "pscenario": 4, "pt": 17, "pub": 3, "pull": [8, 18], "pulp": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24, 27], "pulp_cbc_cmd": [9, 10, 13, 20, 31], "pulp_cbc_path": 31, "pulp_lparrai": [15, 24], "pulperror": [28, 31], "pulpsolvererror": [6, 10, 31], "pulptest": [6, 18, 20], "pulptestal": 20, "punch": 31, "purchas": [3, 4], "pure": 18, "purpos": 0, "push": [7, 20], "put": [2, 3, 10, 22], "put_some_alternative_path_her": 9, "puzzl": 25, "py": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 17, 20], "pydev": 20, "pyglpk": [9, 20, 31], "pypi": [10, 18], "python": [0, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28, 31], "python3": [7, 9], "python32": 10, "python34": 20, "python64": 10, "python_path": 9, "pythonpath": 9, "pyton": 27, "pytup": [15, 24], "q": [1, 12, 13], "qdbp": 25, "quantifi": 22, "quantiti": 0, "queri": 9, "question": [9, 10], "quick": 7, "quickest": 7, "quickstart": 19, "quit": 9, "quot": 31, "quote_path": 31, "r": [1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18, 25, 30], "rai": 9, "rais": [6, 30, 31], "random": [9, 31], "rang": [2, 17, 30, 31], "re": [7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20], "reach": 31, "read": [2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 31], "readabl": [27, 31], "readlin": 31, "readm": [15, 19], "readsol": [6, 31], "readsol_lp": 31, "readsol_mp": 31, "real": [11, 17, 21], "realist": 3, "realli": [2, 9, 12], "reason": [9, 12, 21], "reasonn": 31, "rebuild": 7, "recent": 10, "recomend": 9, "recommend": [10, 15, 18], "reconstruct": 12, "redirect": 31, "redirect_stdout": 31, "reduc": [3, 9, 12], "reducedcost": 31, "reelastic": 30, "refer": [0, 3, 4, 17, 31], "referenc": [0, 3], "reflect": [22, 30], "regard": 10, "rel": [22, 31], "relat": [1, 2, 30, 31], "relax": [6, 20], "releas": 31, "relev": [15, 17, 22, 30], "remaind": 17, "remov": [2, 6, 31], "renam": 30, "repeat": [0, 20], "replac": [7, 11], "repo": 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"solutionn": 31, "solutionstatu": 6, "solv": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30, 31], "solve_cbc": 31, "solveinst": 6, "solver": [0, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30], "solver_dict": 9, "solver_list": 9, "solverconstraint": 31, "solverdir": 31, "solvermodel": [6, 9, 31], "solverparam": 31, "solvervar": 31, "some": [6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 30, 31], "some_file_nam": 9, "some_modified_fil": 7, "some_mst_fil": 9, "someon": [0, 31], "someth": [9, 10, 28], "sometim": [3, 9, 10, 22], "somewher": [3, 9], "sorri": 9, "sort": [22, 30], "sorted_kei": 30, "sos1": 12, "sos2": 12, "sourc": [3, 8, 15, 18, 31], "special": [10, 18, 25], "specif": [0, 4, 10, 17, 23, 30], "specifi": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 30, 31], "spend": 22, "sphinx": [7, 18], "split": [1, 6, 12, 13], "spongerol": 17, "squar": [0, 2, 17], "stack": 10, "stackoverflow": 10, "stage": [5, 15], "stakehold": 22, "stall": 31, "stand": 20, "standard": [0, 6, 12, 26], "start": [0, 2, 3, 14, 15, 17, 20, 22, 31], "state": [0, 1, 12, 13], "statement": [0, 2, 3, 23], "static": 31, "statu": [0, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 18, 26, 28, 30, 31], "status_cod": 26, "status_sol": 6, "stderr": [6, 31], "stdout": [6, 31], "steel": 4, "steel_dict": 4, "steelpric": 4, "steelpurchas": 4, "step": [0, 7, 9, 11, 17, 22], "still": [0, 1, 2, 3, 12], "stock": 3, "stop": [17, 31], "store": [3, 6, 9, 12, 17], "str": [2, 4, 30, 31], "strateg": 22, "strategi": 31, "stream": 31, "strict": 12, "strictli": 2, "string": [0, 17, 28, 30, 31], "string_append": 17, "stringio": 31, "stringov": 17, "strong": 31, "structur": [3, 6, 9, 12, 17, 23], "stuart": [0, 1, 2, 3, 13, 15, 18, 31], "studi": [1, 4, 15], "stuff": 0, "style": 7, "sub": 3, "subclass": 11, "subject": [4, 12], "sublist": 4, "submit": [7, 10], "subproblem": 30, "subprocess": [6, 31], "subsequ": 22, "subset": [1, 23, 30], "substitut": 3, "subtract": [20, 30], "success": [2, 30, 31], "successfulli": [0, 7], "sudden": 2, 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"temporarili": 31, "term": [22, 30], "termin": 18, "test": [0, 8, 12, 18, 19, 26, 31], "test_export_dict_mip": 12, "test_pulp": [6, 7], "testlist": 17, "text": [0, 2, 9, 10, 31], "textbf": 0, "textiowrapp": 31, "textsf": 30, "than": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9], "thei": [0, 3, 6, 9, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27], "them": [0, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18], "therefor": 2, "thi": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 28, 30, 31], "thing": [6, 9, 10, 31], "third": [0, 2], "those": [2, 3, 4, 9, 13], "though": [1, 12], "thread": 31, "three": 30, "through": [0, 3, 7, 17, 20, 22], "throughout": 17, "thu": [0, 2, 10], "tidi": 22, "time": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 12, 20, 21, 22, 26, 31], "timelimit": [6, 9, 31], "timemod": 31, "titl": 4, "tmp": [9, 31], "tmpdir": [9, 31], "tmpmp": 6, "tmpsol": 6, "to_dict": [12, 30, 31], "to_json": [12, 31], "to_str": 31, "todict": [9, 30, 31], "togeth": 17, "tojson": [9, 30, 31], "told": 17, "toler": 31, "tolist": 12, "ton": 27, "too": [12, 22], "tool": [4, 31], "top": [7, 17, 31], "topic": 15, "total": [0, 1, 3, 4, 13, 22, 31], "totalcost": 3, "totalrolllength": 17, "trace": 9, "transform": [12, 27], "translat": [22, 31], "transport": [5, 15], "tree": 31, "trick": 25, "trim": 17, "trimvalu": 17, "truck": 3, "true": [2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 17, 21, 30, 31], "truncat": 31, "try": [0, 2, 6, 9, 14, 17, 18], "tupl": [1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 15, 24, 30, 31], "tuplist": 27, "turn": [3, 13, 17], "tutori": 18, "tweak": 31, "two": [0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 27], "two_stage_stochastic_gemstonetool": 4, "txt": [2, 7, 18, 31], "type": [0, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 30, 31], "typeerror": 31, "typic": [9, 22], "u": [0, 3, 18], "ub": 25, "ub_p": 4, "ub_w": 4, "ujson": [9, 12], "unavail": 20, "unbalanc": 3, "unbound": [0, 20, 28, 31], "uncertainti": [4, 22], "unchang": [20, 31], "uncl": 0, "unconstrain": 25, "undefin": [0, 28], "under": [17, 18, 22, 25], "understand": [10, 17, 22], "understood": 22, "undetermin": 30, "undo": 6, "unfortun": 12, "uniqu": [2, 12, 31], "unit": [0, 3, 4, 22], "unknown": [4, 17, 31], "unlik": 17, "unsaf": 31, "until": [9, 17, 31], "up": [0, 3, 12, 17, 22, 30], "upbound": [0, 1, 12, 13, 30], "updat": [3, 17, 22], "upper": [0, 3, 30], "upperbound": 13, "us": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31], "usabl": [17, 31], "use_mp": 31, "user": [2, 9, 10, 15, 17, 31], "usernam": 7, "usual": [0, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 22], "util": 20, "uuid": 31, "uuid4": 31, "v": [0, 2, 4, 10, 13, 31], "val": [2, 30], "valid": [13, 22], "valu": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31], "valueerror": [30, 31], "var": [3, 31], "var1": 12, "vari": [0, 9, 30], "variabl": [1, 4, 6, 10, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 31], "variablesnam": 31, "variou": 22, "varvalu": [0, 4, 12, 30], "ve": [9, 13, 30], "vector": [4, 30], "venv": 7, "veri": [0, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 18, 21, 27], "versa": 27, "version": [7, 9, 10, 13, 18, 20, 26, 31], "via": [9, 10, 13, 21, 22, 31], "vice": 27, "video": 10, "violat": 30, "virtual": [7, 18], "vitamin": 0, "w": [2, 3, 4, 6, 31], "w_": 4, "wa": [2, 3, 9, 10, 17, 30, 31], "wai": [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22], "wall": 31, "want": [0, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, 22], "warehous": 3, "warm": [14, 15, 31], "warmstart": [9, 13, 30, 31], "warn": 6, "wast": 2, "water": 17, "we": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 30], "websit": 17, "wed": [1, 13], "wedding_model": 12, "wedding_seating_model": 12, "wedding_var": 12, "week": [3, 22], "weight": 0, "welcom": 18, "well": [2, 6, 17, 22, 31], "were": [0, 2, 3, 17], "what": [0, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20, 22], "whatev": 9, "wheat": 0, "when": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 31], "whenc": 31, "where": [2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 30, 31], "wherea": [2, 17], "wherebi": 17, "whether": [2, 31], "which": [0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 30, 31], "while": [0, 2, 4, 6, 13, 14, 21], "whilst": [0, 2, 3], "whiska": [0, 3], "whiskasmodel": 0, "whiskasmodel1": 0, "whiskasmodel2": 0, "who": 22, "whole": [0, 3, 7, 14, 26], "why": 22, "wide": 25, "wikipedia": [2, 17], "wil": 7, "willu47": [16, 23], "window": [7, 9, 18], "wise": 18, "wish": [0, 1], "with_objsens": 30, "with_traceback": 28, "within": [2, 4, 22], "without": [1, 17, 18, 27, 30], "won": 21, "word": 17, "work": [9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22, 31], "would": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 17, 20, 22, 31], "wrap": 31, "wrench": 4, "wrenchearn": 4, "writabl": 31, "write": [0, 2, 7, 14, 17, 20, 30, 31], "writelp": [0, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 30], "writemp": [6, 10, 12, 30], "writemst": 31, "writeslxsol": 31, "writeso": 30, "writesol": 31, "written": [0, 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 31], "www": 31, "x": [0, 1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 24, 26, 30, 31], "x1": [0, 18], "x2": [0, 18], "x64_win64": 9, "x86": 9, "x_": 3, "x_0": 30, "x_1": [0, 21, 30], "x_2": [0, 21, 30], "x_3": [0, 21], "x_4": 0, "x_5": 0, "x_6": 0, "x_i": [21, 30], "x_n": 21, "x_name": 30, "xn": 18, "xpress": [9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 31], "xpress_cmd": 31, "xpress_pi": [9, 13, 31], "y": [12, 18, 25, 30], "yaposib": [20, 31], "year": 10, "yet": 13, "you": [0, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31], "your": [0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 31], "yourself": 0, "z": [3, 12], "zero": [0, 1, 3, 17, 20, 30], "zip": [4, 17], "zipfil": 20, "\u00e0": 27}, "titles": ["A Blending Problem", "A Set Partitioning Problem", "A Sudoku Problem formulated as an LP", "A Transportation Problem", "A Two Stage Production Planning Problem", "Case Studies", "How to add a new solver to PuLP", "How to contribute to PuLP", "Developer Guides", "How to configure a solver in PuLP", "How to debug most errors during solving", "Elastic Constraints", "How to import and export models in PuLP", "How to warm-start a solver", "User Guides", "Optimization with PuLP", "Amply", "Basic Python Coding", "pulp", "Main Topics", "Installing PuLP at Home", "Optimisation Concepts", "The Optimisation Process", "amply: AMPL data manipulation", "Plugins", "PuLP_LPARRAY: PuLP x NumPy, a match made in heaven", "orloge: OR logs parser", "pytups: smart dictionaries and tuple lists", "pulp.constants
", "PuLP Internal Documentation", "pulp
: Pulp classes", "pulp.apis
Interface to Solvers"], "titleterms": {"1": 12, "2": 12, "A": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "For": 18, "In": 3, "OR": 26, "The": [0, 17, 22, 30], "access": 9, "activ": 13, "actualsolv": 6, "ad": 6, "add": 6, "addit": 9, "ampl": 23, "ampli": [16, 23], "an": [2, 9], "anaconda": 10, "analysi": [3, 22], "api": [6, 9, 13, 31], "appli": 7, "arrai": 17, "ask": 10, "author": 15, "avail": 6, "base": 6, "basic": 17, "black": 7, "blend": 0, "bui": 3, "build": [7, 18], "case": 5, "caveat": 12, "cbc": 10, "check": 9, "class": [6, 17, 18, 30], "clone": 7, "cmd": 9, "code": 17, "combin": 30, "comment": 17, "comprehens": 17, "concept": 21, "conda": 10, "configur": 9, "consider": 12, "constant": 28, "constraint": [0, 2, 3, 11, 30], "contribut": [7, 18], "copyright": 18, "cplex": 9, "cplex_pi": 9, "creat": 7, "data": [12, 23], "debug": 10, "decis": [0, 2, 3], "defaultpath": 6, "descript": [0, 2, 3, 22], "develop": [8, 18], "dictionari": [17, 27], "document": [7, 18, 29], "dure": 10, "elast": 11, "environ": 9, "error": 10, "essenti": 18, "ex": 10, "exampl": [6, 12, 13, 18], "execut": 10, "expert": 2, "export": [9, 12], "express": 30, "extens": 3, "extra": [2, 6], "featur": 17, "feedback": 10, "file": 9, "fill": 13, "fix": 13, "fork": 7, "formatt": 7, "formul": [0, 2, 3, 22], "from": [7, 20], "full": 0, "function": [0, 2, 3, 9, 17, 18], "get": 22, "give": 10, "group": 12, "guid": [8, 14], "gurobi": 9, "ha": 9, "heaven": 25, "help": 10, "home": 20, "how": [6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13], "i": 9, "identifi": [0, 2, 3], "import": [9, 12, 17], "includ": 6, "infeas": 10, "inherit": 6, "instal": [7, 9, 18, 20], "integ": 21, "integr": 9, "interfac": 31, "intern": 29, "issu": 10, "json": 12, "jupyt": 10, "languag": 17, "licens": 18, "linear": 21, "linter": 7, "linux": 20, "list": [17, 27], "log": 26, "loop": 17, "lp": 2, "lpproblem": 30, "made": 25, "main": 19, "make": [6, 7], "manipul": 23, "match": 25, "mathemat": 22, "method": 6, "mip": 13, "model": [3, 12, 22], "monitor": 3, "more": 18, "most": 10, "mp": 12, "new": 6, "note": 17, "notebook": 10, "numpi": [12, 25], "object": [0, 2, 3], "offici": [6, 9], "ongo": 3, "optim": [15, 22], "optimis": [21, 22], "orlog": 26, "other": 17, "panda": 12, "parser": 26, "partit": 1, "path": 9, "per": 9, "perform": 22, "permut": 30, "pip": 20, "plan": 4, "plugin": 24, "post": 22, "present": [3, 22], "problem": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 22], "process": 22, "product": 4, "program": [21, 22], "project": 7, "pull": 7, "pulp": [3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31], "pulp_lparrai": 25, "pypi": 20, "python": 17, "pytup": 27, "quickstart": 18, "request": 7, "run": 7, "set": 1, "simplifi": 0, "smart": 27, "solut": [0, 2, 3, 22], "solv": [10, 22], "solver": [6, 9, 13, 31], "some": 22, "sourc": [7, 20], "specif": 9, "stage": 4, "start": 13, "statement": 17, "storag": 3, "studi": 5, "sudoku": 2, "suit": 6, "support": 13, "syntax": 17, "temporari": 9, "test": [6, 7, 20], "todo": 30, "topic": 19, "transport": 3, "try": 10, "tupl": [17, 27], "two": 4, "type": [9, 12, 17], "us": [9, 18], "user": 14, "valid": 3, "valu": 13, "variabl": [0, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 30], "warm": 13, "what": 9, "where": 9, "which": 9, "while": [10, 17], "whole": 13, "window": 20, "write": 9, "x": 25, "your": 20}})
\ No newline at end of file
+Search.setIndex({"alltitles": {"A Blending Problem": [[0, null]], "A Set Partitioning Problem": [[1, null]], "A Sudoku Problem formulated as an LP": [[2, null]], "A Transportation Problem": [[3, null]], "A Two Stage Production Planning Problem": [[4, null]], "Activating MIP start": [[13, "activating-mip-start"]], "Additional environment variables per solver": [[9, "additional-environment-variables-per-solver"]], "Amply": [[16, null]], "Applying the black linter / formatter": [[7, "applying-the-black-linter-formatter"]], "Array types in python": [[17, "array-types-in-python"]], "Authors": [[15, "authors"]], "Basic Python Coding": [[17, null]], "Building the documentation": [[7, "building-the-documentation"], [18, "building-the-documentation"]], "CPLEX": [[9, "cplex"]], "Case Studies": [[5, null]], "Caveats with json and pandas / numpy data types": [[12, "caveats-with-json-and-pandas-numpy-data-types"]], "Checking which solvers PuLP has access to": [[9, "checking-which-solvers-pulp-has-access-to"]], "Classes": [[17, "classes"]], "Cloning the project": [[7, "cloning-the-project"]], "Combinations and Permutations": [[30, "combinations-and-permutations"]], "Commenting in Python": [[17, "commenting-in-python"]], "Configuring the path to the solver": [[9, "configuring-the-path-to-the-solver"]], "Configuring where the CMD solvers write their temporary files": [[9, "configuring-where-the-cmd-solvers-write-their-temporary-files"]], "Considerations": [[12, "considerations"]], "Constraints": [[30, "constraints"]], "Contributing to PuLP": [[18, "contributing-to-pulp"]], "Copyright and License": [[18, "copyright-and-license"]], "Creating a test": [[7, "creating-a-test"]], "Developer Guides": [[8, null]], "Dictionaries": [[17, "dictionaries"]], "Elastic Constraints": [[11, null]], "Error while trying to execute cbc.exe": [[10, "error-while-trying-to-execute-cbc-exe"]], "Essential Classes": [[18, "essential-classes"]], "Example": [[6, "example"]], "Example 1: json": [[12, "example-1-json"]], "Example 1: mps": [[12, "example-1-mps"]], "Example 2: json": [[12, "example-2-json"]], "Example problem": [[13, "example-problem"]], "Extensions": [[3, "extensions"]], "Extra for Experts": [[2, "extra-for-experts"]], "Extra: adding a official solver API": [[6, "extra-adding-a-official-solver-api"]], "Filling a variable with a value": [[13, "filling-a-variable-with-a-value"]], "Fixing a variable": [[13, "fixing-a-variable"]], "For Developers": [[18, "for-developers"]], "Forking PuLP": [[7, "forking-pulp"]], "Formulate the Constraints": [[2, "formulate-the-constraints"], [3, "formulate-the-constraints"]], "Formulate the Objective Function": [[0, "formulate-the-objective-function"], [2, "formulate-the-objective-function"], [3, "formulate-the-objective-function"]], "Formulating the mathematical program": [[22, "formulating-the-mathematical-program"]], "Formulation": [[2, "formulation"], [3, "formulation"]], "Full Formulation": [[0, "full-formulation"]], "Functions": [[17, "functions"]], "GUROBI": [[9, "gurobi"]], "Getting the Problem Description": [[22, "getting-the-problem-description"]], "Giving feedback and asking for help": [[10, "giving-feedback-and-asking-for-help"]], "Grouping variables": [[12, "grouping-variables"]], "How to add a new solver to PuLP": [[6, null]], "How to configure a solver in PuLP": [[9, null]], "How to contribute to PuLP": [[7, null]], "How to debug most errors during solving": [[10, null]], "How to import and export models in PuLP": [[12, null]], "How to warm-start a solver": [[13, null]], "Identify the Decision Variables": [[0, "identify-the-decision-variables"], [2, "identify-the-decision-variables"], [3, "identify-the-decision-variables"]], "Import Statement": [[17, "import-statement"]], "Importing and exporting a solver": [[9, "importing-and-exporting-a-solver"]], "Including the solver in tests suite": [[6, "including-the-solver-in-tests-suite"]], "Infeasible problems": [[10, "infeasible-problems"]], "Inheriting base classes": [[6, "inheriting-base-classes"]], "Installation": [[18, "installation"], [20, "id1"]], "Installing CPLEX_PY": [[9, "installing-cplex-py"]], "Installing GUROBI": [[9, "installing-gurobi"]], "Installing PuLP at Home": [[20, null]], "Installing from source": [[7, "installing-from-source"]], "Integer Programing": [[21, "integer-programing"]], "Jupyter notebooks / anaconda / conda issues": [[10, "jupyter-notebooks-anaconda-conda-issues"]], "Linear Programing": [[21, "linear-programing"]], "Linux Installation": [[20, "linux-installation"]], "List Comprehensions": [[17, "list-comprehensions"]], "List/Tuple/Dictionary Syntax Note": [[17, "list-tuple-dictionary-syntax-note"]], "Lists": [[17, "lists"]], "Loops in Python": [[17, "loops-in-python"]], "Main Topics": [[19, null]], "Making a Pull Request": [[7, "making-a-pull-request"]], "Making the solver available to PuLP": [[6, "making-the-solver-available-to-pulp"]], "More Examples": [[18, "more-examples"]], "Ongoing Monitoring": [[3, "ongoing-monitoring"]], "Optimisation Concepts": [[21, null]], "Optimization with PuLP": [[15, null]], "Other important language features": [[17, "other-important-language-features"]], "Performing some post-optimal analysis": [[22, "performing-some-post-optimal-analysis"]], "Pip and pypi installation": [[20, "pip-and-pypi-installation"]], "Plugins": [[24, null]], "Presentation of Solution and Analysis": [[3, "presentation-of-solution-and-analysis"]], "Presenting the solution and analysis": [[22, "presenting-the-solution-and-analysis"]], "Problem Description": [[0, "problem-description"], [2, "problem-description"], [3, "problem-description"]], "PuLP Internal Documentation": [[29, null]], "PuLP Model": [[3, "pulp-model"]], "PuLP_LPARRAY: PuLP x NumPy, a match made in heaven": [[25, null]], "Quickstart": [[18, "quickstart"]], "Running tests": [[7, "running-tests"]], "Simplified Formulation": [[0, "simplified-formulation"]], "Solution": [[2, "solution"]], "Solution to Full Problem": [[0, "solution-to-full-problem"]], "Solution to Simplified Problem": [[0, "solution-to-simplified-problem"]], "Solving the mathematical program": [[22, "solving-the-mathematical-program"]], "Storage and \u201cBuying In\u201d": [[3, "storage-and-buying-in"]], "Supported solver APIs": [[13, "supported-solver-apis"]], "Testing your PuLP installation": [[20, "testing-your-pulp-installation"]], "The Constraints": [[0, "the-constraints"]], "The LpProblem Class": [[30, "the-lpproblem-class"]], "The Modeling Process": [[22, "the-modeling-process"]], "The Optimisation Process": [[22, null]], "The if statement": [[17, "the-if-statement"]], "Todo": [[30, "id1"]], "Tuples": [[17, "tuples"]], "Types of PuLP integrations (API) to