Querymaker is a lightweight query builder for turning python functions into SQL queries.
It is not an ORM. It outputs strings which can be used as sql queries by other programs.
The primary design principle in querymaker syntax is to avoid creating specialized methods but rather to use the primitives inherent in python syntax to build sql queries.
SELECT * FROM table_name;
option 1: all (built in) good fit with English syntax - bad if you're thinking of the boolean meaning of all
def my_func(table_name):
return all(table_name)
option 2: all (not built in)
def my_func(table_name, all):
return table_name.all()
option 3: star
def my_func(table_name, star):
return star(table_name)
SELECT column_name FROM table_name WHERE condition;
option 1: with statement
def my_func(condition, table_name):
with table_name:
if condition:
return column_name
option 2: dot syntax
def my_func(condition, table_name):
if condition:
return table_name.column_name
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;
Option: where
def my_func(a, b, table_name, condition):
with table_name as table:
if condition:
del table_name
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
should alter table be a function? automatically added?
problem - how do I know that it's drop and not del
def my_func(table_name, column_name):
with customers as table:
with column_name as column:
del column_name
Option 2:
def my_func(table_name, column_name, drop):
with customers as table: