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File metadata and controls

239 lines (178 loc) · 17.7 KB



  • The data reconciliation app verifies consistency across different data sets used by Companies House including Oracle, MongoDB and Elasticsearch.
  • Groups of comparators are responsible for comparing data sets, aggregating results and then publishing a message to a Kafka topic.
  • Comparators are configured using environment variables.

System requirements

Building and Running Locally

  1. From the command line, in the same folder as the Makefile run make clean build
  2. Configure project environment variables where necessary (see below).
  3. Ensure MongoDB and Elasticsearch are running within the Companies House developer environment
  4. Start the service in the CHS developer environment


  • The data reconciliation app is implemented using Apache Camel.
  • A comparison is triggered when a timer elapses.
  • The route triggers the desired function, which fetches the required data sets.
  • Retrieved data sets are marshalled into a suitable model and compared with each other.
  • Supported comparisons include:
    • Count number of resources in a particular data set.
    • Calculate symmetric difference between two data sets.
    • Identify discrepancies between resources in two data sets.
  • The result is transformed into a CSV file and uploaded to S3.
  • A message is sent to Kafka after all required comparisons in the group have run.


Environment variables


Variable Description Example
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL The URL of the Oracle instance where CHIPS application data is stored jdbc:oracle:thin@oraclehost:1521:db
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME The username that will be used to connect to Oracle username
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD The password that will be used to connect to Oracle password
SPRING_DATASOURCE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME The fully qualified class name of the driver that will be used to connect to Oracle oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver


Variable Description Example
SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_URI The URL of the MongoDB instance where CHS application data is stored mongodb://mongohost:27017
ENDPOINT_MONGODB_COMPANY_PROFILE_DB_NAME The name of the MongoDB database used to store company profiles db_name
ENDPOINT_MONGODB_COMPANY_PROFILE_COLLECTION_NAME The name of the MongoDB collection used to store company profiles collection_name
ENDPOINT_MONGODB_READ_PREFERENCE Determines how the MongoDB client routes read operations to members of a replica set PRIMARY
ENDPOINT_MONGODB_DSQ_OFFICER_DB_NAME The name of the MongoDB database used to store disqualified officers db_name
ENDPOINT_MONGODB_DSQ_OFFICER_COLLECTION_NAME The name of the MongoDB collection used to store disqualified officers collection_name
ENDPOINT_MONGODB_INSOLVENCY_DB_NAME The name of the MongoDB database used to store company insolvency data db_name
ENDPOINT_MONGODB_INSOLVENCY_COLLECTION_NAME The name of the MongoDB collection used to store company insolvency data collection_name


Variable Description Example
ELASTICSEARCH_ALPHA_HOST The hostname that will be used to connect to the Elasticsearch alphabetical search cluster
ELASTICSEARCH_ALPHA_INDEX The name of the index that alphabetical search hits will be retrieved from index_name
ELASTICSEARCH_ALPHA_PORT The port number that will be used to connect to the Elasticsearch alphabetical search cluster 9200
ELASTICSEARCH_ALPHA_PROTOCOL The protocol that will be used to connect to the Elasticsearch alphabetical search cluster https
ELASTICSEARCH_ALPHA_SEGMENTS The number of slices that the scrolling search will be split into 3
ELASTICSEARCH_ALPHA_SLICE_SIZE The number of hits that the scrolling search will return in each response 10000
ELASTICSEARCH_ALPHA_SLICE_FIELD The field that will be used to split results of a scrolling search _uid
ELASTICSEARCH_PRIMARY_HOST The hostname that will be used to connect to the Elasticsearch primary search cluster
ELASTICSEARCH_PRIMARY_INDEX The name of the index that primary search hits will be retrieved from index_name
ELASTICSEARCH_PRIMARY_PORT The port number that will be used to connect to the Elasticsearch primary search cluster 9200
ELASTICSEARCH_PRIMARY_PROTOCOL The protocol that will be used to connect to the Elasticsearch primary search cluster https
ELASTICSEARCH_PRIMARY_SEGMENTS The number of slices that the scrolling search will be split into 3
ELASTICSEARCH_PRIMARY_SLICE_SIZE The number of hits that the scrolling search will return in each response 10000
ELASTICSEARCH_PRIMARY_SLICE_FIELD The field that will be used to split results of a scrolling search _uid
ENDPOINT_ELASTICSEARCH_LOG_INDICES Used to log a tally of the number of Elasticsearch search hits that have been processed 10000


Variable Description Example
RESULTS_BUCKET The S3 bucket to which results will be uploaded bucket_name
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID The access key that will be used to connect to AWS access_key
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY The secret access key that will be used to connect to AWS secret_access_key
AWS_REGION The AWS region that the S3 client will connect to eu-west-2
RESULTS_EXPIRY_TIME_IN_MILLIS The duration in milliseconds for which comparison results can be accessed 600000


Variable Description Example
SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL The URL of the Kafka schema registry
KAFKA_BROKER_ADDR The URL of the Kafka broker

Caffeine Cache

Variable Description Example
CACHE_EXPIRY_IN_SECONDS The duration in seconds after which cached results will be evicted 300

Comparison Groups


Each comparator belongs to a comparison group. After all comparators in the comparison group have run, results produced by each comparator will be published to S3 and a message will be sent to a Kafka topic.