solvers": [[9, "types-of-pulp-integrations-api-to-solvers"]], "Useful Functions": [[18, "useful-functions"]], "User Guides": [[14, null]], "Using solver-specific functionality": [[9, "using-solver-specific-functionality"]], "Using the official solver API": [[9, "using-the-official-solver-api"]], "Validation": [[3, "validation"]], "Variables and Expressions": [[30, "variables-and-expressions"]], "What is an environment variable": [[9, "what-is-an-environment-variable"]], "Whole Example": [[13, "whole-example"]], "Windows installation from source": [[20, "windows-installation-from-source"]], "actualSolve method": [[6, "actualsolve-method"]], "amply: AMPL data manipulation": [[23, null]], "available method": [[6, "available-method"]], "defaultPath method": [[6, "defaultpath-method"]], "for Loop": [[17, "for-loop"]], "orloge: OR logs parser": [[26, null]], "pulp": [[18, null]], "pulp.apis Interface to Solvers": [[31, null]], "pulp.constants": [[28, null]], "pulp: Pulp classes": [[30, null]], "pytups: smart dictionaries and tuple lists": [[27, null]], "while Loop": [[17, "while-loop"]]}, "docnames": ["CaseStudies/a_blending_problem", "CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem", "CaseStudies/a_sudoku_problem", "CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem", "CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem", "CaseStudies/index", "develop/add_solver", "develop/contribute", "develop/index", "guides/how_to_configure_solvers", "guides/how_to_debug", "guides/how_to_elastic_constraints", "guides/how_to_export_models", "guides/how_to_mip_start", "guides/index", "index", "main/amply", "main/basic_python_coding", "main/includeme", "main/index", "main/installing_pulp_at_home", "main/optimisation_concepts", "main/the_optimisation_process", "plugins/amply", "plugins/index", "plugins/lparray", "plugins/orloge", "plugins/pytups", "technical/constants", "technical/index", "technical/pulp", "technical/solvers"], "envversion": {"sphinx": 64, "sphinx.domains.c": 3, "sphinx.domains.changeset": 1, "sphinx.domains.citation": 1, "sphinx.domains.cpp": 9, "sphinx.domains.index": 1, "sphinx.domains.javascript": 3, "sphinx.domains.math": 2, "sphinx.domains.python": 4, "sphinx.domains.rst": 2, "sphinx.domains.std": 2, "sphinx.ext.intersphinx": 1, "sphinx.ext.todo": 2}, "filenames": ["CaseStudies/a_blending_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_set_partitioning_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_sudoku_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_transportation_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/a_two_stage_production_planning_problem.rst", "CaseStudies/index.rst", "develop/add_solver.rst", "develop/contribute.rst", "develop/index.rst", "guides/how_to_configure_solvers.rst", "guides/how_to_debug.rst", "guides/how_to_elastic_constraints.rst", "guides/how_to_export_models.rst", "guides/how_to_mip_start.rst", "guides/index.rst", "index.rst", "main/amply.rst", "main/basic_python_coding.rst", "main/includeme.rst", "main/index.rst", "main/installing_pulp_at_home.rst", "main/optimisation_concepts.rst", "main/the_optimisation_process.rst", "plugins/amply.rst", "plugins/index.rst", "plugins/lparray.rst", "plugins/orloge.rst", "plugins/pytups.rst", "technical/constants.rst", "technical/index.rst", "technical/pulp.rst", "technical/solvers.rst"], "indexentries": {"actualresolve() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.actualResolve", false]], "actualresolve() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.actualResolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.coinmp_dll method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.copt method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.copt_dll method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.cplex_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.gurobi method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.highs method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.mosek method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.pyglpk method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.sas94 method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.sascas method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.scip_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.actualSolve", false]], "actualsolve() (pulp.apis.yaposib method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB.actualSolve", false]], "addinplace() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.addInPlace", false]], "addinplace() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.addInPlace", false]], "addvariabletoconstraints() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.addVariableToConstraints", false]], "allcombinations() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.allcombinations", false]], "allpermutations() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.allpermutations", false]], "altername() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.alterName", false]], "args (pulp.constants.pulperror attribute)": [[28, "pulp.constants.PulpError.args", false]], "ascplexlpaffineexpression() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.asCplexLpAffineExpression", false]], "ascplexlpaffineexpression() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.asCplexLpAffineExpression", false]], "ascplexlpconstraint() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.asCplexLpConstraint", false]], "ascplexvariablesonly() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.asCplexVariablesOnly", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.coinmp_dll class method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.copt method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.copt_dll method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.cplex_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.gurobi method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.highs method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.mosek method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.pyglpk method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.sas94 method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.sascas method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.scip_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.available", false]], "available() (pulp.apis.yaposib method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB.available", false]], "buildsolvermodel() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.buildSolverModel", false]], "byref() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.byref", false]], "callsolver() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.callSolver", false]], "changerhs() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.changeRHS", false]], "choco_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD", false]], "clock() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.clock", false]], "close() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.close", false]], "closed (pulp.apis.stringio attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.closed", false]], "coin (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN", false]], "coin_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD", false]], "coinmp_dll (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL", false]], "coinmp_dll_load_dll() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL_load_dll", false]], "combination() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.combination", false]], "configsolvers() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.configSolvers", false]], "constraints (pulp.lpproblem attribute)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.constraints", false]], "copt (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT", false]], "copt_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD", false]], "copt_dll (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL", false]], "copt_dll_loadlib() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL_loadlib", false]], "coptstr() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.coptstr", false]], "copy() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.copy", false]], "copy() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.copy", false]], "cplex (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX", false]], "cplex_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD", false]], "cplex_py (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY", false]], "create_tmp_files() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.create_tmp_files", false]], "ctypesarrayfill() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.ctypesArrayFill", false]], "deelasticize() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.deElasticize", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.sassolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASsolver.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.defaultPath", false]], "defaultpath() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.defaultPath", false]], "delete_tmp_files() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.delete_tmp_files", false]], "dicts() (pulp.lpvariable class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.dicts", false]], "env (pulp.apis.gurobi attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.env", false]], "err (pulp.apis.copt_dll attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.err", false]], "err (pulp.apis.cplex_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.err", false]], "executable() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.executable", false]], "executableextension() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.executableExtension", false]], "finddifferencefromrhs() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.findDifferenceFromRHS", false]], "findlhsvalue() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.findLHSValue", false]], "findsolutionvalues() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.findSolutionValues", false]], "fixedelasticsubproblem (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem", false]], "fixvalue() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.fixValue", false]], "flush() (pulp.apis.saslogwriter method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter.flush", false]], "from_dict() (pulp.lpconstraint class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.from_dict", false]], "from_dict() (pulp.lpvariable class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.from_dict", false]], "fromdict() (pulp.lpconstraint class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.fromDict", false]], "fromdict() (pulp.lpvariable class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.fromDict", false]], "fromjson() (pulp.lpproblem class method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.fromJson", false]], "fscip (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP", false]], "fscip_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD", false]], "fscip_statuses (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.FSCIP_STATUSES", false]], "get_status() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.get_status", false]], "getattribute() (pulp.apis.xpress_py method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.getAttribute", false]], "getcplexstylearrays() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.getCplexStyleArrays", false]], "getoptions() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.getOptions", false]], "getoptions() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.getOptions", false]], "getoptions() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.getOptions", false]], "getsolver() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.getSolver", false]], "getsolverfromdict() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.getSolverFromDict", false]], "getsolverfromjson() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.getSolverFromJson", false]], "getvalue() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.getvalue", false]], "glpk (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK", false]], "glpk_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD", false]], "gurobi (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI", false]], "gurobi_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD", false]], "highs (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS", false]], "highs_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD", false]], "initialize() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.initialize", false]], "isfixed() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.isFixed", false]], "isviolated() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.isViolated", false]], "line_buffering (pulp.apis.stringio attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.line_buffering", false]], "listsolvers() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.listSolvers", false]], "log() (pulp.apis.saslogwriter method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter.log", false]], "lpaffineexpression (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression", false]], "lpconstraint (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint", false]], "lpconstrainteq (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintEQ", false]], "lpconstraintge (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintGE", false]], "lpconstraintle (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintLE", false]], "lpconstraintsenses (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpConstraintSenses", false]], "lpcontinuous (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpContinuous", false]], "lpelement (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpElement", false]], "lpmaximize (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpMaximize", false]], "lpminimize (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpMinimize", false]], "lpproblem (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem", false]], "lpsenses (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpSenses", false]], "lpsolution (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpSolution", false]], "lpsolver (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver", false]], "lpsolver_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD", false]], "lpstatus (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatus", false]], "lpstatusinfeasible (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusInfeasible", false]], "lpstatusnotsolved (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusNotSolved", false]], "lpstatusoptimal (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusOptimal", false]], "lpstatusunbounded (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusUnbounded", false]], "lpstatusundefined (in module pulp.constants)": [[28, "pulp.constants.LpStatusUndefined", false]], "lpsum() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.lpSum", false]], "lpvariable (class in pulp)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable", false]], "makeelasticsubproblem() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.makeElasticSubProblem", false]], "mipcl_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD", false]], "mktemp() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.mktemp", false]], "module": [[28, "module-pulp.constants", false], [30, "module-pulp", false], [31, "module-pulp.apis", false]], "mosek (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK", false]], "name (pulp.apis.choco_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.coin_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.coinmp_dll attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.copt attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.copt_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.copt_dll attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.cplex_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.gurobi attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.highs attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.highs_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.lpsolver attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.mosek attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MOSEK.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.pulp_cbc_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.pyglpk attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.sas94 attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.sascas attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.sassolver attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASsolver.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.scip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.scip_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.xpress attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.xpress_py attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY.name", false]], "name (pulp.apis.yaposib attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB.name", false]], "newlines (pulp.apis.stringio attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.newlines", false]], "no_solution_statuses (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES", false]], "no_solution_statuses (pulp.apis.scip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES", false]], "objective (pulp.lpproblem attribute)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.objective", false]], "parse_objective() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.parse_objective", false]], "parse_status() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.parse_status", false]], "parse_variable() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.parse_variable", false]], "parser (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.Parser", false]], "permutation() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.permutation", false]], "pulp": [[30, "module-pulp", false]], "pulp.apis": [[31, "module-pulp.apis", false]], "pulp.constants": [[28, "module-pulp.constants", false]], "pulp_cbc_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD", false]], "pulp_cbc_path (pulp.apis.pulp_cbc_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD.pulp_cbc_path", false]], "pulperror": [[28, "pulp.constants.PulpError", false]], "pulpsolvererror": [[31, "pulp.apis.PulpSolverError", false]], "pyglpk (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.PYGLPK", false]], "quote_path() (pulp.apis.xpress static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.quote_path", false]], "read() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.read", false]], "readable() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.readable", false]], "readline() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.readline", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.choco_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.fscip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.glpk_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.mipcl_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.scip_cmd static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.readsol", false]], "readsol() (pulp.apis.xpress static method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.readsol", false]], "readsol_lp() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.readsol_LP", false]], "readsol_mps() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.readsol_MPS", false]], "redirect_stdout (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.redirect_stdout", false]], "reelasticize() (pulp.fixedelasticsubproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem.reElasticize", false]], "roundsolution() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.roundSolution", false]], "sas94 (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SAS94", false]], "sascas (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASCAS", false]], "saslogwriter (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter", false]], "sassolver (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASsolver", false]], "scip (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP", false]], "scip_cmd (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD", false]], "scip_py (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY", false]], "scip_statuses (pulp.apis.scip_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD.SCIP_STATUSES", false]], "seek() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.seek", false]], "seekable() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.seekable", false]], "setconfiginformation() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.setConfigInformation", false]], "setinitialvalue() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.setInitialValue", false]], "setobjective() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.setObjective", false]], "settmpdir() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.setTmpDir", false]], "silent_remove() (pulp.apis.lpsolver_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD.silent_remove", false]], "solution_style (pulp.apis.highs_cmd attribute)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.SOLUTION_STYLE", false]], "solve() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.solve", false]], "solve() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.solve", false]], "solve_cbc() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.solve_CBC", false]], "sorted_keys() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.sorted_keys", false]], "status (pulp.lpproblem attribute)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.status", false]], "stringio (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO", false]], "tell() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.tell", false]], "to_dict() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.to_dict", false]], "to_dict() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.to_dict", false]], "to_dict() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.to_dict", false]], "to_json() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.to_json", false]], "to_string() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.to_string", false]], "todict() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.toDict", false]], "todict() (pulp.lpaffineexpression method)": [[30, "pulp.LpAffineExpression.toDict", false]], "todict() (pulp.lpconstraint method)": [[30, "pulp.LpConstraint.toDict", false]], "todict() (pulp.lpvariable method)": [[30, "pulp.LpVariable.toDict", false]], "tojson() (pulp.apis.lpsolver method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.LpSolver.toJson", false]], "tojson() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.toJson", false]], "truncate() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.truncate", false]], "uuid4() (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.uuid4", false]], "value() (in module pulp)": [[30, "pulp.value", false]], "variables() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.variables", false]], "with_traceback() (pulp.constants.pulperror method)": [[28, "pulp.constants.PulpError.with_traceback", false]], "writable() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.writable", false]], "write() (pulp.apis.saslogwriter method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter.write", false]], "write() (pulp.apis.stringio method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.StringIO.write", false]], "writelp() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.writeLP", false]], "writemps() (pulp.lpproblem method)": [[30, "pulp.LpProblem.writeMPS", false]], "writemst() (pulp.apis.copt_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD.writemst", false]], "writeslxsol() (pulp.apis.xpress method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS.writeslxsol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.coin_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD.writesol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.cplex_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD.writesol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.gurobi_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD.writesol", false]], "writesol() (pulp.apis.highs_cmd method)": [[31, "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD.writesol", false]], "xpress (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS", false]], "xpress_cmd (in module pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_CMD", false]], "xpress_py (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY", false]], "yaposib (class in pulp.apis)": [[31, "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB", false]]}, "objects": {"": [[30, 0, 0, "-", "pulp"]], "pulp": [[30, 1, 1, "", "FixedElasticSubProblem"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpAffineExpression"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpConstraint"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpElement"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpProblem"], [30, 1, 1, "", "LpVariable"], [30, 4, 1, "", "allcombinations"], [30, 4, 1, "", "allpermutations"], [31, 0, 0, "-", "apis"], [30, 4, 1, "", "combination"], [28, 0, 0, "-", "constants"], [30, 4, 1, "", "lpSum"], [30, 4, 1, "", "permutation"], [30, 4, 1, "", "value"]], "pulp.FixedElasticSubProblem": [[30, 2, 1, "", "alterName"], [30, 2, 1, "", "deElasticize"], [30, 2, 1, "", "findDifferenceFromRHS"], [30, 2, 1, "", "findLHSValue"], [30, 2, 1, "", "isViolated"], [30, 2, 1, "", "reElasticize"]], "pulp.LpAffineExpression": [[30, 2, 1, "", "addInPlace"], [30, 2, 1, "", "asCplexLpAffineExpression"], [30, 2, 1, "", "asCplexVariablesOnly"], [30, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [30, 2, 1, "", "sorted_keys"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "to_dict"]], "pulp.LpConstraint": [[30, 2, 1, "", "addInPlace"], [30, 2, 1, "", "asCplexLpAffineExpression"], [30, 2, 1, "", "asCplexLpConstraint"], [30, 2, 1, "", "changeRHS"], [30, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fromDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "from_dict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "makeElasticSubProblem"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toDict"]], "pulp.LpProblem": [[30, 3, 1, "", "constraints"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fromJson"], [30, 3, 1, "", "objective"], [30, 2, 1, "", "roundSolution"], [30, 2, 1, "", "setObjective"], [30, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [30, 3, 1, "", "status"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toJson"], [30, 2, 1, "", "variables"], [30, 2, 1, "", "writeLP"], [30, 2, 1, "", "writeMPS"]], "pulp.LpVariable": [[30, 2, 1, "", "addVariableToConstraints"], [30, 2, 1, "", "dicts"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fixValue"], [30, 2, 1, "", "fromDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "from_dict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "isFixed"], [30, 2, 1, "", "setInitialValue"], [30, 2, 1, "", "toDict"], [30, 2, 1, "", "to_dict"]], "pulp.apis": [[31, 1, 1, "", "CHOCO_CMD"], [31, 3, 1, "", "COIN"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COINMP_DLL"], [31, 4, 1, "", "COINMP_DLL_load_dll"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COIN_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COPT"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COPT_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "COPT_DLL"], [31, 4, 1, "", "COPT_DLL_loadlib"], [31, 3, 1, "", "CPLEX"], [31, 1, 1, "", "CPLEX_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "CPLEX_PY"], [31, 3, 1, "", "FSCIP"], [31, 1, 1, "", "FSCIP_CMD"], [31, 3, 1, "", "GLPK"], [31, 1, 1, "", "GLPK_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "GUROBI"], [31, 1, 1, "", "GUROBI_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "HiGHS"], [31, 1, 1, "", "HiGHS_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "LpSolver"], [31, 1, 1, "", "LpSolver_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "MIPCL_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "MOSEK"], [31, 1, 1, "", "PULP_CBC_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "PYGLPK"], [31, 3, 1, "", "Parser"], [31, 5, 1, "", "PulpSolverError"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SAS94"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SASCAS"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SASLogWriter"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SASsolver"], [31, 3, 1, "", "SCIP"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SCIP_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "SCIP_PY"], [31, 1, 1, "", "StringIO"], [31, 1, 1, "", "XPRESS"], [31, 3, 1, "", "XPRESS_CMD"], [31, 1, 1, "", "XPRESS_PY"], [31, 1, 1, "", "YAPOSIB"], [31, 4, 1, "", "byref"], [31, 4, 1, "", "clock"], [31, 4, 1, "", "configSolvers"], [31, 4, 1, "", "coptstr"], [31, 4, 1, "", "ctypesArrayFill"], [31, 4, 1, "", "getSolver"], [31, 4, 1, "", "getSolverFromDict"], [31, 4, 1, "", "getSolverFromJson"], [31, 4, 1, "", "initialize"], [31, 4, 1, "", "listSolvers"], [31, 4, 1, "", "mktemp"], [31, 1, 1, "", "redirect_stdout"], [31, 4, 1, "", "setConfigInformation"], [31, 4, 1, "", "to_string"], [31, 4, 1, "", "uuid4"]], "pulp.apis.CHOCO_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.COINMP_DLL": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.COIN_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getOptions"], [31, 2, 1, "", "get_status"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol_LP"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol_MPS"], [31, 2, 1, "", "solve_CBC"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.COPT": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.COPT_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writemst"]], "pulp.apis.COPT_DLL": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "err"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.CPLEX_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getOptions"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.CPLEX_PY": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "err"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.FSCIP_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "FSCIP_STATUSES"], [31, 3, 1, "", "NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "parse_objective"], [31, 2, 1, "", "parse_status"], [31, 2, 1, "", "parse_variable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.GLPK_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.GUROBI": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "env"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.GUROBI_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getOptions"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.HiGHS": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.HiGHS_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "SOLUTION_STYLE"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writesol"]], "pulp.apis.LpSolver": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualResolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getCplexStyleArrays"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "solve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "toDict"], [31, 