Upgrade notes:
- Actions on omniauth registrations: Due to #4895, if there are actions registered to be performed when a user registers throught OAuth, the name of the event must be changed to keep them working. The subscription to the notification should be changed from:
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "decidim.events.user.omniauth_registration" do |name, started, finished, unique_id, data|
ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe "decidim.user.omniauth_registration" do |name, started, finished, unique_id, data|
Bump Ruby version: As per #4927 we've bumped the minimum Ruby version to 2.5.x. Check you're running a suitable Ruby version.
User follow counters: If you're upgrading from 0.15 please run this code from a console after running the migrations:
Decidim::UserBaseEntity.find_each do |entity|
follower_count = Decidim::Follow.where(followable: entity).count
following_count = Decidim::Follow.where(decidim_user_id: entity.id).count
following_users_count = Decidim::Follow.where(decidim_user_id: entity.id, decidim_followable_type: ["Decidim::UserBaseEntity", "Decidim::User", "Decidim::UserGroup"]).count
# We use `update_columns` to skip Searchable callbacks
followers_count: follower_count,
following_count: following_count,
following_users_count: following_users_count
- decidim-proposals: Added a button to reset all participatory text drafts. #4814
- decidim-proposals Add text formatting capabilities to MarkdownToProposals. #4837
- decidim-docs Update dependencies and ruby version. #4812
- decidim-proposals Lists are imported as a single proposal. #4780
- decidim-proposals: Allow to persist participatory text drafts before publishing. #4808
- decidim-docs: Some components.md corrections and a little more info related with modules and engines.. #4752
- decidim-proposals: Add Participatory Text support for images in Markdown. #4791
- decidim-proposals: In participatory texts it is better to render Article cards open by default. #4806
- decidim-proposals: Add Participatory Text support for links in Markdown. #4790
- decidim-core: User groups can now be disabled per organization. #4681
- decidim-initiatives: Add setting in
to restrict online signatures #4668 - decidim-verifications: Add multitenant csv census verifications #4719
- decidim-initiatives: Extend authorizations to resources not related with components and define initiatives vote authorizations on initiatives types #4747
- decidim-initiatives: Add setting in
to set minimum commitee members before sending initiative to technical evaluation #4688 - decidim-initiatives: Add option to initiative types to collect personal data on signature and make related changes in front #4690
- decidim-initiatives: Implement a mechanism to store encrytped personal data of users on votes and decrypt it exporting to PDF #4716
- decidim-initiatives: Add setting to initiatives types to enable a step to allow initiative signature after passing SMS verification mechanism #4792
- decidim-initiatives: Allow integration of services to add timestamps and sign PDFs, define example services and use in application generator #4805
- decidim-initiatives: Add setting to initiatives types to verify document number provided on votes and avoid duplicated votes with the same document #4794
- decidim-initiatives: Add validation using metadata of authorization for handler defined to validate document mumber #4838
- decidim-initiatives: Better admin initiative search #4845
- decidim-meetings: Order meetings at admin #4844
- decidim-proposals Add admin edit link for proposals #4843
- decidim-initiatives: Add setting in
to enable users to undo their initiatives signatures. #4841 - decidim-initiatives: Add author of initiative to committee members on creation. #4861
- decidim-initiatives: Display state of initiative on edition form inside a disabled select. #4861
- decidim-initiatives: Allow users report comments on initiatives and admins moderate reports from initiative admin panel. #4878
- decidim-admin: Add css variables for multitenant custom colors. #4882
- decidim-verifications: Allow definition of attributes in settings manifest to be required always on authorizations. #4911
- decidim-verifications: Allow resending SMS code. #4928
- decidim-proposals Allow to change participatory texts title without uploading file. #4761
- decidim-proposals Change collaborative draft contributors permissions #4712
- decidim-admin: Change admin moderations manager #4717
- decidim-core: Change action_authorization and modals to manage multiple authorization handlers instead of one #4747
- decidim-admin: Change interface to manage multiple authorizations for components and resources #4747
- decidim-initiatives: Change logic of online sign initiative buttons. #4841
- decidim-initiatives: Add a last step on signature initiatives wizard and use it instead of redirect to initiative after signing. #4841
- decidim-initiatives: Change permissions of sign_initiative action. #4841
- decidim-initiatives: Allow edition of type, scope and signature type of initiatives depending on state and user. #4861
- decidim-initiatives: Move edition of initiatives answer to a separated form in admin panel and shows answer in front if present for any state. #4881
- decidim-initiatives: Change initiative type selection step view to display options using tabs. #4884
- decidim-initiatives: Change design of column containing signatures progress and actions buttons in initiative show. #4887
- decidim-initiatives: Change initiative creation wizard layout. #4888
