diff --git a/_posts/2024-08-14-087-redpanda.md b/_posts/2024-08-14-087-redpanda.md
index 3de4561c..d82e3cf2 100644
--- a/_posts/2024-08-14-087-redpanda.md
+++ b/_posts/2024-08-14-087-redpanda.md
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ podcast_duration: "42:07"
podcast_length: 16732267
We keep on exploring the world of data with another amazing guest: [**Christina Lin**](https://twitter.com/Christina_wm), Developer Advocate at [**RedPanda**](https://www.redpanda.com/).
diff --git a/_posts/2024-08-27-088-charty.md b/_posts/2024-08-27-088-charty.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..42d54039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2024-08-27-088-charty.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+title: "#88 - Charty with Himanshu Singh"
+excerpt: "Charts for Jetpack Compose with Charty and Himanshu Singh"
+author_profile: true
+description: "Charts for Jetpack Compose with Charty and Himanshu Singh"
+ teaser: "/assets/images/header-single-episode.png"
+ overlay_image: "/assets/images/header-single-episode.png"
+ show_overlay_excerpt: false
+ overlay_filter: "0.6"
+ og_image: "/assets/images/episodes/88-cover.png"
+date: 2024-08-27
+permalink: /88/
+ - /88/charty/
+ - /88/charty-with-himanshu-singh/
+podcast_image: "/assets/images/episodes/88-cover.png"
+podcast_episode_number: 88
+podcast_link: https://dts.podtrac.com/redirect.m4a/hosting.thebakery.dev/88-thedevelopersbakery-charty.m4a
+podcast_duration: "34:48"
+podcast_length: 14158630
+It's time to spotlight another amazing Android library in this episode of The Developers' Bakery! Today, I'm joined by [**Himanshu Singh**](https://twitter.com/hi_man_shoe), author and maintainer of [**Charty**](https://github.com/hi-manshu/Charty).
+Charty is a chart library entirely written for Jetpack Compose. In this episode, Himanshu will walk us through the complexities of building custom UI libraries and his passion for open-source.
+Enjoy the show 👨🍳
+# Show Notes
+- **00.00** Intro
+- **00.46** Episode Start
+- **01.19** Himanshu's Introduction
+- **02.19** What is Charty?
+- **03.43** What is Jetpack Compose
+- **05.43** The story of Charty
+- **08.54** MPAndroidChart vs Charty
+- **10.27** Writing libraries for Compose
+- **12.28** The challenges of building a chart library
+- **14.53** Learning to say no
+- **17.34** The most requested feature
+- **18.48** Making Charty multiplatform
+- **19.53** Charty 2.0.0?
+- **22.21** How to contribute to Charty?
+- **26.22** How open-source accelerated your career
+- **29.59** Which other libraries are you maintaining?
+- **31.46** Further reading
+- **33.12** Where people can find you online?
+# Resources
+- [hi-manshu/Charty on GitHub](https://github.com/hi-manshu/Charty)
+- [Charty Documentation](https://hi-manshu.github.io/Charty/index.html)
+- [hi-manshu/Kalendar on GitHub](https://github.com/hi-manshu/Kalendar)
+- [@hi-manshu on GitHub](https://github.com/hi-manshu)
+- [@hi_man_shoe on Twitter](https://twitter.com/hi_man_shoe)
+# Show links
+- [Podcast Website](https://thebakery.dev)
+- [The Developers' Bakery on Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/show/4jV6Yoz7D38sZJlYMzJm3k?si=AL3ske_0R_CKlEScMhYhug)
+- [The Developers' Bakery on Apple Podcasts](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-developers-bakery/id1542849034)
+- [The Developers' Bakery on Google Podcasts](https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly90aGViYWtlcnkuZGV2L3BvZGNhc3QueG1s)
+- [@thebakerydev on Twitter](https://twitter.com/thebakerydev)
+- [@cortinico on Twitter](https://twitter.com/cortinico)
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