2, 1, "", "toJson"], [31, 2, 1, "", "to_dict"], [31, 2, 1, "", "to_json"]], "pulp.apis.LpSolver_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "copy"], [31, 2, 1, "", "create_tmp_files"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 2, 1, "", "delete_tmp_files"], [31, 2, 1, "", "executable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "executableExtension"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "setTmpDir"], [31, 2, 1, "", "silent_remove"]], "pulp.apis.MIPCL_CMD": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.MOSEK": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.PULP_CBC_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 3, 1, "", "pulp_cbc_path"]], "pulp.apis.PYGLPK": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SAS94": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SASCAS": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SASLogWriter": [[31, 2, 1, "", "flush"], [31, 2, 1, "", "log"], [31, 2, 1, "", "write"]], "pulp.apis.SASsolver": [[31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.SCIP_CMD": [[31, 3, 1, "", "NO_SOLUTION_STATUSES"], [31, 3, 1, "", "SCIP_STATUSES"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"]], "pulp.apis.SCIP_PY": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.StringIO": [[31, 2, 1, "", "close"], [31, 3, 1, "", "closed"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getvalue"], [31, 3, 1, "", "line_buffering"], [31, 3, 1, "", "newlines"], [31, 2, 1, "", "read"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readline"], [31, 2, 1, "", "seek"], [31, 2, 1, "", "seekable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "tell"], [31, 2, 1, "", "truncate"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writable"], [31, 2, 1, "", "write"]], "pulp.apis.XPRESS": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "defaultPath"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"], [31, 2, 1, "", "quote_path"], [31, 2, 1, "", "readsol"], [31, 2, 1, "", "writeslxsol"]], "pulp.apis.XPRESS_PY": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualResolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 2, 1, "", "buildSolverModel"], [31, 2, 1, "", "callSolver"], [31, 2, 1, "", "findSolutionValues"], [31, 2, 1, "", "getAttribute"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.apis.YAPOSIB": [[31, 2, 1, "", "actualSolve"], [31, 2, 1, "", "available"], [31, 3, 1, "", "name"]], "pulp.constants": [[28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintEQ"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintGE"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintLE"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpConstraintSenses"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpContinuous"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpMaximize"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpMinimize"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpSenses"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpSolution"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatus"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusInfeasible"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusNotSolved"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusOptimal"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusUnbounded"], [28, 6, 1, "", "LpStatusUndefined"], [28, 5, 1, "", "PulpError"]], "pulp.constants.PulpError": [[28, 3, 1, "", "args"], [28, 2, 1, "", "with_traceback"]]}, "objnames": {"0": ["py", "module", "Python module"], "1": ["py", "class", "Python class"], "2": ["py", "method", "Python method"], "3": ["py", "attribute", "Python attribute"], "4": ["py", "function", "Python function"], "5": ["py", "exception", "Python exception"], "6": ["py", "data", "Python data"]}, "objtypes": {"0": "py:module", "1": "py:class", "2": "py:method", "3": "py:attribute", "4": "py:function", "5": "py:exception", "6": "py:data"}, "terms": {"": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 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1, 2, 10, 12, 17, 18], "beef": [0, 17], "beefperc": 0, "been": [2, 3, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17, 31], "beer": 3, "beerdistributionproblem": 3, "beerdistributionproblemcompetitorextens": 3, "beerdistributionproblemwarehouseextens": 3, "befor": [0, 6, 7, 9, 12, 17, 31], "begin": [0, 4, 17], "beginn": 17, "beginnersguid": 17, "being": [0, 2, 3, 9, 10, 30], "below": [0, 2, 3, 10, 12, 13, 17, 20], "ben": 0, "benefit": 22, "bertsima": 4, "best": [6, 22, 26], "best_bound": 26, "best_solut": 26, "better": [0, 2, 9, 17], "between": [0, 1, 2, 6, 12, 13], "big": [2, 9, 10], "bin": [7, 9], "binari": [1, 2, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20, 25, 28, 30, 31], "bind": 31, "bit": [10, 20], "black": 8, "blank": 0, "blend": [3, 5, 15], "block": 0, "board": 25, "bodi": 17, "book": 17, "bool": [30, 31], "boolean": 25, "borrow": 31, "both": [9, 12, 17], "bottom": 17, "bound": [0, 3, 13, 21, 22, 26, 30], "boutiqu": 3, "box": [2, 25], "bracket": [0, 17], "bran": 0, "branch": [21, 31], "break": [2, 22], "breweri": 3, "brief": [0, 30], "bring": 10, "broadcast": 25, "broken": 22, "browser": [7, 18], "buffer": 31, "bug": 18, "build": [0, 8, 10, 12, 30], "buildsolvermodel": [6, 9, 31], "built": [10, 18], "bundl": 20, "byref": 31, "byte": 31, "c": [1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 11, 12, 13, 20, 25, 30, 31], "c1": 12, "c2": 12, "c3": 12, "c_": 3, "c_doubl": 31, "calcul": [1, 12, 13, 17, 30], "call": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31], "callabl": [20, 31], "callback": 31, "callsolv": [6, 9, 31], "can": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 27, 30, 31], "cannot": [0, 2, 3, 6, 12, 17, 22, 31], "cap_": 4, "capabl": 4, "capac": [3, 4], "capacity_dict": 4, "capacity_ub": 4, "capassembli": 4, "capmold": 4, "capsteel": 4, "captur": 22, "carefulli": [3, 22], "case": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 15], "cast": 12, "cat": [0, 1, 2, 4, 12, 13, 18, 30], "categori": 30, "caus": [0, 10], "caveat": 14, "cbc": [14, 15, 18, 20, 26, 31], "cbc_cmd": 13, "cd": [7, 9, 18, 20], "cdll": 31, "cent": 0, "chain": 27, 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26, 30], "columnwis": 30, "com": [4, 7, 10, 15, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 31], "combin": [2, 3, 4, 10, 18], "come": [3, 9, 22, 30, 31], "comma": [0, 17], "command": [6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 20, 31], "comment": [0, 2, 3, 18], "commit": 7, "common": 10, "compani": 4, "compar": [2, 3], "comparison": 4, "compil": 31, "complet": [10, 12, 13], "complic": [2, 4], "comprehens": [0, 3, 4, 22], "comput": [3, 9, 12], "concaten": 12, "concept": [9, 15, 19], "concern": 2, "concis": [17, 22], "conda": 14, "condit": [17, 21], "configpars": 31, "configsolv": 31, "configur": [6, 14, 15, 18, 31], "confirm": 13, "connect": [3, 9], "consecut": 17, "consequ": 22, "consid": [0, 2, 3, 22], "consider": [3, 6, 14, 22], "consist": 6, "consol": [4, 9, 31], "constant": [6, 12, 15, 21, 29, 30], "constrain": [3, 25], "constraint": [1, 4, 10, 12, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 31], "constraint_1": 11, "constraint_2": 11, "constraintsnam": 31, "construct": [18, 22], "constructor": [9, 31], "consult": 22, "contain": [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 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17], "faster": 9, "fat": 0, "fatperc": 0, "fatrequir": 0, "feasibl": [2, 10, 20], "featur": [2, 19], "feedback": [14, 22], "feel": 7, "few": [0, 2], "fiberscip": 31, "fibr": 0, "fibreperc": 0, "fibrerequir": 0, "fico": 31, "fifth": 17, "file": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 28, 30, 31], "filenam": [30, 31], "fill": [2, 6, 9, 14], "final": [0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 22, 31], "financi": 3, "find": [1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18, 21, 30], "finddifferencefromrh": 30, "findlhsvalu": 30, "findsolutionvalu": [6, 9, 31], "finish": 6, "first": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22], "first_relax": 26, "first_solut": 26, "firstli": 0, "fit": [12, 30], "five": [0, 3, 22], "fix": [3, 7, 10, 14, 30], "fixedelasticsubproblem": [11, 30], "fixvalu": [13, 30], "flat": [12, 27], "flexibl": 12, "float": [12, 17, 30, 31], "flow": 3, "flush": 31, "focu": 17, "folder": [2, 7, 10, 18, 20], "foldernam": 20, "follow": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 20, 21, 26, 30, 31], "food": 0, "foral": 3, "forc": 31, "forecast": 3, "forget": 9, "fork": 8, "form": [3, 11, 18, 21, 22], "formal": [0, 22], "format": [0, 12, 17, 30, 31], "formatt": 8, "former": 9, "formul": [5, 6, 15, 31], "found": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 18, 26, 28, 31], "four": [0, 4], "fourth": [0, 17], "fraction": [3, 20, 31], "fractionelasticsubproblem": 30, "franco": [13, 15], "free": [7, 11, 20, 30], "freebound": 20, "freebound_list_valu": 11, "freebound_valu": 11, "freeli": [17, 20], "frequenc": 31, "frequent": 0, "freund": 4, "from": [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 25, 28, 30, 31], "from_dict": [12, 30], "from_json": 12, "fromdict": 30, "fromjson": 30, "frommp": 12, "fscip": [15, 18, 31], "fscip_cmd": 31, "fscip_status": 31, "full": [1, 2, 4, 5, 15], "fulli": 0, "function": [1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 20, 22, 25, 27, 30, 31], "fundament": 17, "further": [0, 3, 7, 21, 22, 31], "futur": 22, "g": [0, 1, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 22, 31], "gain": 13, "galor": 25, "game": 17, 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"gurobi801": 9, "gurobi_cmd": [9, 13, 20, 31], "gurobi_hom": 9, "gurobipi": 6, "ha": [0, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 31], "had": 2, "hand": 18, "handl": [6, 10], "happen": 9, "happi": [1, 12, 13], "hard": [9, 22, 30], "hash": 17, "have": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 31], "head": [0, 3, 17], "heaven": [15, 24], "heavi": 25, "help": [3, 7, 14, 31], "helper": [9, 27, 30], "here": [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 21], "heurdepth": 31, "heurfreq": 31, "heurist": [22, 31], "heurstra": 31, "high": [9, 10, 15, 18, 31], "highli": [10, 17], "highs_cmd": 31, "highs_jll": 31, "hit": 31, "home": [7, 15, 18, 19, 31], "hood": 25, "hopefulli": 28, "host": 17, "hour": [4, 22], "how": [0, 1, 3, 4, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18, 