- decidim-initiatives: Make changes related with initiatives signature and permissions ux. #4906
- decidim-admin: Fix inputs of translated attributes in resource permissions options form. #4911
- decidim: Bump required Ruby minimum version to 2.5.x #4927
- decidim-initiatives: Validate vote_form metadata considering initiative scope and also children scopes. #4933
- decidim-core: Fix wrong check of avatar_url in
controller #4917 - decidim-core: Don't mix omniauth notifications with
events #4895 - decidim-core: Hide comments on cards when deactivated on a component. #4904
- decidim-debates: Fix stats display for debates when a debate has been moderated. #4903
- decidim-core: Fix comments count when a comment has been moderated #4901
- decidim-core: Fix AttachmentCreatedEvent email resource_url #4880
- decidim-proposals: Add participatory texts file format support in admin. #4819
- decidim-proposals: Fix collaborative draft attachment when attachments are enabled after collaborative draft creation #4877
- decidim-assemblies: Fix parent assemblies children_count counter (add migration) #4852
- decidim-proposals: Fix Proposals Last Activity feed #4828
- decidim-proposals: Fix attachments not being inherited from collaborative draft when published as proposal. #4811
- decidim-core: Add set_locale method to prevent users be redirected to unexpected locale#4809
- decidim-core: Fix inconsistent dataviz #4787
- decidim-proposals: Fix participatory texts error uploading files with accents and special characters. #4788
- decidim-meetings: Fix form when duplicating meetings #4750
- decidim-proposals: Fix admin proposals manager: show proposal state #4789
- decidim-core: Fix DataPortabilityExportJob: private method 'file' called when Carrierwave Storage fog enable #4337
- decidim-proposals Public view of Participatory Text is now preserving new lines. #4782
- decidim-assemblies: Fix assemblies filter by type #4778
- decidim-conferences: Fix error when visiting a Conference event#4776
- decidim-proposals Fix unhideable reported collaborative drafts and mail jobs #4706
- decidim-assemblies: Fix parent assemblies children_count counter #4718
- decidim-core: Place
middleware beforeWardenManager
. #4708 - decidim-core: Fix form builder upload field multiple errors display #4715
- decidim-core: MetricResolver filtering corrected comparison between symbol and string #4733
- decidim-core: Ignore blank permission options in action authorizer #4744
- decidim-core: Date field form inputs failing to highlight errors on some edge cases. #3515
- decidim-core: Datetime field form inputs failing to highlight errors on some edge cases. #3515
- decidim-proposals Lock proposals on voting to avoid race conditions to vote over the limit #4763
- decidim-initiatives Add missing dependency for wicked_pdf to initiatives module #4813
- decidim-participatory_processes: Shows the short description on processes when displaying a single one on the homepage. #4824
- decidim-core Fix redirect to static map view after login. #4830
- decidim-proposals: Add missing translation key for "Address". #4835
- decidim-proposals: Fix proposal activity cell rendering. #4848
- decidim-meetings: Fix accepting/declining meeting invitations #4839
- decidim-budgets: Allow only to attach published proposals to budgeting projects #4840
- decidim-core: Prevent empty selection in the data picker #4842
- decidim-forms: Fix free text fields exporting. #4846
- decidim-initiatives Fix admin layout of some subsections of initiatives participatory spaces. #4849
- decidim-proposals Fix recent proposals order #4854
- decidim-core: Fix user activities list #4853
- decidim-comments Fix author display in comments #4851
- decidim-debates Allow HTML content at debates page #4850
- decidim-proposals Fix proposals search indexes #4857
- decidim-proposals Remove etiquette validation from proposals admin #4856
- decidim-core: Fix process filters #4872
- decidim-debates Fix debates card and ordering #4879
- decidim-proposals Don't count withdrawn proposals when publishing one #4875
- decidim-initiatives Fix author duplicated appearance in some initiatives authors lists. #4885
- decidim-meetings, decidim-forms: Fix form to_param methods printing out empty IDs and causing an HTTP 400 exception #4896
- decidim-core Fix elements with non-unique ID on filtering pages #4897
- decidim-debates Correctly set the category in the admin debate form #4894
- decidim-proposals: Let admins keep orirignal authors when importing proposals from another component #4902
- decidim-proposals: Don't let users vote/follow withdrawn proposals #4909
- decidim-participatory_processes: Fix collaborator permissions so they can't
anything #4899 - decidim-initiatives Add some small fixes in admin panel of initiatives #4912
- decidim-core: Ensure email is downcased when authenticating a user #4926
- decidim-proposals: Allow reporting official proposals #4930
- decidim-participatory_processes: Fix past processes filter #4932
- decidim-verifications: Redirect to previous url after verifying your mobile number via SMS. #4929
- decidim-budgets: Fix button updates #4941
- decidim-comments: Fix comment reply when comments blocked #4939
- decidim-forms: Keep correct answers of sinlge-choice question when there are errors #4934
- decidim-consultations: Allow admins to manage components #4942
- decidim-comments: Fix comments on IE11 #4946
- decidim-surveys: Ensure the user has authorization to render the survey #4943
- decidim-meetings: Fix meeting questionnaire migration #4950
- decidim-core: Speed up
migration #4955
Please check 0.16-stable for previous changes.