The following tables contain toggles (for enabling/disabling each comparator) and timer delays (after application startup for each comparator).

Note: the application will only start when one or more comparison group toggles have been enabled; when no comparison group toggles have been enabled an error message will be logged i.e.

No aggregation group models enabled; must be at least one

Company Profile Comparisons - MongoDB-Oracle

Variable Description Example
COMPANY_COUNT_MONGO_ORACLE_ENABLED Company count comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_COUNT_MONGO_ORACLE_DELAY Company count comparator delay "30s"
COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_ORACLE_ENABLED Company number comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_ORACLE_DELAY Company number comparator delay "1m30s"
COMPANY_STATUS_MONGO_ORACLE_ENABLED Company status comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_STATUS_MONGO_ORACLE_DELAY Company status comparator delay "9m30s"

Disqualified Officer Comparisons - MongoDB-Oracle

Variable Description Example
DSQ_OFFICER_ID_MONGO_ORACLE_ENABLED Disqualified officer comparator toggle "true" / "false"
DSQ_OFFICER_ID_MONGO_ORACLE_DELAY Disqualified officer comparator delay "4m30s"

Elasticsearch Comparisons - MongoDB-Elasticsearch

Variable Description Example
COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_PRIMARY_ENABLED Primary index company number comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_PRIMARY_DELAY Primary index company number comparator delay "2m30s"
COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_ALPHA_ENABLED Alpha index company number comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_ALPHA_DELAY Alpha index company number comparator delay "3m30s"
COMPANY_NAME_MONGO_PRIMARY_ENABLED Primary index company name comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_NAME_MONGO_PRIMARY_DELAY Primary index company name comparator delay "5m30s"
COMPANY_NAME_MONGO_ALPHA_ENABLED Alpha index company name comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_NAME_MONGO_ALPHA_DELAY Alpha index company name comparator delay "6m30s"
COMPANY_STATUS_MONGO_PRIMARY_ENABLED Primary index company status comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_STATUS_MONGO_PRIMARY_DELAY Primary index company status comparator delay "7m30s"
COMPANY_STATUS_MONGO_ALPHA_ENABLED Primary index company status comparator toggle "true" / "false"
COMPANY_STATUS_MONGO_ALPHA_DELAY Primary index company status comparator delay "8m30s"

Company Insolvency Comparisons

Variable Description Example
INSOLVENCY_COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_ORACLE_ENABLED Insolvency company number comparator toggle "true" / "false"
INSOLVENCY_COMPANY_NUMBER_MONGO_ORACLE_DELAY Insolvency company number comparator delay "10m30s"
INSOLVENCY_CASE_COUNT_MONGO_ORACLE_ENABLED Insolvency case count comparator toggle "true" / "false"
INSOLVENCY_CASE_COUNT_MONGO_ORACLE_DELAY Insolvency case count comparator delay "11m30s"

Output aggregation configuration

Variable Description Example
EMAIL_RECIPIENT_LIST The email accounts that will be notified when results from a comparison are available
EMAIL_APPLICATION_ID Template configuration for the email sender application_id
EMAIL_MESSAGE_ID Template configuration for the email sender message_id
EMAIL_MESSAGE_TYPE Template configuration for the email sender message_type
EMAIL_SENDER The value of the email's To field


Variable Description Example
RESULTS_INITIAL_CAPACITY Used to optimise collections for the number of expected results 1000000

Building the docker image

mvn compile jib:dockerBuild

Running Locally using Docker

  1. Clone Docker CHS Development and follow the steps in the README.

  2. Enable the data-reconciliation module

  3. Run tilt up and wait for all services to start

To make local changes

Development mode is available for this service in Docker CHS Development.

./bin/chs-dev development enable data-reconciliation

This will clone the data reconciliation app into the repositories folder. Any changes to the code, or resources will automatically trigger a rebuild and reluanch.

Terraform ECS

What does this code do?

The code present in this repository is used to define and deploy a dockerised container in AWS ECS. This is done by calling a module from terraform-modules. Application specific attributes are injected and the service is then deployed using Terraform via the CICD platform 'Concourse'.

Application specific attributes Value Description
ECS Cluster data-reconciliation-service ECS cluster (stack) the service belongs to
Load balancer non required The load balancer that sits in front of the service
Concourse pipeline Pipeline link
Pipeline code
Concourse pipeline link in shared services



  • Ensure the terraform runner local plan executes without issues. For information on terraform runners please see the Terraform Runner Quickstart guide.
  • If you encounter any issues or have questions, reach out to the team on the #platform slack channel.

Vault Configuration Updates

  • Any secrets required for this service will be stored in Vault. For any updates to the Vault configuration, please consult with the #platform team and submit a workflow request.

Useful Links