22, 31], "howev": [0, 2, 15, 17, 22], "html": [7, 18, 27, 31], "http": [4, 10, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 27, 31], "i": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31], "ibm": 9, "id": 7, "idea": 9, "ideal": 6, 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17, "inputparameter2": 17, "insid": [7, 9, 10, 17, 18, 30], "inspect": 12, "instal": [6, 8, 10, 15, 19, 31], "instanc": [17, 30, 31], "instanti": [11, 31], "instead": [2, 3, 12, 17, 22, 27], "instruct": [15, 18, 20], "int": [12, 17, 30, 31], "integ": [0, 2, 3, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 28, 30, 31], "integr": [3, 7, 14], "intellig": 22, "intend": 17, "interact": 3, "interdepend": 22, "interestingli": 2, "interfac": [9, 12, 15, 29], "interior": [21, 22], "intermediari": 9, "intern": [3, 12, 15, 31], "internet": 17, "interpret": [20, 31], "interrupt": 31, "interv": 11, "intract": 1, "introductori": 2, "invalid": 22, "invers": 6, "invest": 22, "invit": 1, "involv": [9, 10, 22], "io": [27, 31], "isfix": 30, "isinst": 12, "ismip": 6, "issu": [7, 12, 14, 18], "isviol": 30, "item": [1, 4, 13, 30], "iter": [17, 30], "itpnod": 26, "its": [0, 3, 6, 9, 10, 11, 16, 30, 31], "itself": 30, "j": [1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 17, 18], "jelli": 17, "jl": 31, "json": [9, 14, 30, 31], "jsonencod": 12, 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25, 31], "limit": [0, 3, 4, 22, 31], "line": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 20, 27, 31], "line_buff": 31, "linear": [0, 1, 2, 3, 15, 18, 19, 22, 25, 30], "link": [7, 15, 17], "lint": 7, "linter": 8, "linux": [7, 9, 18, 31], "linux64": 9, "list": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 31], "listsolv": [9, 31], "littl": [0, 2, 9], "lluang": 4, "load": [9, 13, 20, 23, 31], "local": 18, "locat": [2, 6, 9, 20, 31], "log": [10, 15, 24, 31], "logfil": 31, "logic": [0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 22], "logpath": [10, 31], "long": [2, 3, 12, 17, 20, 22], "longer": [12, 17, 20], "look": [0, 3, 9, 10, 17, 22, 31], "lookalik": 31, "loop": [0, 2, 3, 19, 22], "loos": 3, "lose": [12, 27], "loss": 27, "lost": 3, "lot": [9, 12, 21], "loui": 4, "low": 31, "lowbound": [1, 4, 9, 12, 13, 30], "lower": [0, 3, 9, 13, 30], "lp": [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 18, 20, 30, 31], "lpaffineexpress": [20, 25, 30], "lparrai": 25, "lpbinari": [25, 28], "lpconstraint": [11, 18, 25, 28, 30], "lpconstrainteq": [28, 30], "lpconstraintg": [28, 30], "lpconstraintl": [28, 30], "lpconstraintsens": 28, "lpconstraintvar": [18, 30], "lpcontinu": [0, 28], "lpdot": 18, "lpelement": 30, "lpfractionconstraint": 30, "lpinteg": [0, 1, 3, 12, 13, 28], "lpmaxim": [0, 2, 4, 6, 28, 30], "lpminim": [0, 1, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 18, 25, 28, 30], "lpobjsens": 31, "lpproblem": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18, 25], "lpsens": 28, "lpsolut": 28, "lpsolutionintegerfeas": 28, "lpsolutionnosolutionfound": [6, 28], "lpsolutionoptim": 28, "lpsolutionstatusinfeas": 28, "lpsolutionstatusunbound": 28, "lpsolver": [6, 31], "lpsolver_cmd": [6, 31], "lpstatu": [0, 2, 4, 18, 28], "lpstatusinfeas": [6, 28], "lpstatusnotsolv": [6, 28], "lpstatusoptim": 28, "lpstatusunbound": 28, "lpstatusundefin": 28, "lpsum": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, 18, 30], "lpvar": 31, "lpvarcategori": 31, "lpvariabl": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 18, 20, 25, 30], "luangkesorn": 4, "lugerpitt": 4, "m": [1, 2, 7, 12, 13, 18], "mac": [7, 9], "machin": [4, 7, 9, 22], "maco": 18, "made": [3, 12, 15, 24], "magic": 9, "magnitud": 11, "mai": [1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21, 22, 30, 31], "main": [0, 6, 9, 10, 15, 30, 31], "mainli": 17, "make": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18, 20, 22, 27, 30, 31], "makedict": 3, "makeelasticsubproblem": [11, 30], "maker": 4, "manag": [3, 31], "mani": [2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 13, 22], "manipul": [15, 20, 24, 27], "manual": 9, "manufactur": 0, "mari": 31, "market": 4, "mason": 15, "match": [9, 15, 24], "materi": [4, 17], "mathbb": 3, "mathemat": [20, 21], "matrix": 26, "matrix_post": 26, "matter": 17, "max": [3, 4, 25, 31], "max_length": 30, "max_tabl": [1, 12, 13], "max_table_s": [1, 12, 13], "maxcardin": 30, "maxim": [4, 6, 20, 28], "maximis": [1, 2, 22], "maximum": [1, 3, 12, 13, 31], "maximum_number_of_t": [1, 12, 13], "maxmemori": 31, "maxnod": 31, "maxoneperbox": 25, "maxonepercol": 25, "maxoneperrow": 25, "maxoneperxi": 25, "mean": [0, 2, 9, 12, 22], "meaning": [2, 3, 4, 7], "meat": [0, 17], "meet": 0, "memori": [10, 31], 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30], "nonam": 30, "none": [0, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 17, 26, 30, 31], "nonetheless": 10, "nonetyp": 31, "nonneg": 4, "nonprogramm": 17, "nonzero": 26, "nor": 2, "normal": [3, 17, 30], "notat": 4, "note": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 12, 20, 21, 28, 30], "notebook": 14, "notic": [0, 3], "now": [0, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 20, 31], "np": 12, "npencod": 12, "number": [0, 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 22, 27, 30, 31], "numer": [20, 28, 30], "numpi": [14, 15, 24], "nutrient": 0, "nutrit": 0, "nz": 15, "o": [1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 15, 17, 31], "obj": [12, 30], "object": [1, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 30, 31], "objectivenam": 31, "observ": [17, 22], "obtain": [0, 20], "obviou": 2, "occur": [2, 4], "odd": 17, "off": 31, "offer": [9, 12], "offic": 3, "offici": [8, 14], "offset": 31, "often": [3, 10, 17, 21, 22], "ol": 26, "old": 10, "omit": 31, "onc": [0, 2, 3, 9, 13, 17], "one": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 30, 31], "onedigitpercel": 25, "ones": [7, 27], "ongo": 5, "onli": [1, 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17, 18, 19, 20], "programm": [3, 17], "progress": 26, "project": [8, 10, 18, 22], "prompt": [17, 20], "properti": [0, 6], "proport": [11, 30], "proportionfreebound": [11, 30], "proportionfreeboundlist": [11, 30], "proprietari": [15, 18], "protein": 0, "proteinperc": 0, "proteinrequir": 0, "provid": [2, 12, 15, 22, 26, 27, 31], "pscenario": 4, "pt": 17, "pub": 3, "pull": [8, 18], "pulp": [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 22, 24, 27], "pulp_cbc_cmd": [9, 10, 13, 20, 31], "pulp_cbc_path": 31, "pulp_lparrai": [15, 24], "pulperror": [28, 31], "pulpsolvererror": [6, 10, 31], "pulptest": [6, 18, 20], "pulptestal": 20, "punch": 31, "purchas": [3, 4], "pure": 18, "purpos": 0, "push": [7, 20], "put": [2, 3, 10, 22], "put_some_alternative_path_her": 9, "puzzl": 25, "py": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 17, 20], "pydev": 20, "pyglpk": [9, 20, 31], "pypi": [10, 18], "python": [0, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 28, 31], "python3": [7, 9], "python32": 10, "python34": 20, "python64": 10, "python_path": 9, "pythonpath": 9, "pyton": 27, "pytup": [15, 24], "q": [1, 12, 13], "qdbp": 25, "quantifi": 22, "quantiti": 0, "queri": 9, "question": [9, 10], "quick": 7, "quickest": 7, "quickstart": 19, "quit": 9, "quot": 31, "quote_path": 31, "r": [1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 18, 25, 30], "rai": 9, "rais": [6, 30, 31], "random": [9, 31], "rang": [2, 17, 30, 31], "re": [7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 20], "reach": 31, "read": [2, 3, 4, 9, 12, 15, 31], "readabl": [27, 31], "readlin": 31, "readm": [15, 19], "readsol": [6, 31], "readsol_lp": 31, "readsol_mp": 31, "real": [11, 17, 21], "realist": 3, "realli": [2, 9, 12], "reason": [9, 12, 21], "reasonn": 31, "rebuild": 7, "recent": 10, "recomend": 9, "recommend": [10, 15, 18], "reconstruct": 12, "redirect": 31, "redirect_stdout": 31, "reduc": [3, 9, 12], "reducedcost": 31, "reelastic": 30, "refer": [0, 3, 4, 17, 31], "referenc": [0, 3], "reflect": [22, 30], "regard": 10, "rel": [22, 31], "relat": [1, 2, 30, 31], "relax": [6, 20], "releas": 31, "relev": 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22], "run_test": 7, "runner": 31, "s_w": 3, "sa": 31, "safe": 9, "sai": 2, "sake": 9, "sale": 3, "salt": 0, "saltperc": 0, "saltrequir": 0, "same": [0, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 22, 30, 31], "sas94": 31, "sasca": 31, "saslogwrit": 31, "sassolv": 31, "satisfi": [2, 3, 7], "save": [3, 7, 12, 31], "scale": 3, "scenario": 4, "schedul": 3, "scip": [9, 15, 18, 31], "scip_cmd": [9, 31], "scip_pi": [9, 31], "scip_status": 31, "scratch": 17, "screen": [0, 2, 4], "script": [1, 20], "search": 31, "seat": [1, 12, 13], "seating_model": [1, 12, 13], "second": [0, 3, 6, 9, 31], "section": [0, 6, 9, 12, 17], "see": [0, 3, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 18, 25, 31], "seek": 31, "seekabl": 31, "seem": 2, "seen": [0, 6, 10, 12], "self": [6, 12, 17, 28, 30, 31], "send": [3, 7, 31], "sens": [6, 11, 12, 18, 22, 28, 30], "sensedict": 31, "sent": 3, "separ": 0, "sequenc": 17, "seri": 9, "session": [9, 10], "set": [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 15, 22, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31], "setconfiginform": 31, "setinitialvalu": [13, 30], 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31], "solfil": 6, "solut": [1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20, 21, 26, 28, 30, 31], "solution_styl": 31, "solutionn": 31, "solutionstatu": 6, "solv": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30, 31], "solve_cbc": 31, "solveinst": 6, "solver": [0, 2, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30], "solver_dict": 9, "solver_list": 9, "solverconstraint": 31, "solverdir": 31, "solvermodel": [6, 9, 31], "solverparam": 31, "solvervar": 31, "some": [6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 21, 30, 31], "some_file_nam": 9, "some_modified_fil": 7, "some_mst_fil": 9, "someon": [0, 31], "someth": [9, 10, 28], "sometim": [3, 9, 10, 22], "somewher": [3, 9], "sorri": 9, "sort": [22, 30], "sorted_kei": 30, "sos1": 12, "sos2": 12, "sourc": [3, 8, 15, 18, 31], "special": [10, 18, 25], "specif": [0, 4, 10, 17, 23, 30], "specifi": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 17, 21, 30, 31], "spend": 22, "sphinx": [7, 18], "split": [1, 6, 12, 13], "spongerol": 17, "squar": [0, 2, 17], "stack": 10, 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17, "toler": 31, "tolist": 12, "ton": 27, "too": [12, 22], "tool": [4, 31], "top": [7, 17, 