- This downloads and imports the couchbase RHEL image into the private registry
make ssh_import_image
- Create a project
- Allow Service Account
in couchbase to:- create resources in its namespace with role
- read node labels with cluster role
- create resources in its namespace with role
make ssh_project
- Makes DNS resolving work for Pods in state terminating and unready tolerating service
- See PR: kubernetes/kubernetes#37093
- Patched binary available here: https://storage.googleapis.com/jetstack-openshift-builds/openshift-1.3.3-dns-unready-patched.bz2
make ssh_dns_patch
Increase weight of zone anti-affinity
Stronger assuarances only possible with OpenShift 1.4's Pod Annotations (see https://docs.openshift.org/latest/admin_guide/manage_nodes.html#pod-anti-affinity)
Use k8s' label for zones
"argument": {
"serviceAntiAffinity": {
"label": "failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone"
"name": "Zone",
"weight": 8
systemctl restart origin-master