All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, adheres to Semantic Versioning, and is generated by Changie.
No releases yet, this file will be updated when generating your first release.
- ac_cgi.c/h
supports cgi conversion to a json object to allow post simulation through CGI params
ac_json_t *ac_cgi_to_json(ac_pool_t *pool, const char *q);
- changed SCNd64 => SCNi64 for better portability
- A generic cursor functionality (allows for advanced id selection)
- Provides a mechanism to synchronize files between a local and remote source
ac_in.c/h, ac_in_base.c/h
- Support ac_io_csv_delimiter for the csv format (internal changes)
- ac_in_quick_init - a helper function to open a cursor on a file
ac_in_t *ac_in_quick_init(const char *filename, ac_io_format_t format, size_t buffer_size)
- ac_in_init_from_cb - opens one cursor at a time as returned from callback. The cursor is complete when the callback returns NULL
ac_in_t *ac_in_init_from_cb(ac_in_init_cb cb, void *arg);
- Added ac_io_csv_delimiter
ac_io_format_t ac_io_csv_delimiter(int delim)
- Added ac_io_csv_delimiter
ac_json.c/h impl/ac_json.c/h
- Fixed bug where quote is followed by a encoded double slash
- Fixed bug where quote is followed by a encoded double slash
- Minor cleanup, fixed memory leak
- ac_pool_pool_init - create a pool within a pool
ac_pool_t *ac_pool_pool_init(ac_pool_t *pool, size_t initial_size)
- ac_pool_split_csv/ac_pool_csv_encode functions to support csv encoding/decoding/splitting
- ac_pool_strip_html - strips html from text
- ac_pool_pool_init - create a pool within a pool
- improved service layer (better cors support, json integration)
Other impl changes
- Bug fixes to ac_map/ac_serve
- ac_bit_set.c/h
- A bitset which uses 1 bit per id
- Supports boolean operations on the set
- Supports counting
- ac_boolean_tree_node.c/h
- Breaks a string based upon &&/||/--/[] into a tree for further parsing
- ac_number_range.c/h
- Used to parse numeric ranges such as 1-3 or 1+, etc
- ac_odbc.c/h
- An experimental object for connecting to odbc compliant databases
- ac_s.c/h
- A live updatable search
- ac_search_builder.c/h
- A static search
- ac_string_map.c/h
- Used to compress strings to ids and a string buffer
- ac_string_table.c/h
- An alternate approach to ac_string_map which makes ids sequential
- ac_token.c/h
- Tokenization functions for search
- ac_top_n.h
- Supports topN items often used in search