31], "topic": 15, "total": [0, 1, 3, 4, 13, 22, 31], "totalcost": 3, "totalrolllength": 17, "trace": 9, "transform": [12, 27], "translat": [22, 31], "transport": [5, 15], "tree": 31, "trick": 25, "trim": 17, "trimvalu": 17, "truck": 3, "true": [2, 6, 9, 10, 13, 17, 21, 30, 31], "truncat": 31, "try": [0, 2, 6, 9, 14, 17, 18], "tupl": [1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 15, 24, 30, 31], "tuplist": 27, "turn": [3, 13, 17], "tutori": 18, "tweak": 31, "two": [0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 27], "two_stage_stochastic_gemstonetool": 4, "txt": [2, 7, 18, 31], "type": [0, 11, 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 30, 31], "typeerror": 31, "typic": [9, 22], "u": [0, 3, 18], "ub": 25, "ub_p": 4, "ub_w": 4, "ujson": [9, 12], "unavail": 20, "unbalanc": 3, "unbound": [0, 20, 28, 31], "uncertainti": [4, 22], "unchang": [20, 31], "uncl": 0, "unconstrain": 25, "undefin": [0, 28], "under": [17, 18, 22, 25], "understand": [10, 17, 22], 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9, 10, 13, 18, 20, 26, 31], "via": [9, 10, 13, 21, 22, 31], "vice": 27, "video": 10, "violat": 30, "virtual": [7, 18], "vitamin": 0, "w": [2, 3, 4, 6, 31], "w_": 4, "wa": [2, 3, 9, 10, 17, 30, 31], "wai": [0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22], "wall": 31, "want": [0, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, 22], "warehous": 3, "warm": [14, 15, 31], "warmstart": [9, 13, 30, 31], "warn": 6, "wast": 2, "water": 17, "we": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 30], "websit": 17, "wed": [1, 13], "wedding_model": 12, "wedding_seating_model": 12, "wedding_var": 12, "week": [3, 22], "weight": 0, "welcom": 18, "well": [2, 6, 17, 22, 31], "were": [0, 2, 3, 17], "what": [0, 7, 10, 14, 17, 20, 22], "whatev": 9, "wheat": 0, "when": [0, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 31], "whenc": 31, "where": [2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 20, 21, 30, 31], "wherea": [2, 17], "wherebi": 17, "whether": [2, 31], "which": [0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 14, 17, 18, 21, 22, 30, 31], "while": [0, 2, 4, 6, 13, 14, 21], "whilst": [0, 2, 3], "whiska": [0, 3], "whiskasmodel": 0, "whiskasmodel1": 0, "whiskasmodel2": 0, "who": 22, "whole": [0, 3, 7, 14, 26], "why": 22, "wide": 25, "wikipedia": [2, 17], "wil": 7, "willu47": [16, 23], "window": [7, 9, 18], "wise": 18, "wish": [0, 1], "with_objsens": 30, "with_traceback": 28, "within": [2, 4, 22], "without": [1, 17, 18, 27, 30], "won": 21, "word": 17, "work": [9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 20, 22, 31], "would": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 13, 17, 20, 22, 31], "wrap": 31, "wrench": 4, "wrenchearn": 4, "writabl": 31, "write": [0, 2, 7, 14, 17, 20, 30, 31], "writelp": [0, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 30], "writemp": [6, 10, 12, 30], "writemst": 31, "writeslxsol": 31, "writeso": 30, "writesol": 31, "written": [0, 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 31], "www": 31, "x": [0, 1, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 24, 26, 30, 31], "x1": [0, 18], "x2": [0, 18], "x64_win64": 9, "x86": 9, "x_": 3, "x_0": 30, "x_1": [0, 21, 30], "x_2": [0, 21, 30], "x_3": [0, 21], "x_4": 0, "x_5": 0, "x_6": 0, "x_i": [21, 30], "x_n": 21, "x_name": 30, "xn": 18, "xpress": [9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 31], "xpress_cmd": 31, "xpress_pi": [9, 13, 31], "y": [12, 18, 25, 30], "yaposib": [20, 31], "year": 10, "yet": 13, "you": [0, 2, 3, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 31], "your": [0, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, 31], "yourself": 0, "z": [3, 12], "zero": [0, 1, 3, 17, 20, 30], "zip": [4, 17], "zipfil": 20, "\u00e0": 27}, "titles": ["A Blending Problem", "A Set Partitioning Problem", "A Sudoku Problem formulated as an LP", "A Transportation Problem", "A Two Stage Production Planning Problem", "Case Studies", "How to add a new solver to PuLP", "How to contribute to PuLP", "Developer Guides", "How to configure a solver in PuLP", "How to debug most errors during solving", "Elastic Constraints", "How to import and export models in PuLP", "How to warm-start a solver", "User Guides", "Optimization with PuLP", "Amply", "Basic Python Coding", "pulp", "Main Topics", "Installing PuLP at Home", "Optimisation Concepts", "The Optimisation Process", "amply: AMPL data manipulation", "Plugins", "PuLP_LPARRAY: PuLP x NumPy, a match made in heaven", "orloge: OR logs parser", "pytups: smart dictionaries and tuple lists", "pulp.constants
", "PuLP Internal Documentation", "pulp
: Pulp classes", "pulp.apis
Interface to Solvers"], "titleterms": {"1": 12, "2": 12, "A": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], "For": 18, "In": 3, "OR": 26, "The": [0, 17, 22, 30], "access": 9, "activ": 13, "actualsolv": 6, "ad": 6, "add": 6, "addit": 9, "ampl": 23, "ampli": [16, 23], "an": [2, 9], "anaconda": 10, "analysi": [3, 22], "api": [6, 9, 13, 31], "appli": 7, "arrai": 17, "ask": 10, "author": 15, "avail": 6, "base": 6, "basic": 17, "black": 7, "blend": 0, "bui": 3, "build": [7, 18], "case": 5, "caveat": 12, "cbc": 10, "check": 9, "class": [6, 17, 18, 30], "clone": 7, "cmd": 9, "code": 17, "combin": 30, "comment": 17, "comprehens": 17, "concept": 21, "conda": 10, "configur": 9, "consider": 12, "constant": 28, "constraint": [0, 2, 3, 11, 30], "contribut": [7, 18], "copyright": 18, "cplex": 9, "cplex_pi": 9, "creat": 7, "data": [12, 23], "debug": 10, "decis": [0, 2, 3], "defaultpath": 6, "descript": [0, 2, 3, 22], "develop": [8, 18], "dictionari": [17, 27], "document": [7, 18, 29], "dure": 10, "elast": 11, "environ": 9, "error": 10, "essenti": 18, "ex": 10, "exampl": [6, 12, 13, 18], "execut": 10, "expert": 2, "export": [9, 12], "express": 30, "extens": 3, "extra": [2, 6], "featur": 17, "feedback": 10, "file": 9, "fill": 13, "fix": 13, "fork": 7, "formatt": 7, "formul": [0, 2, 3, 22], "from": [7, 20], "full": 0, "function": [0, 2, 3, 9, 17, 18], "get": 22, "give": 10, "group": 12, "guid": [8, 14], "gurobi": 9, "ha": 9, "heaven": 25, "help": 10, "home": 20, "how": [6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13], "i": 9, "identifi": [0, 2, 3], "import": [9, 12, 17], "includ": 6, "infeas": 10, "inherit": 6, "instal": [7, 9, 18, 20], "integ": 21, "integr": 9, "interfac": 31, "intern": 29, "issu": 10, "json": 12, "jupyt": 10, "languag": 17, "licens": 18, "linear": 21, "linter": 7, "linux": 20, "list": [17, 27], "log": 26, "loop": 17, "lp": 2, "lpproblem": 30, "made": 25, "main": 19, "make": [6, 7], "manipul": 23, "match": 25, "mathemat": 22, "method": 6, "mip": 13, "model": [3, 12, 22], "monitor": 3, "more": 18, "most": 10, "mp": 12, "new": 6, "note": 17, "notebook": 10, "numpi": [12, 25], "object": [0, 2, 3], "offici": [6, 9], "ongo": 3, "optim": [15, 22], "optimis": [21, 22], "orlog": 26, "other": 17, "panda": 12, "parser": 26, "partit": 1, "path": 9, "per": 9, "perform": 22, "permut": 30, "pip": 20, "plan": 4, "plugin": 24, "post": 22, "present": [3, 22], "problem": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 13, 22], "process": 22, "product": 4, "program": [21, 22], "project": 7, "pull": 7, "pulp": [3, 6, 7, 9, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31], "pulp_lparrai": 25, "pypi": 20, "python": 17, "pytup": 27, "quickstart": 18, "request": 7, "run": 7, "set": 1, "simplifi": 0, "smart": 27, "solut": [0, 2, 3, 22], "solv": [10, 22], "solver": [6, 9, 13, 31], "some": 22, "sourc": [7, 20], "specif": 9, "stage": 4, "start": 13, "statement": 17, "storag": 3, "studi": 5, "sudoku": 2, "suit": 6, "support": 13, "syntax": 17, "temporari": 9, "test": [6, 7, 20], "todo": 30, "topic": 19, "transport": 3, "try": 10, "tupl": [17, 27], "two": 4, "type": [9, 12, 17], "us": [9, 18], "user": 14, "valid": 3, "valu": 13, "variabl": [0, 2, 3, 9, 12, 13, 30], "warm": 13, "what": 9, "where": 9, "which": 9, "while": [10, 17], "whole": 13, "window": 20, "write": 9, "x": 25, "your": 20}})
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/technical/constants.html b/technical/constants.html
index deda0527..ebd3d951 100644
--- a/technical/constants.html
+++ b/technical/constants.html
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pulp.constants — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/technical/index.html b/technical/index.html
index 98f60a0e..e457078d 100644
--- a/technical/index.html
+++ b/technical/index.html
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PuLP Internal Documentation — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
diff --git a/technical/pulp.html b/technical/pulp.html
index dc1a8551..2f055e62 100644
--- a/technical/pulp.html
+++ b/technical/pulp.html
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pulp: Pulp classes — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ The LpProblem Class
+variables() list[LpVariable]
Returns the problem variables
- Returns:
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ Variables and Expressions
-class pulp.LpAffineExpression(e=None, constant=0, name=None)
+class pulp.LpAffineExpression(e=None, constant: float = 0.0, name: str | None = None)
Bases: OrderedDict
A linear combination of LpVariables
Can be initialised with the following:
@@ -557,13 +557,13 @@ Variables and Expressions
-asCplexLpAffineExpression(name, constant=1)
+asCplexLpAffineExpression(name: str, constant=1)
returns a string that represents the Affine Expression in lp format
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ Variables and Expressions
+sorted_keys() list[LpElement]
returns the list of keys sorted by name
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ Variables and Expressions
+pulp.lpSum(vector: Iterable[LpAffineExpression] | Iterable[tuple[LpElement, float]] | int | float | LpElement)
Calculate the sum of a list of linear expressions
- Parameters:
@@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ Constraints
class pulp.LpConstraint(e=None, sense=0, name=None, rhs=None)
-Bases: LpAffineExpression
+Bases: object
An LP constraint
- Parameters:
@@ -653,6 +653,12 @@ Constraints
+asCplexLpAffineExpression(name: str, constant=1)
+returns a string that represents the Affine Expression in lp format
diff --git a/technical/solvers.html b/technical/solvers.html
index 5c8ee482..6fdfe29e 100644
--- a/technical/solvers.html
+++ b/technical/solvers.html
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
pulp.apis Interface to Solvers — PuLP 2.9.0 documentation